Copying And Pasting Conditional Formatting With Changing Cell Values

Mar 19, 2013

How to copy and paste conditional formatting with our changing the cell values. My first row of data starts in row 4 and here is what I have in D4

If D4 is less than or equal to AA4, AW4, BS4, CO4 then it will highlight D4

Now I want to copy that format and paste it for all rows in column D. The problem I'm having though is when I paste the formula it doesn't change to match the row I'm on. For example, when I paste it in D5 this is what I get

If D5 is less than or equal to AA4, AW4, BS4, CO4 then it will highlight D5

How do I paste it so that it will update to show AA5, AW5, BS5, and CO5. I want to be able to do this for 500 rows.

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Copying Values And Conditional Formatting?

Feb 1, 2013

I have a set of values on Sheet1. These 'original' values will never change.

I then have a set of values on Sheet2. The 'updated' values get updated every month.

On Sheet3 I want to show the updated values again, pretty much a copy of Sheet2, but where a value is higher than that on Sheet1 or lower than a value on Sheet1 I want to use conditional formatting to show this.

Is there a simple way to use conditional formatting in such a way? I have a long list of values so don't want to individually create a rule for each cell.

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Bar Chart Conditional Formatting - Values Changing Frequently

Jan 8, 2014

I have a horizontal bar chart in which some of the bars represent positive values and others represent negative values.

How to format the bars so the "positive" bars are shaded in one colour and "negative" bars in another colour? I'd prefer not to change the bar colour manually as the values change frequently.

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Pasting Cell Values Matching Destination Formatting?

Mar 31, 2014

I have browsed for two days looking for material on effecting this. The technique quoted most is watch for undolist for paste & auto fill then undo the change and paste the value again with specific formatting needs. This technique can be implemented in a worksheet_change event handler. The problem that I am facing is that the user can copy and past while my VBA is running. Once it is caught inside my own application class object event handler all that undo stack is already cleared. Therefore I have nothing that tells me if the user has entered the value via a paste action. By the time the value is pasted, all that formatting would have been entered. For example, a value that is interpreted by another workbook as DATE will have my destination formatting changed to DATE as well even though it is designed to be TEXT at design time.

So far I have not been able to think of a scheme to deal with this.

My basic intention is to always ensure the destination cell formatting remains as TEXT. If something is already interpreted as DATE after the paste even if I can convert to TEXT the string will appear totally differently. I have to find a way to paste the whole thing as TEXT in order to keep the string the same. The problem is that there is no intrinsic PASTE event in VBA. Without a method to undo that paste I cannot catch this at all.

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Excel 2007 :: How To Stop Conditional Formatting From Copying To Adjacent Cell

Jun 6, 2012

Excel 2007.

I have conditional formatting set up so that the cell becomes highlighted if it contains a specific text.

Example of wanted conditional formatting:

Conditional formatting rules manager


Applies to

Stop if true

[Code] ......

For some reason this formatting is inherited by another adjacent cell as we continue to input information.

For example:

Column M is formatted so if 'AP' is placed in any cell in that column the cell fills pink. As more information is inputted into the sheet, the conditional formatting copies to Column N. It does not happen with every entry and I have not been able to isolate the specific steps to recreate the copying. Multiple people use the same sheet and fill it out and needed.

After working with the sheet changes are made to the "applies to" column without people meaning to.

For example:

Conditional formatting rules manager


Applies to

[Code] .......

I would like to make this formatting so that is only applies to the Column M and not "travel" to other cells of the sheet.

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Changing Cells Colors In Relation To Cell Input - NOT Conditional Formatting Ques

Mar 22, 2008

I'm a average excel user, i know my way around it and kow common and basic formulee, VB isnt a strong point, but i am willing to attemp anything for this, let me explain

Lets say in colum A I have a list of items, in colum B i have a check box, currently the check box is red, if i tpye a x it turns green due to conditional formating. That works fine...onto the problem...

