VBA Code To Send Email To People Whose Email Address Is In Access Table
Apr 29, 2014
I have specified the email addresses in the code to whom the email will be sent when the user presses "Send Email" button but now I want to add all the addresses in the Access table and write down the code that will send an email to those people whose addresses are in the Access table.
I am trying to send an automated email by use of a "email" button. What I want it to do is to pop up a input box that will ask me who I want to send the email to, and once I hit ok it will send open up outlook and send the email. I have the code to work if I want it to be sent to a specific email address, but I can't seem to get the email address entry part to work. I will attach my code as it lays right now.
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()'Need to reference: Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object LibrarySet OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")OutApp.Session.LogonSet OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)strbody = "This is the most up to date copy of EAS Tracking 2.0 as well as the Resource Planning Sheet."attachmnt2 = "C:My DocumentsResource Planning Sheet_External.xls"On Error Resume Next'?|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|? BELOW IS WHERE I CAN'T GET TO WORK!!!With OutMailDim range As Longrange = Application.InputBox("How many copies do you want?", "Number of Copies").To = range.Subject = "This Weeks Reports".Body = strbody.Attachments.Add (attachmnt2).Display.SaveEnd With'__________________________________________________attachmnt3 = "C:My DocumentsReport DataWork Request Tracking Data FolderEAS Request 2.0.xls"On Error Resume NextWith OutMail.Subject = "This Weeks Reports".Body = strbody.Attachments.Add (attachmnt3).Display.SaveEnd .........
I have a template invoice in excel. What I want is a macro code that when it is run the open template invoice should be sent to a specific email address !!
I have a form in excel (very simple) that I need to put on the web - People can then fill out certiain bits of the information and the idea is that they then click on the button to email it back to me. Ie complete it there and then and email it straight away so that they don't need to save it etc.
I can't for the life of me work out how to do this! I've managed to get the macro to open an email with the correct details on but not paste in the information so am at a complete loss and appear to be going round in circles!
I have a macro to send emails to a group people that based on various criteria, it will attach a number of files to a recipient's particular email. This is a small portion of the code that does the attachment adding:
Code: If Range("B" & a) = "Y" Then If citChev "" Then .Attachments.Add citChev End If If Range("C" & a) = "Y" Then If citMits "" Then .Attachments.Add citMits End If If Range("D" & a) = "Y" Then If citToyo "" Then .Attachments.Add citToyo End If If Range("E" & a) = "Y" Then
Most people get several of the files attached to their email and all works fine. But, there are certain conditions when all the IF() stmts fail where a recipient will not get any files attached. I do not want to send the email if this is the case, but it currently is sending it.
Is there a way after all the IF() stmts have processed to check to see if this current email has any attachments assigned to it? (IF .Attachments "" Then...) does not work.
I am using the following code and it works great the only problem is that when I have more then one email address in the same cell it will not send the email. Even if I seperate it with a semicolon. It work fine if I have just one email address in the email field. How can I get it to send the same info to different email addresses.
I have created a user Form where a user can enter all the details like (First name, last name, Email ID etc...). the entered data is submitted on Sheet1 and it is working for me.
Now which I want is the is it possible to pick up the last email id (Column D) and send an automatic email where email will be sent the last recipient?
Actually I want is that when a user will fill up the form I want to send him/her an email.
I have the below code to email a specific sheet to an email address, however the email stays in the outbox and isn't sent. Is there something missing from the code or is it a setting issue with my email? I'm using Outlook 2010.
I have a macro that is currently set up to save a draft of my email from Excel. Feedback I've received from my peers is that they would like this macro to Open the drafted email it creates instead of the user having to navigate to the draft folder to open it up.
Is there a part of the code below I can modify so this happens?
//Sub Mail_workbook_Outlook_1() Dim OutApp As Object Dim OutMail As Object Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)
I need to make a userform that will add data to table placed (for example G12:H12), and if G13:H13 cells are written to next cells below (G14:H14). I would also want to receive auto email noticiation (or notofications by pressing another command_button) that someone add data with copied content of (G13:H13...G14:H14....) cells in email body.
