Copy Data From One Sheet To Another, Based Upon Dates

Jul 14, 2008

Copy Data From One Sheet To Another, Based Upon Dates ...

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Copy And Sum New Sheet Based On Dates

Feb 9, 2008

I need a macro to copy and sum from sheet1 to sheet2 based on dates like in mentioned below 2 examples

Sheet1 data ....

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Copy Data Into Table Based On Sheet Name?

Jul 15, 2014

I have all games saved, each game into it's own sheet (tab), in a workbook. Game 1 is on Sheet1, game 2 is on Sheet2 etc etc

I also have a "Calculations" sheet that I wish to import each game into 1 at a time, and run a macro on it to run a stat tracker.

Is it possible to create a table, that I can type the sheet name "Sheet1" into a cell, it will have that table populate with all the info contained in "Sheet1"?

Here is an example of my spreadsheet

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Macro To Copy Data To Other Sheet Based On Criteria...

Feb 19, 2009

We're working with a large workbook with data from A5:P20000 on sheet1.

I need to be able to pull data from sheet1 to sheet2 based on the invoice number in column A on sheet2.

Sheet2 will have different invoice numbers in column A, some of these invoices numbers are in column H on sheet1. I need excel to find these invoice numbers and copy the data from that row on sheet2 to the row with that invoice number on column2.

Sheet2 A5 has invoice number 1234457
This same invoice number is located on sheet1 H3400
Need to copy to sheet2 (starting in cell B5) the following cells from sheet1 (B3400, C3400, E3400, G3400, H3400, I3400, J3400, K3400, M3400, N3400).

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Copy Data From One Sheet To Another Based On Multiple Columns Of Criteria

Jul 27, 2013

I am working on a project to automate the import of data and fixing the formatting.

The data contains the date in column A and time in column B. The time is in increments of 15 min for each day. The rest of the data is in columns C:F. Some of the dates don't have all of the times within the day (so instead of 96 rows of data per day, there maybe 80 rows). I have a second sheet of just dates and times that has the correct amount of rows for each day. What I need to do is have the rows data that matches in both the date and time column from sheet 1 copied over to the corresponding date and time on sheet 2. Blank data rows on sheet 2 are fine. I have found some stuff on .Find, but the stuff I found was for specific searches.


Sheet 1
7/27/13 12:00 AM 1 2 3 4
7/27/13 12:15 AM 5 6 7 8
7/27/13 01:00 AM 9 10 11 12

Sheet 2
7/27/13 12:00 AM 1 2 3 4
7/27/13 12:15 AM 5 6 7 8
7/27/13 12:30 AM
7/27/13 12:45 AM
7/27/13 01:00 AM 9 10 11 12

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Copy Data On New Lines From A Source Sheet Based On Criteria

Oct 2, 2006

I have a source sheet which contains data. Within this data there is a column (column 3) called Name and I would like to take the data from this sheet and paste it onto a new sheet but in grouped format. So take all instances where it finds criteria 1, then 2 and so on and just paste it on a new line each time it finds a criteria. So far I have the following code to search

Sub loopy()
Dim rngTemp As Range ' the range variable declaration
Dim intCounter As Integer 'counter as integer
' the following loop goes through all the cells in column a up until the last used cell in the column
For Each rngTemp In Range("a1", Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
'increment the counter if the cell has value fridge
If rngTemp = "Fridge" Then intCounter = intCounter + 1
Next rngTemp
MsgBox "There were " & intCounter & " cells equal to Fridge"
End Sub

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Copy Data From One Sheet To Another Automatically Based On Number Selected In Dropdown Control

Apr 25, 2013

I'm trying to copy data from one sheet to another sheet automatically based on a number selected in a drop down control.

I have used OFFSET to pull some information successfully from a list. This is easy for me to do with single entries and a list and has worked well. I want to do similar but with a dataset not just single cells.

But, I can't seem to make OFFSET work to show a set of data easily.

Perhaps I will need VB code to do so? Or there is another control I'm not aware of? I've done very little with VB.