Lets say in colum A i have my items but they are A1, A145, A166, A122 are all the same item, what i want is regardless of where i place the x each check box under coloum B either gets a X and turns green, or just turns green, i dont mind...

I dont think conditional formatting can cut this, though i may be wrong. Ive tried to use the IF function under condtional formatting but ran into problems...

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Changing Cell Text Color WITHOUT Using Conditional Formatting Based On Finding Keywords

May 29, 2012

I have a spreadsheet that uses VB macros to calculate sums of cells based on the font color of the numbers inside. It used to be fairly easy going through each cell and "classifying" them by color, so that my macros can go ahead and sum the numbers in each respective color's cell... but now I have a huge amount of numbers and would like to automate the process somewhat. Here's an example using the A and B columns:

flight $400
hotel $150
hotel $130
meal $20
meal $15
flight $350

I tried using conditional formatting to automatically change the color of the adjacent cells based on the presence of a keyword such as "flight" or "hotel", but this change is only cosmetic, and doesn't actually change the font color (it is still the default black, hence why my color-summing macros won't work!).

I'm including a sample macro for what I use to color-sum my cells, but what I am looking to automate the color-coding process based on looking for keywords as explained above in my example. Here is one of the working color-summing macros (for red, in this case) if you'd like to use it as a reference:

Function SumRed(SelectedCells As Range)
' Adds the values of the cells where the font colour is red(3).
Dim Cell As Object
Dim x As Double

[Code] ...........

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Copy/Pasting Formulas But Only Changing Certain Values In Formula

Feb 24, 2009

I'm trying to copy and paste this formula to multiple cells and am having difficulty doing so without everything in the formula changing.. SUMIF(Bankroll!Q14:Q6000,U143,Bankroll!Y14:Y6000)

I only want the U143 to change to U144, U145, etc. Yet when I copy and paste down the sheet it changes the Q14:Q6000 and the Y14:Y6000 values as well. I've been having to go through and paste the formula one line at a time and then manually change the U143 to the current U cell that I want it to represent in order to keep the rest of the values the same. Is there a faster way than this?

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Converting Formulas To Values While Copying / Pasting Columns Between Worksheets (VBA)

Feb 6, 2014

I have code that "mostly" works great. I'm copying columns from one sheet to another sheet, but in different columns. I have unique code for each copy/paste. The source is mostly raw data. However, there are a few columns that are formula-based, and I'm having a problem. I've attached my code, and it works, but it takes 20 minutes to complete.

I'm very new to macros, but I think(?) I know enough that a data source with 2,000 rows and 30 columns shouldn't take 20 minutes to complete the macro calculations. All of the columns (copy and paste) in the code are pure data. The only exception is the column labeled "AI". Is there are shortcut, other than creating new columns in the source data sheet and pasting these results as values? I put the specific pieces of code that I'm referencing in bold.

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Conditional Formatting - Hide Cell Values?

Mar 28, 2014

I have a spreadsheet using Conditional Formatting to colour cells. Is it possible to hide the cell value so only the colour is shown?

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Conditional Formatting Based On Two Cell Values?

Sep 21, 2013

I want to do conditional formatting based on two cell values.

i want to do conditional format the column 'R' based on clolumns 'J' and 'R'.
column 'J' is a text column named PRIORITY which can hold the values P1,P2,P3 an P4.
Column 'R' is nothing but difference of two columns 'M' and 'H'(both are time stamps).Column'R' is in below format.

column M and H are in below format:

eg: 9/11/13 9:41 AM

Now i want to format the column'R' like
if column J ="P2" and column 'R' > "00:10:00"(10 mins) =it should become red.
if column J="P3" and column 'R'>"00:30:00"(30 mins) = it should become red.

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How To Do Conditional Formatting Based On Two Cell Values

Jan 14, 2014

highlighting dates on a premade calendar.

The calendar is made as below:





The data table is given as below:





I need to highlight the cell in the calendar that matches both the task and the date in the data table. For example- in the situation above, D1 would be highlighted.

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Copying Conditional Formatting?

Nov 24, 2011

I am having trouble copying conditional formatting down my spreadsheet. When i copy it the number dont change. the formula i have in the conditional formatting is =O3

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Copying Conditional Formatting

Aug 26, 2009

Cell (A1) is formatted differently from the other cells of the same column. I added to it a conditional formatting (based on a formula) which I want to copy [alone] to the rest of the cells, without getting the other different formatting of cell (A1) copyed as well.

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Conditional Formatting Color Changing?

May 28, 2014

We have a spreadsheet that is sent to a manager weekly. The manager takes the sheets from 30+ individuals and copies all into a single workbook that is then distributed to a very large audience and reviewed weekly. In this workbook, I have created drop downs with conditional formatting - Low = Green, Medium = Yellow, Critical = Red. On the original workbook, this formatting works great, however, after the manager consolidates and redistributes all worksheets the Green shows Gray, Yellow is OK and Red shows Black.

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Conditional Formatting Under Changing Condition

Sep 13, 2009

There is a table [A8 TO D60] and a column alongside, where the months of the year are listed. In a particular independent cell, the name of any month can be chosen and entered.

The table rows preceding the chosen month, have to be shaded. When a different month is chosen, the shading should now cover the new set of rows preceding this different month and so on.

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VBA Conditional Formatting Formula Changing?

Dec 22, 2011

My VBA code should post the formula "=IF($B6=""Store URL"",TRUE,FALSE)" into the conditional formatting formula box but everytime it pastes something different, such as "=IF($B11="Store URL",TRUE,FALSE)"

The full code is:

Set ConditionalFormattingRange = ActiveSheet.Range("B6:F505")


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Conditional Formatting For Range Of Values In Single Cell?

Mar 1, 2014

I have a series of columns (L - X) each representing a diagnosed disorder (Dx), coded as binary, with 1=Positive Diagnosis (Success). The reference cell contains diagnostic codes; for each respective Dx column I need a 1 or 0, obviously. Each Dx category has a range of values (Dx codes), so I need to write syntax that reflects this range. For example, =IF(A1=>141,AND(A1=<239.99)),"1","0")

In other words, if cell value is 141 through 239.99 then return 1, else 0

Would it be something like this:

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Conditional Formatting Based On Cell Values In A Range?

Jul 30, 2014

I have a range of cells where each row relates to an employee.

In Cells (Columns H:L) I want the range of cells on that row to turn blue if the user puts a "H" in one of the cells.

Also it will need to be adapted for "O" , "Y", "X" - each with different colours.

This needs to be repeated on each row for each person.

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Conditional Formatting : Changing Number Format

Sep 18, 2006

I would like to change the number format of a cell in function of the value of another cell. For example, if A1=1, then I would like the cell A2 to be displayed as a percentage. If A1=2, then would like the cell A2 to be displayed as a number.

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Excel Conditional Formatting (Color Cell Based On Their Values)

Dec 29, 2013

Here i want to color my cell based on their dates for example : 01-Jan-2014 to 10-Jan-2014.

For the respective date i want to color my bars from G10 to P10.

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Copying And Pasting Into A Cell Comment

Dec 15, 2013

Say I copy "My name is John Doe"

In Cell B2 or D9 or whatever, I want to insert a Comment with it being "My name is John Doe"

How do I make Paste work in Comments?

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Conditional Formatting Not Changing Font Colour As Required

Oct 3, 2009

If a cell cntent includes a symbol [as an arrow, for instance] beside the text,the font colour does not change as required when the condition is met.

