Conditional Formatting : Changing Number Format
Sep 18, 2006
I would like to change the number format of a cell in function of the value of another cell. For example, if A1=1, then I would like the cell A2 to be displayed as a percentage. If A1=2, then would like the cell A2 to be displayed as a number.
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Dec 18, 2013
When I hit the macro code you see below I get both columns D and E, starting from row 18, to get 'filled down' to the specified spot. Every second row has a conditional format (when a value is entered in column A) to change the row to the color grey, and every row between it has a conditional format (when any value is entered in column A as well) to have the row changed to the color red. The issue here is that the Macro code messes up the conditional formatting and uses the conditional formatting of those two cells, which are being dragged down, for those entire filled-down columns! This is what I am starting off with test1.xlsm and this is what I end up with using the macro code below (or doing it manually)
Is there a way for the Macro code to bypass this issue?
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Mar 2, 2014
Can I use conditional formatting to determine if a number in a cell is displayed as a normal decimal or scientific?
So a number of 1000 or above will be changed to scientific notation with 4 significant figures.
The conditional formatting just seems to be about colour/shading/icons
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Mar 1, 2007
In order to export an excel table into another program I first need to save the excel file as .txt. The .txt file can then be imported by the other program.
First I however need to make excel understand that the value should be a text and not a value. I therefore format the number as text (0000150235) by adding "0000150235". After saving the file as .txt the format changes from "0000150235" to """0000150235""". I do however need the format in the .txt file to be "0000150235". Can anyone tell me how I can save "0000150235" as .txt and get the value "0000150235" in the .txt file.
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Mar 20, 2013
Is it possible to change the format of cell AI3 based on the format of cell C3 and D3? I have C3 and D3 set to turn red based on what is in cell C2 and D2. I would like the following done:
If AI3=C3 & C3 is red, format AI3 blue
If AI3=D3 & D3 is red, format AI3 blue
Otherwise, leave AI3 unformatted.
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May 28, 2014
We have a spreadsheet that is sent to a manager weekly. The manager takes the sheets from 30+ individuals and copies all into a single workbook that is then distributed to a very large audience and reviewed weekly. In this workbook, I have created drop downs with conditional formatting - Low = Green, Medium = Yellow, Critical = Red. On the original workbook, this formatting works great, however, after the manager consolidates and redistributes all worksheets the Green shows Gray, Yellow is OK and Red shows Black.
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Sep 13, 2009
There is a table [A8 TO D60] and a column alongside, where the months of the year are listed. In a particular independent cell, the name of any month can be chosen and entered.
The table rows preceding the chosen month, have to be shaded. When a different month is chosen, the shading should now cover the new set of rows preceding this different month and so on.
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Dec 22, 2011
My VBA code should post the formula "=IF($B6=""Store URL"",TRUE,FALSE)" into the conditional formatting formula box but everytime it pastes something different, such as "=IF($B11="Store URL",TRUE,FALSE)"
The full code is:
Set ConditionalFormattingRange = ActiveSheet.Range("B6:F505")
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Feb 12, 2010
Conditional format for changing font colors using VBA
Its Working.
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Jan 8, 2014
I have a horizontal bar chart in which some of the bars represent positive values and others represent negative values.
How to format the bars so the "positive" bars are shaded in one colour and "negative" bars in another colour? I'd prefer not to change the bar colour manually as the values change frequently.
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Oct 3, 2009
If a cell cntent includes a symbol [as an arrow, for instance] beside the text,the font colour does not change as required when the condition is met.
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Sep 10, 2013
I have figure A1 column which total amount accounting at cells A31. I need figure 360 as a benchmark calculation perfectly been done. In this calculation 360 well off inside cells A18 although actual number is 363. If we use Conditional Formatting when had enough total in cells the achieve 360, cells colour will be transformed to red. What formula which need I used to change no matter cells on A1 to A30 if sufficient study 360 automatically cells changing colour to red
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Jun 27, 2013
Is it possible to format a row of cells (B7:KX7) depending on the value in column (G7:G1000) changing?
For example column G might have the following value entered into them.
So all the rows containing the letter A would be formatted one colour, then it would notice it changed to B and format all the rows with the letter B in, then C etc... The letters would always appear in blocks of 10 or more (representing students in a group) so it wouldn't go A,B,A,B,C,D,E
I am not bothered about the letter being tied to a certain colour, it just needs to change when the letter changes. I'd have no more than 10 different variables in this column, meaning no more than 10 different colours to format. Formatting would be black text with different coloured backgrounds.
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Mar 19, 2013
How to copy and paste conditional formatting with our changing the cell values. My first row of data starts in row 4 and here is what I have in D4
If D4 is less than or equal to AA4, AW4, BS4, CO4 then it will highlight D4
Now I want to copy that format and paste it for all rows in column D. The problem I'm having though is when I paste the formula it doesn't change to match the row I'm on. For example, when I paste it in D5 this is what I get
If D5 is less than or equal to AA4, AW4, BS4, CO4 then it will highlight D5
How do I paste it so that it will update to show AA5, AW5, BS5, and CO5. I want to be able to do this for 500 rows.
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Nov 29, 2008
Please take a look at the attached spreadsheet. in the ODDS column D, after download the some of the data has been changed from say 100-1 to a series of numbers how do i change them back i would also like to show the odds is they were 100-1 as just 100 and say if the odds were 13/2 then i want to show 7.5 basically i want th first number divided by the second.
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May 2, 2014
I want to write down the number (149727273)
To become (1.49727273)
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Feb 9, 2009
I need to run a loop through a column of values (attachment col B) and when it finds a "J" it will apply conditional formatting to a row of 4 cells directly adjacent. The attachment is a theoretical before & after.
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Mar 22, 2008
I'm a average excel user, i know my way around it and kow common and basic formulee, VB isnt a strong point, but i am willing to attemp anything for this, let me explain
Lets say in colum A I have a list of items, in colum B i have a check box, currently the check box is red, if i tpye a x it turns green due to conditional formating. That works fine...onto the problem...
Lets say in colum A i have my items but they are A1, A145, A166, A122 are all the same item, what i want is regardless of where i place the x each check box under coloum B either gets a X and turns green, or just turns green, i dont mind...
I dont think conditional formatting can cut this, though i may be wrong. Ive tried to use the IF function under condtional formatting but ran into problems...
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May 29, 2012
I have a spreadsheet that uses VB macros to calculate sums of cells based on the font color of the numbers inside. It used to be fairly easy going through each cell and "classifying" them by color, so that my macros can go ahead and sum the numbers in each respective color's cell... but now I have a huge amount of numbers and would like to automate the process somewhat. Here's an example using the A and B columns:
flight $400
hotel $150
hotel $130
meal $20
meal $15
flight $350
I tried using conditional formatting to automatically change the color of the adjacent cells based on the presence of a keyword such as "flight" or "hotel", but this change is only cosmetic, and doesn't actually change the font color (it is still the default black, hence why my color-summing macros won't work!).
I'm including a sample macro for what I use to color-sum my cells, but what I am looking to automate the color-coding process based on looking for keywords as explained above in my example. Here is one of the working color-summing macros (for red, in this case) if you'd like to use it as a reference:
Function SumRed(SelectedCells As Range)
' Adds the values of the cells where the font colour is red(3).
Dim Cell As Object
Dim x As Double
[Code] ...........
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Jul 27, 2012
I believe Range.Numbeformat is the property.
I have a cell with a dropdown picker. If the user chooses "Distractor" from the picker, Worksheet_Change triggers an Inputbox to open, asking what kind of distractor it is. We'll use "Gloves" for this example.
I want the cell to display "Distractor - Gloves" while keeping the actual value as "Distractor"
The following is not working for me:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim DistractorText As String
Select Case Target.Address
Case "$B$23"
If Target.Value = "Distractor" Then
DistractorText = InputBox("Type of Distractor:")
Target.NumberFormat = "@" & " - " & DistractorText
There's more code, but I copy-pasted the trouble area. The last line using the NumberFormat property is giving me trouble.
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Mar 8, 2007
In conditional format I've this formula
which will return any matching numbers in yellow.
My question is can I insert that once that row reaches 10 matching numbers the row turns green.
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Dec 12, 2008
I have two colums A and B with a lot of data and want to use Conditional Formatting:
Cell Value Is
equal to
=$A$2 $A$352
What formula do I have to use to format all cells (colored) in the colum B with any existing value in between A2 and A352.
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Jul 5, 2007
I have a range A1:A20. Each cell in this range contains a number between 1 and 100. I'd like to be able to format this range so that the top 3 or largest 3 numbers appear in red.
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Oct 10, 2013
This should be pretty simple but I don't know how to do it. When I run the macro recorder, it doesnt record the change. I just want to change the number format of the chart labels from currency to a normal number and visa-versa. Why doesnt this work?
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("chart 5").SeriesCollection(1).DataLabels.NumberFormat = "[$-809]#,##0.00;-[$-809]#,##0.00"
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May 20, 2014
I've created a model starting from on another person's workbook, and I'm seeing an issue I haven't seen before.
For instance,
A1 = 10
A2 = 1.5
A3 = A1 * A2 = 15 (all good, so far)
If I change the number of A2 to 0 decimals places, the value shown will be 2 (which is correct, of course), but the value of A3 becomes 20. I would like for this to stay at 15 because the correct value of A2 is 1.5, not the rounded value of 2.
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Mar 25, 2010
Is it possible to format a cell based upon the format of another cell? For instance, if the cell to the left of a target cell is bold, is there a conditional formatting cell that can be used so that the target cell is bold as well?
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Jan 25, 2012
I have a large spreadsheet with a number of columns that are set up for conditional formatting. For example a column of "BUY"'s and "SELL"'s where the "BUY"s are formatted with the default "light green fill, dark green text". I have other columns that are conditionally formatted using a formula. When I base the result on a formula I don't seem to have the option to use the default formats. Is it possible to use the defaults or maybe even how to customize my format to look like the default? It would look a lot better if I had a uniform red/green style throughout the sheet.
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Apr 19, 2008
I have set 3 conditional formatting rules where the row from column A to K will change depending on the value on column L.
Selection is equal to A3:K100, conditions are similar to:
- Formula is =$K3="PIP"
Then for formatting I chose WHITE BOLD FONT & BLUE SOLID PATTERN, for example.
Conditional formatting only allows 3 conditions. If this can be replicated
using VBA, then you can set "n" conditions, correct?
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May 14, 2008
I have a worksheet with conditional formatting to shade (with the color grey) every nth column using the =MOD(COLUMN(),5)=0 function. I need to manually add cells formatted with various other colors to my worksheet. Some of the colored cells overlay the conditionally formatted shaded columns and the shading shows rather than the colors. I want colors to show on top of the conditional shading.
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May 24, 2014
conditional formatting in Excel. I have two columns with pertinent information. I need to know the following and format accordingly:
1. Is the number in column A positive or negative?
2. Is the number in column B less than 0.05 or 0.10?
I would then like Column C to just be highlighted a certain color depending on the combination... there are 5 possible combinations and I would like the cells to be formatted so that:
1. Positive and less than 0.05 - Bright yellow
2. Positive and less than 0.10 - Pale yellow
3. Negative and less than 0.05 - Bright green
4. Negative and less than 0.10 - Pale green
5. This "combo" just means the criteria wasn't meant... which is possible b/c sometimes Column A may have text instead of a number of b/c the number in column B is not less than 0.10. If either of these is true, I want the cell to remain blank.
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