Copy Unique Rows Only Once
Oct 20, 2006
I have a piece of code that is designed to look at information on one sheet, and if it does not match what is on another sheet, it will copy the specific rows over. However, even after I do this once, and run the macro again, it will copy the same information over again. I need to figure out why it won't stop the copy after the first time the rows are on the new page.
Sub Datamove()
Dim i As Integer
Dim k As Integer
Dim v As Integer
Dim eRow As Long
Dim sht1 As Worksheet
Dim sht2 As Worksheet
Set sht1 = Worksheets("Uncorrected QC")
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
k = 2
With sht1
For v = 2 To . Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row Step 1
Dim shName As String....................................
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Aug 2, 2006
I have a list in column C that the data appears numerous times. What I want to do is copy the first occurrence of that item along with the cells from columns A, B and E of that row to a new sheet called Unique Records in the same workbook. I tried Advanced Filtering but it is not working the way I thought it would.
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Jun 24, 2014
I need creating a macro which compare the values of "Column B" of attached both "Sample1" and "Sample2" excel files and if any unique value found in Column B of "Sample2" file then the entire row should be get copied in "Sample1" file after row count.
For ex. the rows colored as yellow in "Sample2" file are unique and should be get copied in "Sample1" file.
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Aug 29, 2012
I am using the following code to copy a unique list, but it gives a duplicate in the first 2 rows(col Q). There is no headings in the columns.
Sub CopyUnique()
Dim lastrow As Long
lastrow = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, "P").End(xlUp).row
ActiveSheet.Range("P11:P" & lastrow).AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, _
CopyToRange:=ActiveSheet.Range("Q11"), Unique:=True
End Sub
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Dec 11, 2011
I am using Excel 2007
I have a spreadsheet with 1,000 rows in multiple columns
In column "B" i have 8 unique names.
What I am trying to work out is to copy and paste all the rows for each unique name and save in a separate workbook named as the unique name.
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Nov 29, 2012
This is a large database. I've attached a sample.
One code is for one animal, date the animal was weighed and weight. Animals were weighed several time, hence the repetition of the code.
What I need is the first and last rows only of every code. This is in order to then calculate the weight difference and divide it by the time difference to get the daily weight gain.
The trick is to keep the first and the last rows for every code, bearing in mind there's no consistent pattern for repetition of the code (as you see, sometimes 6, 5, 3, 7). Sometimes it is even repeated twice (in this case nothing is required to be deleted).
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Apr 7, 2014
Col A Col B
163401 1
163401 1
163401 0
163402 1
163402 0
163402 0
GOAL -I want to be able to count Col B only once for the same set of records in COL A.
Based on Distinct criteria on COL A, I need to be able to count COL B. The count should be 1 for 163401 and not 2. Similarly for 163402 the count should be 1
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Dec 28, 2006
This is an example of my table , there are more columns but here is apart of it:
id Product Name
1Frnt Fndr CR125/250 black
1Frnt Fndr CR125/250 white
1Frnt Fndr CR125/250 silver
1Frnt Fndr CR125/250 00 cr red
2Frnt Fndr CR125/250/450/500 black
2Frnt Fndr CR125/250/450/500 white
2Frnt Fndr CR125/250/450/500 00 cr red
3Frnt Fndr CR125/250/500 black
3Frnt Fndr CR125/250/500 white
3Frnt Fndr CR125/250/500 florescent red
4Frnt Fndr CR80/85 black
4Frnt Fndr CR80/85 00 cr red
I need to delete all the rows that do not have a unique ID:
Frome the table above I need it to return something like this
id Product Name
1Frnt Fndr CR125/250 black
2Frnt Fndr CR125/250/450/500 black
3Frnt Fndr CR125/250/500 black
4Frnt Fndr CR80/85 black
check out the file
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Mar 29, 2007
How to remove unique rows from excel-table and leave only dublicates? any macros?
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Jul 20, 2007
i'm looking to write some code that will filter through a list and either identify, or even better delete rows that aren't unique.
here's an example
from the above lines, i'd like to see xyz1 deleted, and the first two lines of xyz2 deleted.