I'll attach a sample file to try to show better what I'm trying to do.

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Printing Different Dates In Sequence For Each Copy Of Same Sheet

Mar 25, 2014

I am trying to print a daily form for work. I want to include the day and date on each page, with the date changing for each copy. I would like to be able to input the start date, and then have each copy follow with sequential dates.

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Copy/Paste Cell Value To Correponding Dates Based On Month

Sep 5, 2007

I want to paste a cell value into a column that is a certain month based on a date inserted by the user. For example, in cell a1 is £1000 in cell a2 is 01/01/2008 so i would then want this to be pasted in the same row and then column called january 2008.

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Copy And Paste From One Sheet To Another Based On Column A Using A Macro Copy Button

Jan 22, 2007

I want to copy and paste from one sheet to another based on column a using a macro copy button.

E.g. if column a value = apple then copy that row into the apple sheet.

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Copy Rows From Selected Sheet To New Sheet Based On Cell Value

Mar 27, 2008

i have a workbook that has a lot of sheets but i need to pull information from the one sheet "Veneer Log" i Need it to make new sheets with the same heading as on the "Veneer Log" (Rows 1 & 2) Sheet but it needs to be filtered by the "Product" Column (H) with a new sheet made for all the diffrent products i.e. Dimensional, Drywall, Corners - Thin V., Accents,..... so each product will have a new sheet with i am hoping someone can help me with this. This log changes Daily and it would be nice to have a sheet with only the same product on it to compare new orders so we can batch run. i hope i have given you enough information so someone can help me with this. i have attached a sample log the real log has about 10 worksheet for diffrent departments but i only need info from the Veneer Log Sheet.

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Copy A Row From One Sheet And Paste It In Another Sheet Based On A Condition

Mar 5, 2009

i want to copy a row from one sheet and paste it in another sheet based on a condition.

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Copy Data Between 2 Dates

Aug 8, 2007

I have the following on a user form which works fine.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim rngFind As Range
Dim strFirstAddress As String

With Sheet1.Columns("F:F")
Set rngFind = . Find(TextBox1.Text, LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not rngFind Is Nothing Then
strFirstAddress = rngFind.Address
rngFind.EntireRow.Copy Sheet2.Range("A" & Sheet2.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
Set rngFind = .FindNext(rngFind)
Loop While Not rngFind Is Nothing And rngFind.Address <> strFirstAddress
End If

End With
End Sub

I would like to have 2 date entry boxes on the user form and have the macro copy any rows where the date in column F equals or falls between them.

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Data From Sheet A To Appear In Sheet B Based On Data Posted In A Column In Sheet A?

Jan 1, 2014

I have a workbook where Sheet A is a Master Order Form. Employees will input the quantities they need in Column C. The sheet will be otherwise protected. Sheet B is a "printable" order form that only contains the rows from Sheet A where the Quantity on Sheet A is not blank and is >=1. This will allow me to print sheet B with no blank rows for the items I don't need.

I found the following formula which claims to be able to do what I want:


I can't get it to work correctly across two sheets.

I've attached Sample of spreadsheet for review : HDForm_Test01.xlsx

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VBA To Copy Sheet Based On Sheet Name In Cell Value

Oct 20, 2013

I need to copy the corresponding sheet based on the value in D3 in sheet1 (which it has the sheet name) and copy that sheet and paste it on sheet1 A7.

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Copy Data From One Sheet (Fixed Cells And Sheet) To Another Sheet

Apr 18, 2009

I want to be able to copy a name from one sheet (Available Players), paste it to a cell in another sheet (Round 1 through Round 20). The cell that will be copied is fixed but the place where it will be pasted will be different and may be on a different sheet.

also i would like to change the color of the copied cell to "greyed" out or cut if it can not be greyed out. I have created a button and put in a macro that i created but have been having problems with it, generic 1004 errors that i can not figure out. i am attaching the document.

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Extracting Dates Data From The Same Sheet?

