Copy Rows From One Sheet To Another In Same Workbook
Sep 27, 2006
I need to copy data from one sheet to another in the same workbook. The data is never the same and can change without notice. Here is what I need to do:
The trigger will be in column A with the cells content being 1 through 85 (never all 85 numbers though, mostly 1 to 10 sheets need to be created). As I said it is not consistent and sometimes new ones are added or some are deleted. For instance, if you find a 1 in column A1 and there is not a sheet named "1" then create it and copy all of the rows that have a 1 in column A. When column A changes to another number say 5, create a new sheet and redo the above until all is copied into separate sheets. My problem is that I don't know how to create a new sheet when the number in column A changes.
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Jun 17, 2014
I have been trying to edit a code which previously saved a copy in a new workbook to a specific folder/path. (Additionally it copies and clears some figures, but this is working as it should.)
However I would like the copy to be saved at the same location as the original workbook, regardless of the path the original workbook is saved.
I.e if I need to move the workbook containing the code to a new folder/location, when using the macro, the new copy should be stored in the same folder/location as the original one.
For now it is only saving the copy into "My Documents"
Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro
' Macro recorded 16-02-2009 by ceng
Sheets("Bunker ROB").Select
Sheets("Bunker ROB").Copy
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
ActiveWorkbook.Path & Range("D3"), _
FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, CreateBackup:=False
[Code] ........
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Mar 6, 2014
My requirement is as follows......
I want to get a copy of worksheet from specific workbook to active work book in which i want a copy of sheet get moved.
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Dec 13, 2006
I have 2 workbooks.
The first one (Top Ten Auto Generator.xls) ( Sheet is Summary) has 1 row (13) with 4 cells that have data. A13 with date (today formula), B13, D13, and E13 are numbers. The cell range will be the same each time the data is copied (the workbook has a marco to generate the numbers each day already).
The date doesn't need to be copied, just the other 3 cells data (in the same order) using paste special.
The workbook that needs the cell data is a report ( Dashboard.xls) that has lots of different departments each using 3 columns for their specific data. The left most column A is the date listing to match.
The column Range for my department on that "Raw Data" sheet is "H", "I", & "J" where the "H" would get the data in "B13", "I" would get "D13", "J" would get "E13" for the date that matches the other workbook.
So the way it would work, is that once the vba is run the 3 cells from the auto generator are copied, then the vba opens the dashboard.xls and looks for the date in column A which matches the other workbooks A13 date value, and then the cells are pasted into that row, but in column H, I, & J.
Here's sort of some code that I put together to see if that would be easier to understand. I'm new at doing the vba so I don't have better code.
Private Sub CommandButtonpaste2dash_Click()
'get our data from generator
Windows("Top Ten Auto Generator.xls").Activate
Workbooks.Open "Dashboard.xls"
Sheets("Raw Data").Activate
'look for the date in column A which matches A13 in the Auto generator
Some Code For finding the right date
'once found, paste special to the same row, but in column H (the 3 cells should paste together ok)
some code For pasting into H In the same row As the found date
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats
MsgBox "Done!!!"
End Sub
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Mar 6, 2014
I have a Picture in a workbook kept open. ( workbook 1 )And i have some X workbook open....i want a copy of sheet from workbook 1 To X workbook which is currently active.
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Jan 28, 2014
I need to build a macro which copies 3 rows every day and pastes the row data into an identical sheet. The three rows will have column "D" as =today(). As the days progress the three rows will change accordingly ( tag to the today's date)
e.g. 28/1/2014
I need the macro to recognize the date when pressed and copy the corresponding rows of data and paste them into an identical sheet with the same date. The second sheet is an archive sheet. The date will tick over as per the calendar.
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Mar 27, 2008
i have a workbook that has a lot of sheets but i need to pull information from the one sheet "Veneer Log" i Need it to make new sheets with the same heading as on the "Veneer Log" (Rows 1 & 2) Sheet but it needs to be filtered by the "Product" Column (H) with a new sheet made for all the diffrent products i.e. Dimensional, Drywall, Corners - Thin V., Accents,..... so each product will have a new sheet with i am hoping someone can help me with this. This log changes Daily and it would be nice to have a sheet with only the same product on it to compare new orders so we can batch run. i hope i have given you enough information so someone can help me with this. i have attached a sample log the real log has about 10 worksheet for diffrent departments but i only need info from the Veneer Log Sheet.