(obviously this is a very basic version of what i want, but it gives an idea)
also, the lines may be out of order
- a sort can be done so it's not that important that they're out of order...
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Oct 8, 2013
I am trying to make a summary of data in an excel spreadsheet. I want to copy the last unique row based off the first column Here is an example of the data:
[Code] .........
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Jan 8, 2009
How to make it copy over A, B, and C not just A and B? I tried adjusting some of the ranges, but I get a Run time Error 104. Also, what is the (Rows.Count, 3) doing?
Sub CopyUnique()
Dim LR&, LR2&
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With Sheets("AY")
LR& = .Cells(Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row
.Range("C1:D" & LR&).AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CopyToRange:=Range("A1:B" & LR&), Unique:=True
LR2& = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
.Range("A1:B" & LR2&).Copy Sheets("ORG").Range("A1")
.Columns("A:B").Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
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Nov 24, 2008
I have another question to ask, that is why I am posting another thread. I have a column with blanks and data (roughly abt 300 rows as such, not unique, there are many rows repeated numbers). How can I copy the distinct values from this column to another sheet. I am able to copy unique values to another column in the same sheet. But when I try to copy them to another sheet it gives me an error. I used advanced filter option to do this. I also want to get the count of these unique values. In sql I know it can be acheived with "Select Distinct row1, count(row1) from table1 order by row1".
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Jan 24, 2012
I have a function to count unique IDs
and it works OK.
How can I count the IDs only in the visible rows after applying a filter?
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Mar 4, 2013
I got this code to copy stuff from Raw data worksheet which has a Dynamics Atlas table to another worksheet named input. However, I noticed that some records are duplicated so I want the code modified to only copy unique records based on criteria in column B of the "Raw data" worksheet.
Sub Copy_atlas_table()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With Worksheets("Input")
.Range("A2:S2" & .Cells(Rows.Count, "G").End(xlUp).Row).ClearContents
[Code] .......
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Oct 28, 2013
I have the following table A
[Code] .....
I would like to extract all the unique rows from the above table so the outcome will be
[Code] .....
However I can't think of a simple macro to do it.
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Jul 3, 2008
This is just a screenshot of my huge data of over 60,000 rows. Owing to the restriction of HTML Maker, I am just showing in less than 30 rows in this screenshot.
I need to extract only the UNIQUE ROWS depending upon the column called "Unique Code" to another worksheet. A particular row or a record is repeated as many as 90 times in this database. I need to extract the whole row which is unique depending upon the column C which is "Unique Code".
I have tried the Advanced Filter option a couple of times but it does not seem to work. Also, the Auto Filter option is not versatile for such amount of data.
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Oct 27, 2008
I want to be able to count unique rows of data.
I have three columns (A) has a date (B) has the name of a person and (C) has an audit type.
I know I need an array but not sure how to structure it for 3 columns
DateNameAudit type01/04/2008DavidCDM01/04/2008John1 in 1030/04/2008Bill1 in 1001/05/2008DavidVehicle01/05/2008DavidVehicle01/05/2008JohnCDM
The answer for these 3 columns is 5. Rows 4 and 5 are the same so are only counted once.
I can get the arrray to count unique items in the whole range and in a column but not for each row.
I have a feeling this is going to obvious but I can't work it out.
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Sep 25, 2009
I am starting an excel file that extracts file from another worksheet, then after it is extracted, A2 cell has a value in cell B2, I wanted to copy all the cells in column A&B to column C&D in such a way that when the word "check is encountered in column A, it will arrange itself in the last with the other cells that contain same words before the word "check". I wanted to do this in macro or formula if possible.
