Pulling Information In Seperate Sheet Based On Data In Current Sheet
Jun 1, 2009
I've got a bit of a quandary here that my novice programming skills can't seem to solve.
Here is the scenario. I work for a photographic library. We have a spreadsheet that contains 5 or so columns, and a couple of thousand rows. Essentially each row contains an imagine code (the number we use to file away the imagine, ie. US_NY_NYC_1 ) in the first cell, and the image information in the following cells (ie metadata, keywords, photographer, date, etc).
so a typical row would look as follows:
Filename | Keywords | Photographer | Metadata | Location |
all the keyword, photographer, metadata, and location information can only be tied to the one image code whose cell begins the row.
Now, here is my dilemma. This sheet (lets call it the master sheet) contains all the images we have in a given batch. However, when a client orders images, we will send them most images in that batch, but not all, and we may send a few additional. So I have a separate sheet that contains only those image codes that the client requested. What I need to do is essentially take a code from the second sheet, find that same code in the master sheet, and copy over all the cells associated with that code's row. If the number does not exist in the master sheet, simply leave that row with only the code in the first cell, and the rest blank, and move on.
so for example, in my second sheet lets say I have the following A_B_C . I would like for excel to find that same code in the master sheet, and then copy over the metadata, photographer, date, etc, associated with that code, and paste it into the second sheet, so that that row in the second sheet now looks identical to the row with the same image code in the master sheet . If A_B_C does not exist in the master spreadsheet, then I would like excel to simply leave that code in its own row, leave the rest of the row blank, and move on to the next code.
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Dec 5, 2013
I have created my main spreadsheet in a form format - one form per student in a row downwards (30 students) and then a row for each of 4 terms.
On a separate sheet I want to pull particular entries. I have done this for Term 1 and can continue and do Terms 2 - 4. However, I have to wonder if there is not an easier way. If not, then I'm good to continue - just takes a couple of hours to create the second sheet section for each term.
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Mar 27, 2009
i'm have a master spreadsheet of contact details and categories. i want to be able to pull contact information onto other sheets within the same workbook, based on category. example attached.
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Oct 27, 2008
EXAMPLE: Complete Sheet called "Day1". When day1 is complete you click on button and it then copies itself and creates and renames new sheet to "Day2", then when "Day2" is complete you click on button and it then copies itself and creates and renames new sheet to "Day3", and so on and so forth to "Day30".
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May 14, 2014
What I have is a sheet that is copied periodically from some source sheet, and on this sheet is a table. This sheet is called "Onsite Checklist Template" and it's table is titled "Checklist". I also have another sheet called "Loggers and Initial Notes" which has a tabled titled "Record", and then finally a title sheet call "Proj Details".
To clear this intro up - The sheets, in their order, is: "Proj Details", "Loggers and Initial Notes", "Onsite Checklist Template". The tables: "Record" on "Loggers..." and "Checklist" on "Onsite..."
When the user wants to make a new site visit, he/she fills in the requested date and then selects a button on "Proj...". When this button is selected, it copies the table data on "Record" and puts it on "Checklist", then inserts a new worksheet tab, always in the 3rd position (the title is based on the site visit date in which the user entered), which is a copy of "Onsite...". Now we have another sheet with a table called "Checklist1", and upon another new site visit, there will be another worksheet with "Checklist2", and so on.
On the "Onsite..." worksheet, there is a button on it which also gets copied with the worksheet so that every new worksheet has this copied "Checklist ???" and this button. I'm looking for a macro that, when the button is selected, will bounce the active sheet's table "Checklist ???" off of "Record" and make changes as needed.
"Checklist ???" data range is B11:M20 (the header is on row 10); "Record" data range is B29:Q78 (the header is on row 28); Column headers are titled the same, just that "Record" has 4 extra columns, 3 in the middle and 1 on the end. "Checklist ???" columns 1-12 to "Record" columns 1-7, 10-12, 14-15. The search criteria is the 4th column in both tables ("Trk #").
I need the macro to do the following:If it finds a match, then update "Record" as needed with data from "Checklist ???", changing whatever cell is different in the row that contains the matching "Trk #", so long as the cell on "Checklist ???" is populated (i.e, if a cell on the target row of "Record" has a value, but it's blank on "Checklist ???", then "Record" wins; if it's blank on "Record", but populated on "Checklist ???", the Checklist wins. If both populated but different, then Checklist wins.If a "Trk #" exists on "Checklist ???" but is not on "Record" then add the line to "Record" (the 1st empty row, table size remains)I see no need for any "delete" at this time.
My concerns: The last column on record (column #16) is the filtering column for the worksheet copy event and needs to be left alone (it's formulated to produce a "Yes" or "No")I would like the ability to adjust table sizes if needed without modifying the macroThe table rows on "Checklist ???" will not be changed, deleted, or altered in any way by the macro.
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Nov 3, 2009
I'm trying to create a function in a template invioce that will look up a value in another spread sheet (fees).The data will be based off three values entered in the invioce from drop down boxes. I've attached the workbook with the master sheet and the invioce (sheet 5) The three criteria that can be selected is the project, month and name and I want the amount of hours to be returned based on that information in column e. The projects are seperated and billed by month.
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May 4, 2013
Create a macro button in 'Spreadsheet 2' that searches 'Spreadsheet 1' for updated information specific to a certain criteria and adds it to a new row in 'Spreadsheet 2.'
There are three sheets
Prospects (where all original data is entered)
Actions -Bob (Bob's new Prospects are added to this sheet)
Actions -Frank (Frank's new Prospects are added to this sheet)
So in this example Row 6 in Prospects (Constituents, Rating, Manager and Solicitor would be added to ACTION - Bob's sheet on Row 5
Row 8 in Prospects (Constituents, its Rating, Manager and Solicitor would be added to ACTIONS - Frank sheet on Row 5
Here is the example spreadsheet - Prospects and Actions.xlsx
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Nov 9, 2008
I have a master document that I want to break apart into sections. How can I pull data from the Master document (sheet1) to sheet 2 without having to make changes to both parts?
If this is hard to understand I will try to explain better....I have addresses on the first page and want to make a separate group from that original document on sheet2. My main goal is to be able to only update the first sheet and to have the changes go on to the sheet2 document.
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Dec 31, 2009
I'm building a personal budget that looks a lot like a set of business financials (really just an exercise to learn excel techniques).
So, I have one sheet that acts as a register -- in column A I have the date of the transaction, column B is the amount, C is from which account the money came, D is the use of the money, and E is a code (1 for paycheck, 2 for investment income, 3 for food expense...etc).
On another sheet I have an income statement. I want the income statement to pull code 1s from the register sheet for the month indicated by column A in that sheet into the proper month column (B is january, C is Feb....). I then have a cash flow sheet which uses V-lookups to pull the information from the income statement, and that seems to work fine.
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Feb 11, 2010
I have created a userform that allows input of information and then deposits the information on a specific sheet. I am looking for a way to have that information not only deposited on the specific sheet it is already set to but also to another sheet based on a selection made from a combo box.
here is my current
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May 4, 2009
I don't think this may even be possible, but what I am trying to do is pull only certain information from one worksheet to another based on whether there are entries on certain dates for employees.
A sample is attached.
On the first worksheet I have a drop down menu for all employees on the second sheet. (the drop down menu pulls the names from the second sheet)
The second worksheet has all employees in Column A and to the right has all their variances by date. Most dates will be blank as they didn't have a variance.
What I would like is on the first worksheet, is to select their name from the drop down menu and have all the dates that they had variances and the variances show up.
If you take a look at the attached excel file it might explain what I am trying to do better.
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Apr 3, 2013
Expand the explanation for the previous thread? [URL]....
I am trying to do basically the same thing, I have a long list of clients and need to separate them by date they contacted us. I am using Excel 2008 on a mac, which does not allow micros. the previous thread does exactly what i need to do, but i cant get it to work.
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Mar 7, 2007
I am working on a project for a monthly report. My back sheets have (or will have) 12 columns of info for monthly income/expense for multiple companies. The front sheet will have 2 columns, one for the past month & one for cumulative.
Obviously the cumulative is an easy one to pull off, but how can I make the correct column show up for the current (last) month I am working on.
Rather than make it tied to the actual date of input, I have used an approach in the past with a "sum if" formula for a single reference where =sum if(b6:b6,a2,a6:a6) but I'm not sure how to make it work for 12 references. Can this be done?
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May 17, 2013
I have a file which has a number of sheets each relating to a different project. Each project has a line for each milestone starting at the same row but each project has a different number of milestones.
I would like to create a summary sheet that either pulls through each row relating to a milestone from each project sheet or ideally each milestone that relates to a certain month from each project sheet (each milestone includes a completion date).
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May 22, 2014
Basically, I run a DJ Management company, arranging bookings for 6 artists. What I'm trying to do, is have data be auto populated from the Master sheet, into separate sheets. The aim, is to create 1 master with ALL the dates for the month in, and the each of the separate sheets to only populate data relating to that artist.
For example!
Boom, Belgium
Now, I need to send the artists their individual schedules for the month, but I do not want to copy and paste individual rows to their new sheets as this is a pain. I know i can sort by artist and copy it easier, but really i just want to put in the info once and not multiple times.
So the master is sheet 1, on sheets 2,3,4,5,6,7 (each one assigned to a particular artist) i need the artists gigs for that month.
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Feb 13, 2009
I am creating a spreadsheet for mutiple clients, which has around 5 columns. This spreadsheet will have 7 sheets on it. 1 sheet for each client, and the 7th will be to display all of the information together.
Basically I am looking to find out if this is possible?
I will try and explain a bit more, as above is just beifly what I am loking for.
I Have Client.xls
On my Tabs I have
Client1, Client2, Client3, Client4, Client5, Client6, All Clients
In Each individual spreadsheet, I have the following Columns
Incident Reference; Description; PMDB number
Each Day data will be entered into each client sheet, and I would like this information to be populated into the All Clients Tab. I am not sure if this is possible, and if it is, would I then be able to put it into the All Clients tab, and have it auto sort by the incdient reference column? As this is an autogenerated reference for all of our clients.
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Aug 21, 2012
I have created a comparison sheet and compares my old one from last week to the new one I create for this week.
It populates cells with the differences and shows me the data from the new sheet. But since my they are so massive A5:AZ20,000 so you can imagine how many blanks there are.I want to create an auto summary or something from the non blanks.
Column A has each properties Unique Identifier And the rest is various info for the property. I would like it to return my unique ID and then the columns with new data that has showed up from the comparison some are text and some are numbers.
Also I am using Excel 2010.
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May 15, 2006
I have an identical worksheet for all the days of the month - i.e. the May workbook has 30 identical worksheets. I am wanting to pull only certain rows from each worksheet onto a master. Something like - copy row from all worksheets where that rows cell "D" has any value other than " ".
I have used the following macro to pull all the data from every sheet onto a master - but i don't want all the data - just the qualifying data.
Sub Combine()
Dim J As Integer
On Error Resume Next
Worksheets.Add ' add a sheet in first place
Sheets(1).Name = "ALL"
I am not sure what the range "A1" is - i am thinking i can modify it to only grab certain rows.
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Jul 25, 2014
What I want to do is take information from a main sheet and pull certain rows (determined based up on the selection made in the delivered to column) and move it to a worksheet that contains information only for that individual entity. Below is the list of headers in my lis of all information
Ticket #DateDelivered ToNet kg WtTonsRunningTotalDaily Total
As I said, depending upon the name in the delivered to, I would like to carry forward the following information only for the specified vendor. For example if we have 3 entries 1 delivered to company a, 1 to company b and 1 to company c, each would carry forward to the respective worksheet for that vendor.
Ticket #DateDelivered ToTons
how I might accomplish this in a usable format for what I am trying to do.
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Jan 1, 2014
I have a workbook where Sheet A is a Master Order Form. Employees will input the quantities they need in Column C. The sheet will be otherwise protected. Sheet B is a "printable" order form that only contains the rows from Sheet A where the Quantity on Sheet A is not blank and is >=1. This will allow me to print sheet B with no blank rows for the items I don't need.
I found the following formula which claims to be able to do what I want:
I can't get it to work correctly across two sheets.
I've attached Sample of spreadsheet for review : HDForm_Test01.xlsx
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Jul 25, 2013
Sheet1 is a report that expresses 90 days of information and Sheet2 has three columns of 365 day information. Sheet1 has a title, a today function for the date (cell B2), two columns (A5:A94 and B5:B94), and then some other info not relevant to the problem. Sheet2 has three columns (A1:A365, B1:B365, and C1:C365) with the date in column A starting at the first of the year and then two lists of information in columns B and C. I am wondering if there is any way excel would be able to recognize the Date (B2) on Sheet1 and be able to pull the information from Sheet2 starting on that date for the next 90 days.
For example:
My report always starts on the day I am accessing it. So... Say it is 1/15/13. My today function in Sheet1 (B2) would express 1/15/13. This date would be equal to A15 on Sheet2. So I would want A5 & B5 on Sheet1 to return B15 & C15 from Sheet2 respectively.
A5 Sheet1 = B15 Sheet2 & B5 Sheet1 = C15 Sheet2
A6 Sheet1 = B16 Sheet2 & B6 Sheet1 = C16 Sheet2
A93 Sheet1 = B103 Sheet2 & B93 Sheet1 = C103 Sheet2
A94 Sheet1 = B104 Sheet2 & B94 Sheet1 = C104 Sheet2
With that being said, the next time I open up my report, say a week from the 15th or 1/22/13 (expressed by my today function in B2), I would want A5:A94 & B5:B94 to reference the new set of information:
A5 Sheet1 = B22 Sheet2 & B5 Sheet1 = C22 Sheet2
A6 Sheet1 = B23 Sheet2 & B6 Sheet1 = C23 Sheet2
A93 Sheet1 = B110 Sheet2 & B93 Sheet1 = C110 Sheet2
A94 Sheet1 = B111 Sheet2 & B94 Sheet1 = C111 Sheet2
Is this at all possible?
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Jan 12, 2014
I want to do (seemingly easy task) of getting a price from a code, from a code sheet.
Sheet1 (Log sheet)
A1 = "Code456"
A2 = $? <- This needs to be found.
Sheet2 (Price Sheet)
A1=Code123 B1=$1
A2=Code456 B1=$2
A3=Code789 B1=$0.50
Etc, and so on...
What I want to do is basically (without using macros):
"If A1 = sheet2:A1, then
A2 = sheet2:B1, halt. , ELSE,
If A1 = sheet2:A2, then
A2 = sheet2:B2, halt. ELSE,
So on and so forth..."
I thought there might be an easy way to do it with some sort of 'double sided' data validation drop downs or OFFSET function but I cant figure it out.
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Dec 5, 2013
I have a worksheet, with a "cost" column, and a date column. I have another sheet with dates pre-written, and a cost column as well. I'd like to know how to make the cost from worksheet 1 go to worksheet 2 under cost, but also add up any costs that are on the same date.
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Mar 14, 2013
I am putting together a register of information and it is broken up over a number of sheets i.e. LOG1, LOG2 etc.
I have a master sheet in which I want information to automatically populate based on whether a certain column has the words yes or no.
Ie Column I in LOG1 or LOG2 etc can either be yes or no. Is there a way to populate the Master sheet only with the information of a row in which column I is yes?
I know it would have to be a formula in the master sheet which checks all the sheets and then somehow populates the master sheet downwards if anything is yes but then removes it once that yes becomes a no....
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Jan 29, 2014
I have filled up my ComboBox1 with the sheets I want to add information to. My problem now is how to place the info in the correct sheet when I click CommandButton1.
I've been working on this for a few hours now. I got this to work on the first code I found but it didn't work afterward. I just deleted the whole thing and started again.
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Feb 10, 2014
I have a file with the following columns:
ID Number - Name - Email - Comments
Is there a way that for each row and email is sent with the ID number, name and comments?
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Apr 1, 2013
I want to make things easier for myself when filling in my worksheets by having certain cells autofill based on a product number.
So I have my main worksheet and I have my product information sheet. When I type in the product number in cell 13C, I want it to auto fill cell 13B with the product name which is located in collumn A on the product info sheet, but dependent upon that product number. Collumn B in my product info sheet has all of the product numbers. From there I would need 13G on my main worksheet to fill in with Collumn D from the product sheet, but again dependent upon that product number.
There are more that need to fill yet, but I can figure out what to do once I have a starting point with the above I believe.
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Feb 22, 2010
I am trying to auto format some merged cells within a sheet based on the information in them. how to reference the information within theses cells?
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Jan 6, 2014
I am trying to create a formula that will change the cell color in a range of cells in the row. I want the color to change based on the information in a particular cell appearing on a different sheet. What sheet the information is on determines the color the cells change to.
Example: I have 4 sheets I am working with. We will call them A; B; C; and D. I would like the color of cells A5-I5 on sheet D to change to red when the information in cell A5 from Sheet D shows up in any cell in column A on sheet A. If the information from cell A5 sheet D appears in any cell in column A from Sheet B then the color will be yellow, etc.
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Feb 6, 2008
I have a master spreadsheet that list several columns about employees(name, date, event name, etc.). Then I have an indivdual sheet for each employee. I am trying to import the column information for each employee onto their individual sheet based on their name. It is possible to import the individuals data from the master sheet to the individual sheet based on the employee name?
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