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Jun 10, 2013
I am wanting to create a macro for excel that when run it it will copy the active worksheet and worksheet named "Timesheet" and copy them to a new Excel workbook named the same as the original file + "JobBrief".
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Apr 9, 2014
have a basic knowledge of VBA. The task I am trying to perform with VBA is to
1. Copy from sheet1 A1 to sheet2 E9
2. Copy from sheet1 B1 to sheet2 E11
3. Save sheet2 in a new workbook file with the file name cell data from sheet1 A1 (511894.xls)
4. Copy from sheet1 A2 to sheet2 E9
5. Copy from sheet1 B2 to sheet2 E11
6. Save sheet2 in a new workbook file with the file name cell data from sheet1 A2 (097219.xls)
7. Repeat the process down columns A and B to the end of the columns.
8. Columns A and B will end at the same time but the data and the last cell will change with each scan added to the columns.
This code will accomplish this task with a single column of data but not two columns. Also column B will have a mixture of numbers and letters in its cells, Column A is only numbers.
Sub MoveData()
sName = "temp"
Const csPath As String = "C:Documents and SettingsmcgaulcDesktopTestFile"
'MyName = ActiveWorkbook.Name
Here are some images of the data sheet and the saved sheet
Sheet1.jpg Sheet2.jpg Note: sheet2 in image is "temp" sheet in code
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Oct 2, 2009
I want DELETE the rows that contains 0 (zero or -) in column F (SALDO BRUTO), when I click the Button (Clear). And How I can copy from this sheet to a new sheet in this workbook, but the names of new sheet automatic rename to next date or 2, and next when I click the Button "Copy to New Sheet".
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Jul 15, 2013
The senior members have made it less intimidating to start writing code. Infact I picked up a DUMMIES book and a Macro book and it's been a lot of fun. Anyway here is my code that I have created thus far.
HTML Code:
Sub ReportExtract()
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B2").Copy Destination:=Sheets("Sheet2").Range("C4")
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A2").Copy Destination:=Sheets("Sheet2").Range("C6") '
Essentially what I am trying to do is copy these cells from sheet 1 to sheet 2 and then save it as another file using the name of C6&"Text String *Report" This would essentially take the first record A2 - CL2 and then delete that record and move onto the next row 3 and loop through and create another file with the same name C6(Sheet2)&"Report Name" Sheet 2 is the template where the data from the rows will drop into. I have those called out above in the code. It works just fine. I'm stuck though with how to copy the file and move threw all the records and saving them as separate files. Just to make sure I am clear it's 1. Copy data from sheet1 to sheet2 (Template). 2. Then save that file with the file name as cell C6&"some text" concatenated. Loop through sheet1 grab the next record and rinse lather repeat. Just a few weeks ago I was struggled to create macros and now I can copy. Pretty weak I know but I really enjoy this, in fact I sold all my books and just have VBA material so I stay focused.
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May 17, 2014
The last few days I have been trying to figure this out with no luck whatsoever. I am using Excel 2010 32-bit with power query on a Windows 7 64-bit computer. I was going the use the html creator, but the dl link was down and I had to use screenshots.
I have a sheet titled "LeadSheet" that contains multiple data blocks of information (around 20). I have attached 2 examples of these data blocks and 2 examples of results needed below. I tried to create them so they would fill in the gaps of my explanation.
All of these data blocks are 7 columns wide and vary in row size from 10-250. The blocks of data all have titles on the 5th row, but are not headers, and then data beginning directly underneath. I hesitate calling them ranges because I only selected one data block as a range and named it "lead1" and then stopped not knowing if I was headed the right direction.
I first tried to create a table out of the range, but was unable to do so because the "Name" column is an array. The phone and address columns are populated by VLOOKUP. And although the images show the column names as the same for name, phone and address theyare actually different, like name-firm1, name-firm17,address-firmxyz, etc, etc. I not putting that in the images. The "Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3" and "Option 4" columns are generated using a =IF formula.
I have another sheet titled "ResultsSheet".I'm needing a way or code to copy entire rows from the multiple data blocks/ranges in the "LeadSheet", and paste it in the"ResultsSheet", based on any value occurring in any of the"Option" columns within the individual data blocks/ranges along with appending the "Option #" title to either end of the copied row.
