Compare Sheets And Delete Same Items
May 18, 2006
I have two sheets with about 7000 records in each. They both have two columns only. One is the master list. I want both of the files to be compared and then all the duplicate entries to be deleted from both files.
Ultimately I want to have only the entries in the master sheet that are not in the other sheet.
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Nov 4, 2009
This compares cells in every sheet to a master sheet "AllUnits" and deletes all the matched rows on the Master. I modified it slightly to also delete the matched row on the source sheet as well (looking for rows that are not matched on any sheet). This works to a point, but I have to re-run it many times since when the source row is deleted, the code actually skips to the next row. I tried to reset the source variable with
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Mar 26, 2011
Need to find a column of numbers from one worksheet and delete them from another.
To be deleted is below:
to be deleted from is below:
Another issues is that the worksheet that needs to have the numbers deleted from has 3 columns total so the whole row would need deleting, or if its easier I could replace the numbers with 0 and then sort and delete.
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Jan 19, 2010
if there is a way to find duplicate items in a list and return a value, if a duplicate exists.
Basically I have 19 buildings each with a separate bill of quantities. I'm looking to compare and compile a comprehensive list. So that duplicate items in different buildings can be compared side by side.
I have attached a sample of what I am trying to do.
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Apr 17, 2013
I have two lists that I have compare to compare.
Expected result: Mark items matched in next to them, output unmatched items in column "J"
I started the code below. It properly marks the correct items, but I have trouble outputting them in Column "J"
Counter = 0
For i = 3 To 9
For J = 3 To 6
If Cells(i, "B").Value = Cells(J, "F").Value And Cells(i, "C").Value = Cells(J, "G").Value Then
[Code] .....
List 1:
Date Check# Amount
03/02/2013 100 $1,000.00
03/03/2013 101 $1,045.25
03/05/2013 102 $280.56
03/06/2013 103 $456.31
03/08/2013 104 $250.55
03/15/2013 105 $2,456.12
03/25/2013 106 $844.76
List 2:
Date Check# Amount
03/02/2013 100 $1,000.00
03/05/2013 102 $280.56
03/08/2013 104 $250.55
03/25/2013 106 $844.76
Expected result:
Un-Matched List:
03/03/2013 101 $1,045.25
03/06/2013 103 $456.31
03/15/2013 105 $2,456.12
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Jan 20, 2009
I am trying to create code for a Macro that will compare items in two seperate lists in a spreadsheet, and eliminate all entries that do not appear in both lists.
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Jul 11, 2014
I have 2 worksheets in which the worksheet named Existing Items has a table consisting of list of items with their unit price & worksheet named New Items also has a modified table with updated items (some parts might be added, removed, modified or unchanged). I have attached the test workbook (Sample.xlsx) here for your reference.
I am looking for a macro that compares these 2 sheets with the Part Number as a Unique Identifier & displays the result in the following manner:
New items added in New Items -> List these items in the Items Added worksheet Items removed from Existing Items -> List these items in the Items Removed worksheet Items whose price has changed in New Items -> List these items in the Price Change worksheet Items whose price has not changed in Existing Items & New Items -> List these items in the Unchanged worksheet A Summary worksheet which shows the count of items added, removed, modified & unmodified
Note that I have already included information in the Existing Items, New Items, Price Change, Unchanged & Summary worksheets just for your reference but this needs to be done by a macro.
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May 30, 2009
I want to know the procedure of adding and deleting the items to a combobox or list box dynamically.
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Apr 17, 2014
I have multiple invoices for ordered products style number and quantity, these invoices are keep adding as orders are coming. I need a separate work book where all items summed. shows style and summed quantity from all invoices.
for example wb1
style quantity
or12 5
or34 2
or45 4
wb3 same style numbers but maybe not in the same column or row, wbs are keep adding as orders are placed.
I need a separate wb
shows style and pluses all quantities
style quantity
or12 6
or34 5
or45 6
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Mar 24, 2007
I have two majors (classes) listed on two differents sheets and need to put the matching classes on a third sheet.
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Mar 30, 2008
I have received following macro from someone to delete series but the problem is that it gives error when some sheets are protected, and I want those sheets to protected. When run it will ignore/leave protected sheets but delete series only from unprotected sheets
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim Rng As Range, i As Long, r As Range, lVal, uVal
Dim DeleteCount As Double
Dim lRow As Long
Dim dr As Long
Dim dc As Long
dc = Sheets("Deleted Numbers").UsedRange.Columns.Count - 1
dr = Cells(Rows.Count, Sheets("Deleted Numbers").UsedRange.Columns.Count - 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1
If dr = 60001 Then ................
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Oct 23, 2008
Came across an example in a VBA book, wrt adding custom menu items. This example included code for deleting the menu item before closing the workbook.
Is there a reason you'd want to do this? The example already had provisions to delete the menu item if it already existed before the code ran, so you wouldn;t end up with multiple items...