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May 30, 2012
I am trying to copy unique records from one sheet (timliness_etcc) G column to another sheet analysis starting from column A row 29
Sub Test()
Dim Sh1 As Worksheet
Dim Rng As Range
Dim Sh2 As Worksheet
Set Sh1 = Worksheets("Timliness_NAV_details")
Set Rng = Sh1.Range("G1:G" & Sh1.Range("G65536").End(xlUp).Row)
Set Sh2 = Worksheets("Analysis")
Rng.Cells(1, 7).Copy Sh2.Cells(29, 1)
Rng.AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CopyToRange:=Sh2.Range("A29"), Unique:=True
End Sub
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Feb 15, 2006
I understand that security in Excel is not very robust, but the users I intend to distribute a workbook to are not very sophisticated
Are there any system properties that are accessible to Excel/VBA and are unique to a computer that could be encoded in a hidden/protected cell, so the workbook would be frozen if copied to another computer?
Eg the user emails me that property which I enter in the check cell, and upon opening the workbook the check cell is compared to the system property, locking it up if the check fails?
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May 3, 2007
From column A,(lets say cell 10 onwards) I need to copy all the unique entries into column B (cell 10 onwards). However, I dont know what length column A will be. What would be the best way in VBA/Excel to do so ?
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Jun 5, 2013
I have attached a before and after image of what I am looking to accomplish.
In the before image, you can see that there are 3 rows of data
- a header
- a repeating model number (in column F) with accompanying data (values in columns G - J are the items of interest)
In the after image, you can see that I took the 3 rows of data and turned it into simply two rows of data
- a header
- the repeating model number
What I did however in the after image, as can be seen, is I took certain data values that appeared on the repeating row (columns G - J), and included them as PRICE, COST, BEGIN, and END values in new columns on row 2.
Is there a way to accomplish this via some functions or maybe even a VBA script?
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Jun 15, 2009
I am trying to use a formula that will populate A3 with the value of A2, all the way down the column. (as per the area highlighted in yellow) As you can see on the example sheet, the account code changes periodically, this has been causing me many problems!
As the list i am working on has around 100 differfent codes, it is too time consuming to copy paste manually
Reason for this is so that each invoice number in column B, will have a unique identifer in column A (account code)
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Jul 7, 2009
I have one worksheet which acts like a data dump (actuals) where data is just pasted in. This worksheet is sorted and edited on a continues basis. I need this data to be sorted into their respective coded worksheets (110, 120, 130).
I would like a function in Worksheet 110, 120, 130 that captures the data for that 'code'. Now the issue is that much of the data is non-unique, dates, codes, accounts may sometimes be duplicated however i still want to display the entries separately in their respective coded worksheets. (I had a solution using column numbers however it isn't viable because the data gets resorted often)....
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Apr 19, 2013
I have this data
1 355
1 243
1 567
2 456
2 443
3 889
3 890
3 123
and need to sort it in columns like this
1 355 243 567
2 456 443
3 889 890 123
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Jul 29, 2013
I am wanting to find rows that with unique values in the first column, and then take those rows and display them in a more readable format. The section titled input is an example of information that would be pulled from a query into Excel. The Desired Output section is how I would like the info to be displayed. If this is possible without VBA then that is even better.
Excel 2007
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May 5, 2014
I have an extract that includes unique attempts to complete a transaction. Sometimes these transactions fail 1 or multiple times. Sometimes they are successful in one try. other times they first fail and then are retried and succeed. I am trying to flag failures in a new column that later succeed in the same session. Here is my data:
Order #
Session ID
Mac Address
[Code] ............
I would what these flagged as such:
Order #
Session ID
Mac Address
Successful Retry?
[Code] ........
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Aug 18, 2009
Look up a match on sheet1 from individual cells from sheet2, and if match copy and paste to sheet3, and i need this to be done for every cell in sheet2. Sort of a CTRL-F type of deal but for about 3000 individual cells on sheet2. The sheet1 contains about 10 columms with about 10000 cells all together. so to do this individually its just not posible.
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Jan 20, 2009
Have a long list of patients with visit details recorded - over 3 years worth
Many patients are seen multiple times, there is an age recorded also to ensure the same names can be 'set as distinct for different ages'
Need to replace (or add another column) the name field with a unique identifier so that we can ensure the same person has the same identifier.
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