I need to email a page from a worksheet to a series of people and am currently using the following
Worksheets("Report").Activate ActiveWorkbook.Save
Dim wb As Workbook Dim strdate As String strdate = Format(Now, "dd-mm-yy h-mm-ss") Application. ScreenUpdating = False ActiveSheet.Copy Set wb = ActiveWorkbook With wb
however, I also need the worksheet to be email to the person currently running the macro (i.e. when they email it to the others, a copy is sent to thier own inbox too), is there any way in which this can be done?
The user's email address could be formed from data in the spreadsheet, if there is an easier way to do this (i.e. email address is based on a cell in the spreadsheet).
1. I dont want this to auto send. I want it to compose the mail and leave it ready to hit the send button in lotus notes. How do I do that?
2. Would like to include multiple emails. If I put two emails (separated by comma or semicolon into cell C19, Lotus notes sends as one address and it bounces. (This is not terribly important, but would be a nice feature)
3. Would like to insert the signature line that's already configured on lotus notes. Since this auto sends the email, the signature is not added. Any idea how to do this?
4. Now this would be really nice, tell the macro which database to use. The one I want to use is not "my" email, but a shared email. It lives on server "Notes1/recovery" , in folder "mail" with a database named "company.nsf". Is there a way to do this?
Here is my code that works, but needs the above features.
Sub SendNotesMail() Dim Maildb As Object Dim UserName As String Dim MailDbName As String Dim MailDoc As Object Dim Session As Object Dim Recipient As String Dim Subject1 As String Dim ccRecipient As String
I have a code that i got from here which will send the Workbooks named in col A to email addresses in col B, as below..
but i need it to send the named Worksheets from the currently active Workbook.
The name of the Worksheet will be contained in col A.
Sub SendWkbs() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim wks As Worksheet Dim iRowA As Integer, iRowB As Integer Set wks = ActiveSheet iRowA = 2 On Error GoTo EH Do Until IsEmpty(wks.Cells(iRowA, 1)) iRowB = 2
I have search on this forum regarding sending email on excel using outlook email application. I would like to ask if is it possible to use other email applications like AOL when sending email thru excel? I have attached a sample workbook.
If a cell changes to true i want it to send an email to the address that is in another cell,
For example if F5 CHANGES to true then send email to address in G5,
From here i can add in the subject line, and body i just cant figure out how to get it to send to a specific email address based on the cell value, and also only do it once, when it changes to TRUE rather than everytime the sheet is active, so i would require a macro to constantly be running, or run of off the cell when it changes
I am making custom time sheets to suit our agriculture business - these excel sheets get sent out to the different farm managers who send back in staff times.
This code below is brilliant and works perfect for our needs. However I need to be able to emailPDF the sheets not print.How / where do I change code so the selected sheets go to Save & Send via email as a PDF instead of going straight to the default printer .( hard copy )
VB: Option Explicit Sub SelectSheets() Dim i As Integer Dim TopPos As Integer Dim SheetCount As Integer Dim PrintDlg As DialogSheet
I am using Excel 2010. I have been given a task at work that can save my team a lot of time if I can solve the problem. Every month, we have a spreadsheet with about 5000 rows that we have to email. In each row, there is a range that we have to email to a specific email. For example, I would have to copy and paste Range A2-R2 in the body of the email, and then email it to whatever email is in cell S2. I would then continue this for the next 5000 lines, making it a possibility that i will be sending 5000 emails manually.
I have been trying to come up with a solution through VBA that would automatically send these emails. My goal is to automatically send the Range A2-R2 to outlook email, then cell S2 into the "To" email address box, and then automatically send it. So far, i have successfully been able to send one row, but cannot figure out how to loop it for the remainder of the rows.
A couple other key points are that I have column headings as well (Range A1-R1). If possible, I want to be able to include the column headings in the email body as well. Example - first email would be range A1-R2. second email would be range A1-R1 and A3-R3, and so forth. The body of the email would also contain a standard script, such as "Please review the information below."
The goal here is to save everyone from having to send 5000+ manual emails. This would be a big boost for my team.