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Aug 14, 2013
I have macro to copy data from one folder to another. However I would like a macro to delete the files in the source folder once copied
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Jan 24, 2014
Dim flag As Boolean
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim myWorksheet As Worksheet
flag = True
[Code] ........
I made a user form that, with the click of an item in the listbox (which is populated with the worksheet names), will show or hide the matching worksheet. I was using indices, but a problem occurs when there are some hidden sheets to begin with, because the listbox is filled with only the visible worksheets (that's part of the functionality required) and so, when there are hidden worksheets the indices of the listbox are totally different. So, to avoid that kind of bugs I thought I'd use the sheet + listbox names to show/hide the worksheets, but that is proving to be a very hard task.
How I can use the listbox item names + worksheet names to make the "mapping" correctly?
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Apr 8, 2014
Looking for a userform command button macro "CommandButton1" to initiate a deletion of rows. Essentially "Combobox1" is a list of "Text" rows in columnA (after row16). I want the command button to delete the "Text" row chosen in the combobox and all rows below it until the next "Text" row. After this I want all "Number" rows below the chosen "Text" row to be renumbered by subtracting "1.000". The sequence of order I guess doesn't really matter as long as the desired outcome is achieved (meaning if for vba purposes it is better to renumber all rows below the "Text" row chosen then delete the "Text" row and rows between next "Text" row that is perfectly fine).
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Dec 30, 2008
I read one of the threads that talked about adding commands to the right click menu. I added a few commands to try out, but now I don't know how to delete them.
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Jul 24, 2014
I have a workbook open, and want to copy and paste various items to three different sheets in another workbook.
When it comes to pasting the data however i am getting the error "Run-time error '13': Type Mismatch"
Sub BR_0153()
Dim Inv As Workbook, BR As Workbook
Dim RR As Worksheet, LH As Worksheet, IP As Worksheet
Dim LastRow As Long
Set Inv = ActiveWorkbook 'sets current workbook as Inv
[Code] .....
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Jan 27, 2014
I have a workbook with one sheet (called "Pipeline") and another sheet called "Completed". The Pipeline sheet is used to keep track of all of the tasks that the team are working on, and then when the task is completed, it needs to be moved to the "Completed tab".
I currently have managed to write some code that looks for items marked "completed" in row G of the "Pipeline" sheet, then copies them over to the "Completed" tab, and then deletes the row from the "Pipeline" sheet.
There is one macro to copy the completed cells (called "Transfer"), and then another to delete the cells (called "Delete"). I then just have macro called "Clean" that just calls the transfer macro, and then calls the delete macro.
Often, there are 6 tasks marked complete, and only some of them will be copied over, but all of them will be deleted (a disaster).
Transfer Macro : [Code]....
Delete Macro : [Code]....
Overall Macro : [Code]....
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Jul 4, 2009
i had a user form with a Combo box,list box,text box and a command button. I need the code that works upon selecting:
1)An Item from the combo box should display the list in the list box.
eg: If Country is selected from the combobox then the list box should contain all the names of the countries from the country Column
2)An item should be added to the list in the worksheet when an item is entered in the textbox.
Like wise, when an item is selected from the combobox from "Delete Items List" all the items relating to the item selected from the combobox should be displayed in the list box and a choice to delete the items relating to the combobox item should be provided.
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Feb 22, 2007
Option Explicit
Dim cMenu1 As CommandBarControl
Dim cbMainMenuBar As CommandBar
Dim iHelpMenu As Integer
Dim cbcCustomMenu As CommandBarControl
Set cbMainMenuBar = Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar")
Set cbcCustomMenu = cbMainMenuBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup)
'(5) Give the control a caption................
I have created several spreadsheet with customized menus. In step 5 when I type
a period the options for selecting Caption does not appear. In step 6 the 'Control' word didn't appear in list. Sometimes the options in step 6 do appear BUT not the option for Controls. I have created spreadsheets with menus that work but the only way I could do it was to cut and paste from the website and then modify it.
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Oct 17, 2009
I know,there are "compare sheets" threads everywhere,but i think every thread is different,because we want different comparison and different results
To the point now.What i actually want to do is a "turnout" of difference between two sheets.Both sheets use columns A and B. On column A there is a code and column B the quantity of the code. So obvisously i want to compare those two columns of these two sheets,and paste the results on a different sheet. The difficult part is that the same code of a cell in Column A with its column B must be sorted so i can see the difference...else it would be a mess.
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Jan 24, 2012
I put the following together. The is that it loops through row A until it gets to the last cell. For each loop it loops down the column to the last row of data looking at the same cell on sheet 2.
But I'm having trouble with the Range(RngCell, Y).select portion. As the active cell can't be a static column letter I need to reference the active column.
Sub SheetComparison()
Dim rngCell As Range, rngMyRange As Range
Dim lngLastRow As Long
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Nov 20, 2004
We have a software that we use for budgeting, and every now and then, we have to export and validate the data in Excel to be in sync with the system. What I would like to do is after extracting the data into a spreadsheet, compare it with VBA and create a report in a seperate sheet, that shows the differences between sheet1 and sheet2. The data has 11 different dimensions from column A to K and is in the same order both in the master and recon files.
Accounting Unit
Lawson Division
Product Line
Mid/View Consolidator
Mgr Responsible
Cost Center
Opex Rpt
Allocation Pool
I have found a compare macro which only compares and finds the exact match of the sheets in exact cells
Sheet1(A1) 1 Sheet2(A1) 1
Sheet1(A2) 2 Sheet2(A2) 2
Sheet1(A3) 3 Sheet2(A3) 3
Sheet1(A4) 4 Sheet2(A4) 5
Sheet1(A5) 5 Sheet2(A5) 6
If this was the case then everything as of cell A4 would be marked as an error, even though I have the value in a different cell in the next sheet.
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Oct 17, 2007
I have two spreadsheets each with "Vendor names" on column A. sheet 1 is my master sheet and sheet 2 is the sheet that has the information i like to carry over to sheet 1 when the conditions are true. Hence when colum A on sheet 1 equals column A on sheet 2 copy the range of cells b-h in sheet2 to match to sheet1.
here is my code i figuere that if i stared with two columns it would be rather simple however i cant even get my own code to work. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. By the way my spreadsheet is 6,000+ lines long
Here is the code
Sub compares()
Dim rng1 As Range
Dim rng2 As Range
Dim RowNo As Long
Set rng1 = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1", Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
Set rng2 = Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1", Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
For Each c In rng1
If Application.WorksheetFunction. CountIf(rng2, c) > 0 Then
RowNo = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(c, rng2)
c.Offset(, 1).Resize(1, 2).Value = Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("B" & RowNo, "C" & RowNo).Value
End If
Next c
End Sub
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Jul 25, 2008
I am trying to write some code that will compare three cells on a row and if they match then it will delete the row.
Column U-has Y, N entered
Column V-has Y, N entered
Column O-has 1, 2, entered (some cells may have the fill color set to red)
I need the macro to look at Column U and Column V and for example if the cell U2 has a N, and V2 has a Y then the macro would look at O2 and it there is a 1 with the fill color set to red the macro will delete that row.
The spreadsheet will vary on how many rows it contains. It can contain up to 5,000 rows and the macro would need to go through all the rows.
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Oct 22, 2008
Attached is a sample data set. If all the positive and matching negative entries are located and removed, there are 4 remaining entries. The only pertinent columns are A through J, the columns after that are where my fiddling is occurring.
First you have to highlight all the data (including the control columns to the right). Then, my macro sorts the data by the absolute value (found in column O), allowing the formulas in N to then properly mark all negative entries with an "X and all the ones that now have a matching positive entry directly below it with an "X".
Then my macro hides all the fields with an "X" in column N. There is a macro called "CLEANSE" that does this, but only hides the rows. I keep messing up when I try to delete them entirely.
Can someone correct my macro so it will properly delete the rows with an "X" in the N column, or suggest a better macro that will scan the E column and flag matching positive/negative numbers and delete them without my control columns N and O?
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Dec 18, 2013
i have a list of information on one spreadsheet, for instance in column A i have countrys in column b i have descriptions and in colum d i have names. there is several hundred lines of this information and someone has gone in and edited some, taken a few lines out etc, i was just wanting to know how i can compare the two sheets to see what changes have been made? Or what now doesn't match up etc?
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Mar 4, 2013
Sheet summary2 has the table. And I am looking to compare and add the data (from all sheets Date 1 to Date31) . I am looking to add those values (yes as 1) in my summary 2 sheet for the range E3 to H14 ...if it mathces as MF8330 or x543 or c5045 or x940.
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Jun 26, 2014
Macro that compare between 2 tables in 2 different sheets - BOM (Bill Of Materials) compare
And Create a Table with all differences.
Table 1 (sheet1):
000 2 A1
111 3 B1
222 1 C1
333 4 D1
Table 2 (sheet2):
333 3 D1
000 2 A1
111 3 B2
222 1 C1
444 5 E6
Table with all differences (sheet 3):
PartNum (Ver1)PartNum (ver2)QTY (Ver1)QTY (Ver2)Location (Ver1)Location (Ver2)
111 111 3 3 B1 B2
333 333 3 4 D1 D1
Blank 444 Blank 5Blank E6
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Apr 30, 2009
The code below compares values on sheet 4 column A to sheet 3 column A and then colors a cell "Green" (Temporary), later I will place data from sheet 4 into sheet 3.
I dont know why but when it finds data on sheet 4 that is not 100% numeric it errors out.
Run-time error '91'
Object variable or With block variable not set.
The data in sheet 4 column A is primarily numeric, there are and always will be some numeric/alpha strings.
I can change the value of sheet 4 A2 to "123x" from "123" and the code stops as described. Leaving sheet 4 A1 as 100% numeric, which works fine.
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