The "LeadSheet" is constantly being updated so information is being added and taken off all the time. That being said, is there anyway to make it update as soon as the "LeadSheet" does or on a timed interval so that the"ResultsSheet" is always up to date. And also prevent it from continuing to re-copy over duplicates of information that has not changed?
Ifthe "Option #" result is the exact same percentage then the order does not matter between them.
Ifwithin the same data block/range both "Option" columns have data it is usually because of some error and is most likely bad datathat does not need to be copied. i.e. "Steven Seagal". If that makes this task much more difficult I can live with it.
If within two or more different data blocks/ranges the same name and info appears that if fine because the "Option #" will always be different. i.e. "Chuck Norris".
I am also trying to make the "ResultSheet" ordered from largest percentage to lowest, but I assume that should be done once the data is on the "ResultsSheet". No headers or titles are necessary on the "ResultsSheet"
Data Block example 1:
Data Block example 2:
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Feb 25, 2009
I just want to copy from one sheet from a workbook to someother workbook.
I am getting an error "Copy method of the worksheet method failed"
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Mar 3, 2007
I am trying to copy a single row from a number of workbooks (that are closed) into a summarized workbook (that i have open) with each row being in the next row down in the summary workbook worksheet 1. I am having trouble with the .open and setting the destination workbook because i want the info to go into an already open workbook.
I have written the following code which brings up errors..
Sub Summarize()
Dim Counter As Long
Dim Source As Workbook
Dim Dest As Workbook
Const MyDir As String = "H:VickyexcelDave"
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Set Dest = Workbooks.Open(MyDir & "davesresults.xls")
For Counter = 1 To 100
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Feb 26, 2009
I have I workbook that contains 2 sheets. The first sheet "Business Objects" is the master list. The second sheet "Gene" contains similar data but is incomplete. There is a unique identifer for both sheets and that is item ID. what I would like to do is look at the Item ID column on sheet1 compare it to SS# on sheet two and copy any rows from sheet1 to the end of the sheet in sheet 2. I have found in my searches on this forum a bit of code that identifies the ones in sheet1 that are not in Sheet2 and highlights them red(which is not neccessary for me, but I am struggling to figure out how to take that and paste it to sheet2.
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Aug 27, 2008
I have some data for my students in the range D2:G251, where each row is a different student. I need to write a macro that, if there is an 'x' against their name in column D, will copy the data in columns E-G into range A1:B500 and copy that range into a new workbook and save the workbook with the students name. The following code does this for the first row, but I don't know how to write a loop (or whatever) to make it do it for the other 249 rows.
Private Sub CreateNewSheets_Click()
Dim ws1 As Worksheet
Set ws1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Template")
Dim Rng1 As Range
Set Rng1 = ws1.Range("A1:B504")
varPath = ThisWorkbook.Path
If ws1.Range("D2") = "x" Then
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=True
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Nov 28, 2007
Currently I have two files: Samples.xls and RefSamp.xls. RefSamp.xls currently contains data from Samples.xls and Samples.xls is updated periodically. As samples.xls continually updates I would like to copy to RefSamp only the lines that have not been previously copied over (perhaps some sort of pointer to be used?)
Some of the lines from Samples.xls are removed and/or edited after I have them in RefSamp, which is why I do not wish to copy all the data over each time.
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Dec 10, 2008
I have a sheet with several formulas (let's call it ABCD)
I tried to copy the sheet to another workbook (say XYZ). Although it has been copied as it is, the formulas are reffered to ABCD which I do not want.
How do I copy the fomulas without the reference to ABCD.
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Jun 2, 2009
I have an excel workbook that contains 12 sheets.(ECN.xls). I have another workbook that contains 1 worksheet.(ExcelRows.xls). I have written a macro to Copy a range of values from ExcelRows.xls(ExcelRows is the Sheetname) to ECN.xls(ECN Number is the Sheetname). The macro is written in ECN.xls.
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Feb 9, 2010
I sit and struggle with a macro and I'm having trouble with a piece of code, that looks like this:
Set NewBook = Workbooks.Add
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
With NewBook
.SaveAs Filename:="Kabelsynsrapport.xlsx"
End With
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 100).Range("A1").Select
Windows("forsynings ark.xlsm").Activate
Sheets("Kabelsynsrapport").Copy Before:=Workbooks("Kabelsynsrapport.xlsx").Sheets(1)
My code fails at the last line, and when I try to perform the action manually, I get this error: The sheets can not be inserted in the destination workbook, because it contains fewer rows and columns than the source workbook. To move or copy the data to destinatinosprojektmappen, you can select them and then use the command Copy and Paste to paste them on sheets in another workbook.
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Aug 13, 2013
I have the following code see below:
What I'm trying to achive is that it opens up a certain target workbook and starting at sheet 4 will copy the contents and paste in the current workbooks sheets. when it comes down to the wbTarget see mark, I have a compile error saying I have an invalid qualifer. Also If there are more sheets in the target than in the current how do i make it create a new sheet to paste the data into?
Global dCol As Integer
Global wbtarget As String
Sub find()
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Mar 25, 2009
I have a sheet with whole bunch of cells as defined names. I want to make a copy of this sheet and put it into another workbook. I was thinking that I need to un-define all the names and then make a copy. I dont know how to do this besides going manual on every name. There are more than 100 names that are defined and is not practical for me to do.
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Jul 18, 2006
i would like to copy a sheet from a workbook to another workbook. I did some coding and it works almost well. The problem is that if the worksheet exist allready in the destination workbook I would like that the macro stop before copying it again.
Every time I run my macros it always copy the sheet. I didnīt ound out how to stop the macro. I tried by wo different ways, none of them work
Sub Copy_Sheet_If_Not_Exist()
Dim i As Integer
Dim strSheetName As String
Dim blnFound As Boolean
Set ws = Workbooks("Projekt.xls")
strSheetName = ActiveWorkbook. Name
For i = 1 To Sheets.Count Step 1
If ws.Sheets(i).Name = strSheetName Then blnFound = True
Exit For
If blnFound = True Then Exit Sub
If blnFound = False Then ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("overall").Select
Sheets("Overall").Copy After:=Workbooks("Projekt.xls").Sheets(1)
End Sub...................
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Aug 4, 2009
I have been struggling to setup these two workbooks for a bit now, and I can't for the life of me figure out a formula to do what I need to do. Essentially, I have one workbook that contains a list of purchase records for my company, sortable by Date, Vendor, Price, etc. and one workbook that has a sheet for every vendor. What I need is a formula that will search column B for a vendor, Allied Waste for example, and transfer all the information within the rows for every instance that vendor is found to the new workbook.
This is basically just a way where I can input information once in one workbook, where the sheets are divided by month, and the info will automatically transfer to another workbook, where the sheets are divided by vendor.
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Mar 9, 2012
I'm looking for a macro that can do the following:
First Name
Filter by BD 'C'
Copy all rows containing 'C' to new workbook.
Save new Workbook as 'Mailing C.xls' and close to specific flolder.
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May 23, 2006
I have a workbook made up of 10 worksheets or so. Each of the rows in each worksheet includes the age of a case in column H. I want to copy the rows that show a case that is over 90 days of age, I then want to paste these into another worksheet. I want to do this for each of the ten worksheets.
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Mar 26, 2014
For example i have workbook1,2&3, i want to copy the sheet(grade2&3) in workbook2&3 and paste to workbook1. But the data in workbook2&3 sheet(grade2&3) will automatically paste in workbook1 sheet(record grade 1 - grade 3) in column grade 2..
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Apr 1, 2009
Is there a way to copy a sheet in one Workbook to and Another Existing Workbook?
I have attachment two Workbooks to this thread.
The one entitled: Copy a Sheet to An Existing WorkbookI would like to copy any Sheet to Workbook "Create PowerPoint"
I would like it to be the first sheet in the Workbook "Create PowerPoint"
The one entitle: Create PowerPointIt has three sheets that have data already in it
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May 21, 2003
I'm trying to copy a worksheet from one workbook to another from within a macro.
I tried recording a macro while I did it, but Excel only records the first half within the source workbook:
The Macro Recorder doesn't show the 2nd half in which I select the destination workbook and paste. And there is no paste method; I can't say
How do I paste the sheet into the destination workbook?
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Jan 17, 2012
I need a macro to copy worksheet "OTP" from workbook " OTP Details" to another workbook "Todays OTP".
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