I need to send out an order form (spreadsheet) to 100's of people that need to complete the form and email back to me as an attachment. If I was completing the order form myself I would use the "email" icon that I have pinned to my Quick Access Toolbar (QAT). However, most of the recipients don't even know the Toolbar exists.
Is there a way I can insert an icon / hyperlink in the spreadsheet that does the same thing as the QAT icon. I can insert text to say "click here to email your order" (or similar).
I need to keep it in an excel format and an icon is so much better that asking them to save to their hard-drive and attach to an email, etc.
The QAT icon is exactly what is needed but I need to provide a spreadsheet that works for folk who haven't got the icon.
I have a sheet in which it is separated by zone area, name (about 200 names), and email. I am trying to add people to an email based on zone. For instance:
Nevada Billy Billy@gmail.com California Sal Theemail@gmail.com New York Jim Jim@gmail.com Nevada JOe Joe@gmail.com Arizona Alex Alex@gmail.com
So how can add all the people in X zone to a single outlook email (in this case Billy and Joe)?
I used Scheduled Task to set up my spreadsheet to open daily. I have the code with assistance to pull out the due date items and place them into an email.
I have come across XLSTART/AUTOEXEC/ACTIVATE...ETC... But cannot figure out the code that will automatically "enabling macro" once Scheduled Task opens the spreadsheet?
Then once the macro runs, the email with the due dates, how can this auto send without user interaction? (currently I would have to hit send)
I am trying to make the process totally automated to open the spreadsheet at a certain time, send the email with due dates and close the spreadsheet.
Following code in ThisWorkbook--
Private Sub Workbook_Open() Check_Date_Send_Mail End Sub Code in Module1--
Option Explicit Sub Check_Date_Send_Mail() Dim wbBook As Workbook Dim wsSheet As Worksheet Dim rnDate As Range, rnValue As Range Dim stAddress As String, stMsg As String Dim stRecipient As String, stSubject As String Dim stPost As String Set wbBook = ThisWorkbook Set wsSheet = wbBook.Worksheets("Sheet1") With wsSheet Set rnDate = .Range("d2:t23") End With
I am struggling to find a macro which can look at a name in column 'BT' and search it in the address book of Outlook to then place the email address of that person in column 'ED'
There are 35,000+ people in the address book and there may be over 5 email addresses for one name, so is there any way a message can appear for the user to select which email address is correct if there is more than 1 contact for that name?
On a worksheet called "Contact Info" column A starting in row 2 I have a list of names (variable length). In Columns B2-D I need the email address, work phone number, and cell phone number.
I have a problem sending email thru excel, if i use this =HYPERLINK(CONCATENATE("mailto:",B2,"?subject=",C3,"&body=",D4),"Send e-mail") <-- this is working, but i want my body to also include not just d4, i tried to put name d4:g7 as body so the code would be: =HYPERLINK(CONCATENATE("mailto:",B2,"?subject=",C3,"&body=",body),"Send e-mail") <<-- the problem is this is not working ,
I'm trying to program a send e-mail botton and everything is working well. However I would like to change the send to address from a specific cell to a if than statement.
I would like it to read along the lines of........ if "I5" = yes then copy cell from "M5"
I'm trying to send a basic email using example [URL]..... but just cannot get it to work.
Here's my code and the error I get is "Run-time error '-2147220978 (8004020e)': The server rejected the sender address. The server response was: 530 5.7.1 Client was not authenticated."
I found my smtp server by looking in Outlook properties so I know that's right and for all instances of "person@email.com" I am putting my email address and the password is the normal password I use to log on.
I'm running a Ron DeBruin's mail routine to copy and send a spreadsheet. The code I'm using is below. The problem is the source spreadsheet contains cells with more than 255 characters, and so that information is being truncated when the sheet is copied. I'm sure there's any easy fix for this, but I haven't been able to find it. Here's my code:
I feel like I almost have the Excel button I need (thanks to an exhaustive forum search), but I have 2 problems that I need help to correct. First, the code works fine if I have one email address in my Email column, but If I add a second or third email in my column, the code sends the mail, but bounces back because of an Invalid Internet address specified error. The response looks to me like it is taking the first address and appending to the second email recipient. An example would be <example@example.com,example>@example.com. Here is the code I am using: