Combining Text In Several Cells Into One Cell F To Make Email Address

Mar 10, 2014

Cell A is the first name, B is a period, C is the last name, D is an "@" and E is "".

I want to squeeze them all together, in order, without spaces, into cell F to make an email address.

What is the formula ?

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Pull Email Address From Text In Cell

Feb 4, 2008

I have about 5000 email addresses located in about 5000 different text areas, some of the text areas also contain 2 email addresses. How could I pull/extract the email addresses out only into its own list? Example;

The lines around the text block represent a field such as A1. Note all the text is contained in box A1.
{ Name: Joe }
{Address: 123 Blow St } A1
{Email: }
{Name: Jan }
{Address: 124 Cat St } A2
{Email: }
I need to just get the email addresses pulled out.

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Combining Two Values In Two Separate Cells To Make A Cell Reference Or Index Refer.

Jul 15, 2009

I want to use a value in one cell as a row designation, and a value in another cell as a column designation. Ultimately, the values will be text which will refer to row and column headers. What formula would allow me to do this? example:

A1 contains B
B1 contains 2
B2 contains "tribbles"

An imaginary function might go like this........

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Email & Use Cell Data For Email Address

Oct 18, 2006

I need to email a page from a worksheet to a series of people and am currently using the following


Dim wb As Workbook
Dim strdate As String
strdate = Format(Now, "dd-mm-yy h-mm-ss")
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
With wb

however, I also need the worksheet to be email to the person currently running the macro (i.e. when they email it to the others, a copy is sent to thier own inbox too), is there any way in which this can be done?

The user's email address could be formed from data in the spreadsheet, if there is an easier way to do this (i.e. email address is based on a cell in the spreadsheet).

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How Can I Combine Cells With First/last Names Into Email Address

Aug 18, 2006

I need to combine a first name with last name, combine them with a domain to
create a useable email address.

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Formula To Combine Cells To Build Email Address

Oct 16, 2008

I have a worksheet with three columns. First Name, Last Name and email address. I need to combine the first name with the last name and add our to the end of it for the emaill address.

I've figured out how to do that, but my problem is, we don't use our first and last names in the email address. We use first initial and last name.

I know how to make Tom Jones become

What I need to know is how to make Tom Jones become

Can someone point me in the right direction here? I just need the first initial of the first name and combine that with the last name and then add in the

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Make Text Flow Into Adjacent Cell Without Merging Cells Or Wrapping Text?

Jul 19, 2014

I have some text in a cell, which is longer than the width that I am going to make that cell. When I don't wrap the text, it cuts it off at the end of the cell.

Since each column represents a day in a calendar, it would be incorrect to merge the two cells, but I don't want the text hidden, since I need to print the final product.

It is non-numeric text, and i've pasted --> values to remove formula issues.

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Take Contents Of Cells And Use Them To Compose An Email: Address, Subject, And Body

Feb 26, 2008

I need to take contents of cells (which are results of formulas and references to other cells) and use the contents to compose an email.

Here are some cells to illustrate. NOTE: the information in brackets is the formula that's contained in the cell, while the text is the result of the formula.

B3 = This is the link used to compose an email.
C19 = (an email address)
C22 = Login expired on node citrix08. [=concatenate("Login expired on node ",C7,".")]
C25 = Dear Company A, [=concatenate("Dear ",C6,",")]
C27 = The login for citrix08 has expired. [=concatenate("The login for ",C7," has expired.")
C29 = Contact us within 15 days to continue. [=concatenate("Contact us within ",C9," days ...]
C31 = Ticket 444 has been created to track the issue. [=concatenate("Ticket ",C10," has...]
C33 = Lots of other text
D33 = More text
E33 = More text

C48 = Sincerely,

B3 (Named "SEND MAIL") contains the formula used to compose the email from the cells above, however, I cannot add all the cells to the formula without an error. At some point, there is too much data (contained in the referenced cells) and B3 returns #VALUE error.

=HYPERLINK("mailto:" & C19 &"?subject=" & C22 & "&body=" & C25 & "%0D%0A" & "%0D%0A" & C27 & "%0D%0A" & "%0D%0A" & "%0D%0A", "SEND MAIL")

The above formula works now, because it doesn't contain all of the body (of email) I need.

When I click on B3, it properly launches the email client, puts in an address, subject, and two lines of text in the body.

My workaround to this problem is to manually highlight cells C29 through E48, select copy, then go to the partially formed email and paste the rest of the body.

Is there a way to include all the body into an email? I think this can be accomplished with a VBA code, but have no idea how to do it.

I dont want to send the mail, just compose it using cells that have calculated what is needed in the body. I can then read the email, confirm it's content, and click send in the email client manually.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Is there a better (but simple) approach?

I know this could be done via javascript on an html page, but I dont know how to code this at all.
I do know excell quite well and have many cells to calculate what is needed in the body of the email, but, alas,
still can't compose the ENTIRE email from the formula in B3.

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Finding Macro To Copy Cells And Send To One Email Address In Outlook

May 17, 2013

I have a form in excel (very simple) that I need to put on the web - People can then fill out certiain bits of the information and the idea is that they then click on the button to email it back to me. Ie complete it there and then and email it straight away so that they don't need to save it etc.

I can't for the life of me work out how to do this! I've managed to get the macro to open an email with the correct details on but not paste in the information so am at a complete loss and appear to be going round in circles!

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Using Macro To Find Email Address In Address Book Of Outlook

May 22, 2014

I am struggling to find a macro which can look at a name in column 'BT' and search it in the address book of Outlook to then place the email address of that person in column 'ED'

There are 35,000+ people in the address book and there may be over 5 email addresses for one name, so is there any way a message can appear for the user to select which email address is correct if there is more than 1 contact for that name?

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Pull Email Address Only From Cell

Jan 6, 2014

How do I pull only the email address from a cell that is like this:,anna,stone,,,,,,,,,,,2011-10-20 17:31:08

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Retrieve Email Address In A Cell

Nov 18, 2012

How would one retrieve an email address in a cell if it appears randomly ?

In Cell A1, let's say the content is:

Hi My name is Peter, my email is

In Cell B2, let's say the content is:

Good morning, you can reach me at

What I was thinking is maybe start by finding the @ with =Find("@",A1) this will give me the position of the "@".

How can I tell excel to give me the string before and after the @?

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Verify That An Email Address Is In A Cell

Jan 7, 2010

I want to do is have a formula that will return a result if the cell contains a full stop "." and the at symbol "@". Something like a countif contains, but I'm struggling to find a solution where it contains both symbols.

I'd like the formula to return a 1 it finds both symbols, and a zero if it doesn't find both symbols.

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Get Email Address From Global Address Book In Outlook

Feb 25, 2014

On a worksheet called "Contact Info" column A starting in row 2 I have a list of names (variable length). In Columns B2-D I need the email address, work phone number, and cell phone number.

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VBA Code To Send Email To People Whose Email Address Is In Access Table

Apr 29, 2014

I have specified the email addresses in the code to whom the email will be sent when the user presses "Send Email" button but now I want to add all the addresses in the Access table and write down the code that will send an email to those people whose addresses are in the Access table.

[Code] .....

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Convert Email Address In Cell Into Link?

Jul 22, 2014

I have a simlple macro to add a new customer to a list using a form. One of the columns of the datra beig added is an email address. When entering the data the email address just appears as text, but i want it to be the email address link you could click on and it opens up an outlook email. Just clicking into the cell and tabbing out changes this into the format i want, but wondering how to i get the macro to do this?

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Send Email Using Cell Reference For Address

Sep 12, 2012

Here is a code line that works
.To = ""

The following is passed over by the code, but does not send an email
.To = Recip

Recip is a variable taken from a cell value and, when I hover the cursor over it, shows "" complete with inverted commas.

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Unable To Email Specific Sheet To Email Address?

Jul 3, 2013

I have the below code to email a specific sheet to an email address, however the email stays in the outbox and isn't sent. Is there something missing from the code or is it a setting issue with my email? I'm using Outlook 2010.


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Send An Automated Email To Typed In Email Address

May 20, 2008

I am trying to send an automated email by use of a "email" button. What I want it to do is to pop up a input box that will ask me who I want to send the email to, and once I hit ok it will send open up outlook and send the email. I have the code to work if I want it to be sent to a specific email address, but I can't seem to get the email address entry part to work. I will attach my code as it lays right now.

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()'Need to reference: Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object LibrarySet OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")OutApp.Session.LogonSet OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)strbody = "This is the most up to date copy of EAS Tracking 2.0 as well as the Resource Planning Sheet."attachmnt2 = "C:My DocumentsResource Planning Sheet_External.xls"On Error Resume Next'?|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|? BELOW IS WHERE I CAN'T GET TO WORK!!!With OutMailDim range As Longrange = Application.InputBox("How many copies do you want?", "Number of Copies").To = range.Subject = "This Weeks Reports".Body = strbody.Attachments.Add (attachmnt2).Display.SaveEnd With'__________________________________________________attachmnt3 = "C:My DocumentsReport DataWork Request Tracking Data FolderEAS Request 2.0.xls"On Error Resume NextWith OutMail.Subject = "This Weeks Reports".Body = strbody.Attachments.Add (attachmnt3).Display.SaveEnd .........

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Nesting Condition: Checks A Cell Containing An Email Address

Jan 12, 2007

I'm using excel 2000

I have a formula that checks a cell containing an email address, and if the format is not the office standard, displays a message. We now allow 2 variations, and I want to check for the second condition as well.

Basically, the email address is in the format


and the formula just checks the address against a lookup of names, the only seperator being period.

I now also need to be able to check for an underscore, and I don't know how to combine the conditions.

The existing forumula is

=IF((LEFT(A2,FIND(".",A2)-1))(LEFT(E3,FIND(" ",E3)-1)),"Check Email Recipient Main Database page column BQ:BR","")

and of course the underscore is easy, too

=IF((LEFT(A3,FIND("_",A3)-1))(LEFT(E3,FIND(" ",E3)-1)),"Check Email Recipient Main Database page column BQ:BR","")

but when I try to combine them, I get an error, or at best a VALUE output.

I think I need to nest them, but maybe there is a way to combine the conditions in or use "OR" and still get the "check email" message" ??

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Send Email To Recipient Address Which Is In Cell If Cell CHANGES To True

Mar 12, 2014

If a cell changes to true i want it to send an email to the address that is in another cell,

For example if F5 CHANGES to true then send email to address in G5,

From here i can add in the subject line, and body i just cant figure out how to get it to send to a specific email address based on the cell value, and also only do it once, when it changes to TRUE rather than everytime the sheet is active, so i would require a macro to constantly be running, or run of off the cell when it changes

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How To Make A Cell Display Text Difference Between Two Cells

Aug 30, 2013

Is there a way to make a cell display the text difference between two cells?

For example of cell E2 reads "Thank Goodness it is Friday" and cell F2 reads "Thank Goodness" can I put a formula in H2 that will show the text that is in E2 but not F2 ( "it is Friday")?

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Macro That Copy Address In Cell And Send Active Sheet To That Email ID

Apr 15, 2014

Is it possible for a Macro to read a cell say D:11 and copy that email address and send the active sheet to that email?

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Combining Text From Two Cells

Apr 29, 2009

I have two columns, Brief Descriptions and Detailed Descriptions. In many cases they are different and I combine the two for one longer description; however in certain instances the two columns read the same. Is there was way to combine the two cells where any repeat text is only expressed once?

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Combining Two Text Cells Into One With Hyphen In Between

Jan 30, 2013

I am setting up a new chart of accounts, with the format xxx-yyyy, where xxx is a three digit department number, and yyyy is the expense account. I am building a spreadsheet to populate the new chart of accounts to be uploaded into our accounting software. I would like to have a cell that takes the xxx from one cell, adds a hyphen, and combines it with the yyyy value. The result would be xxx-yyyy format.

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Change Text Color While Combining Cells

Jul 21, 2008

Is there a way to combine cells in excel and chage the color of part of it?

Example: On my sheet I have multiple cells I need to combine:
Say A1 reads 23.65
Say A2 reads 43.65
Now on A3 I want it to read "Estimated budget 23.65 vs 43.65"

I can get this to work but here is the problem, I want the 23.65 to always be red and bolded and the 43.65 to always be blue and bolded.

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Make 1 Unique Email List From 2 Other Email Lists (one List Minus Other)

Feb 26, 2013

Imagine this..

In Column A I have 500 email addresses.
In Column B I have 2000 email addresses.

Now in Column C, I want to have all the email addresses in Column B MINUS all the email addresses in Column A.

IE: So basically if Column B had 300 of the same email addresses in Column A, then Column C will have 1,700 email addresses (2,000 - 3000) = 1,7000.

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VBA Not Detecting Email Address?

Jun 20, 2014

It worked well at the time and continues to work well.

The problem I have is that I've copied it for use in a new workbook and for some reason it's not picking up email addresses and storing them in the string "stemails", so that when the email is created there are no addressees. Column BA does have email addresses in it however.

[Code] .....

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Extract Name From Email Address?

Jan 3, 2007

I have a list of email addresses. Most of them are in the format of:

There are about 200 of them. I wish to extract the firstname and lastname into seperate columns so i end up with:

A | B | C
Firstname | Lastname |

I am sure I came across something before that did something like this. but I was not able to find it. Any macro or script to perform this extraction.

note that some of the addresses are in the format: In those cases I would like just everything before the @ put into column A. I will then manually figure out how the value is to be broken up into firstname / lastname.

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How To Get Company Name From Email Address

Mar 18, 2012

sort out the email address as per the company name using Vlookup or any other formulae other than using text to column on "Email Adress" and then doing a Vlookup from the reference table.

Reference table:


Result Required

Email AddressCompanyxyz@gmail.comGmailabc@hotmail.comHotmailAlpha@facebook.comFacebook

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