I have ID numbers that sometimes starts with one or more zeros and when i try to paste a string containing ID numbers that starts with a zero, excel converts it to a number thereby deleting the leading zero(s). Is there any way to force excel to keep the leading zero when i paste from the clipboard?
I have tried setting the format for a column as text using xlSheet.Columns("D").NumberFormat = "text" before pasting to try to force excel to keep the leading zero but the ID# comes out unreadable as "############". I have also tried formatting as "General" and custom formatting the column before pasting but have been unsuccessful thus far. I've seen other programs accomplish pasting numbers with leading zeros but how do you do this?
I have been working on a basic input sheet for progress reporting at work to standardize the information and acheive a half decent automated report.
I am have trouble validating the textbox to only allow an integer to be entered in the box. On result of text being entered on add, a msgbox should prompt the user to enter only text.
How might I do this?
Private Sub CommandButton6_Click() Dim iRow As Long Dim ws As Worksheet
I am building a large Userform and I am going back to edit some of the controls (renaming, resizing, etc). The problem is, after editing, the changes don't stick. I can open another module and then open the form again and the changes will be gone. I can save Excel, close the file, and open it again, and the changes will be gone.
Below is a snapshot of data in a column. I need a way to extract the number, may be a whole, may be decimal, and leave behind the text description. Result to be put into a new column:
The idea here is that the integer could be integrated in anyway imaginable with the associated text. I don't need the text. The end result must display this in a new column:
i need is a script that will add two boxes together to get a sum in a third box, but where it is tricky for me is that i need the third box to retain the summed value even when either of the first two box values are deleted.
For example, say i have box A1=10, B1=40, and C1= SUM of A1 & B1 (so C1=50). Easy enough, but where im lost is that i want to be able to delete the value of either A1 or B1 and then have C1 still = 50, so then i can input another value into either A1 or B1 to continue to add to C1.
I'm creating a user form where the user can enter latitude and longitude in either Deg/Min/Sec format or Decimal Degrees. To go from decimal degrees into Deg/Min/Sec I need to do the following
X = Integer(A) <-- I need to cast A as an integer or truncate it. Not sure how to do this in VBA. Y = Integer[( A - X ) * 60] <-- Again, needs to be cast as an integer Z = {[( A - X ) * 60] - Y} * 60. I didn't see a native truncate function in Excel and in the past I've always used Left() or Right()
So I'm trying to format the last variable so that it is always four digits, ie, 0001, 0034, 0204, 1234, etc...
Any clue how to do this, I've searched around and can't seem to find the code for it. I could do it with a long set of conditional statements, but I'm pretty sure there is a format function or something.
I'm concatenating data in 5 cells (Author, Year, Title, City, Publisher), one of which is in italics (Title). When using concatenate (or &) the formatting is removed, and I need to be able to retain that formatting.
Example: Col B Aaron, M. (ed) 1999 The Body's Perilous Pleasures. Endinburgh Edinburgh University Press
I have a textbox that displays text from another cell in the workbook. The other text has some sections in bold, but when it displays in the textbox it doesn't show the bold text - The code I'm using at the moment is below.
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim R As Long ComboBox2.List = Array("QuestionSet1", "QuestionSet2")
I need a solution so that each day I can get a value from a single cell but it appears in a new column each day.
eg, A1 contains a numerical value (based on a formula) Each day there is a new column, say, Monday = B1, Tuesday = C1 etc. On Monday B1 takes the value of A1 and 'freezes' the value in B1 On Tuesday C1 takes the value of A1 and 'freezes' the value in C1, but the value in B1 remains as it was when it was originally frozen.
I have a quantity column on an inventory sheet which automatically updates the available quantity based on sales from a sales sheet. But I need to know the date the quantity reached zero.
That date would always be "today," on the day the quantity = 0, but how do I make the date NOT update to "todays date" on the next day, and the next, etc. It needs to stay as the date that 0 qty was reached.
i am using the following code to put data into a worksheet which it does perfectly. once the data is put into the sheet it is saved. what i want to do next is to retain the data in the userform and possibly change one or two entries and put data back into the sheet to save again
Option Explicit Dim ans As Variant Dim MyArray(100, 4) Public MyData As Range, c, d As Range
Private Sub cmbAmend_Click()
Application. ScreenUpdating = False Set c = Range("b4").End(xlUp).Offset(3, 0) ' c selected by Find c.Value = Me.DTPicker1.Value ' write amendments to database c.Offset(1, 0).Value = Me.TextBox1.Value c.Offset(2, 0).Value = Me.TextBox2.Value c.Offset(3, 0).Value = Me.TextBox3.Value c.Offset(12, 0).Value = Me.ComboBox1.Value Set d = Range("b16").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
how do you store formulas so that they stay in the cells when all info is deleted? so i can use the same spreadsheet every week but all i have to do is select all and delete. if i do it now i lose al my formuals.
I can't seem to get the Concatenate function to work in my macro when there is a combination of numbers and text. It works fine is there are no alpha characters. I am using this macro to format all of the data in column "A" to have 5 characters and be text. These values will later be used in formulas and Pivot Tables.
Sub Macro2()
Dim sinlen As String Dim sinformat As Variant Dim lastcell As Variant
I am programming some kind of database in excel and using comboboxes as drop down lists to enter some of the information in the DB. My problem is that when the file is saved, closed and then opened again, all of the comboboxes have lost their selection. I think that using the ControlSource might help but for some reason I can't find the proper syntaxe to make it works. Actually I am getting a Run time error 438: This object doesn't support this property or method.
I have included the relevant portion of my code below. Is the ControlSource property going to solve my problem? If so, what is the syntax I must use? If not, what can I do to make sure that my ComboBoxes are going to keep their selection?
ActiveSheet. OLEObjects.Add(ClassType:="Forms. ComboBox.1", Link:=False, _ DisplayAsIcon:=False, Left:=hori_offset - 220, Top:=vert_offset + 78, _ Width:=180, Height:=24.75).Select With ActiveSheet.OLEObjects("ComboBox1").Object .Font.Size = 14 .Font.Bold = True .Style = fmStyleDropDownList 'Use drop-down list .BoundColumn = 0 'Combo box values are ListIndex values End With With ActiveSheet.Shapes("ComboBox1") .OLEFormat.Object.ControlSource = "Q1" .OLEFormat.Object.ListFillRange = "M1:M8" End With
In the following code snippet I have worked out a way to verify that the user inputs an Integer and then prompts downstream if an improper value was entered. The user is prompted for a corrected reponse and loops until they get it right. The initial Cancel at the first prompt was causing issues until i saw poster: titarelli use StrPtr(). Except for subsequent cancels, the code works but it is clunky at best. How to tighten this up?
Dim Quantity As Variant Dim CorrectedQuantity As Variant Dim j As Integer
Take a look at the sample sheet. I get the information as an import that looks like the info in column A.
I want it to look like the data in Column B. If I try to format as a number it always turns the last number to a 0. I also dont want the 0's on front of the digits either.
I dont really care how its done. But I would like a routine to turn column A into and like the example in Column B. No zeros on the front and maintaining all numbers.