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Use Conditional Formatting If 360 Cells Automatically Changing Colour Red

Sep 10, 2013

I have figure A1 column which total amount accounting at cells A31. I need figure 360 as a benchmark calculation perfectly been done. In this calculation 360 well off inside cells A18 although actual number is 363. If we use Conditional Formatting when had enough total in cells the achieve 360, cells colour will be transformed to red. What formula which need I used to change no matter cells on A1 to A30 if sufficient study 360 automatically cells changing colour to red

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Copying Conditional Formatting Formulas To Multiple Cells?

Jul 9, 2013

I have applied conditional formatting to a cell using formulas and i want to copy that formatting to a new cell using similar formula but pointing to different cells. Is it possible to do so? I have tried to copy and paste special>formats, but that just copies the conditional formatting with the same formulas.

Sample: =IF($C$5/$C$295>$R$5,TRUE,FALSE)

I want to copy to $D$5/$D$295>$R$5,TRUE,FALSE) without having to paste the new formula in each time.

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Macro Fill Down Function Is Changing Format In Conditional Formatting

Dec 18, 2013

When I hit the macro code you see below I get both columns D and E, starting from row 18, to get 'filled down' to the specified spot. Every second row has a conditional format (when a value is entered in column A) to change the row to the color grey, and every row between it has a conditional format (when any value is entered in column A as well) to have the row changed to the color red. The issue here is that the Macro code messes up the conditional formatting and uses the conditional formatting of those two cells, which are being dragged down, for those entire filled-down columns! This is what I am starting off with test1.xlsm and this is what I end up with using the macro code below (or doing it manually)


Is there a way for the Macro code to bypass this issue?

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Excel 2010 :: Copying Conditional Formatting To Merged Cells

May 2, 2012

I have a workbook containing two worksheets of staff training records.

The first work sheet contains a list of names and the dates they completed various training courses. I have used some simple date based formulas and conditional formatting to colour-code their name depending on whether their earliest retraining due date has passed, is coming up in the next few weeks, or is a long way off. The data is set out alphabetically, one person per row of data.

The second sheet contains the same list of names, but each person's data is split across two consecutive rows. The cells in column A which contain the staff names are merged in pairs so that the name heads both rows of data.

I want the colour coding of the merged name cells in sheet 2 to automatically copy the colour coding applied to the single name cell in sheet 1, but don't know how.

I'm using excel 2010.

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Macro Is Copying And Pasting Into Cell A2 On New Sheet Instead Of Cell A1

Jun 20, 2014

I have a macro that copies all my sheets onto a new sheet called combine. It is pasting onto the combine sheet starting on cell A2 instead of cell A1. Following is my macro.

Sub Combine()
Dim J As Integer
Sheets(1).Name = "Combined"
On Error Resume Next
For J = 2 To Sheets.Count
Selection.Copy Destination:=Sheets("Combined").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)(2)
End Sub

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Copying And Pasting Current Region To Another Sheet Without Actually Copying?

May 15, 2014

I want to copy the current region on sheet 3 and paste that into sheet2 starting with cell E4. But I don't want to actually use the copy method. I believe there is a way to do this. I was thinking the following:

[Code] ......

The idea I had was to simply state that cell E4 would be assigned the value of CurrentRegion on sheet 3. Is there a way to bypass the copy method?

If not, how to copy, then paste?

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VBA - Copying And Pasting Unknown Number Of Values Each Different Number Of Times

May 28, 2014

I am trying to come up with a macro that selects values from one sheet and inserts them into another sheet. The number of values will change each time based on the user's entry, as well as the number of times that each entry should be pasted.

For example:

Entry: X | Y | Z
Number of Times to be Inserted to New Sheet 3 | 2 | 1


I have spent a while trying to figure it out, however the best I can come up with is using an array, but I can only get one value from the array to paste multiple times:

(*Note: In my testing, I didn't insert into new sheet or set up the array to handle different values, I was just trying to get the basic idea to work)

Dim A(1, 3) As Variant
A(1, 1) = Range("C3").Value
A(1, 2) = Range("D3").Value
A(1, 3) = Range("E3").Value


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