Apr 1, 2014

I'm attaching the test file with one example sheet. Within the same sheet, there is month end dates in column A, and from column B till column E, there are 4 variables (Foreign LT Debt, Local LT Debt,Foeign ST Debt and Local ST Debt). Their respective month end values are already given from column G till Column R. How it is going to be extracted is that against each effective date for that variable (Foreign LT debt, for example), the Rating is given under Rating header. So, for instance, for Foreign LT debt, rating from 25/8/1993 till 4/2/1997 is BB-. So, for all CELLS in column B between these dates, the rating should be BB-. Before that, since there is no value given, I want to put it NA. I have filled the values in column B for demonstration. I want to write a function or perhaps a macro to do that automatically for these 4 variables. There are 50 + sheets with the same layout, so I hope the macro or look up function have not to be written 50+ times.

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VBA Code To Pull Data From A Sheet Based On Date And Add That Data To Another Sheet?

Aug 8, 2014

I use my workbook to track sales data from one store to the next. I use my workbooks to compare data from year to year. Each year's data is displayed on a separate worksheet. '2013' has 2013's data, '2014' has 2014's. On the 2014 sheet, I have a Prior Year's Sales that pulls data from the previous year's spreadsheet using a formula which I just drag down each day I enter sales. I would like to automate this process and have the VBA code check for today's date and automatically pull the previous year's sales data from the '2013' sheet and put it in the appropriate cell on the '2014' worksheet. I hope I have explained this well enough to understand. I've included a link to my workbook for reference.

I had to use dropbox since I can't post a file over 1 MB. The file size is around 1.25 MB.

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Extracting Data Based On Dates

Aug 5, 2009

I have a table with 'Product Rereference', 'Date', and 'Estimated Assets' Columns. I need to run a formula that will extract the number in my 'Estimated Assets' column, based on speicific list of 'Product Reference' numbers that I have filetered, and a specific date - 1/31/ of each year.

I've been trying to create a formula, however I can't seem to work it out.

I have attached a file, which should make things a lot clearer :P I am trying to make the data extract into the table to the right. I have filled in the first few columns manually, to show what I would like to formula to achieve.

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Copying Data Based On Dates And Ages

Feb 19, 2014

I am finally at the end of this project. I need to find a code that will copy any lines that the person has turned 65 in the previous month or that will turn 65 in the current month to the Monthly tab.

Sample Macro jscalem.xlsx

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Deleting Data Based On Dates Using Macro

Jun 17, 2014

Where is that I have 2 sheets of data, sheet1 contains an ever expanding list of data and I'm trying to create a macro that deletes multiple rows of data from this sheet if the date held within column K is less than the date defined in sheet2.

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Macro To Copy Data From Sheet 1 To Multiple Pages On Sheet 2 In Correct Cells

Jan 15, 2009

I have attached a 97-2003 .xls file with data for multiple store locations on sheet 1, and the desired result on sheet 2. I am actually using excel 2007, but I dont think I need any special features that it provides.

I will try to explain the issue here without opening the attachment.

Here is an example of the Data on Sheet1

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Copy/paste Worksheet Into A New Sheet Generated By New Data In Master Sheet?

May 26, 2013

I am trying to put togther a VBA form button click to do the following: I have several customer names all in master sheet A1 - A300. I want the code to notice that there is a new customer and generate a new sheet, naming the sheet the customers name and copying and paste the entire sheet named 'worksheet' to this newly generated sheet.

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Copy Data And Sheet Name To New Sheet And Delete The Old Sheet?

Mar 30, 2014

Example, I have a sheet named DATA1, I want to add a new worksheet, copy a certain range from the DATA1 sheet to the new sheet and rename it the same name DATA1 and delete the old DATA1 sheet.

Also, the sheetname will be unknown, the macro must get the sheet name first.

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If Data Is In Cell Copy To New Sheet And Print New Sheet?

Jun 13, 2014

Ok so i have 2 sheets. Sheet 2 is a form that needs to be printed.sheet one will have data pasted into it by the user. The data will be placed in column a and b. If a has data in it then so will b. Now I need the macro to identify if data is in a then the macro needs to then copy a and paste special into A18 on sheet2 then copy b and paste into A6 on sheet2 then print sheet2. Repeat this process to every row as long as A has data in it.

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Drop CSV File Into One Sheet And Copy Data To Another Sheet?

Jul 8, 2014

update code based on a dynamic range of cells, which worked! I want to drop a csv file into one sheet, and copy the data to another sheet. However, if I drop a new csv file in, and there are fewer rows, the old rows aren't deleted. For example, if my first set of data had 10 rows, and the new has 8, the extra two rows are still there.

With Sheets("Raw Data")
.Range("A10", .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Copy ActiveSheet.Range("A12")
.Range("B11", .Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Copy ActiveSheet.Range("B12")
.Range("E11", .Range("E" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Copy ActiveSheet.Range("C12")
.Range("F11", .Range("F" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Copy ActiveSheet.Range("D12")
.Range("H11", .Range("H" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Copy ActiveSheet.Range("E12")
End With

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Macro To Copy Data From One Sheet - Paste In Another Sheet

Jul 29, 2014

How to create macros. I need to copy a certain group of cells from one sheet to another, and then do it for x number of times. I'm just using the record function and now i'm lost. Here is the code i currently have:

Sheets("Mapping QTR2").Select

[Code] ....

Also, column C is blank. i would like to get the values from another list in the same workbook, say "branch list". I would like to populate Column C with one specific branch for each "batch", if that makes any sense...

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Copy Row From Sheet 1 To Sheet 2 When Data Entered In Cell F

Jul 9, 2009

I have Worksheet 1, with columns A to E. I would like a row to be copied to Worksheet 2, as soon as cell F in Worksheet 1 is populated. Also the row to be deleted from Worksheet 1.

So, as soon as F1 in worksheet 1 is populated and enter button pressed, row A1:F1 will be copied to the next empty row in worksheet 2, while being deleted from worksheet 1. So eventually all rows in worksheet 1 will be deleted and rows in worksheet 2 will be populated.

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Import The Individuals Data From The Master Sheet To The Individual Sheet Based On The Employee Name

Feb 6, 2008

I have a master spreadsheet that list several columns about employees(name, date, event name, etc.). Then I have an indivdual sheet for each employee. I am trying to import the column information for each employee onto their individual sheet based on their name. It is possible to import the individuals data from the master sheet to the individual sheet based on the employee name?

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Pulling Information In Seperate Sheet Based On Data In Current Sheet

Jun 1, 2009

I've got a bit of a quandary here that my novice programming skills can't seem to solve.

Here is the scenario. I work for a photographic library. We have a spreadsheet that contains 5 or so columns, and a couple of thousand rows. Essentially each row contains an imagine code (the number we use to file away the imagine, ie. US_NY_NYC_1 ) in the first cell, and the image information in the following cells (ie metadata, keywords, photographer, date, etc).

so a typical row would look as follows:

Filename | Keywords | Photographer | Metadata | Location |

all the keyword, photographer, metadata, and location information can only be tied to the one image code whose cell begins the row.

Now, here is my dilemma. This sheet (lets call it the master sheet) contains all the images we have in a given batch. However, when a client orders images, we will send them most images in that batch, but not all, and we may send a few additional. So I have a separate sheet that contains only those image codes that the client requested. What I need to do is essentially take a code from the second sheet, find that same code in the master sheet, and copy over all the cells associated with that code's row. If the number does not exist in the master sheet, simply leave that row with only the code in the first cell, and the rest blank, and move on.

so for example, in my second sheet lets say I have the following A_B_C . I would like for excel to find that same code in the master sheet, and then copy over the metadata, photographer, date, etc, associated with that code, and paste it into the second sheet, so that that row in the second sheet now looks identical to the row with the same image code in the master sheet . If A_B_C does not exist in the master spreadsheet, then I would like excel to simply leave that code in its own row, leave the rest of the row blank, and move on to the next code.

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