Create Hyperlink To Result Of Lookup
Dec 21, 2007
I have three columns. Column A=" Name", Column B=" Date" and Columnc="Amount". I need to find and go to the correct amount based on a certain name and date as criteria.
I was going to see if it was possible to use this =INDEX(C1:C1000,MATCH(1,(A1:A1000=D1)*(B1:B1000=E1),0)) with a hyperlink, but I can't even get it to work without a hyperlink. I also tried this to find the match= SUMPRODUCT((A1:A1000=E5)*(B1:B1000=EE6)*(C1:C1000)). I found it on a website(I'm not sure how it works.) My next shot was going to be with multiple criteria vlookup, but I can't get anything more than a plain vlookup to work. I'm using excel 2007 non-commercial use.
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Jan 31, 2014
I have a vlookup worksheet like described in this thread: [URL] .... This works perfect. I would like to be able to jump to the vlookup result using a hyperlink.
In the thread worksheet the formula in C2 is like
In cell D2 I placed the formula (font: webdings )
(Due to the Dutch Excel I use I replaced ";" to ",")
The link works because I hardcoded "Sheet2" into the formula where the result can be found. But it would be much nicer if I didn't had to put the sheetname into this formula.
Is it possible to use range G2:G8 like in the first formula to achieve this? I guess you have to use INDEX and/or INDIRECT but I barely understand the first formula ...
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Jan 11, 2008
I am trying to create a hyperlink to record 202 which is in the range C14:C250 on worksheet All in the active workbook (Frenchie), displaying the contents of cell Q3024 as the Friendly_Name. However, having tried many variations of both LOOKUP and VLOOKUP, my efforts are still returning "cannot open specified file" every time. is the formula faulted at all or should i be using another formula other than the LOOKUPs? my formula is as follows.
=HYPERLINK("[Frenchie]All!, (LOOKUP(202,C14:C250))", Q3024)
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Jun 22, 2007
I am doing a vlookup to retrieve a hyperlink. When I click on the hyperlink that is retrieved, I receive the following error message: "cannot open the specified file"
The hyperlinks in the original document are working. But the vlookup hyperlooks are not. If anyone knows what would trigger this error message
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Oct 13, 2008
I am having a problem writing a macro that sources one of its values from a cell that contains the following formula =LOOKUP(J9,{0,80,85,90,95}, {"0%","40%","60%","80%","100%"}).
The above formula correctly returns '80%' but when I use this cell as an input for another formula Excel reads it as '0%'. Can, and if so how does, one use the resulting value of the lookup function as a fixed value for another function?
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Jun 14, 2009
i am trying to make report for Mycompany sale
when i sert the date of Sales give me all the date of payment for this invoices
here is small example
ABCDE1Invoice DateInvoice NumberPayment Date
Invoice Date22009/06/011112009/06/05
when i insert the date in E2 to give me all the date of payment in this day in range under this cell
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Feb 9, 2010
I have a workbook open and my A column cells are filled with (example) Mike-1 in the first row Mike-2 in the second row and so on. Now I have another folder on the computer with Word documents that I want to hyperlink to. The corresponding Word file is named mike1. So I want Excel to go through column A and Hyperlink to the corresponding Word file.
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Sep 4, 2009
I'm trying to create a link to a folder and to insert it in a cell. The folder name is: "C:DISCO CTEMPLATES #1". I tried to copy that text and paste it into the cell. Excel recognizes that as a hyperlink but when I click the cell a message appears: "Cannot open the selected file" Could the problem be because of the "#" symbol?
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Jan 26, 2014
In my spreadsheet I have a column (C) that consists of 20 rows. Within this column a calculation is done with only one value (currency) that appears based on the calculation criteria. All other rows are 0 (currency) and the correct calculation can be in any of the 20 rows.
In an adjacent column (say E10) I want the appropriate value to be entered from column C.
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Dec 6, 2006
I have tried searching for this topic and have been unsuccessful. Perhaps my search was too broad. Either way, I am trying to understand how to search/query a specific data entry among several sheets, and then return corresponding values from adjacent cells.
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Dec 30, 2006
I created a drop down menu from a named data range on a seperate spreadsheet in the same workbook. Based on the selection from that drop down menu I want a preassigned number to pull into another cell. I'm not thinking of the correct formula or something, because it's not working. Could it be because it's text? My spreadsheet with the data is as follows:
Bridger to American Fork 051725
Hunter to American Fork 051725
Hunter to Delta 051715
Hunter to Hiawatha 051728
Navajo to Am. Fork w/ front 051725
Navajo to Am. Fork w/o front 051725
The 1st column is the origination/destination and I named that range "freight hauls". Which is what the dropdown menu on another sheet (AP Reconcilliation) consists of. From that, I want the 2nd column number to pull into another cell on the AP Recon sheet. The formula I wrote that isn't working is: =index('AP Reconciliation'!A2:B8,match(A6,'Freight Hauls List'!B2:B7,0),2)
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Jul 7, 2007
i'm trying to return a value thats offset but the position of the value may change each time data is imported. i've attached sheet displaying problem, as i can't explain clearly. i need to lookup the value in column A (yellow), then find and return the total percentage value in column C (blue). its always 2 columns across but the problem is it could be anything from 2 to 5 rows down.
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Oct 26, 2012
I am using MS Excel 2007.
I have column "A" a list of my PDF filenames and File path in Column "B". I want to establish hyperlinks for each of these PDF filenames (column A) and link it with the file path that I generated in Column B.
=HYPERLINK(B1,A1) did it very well, but unfortunately when converting to PDF, the hyperlink is not working, and I believe the conversion retained is only in text, so now my only resort is hardcoding it by VBA.
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Apr 28, 2014
I basically need a formula in one tab of a spreadsheet that if another cell contains text it will search for that text in another tab and display a useable hyperlink to it.
So I want a formula in A1 in Sheet1 that will search for the text contained in A2 in Sheet2 and display a useable hyperlink to the cell in which that text is contained, in Sheet2.
This may not even be possible, but if it is then that would save me SO much time.
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Jan 31, 2014
I want to use script to programmatically create Hyperlink in multiple cells. The Hyperlink will trigger a macro event and run a simple command using the "PC Name" as input variable. The Hyperlink should have:
-Text to display: - different "PC Name" in each cell
-Type the cell reference: - corresponding to the cell where the Hyperlink is inserted
-Link to: - Place in This Document
I tried using cell formula, but it always default to "Existing File or Web Page".
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Oct 7, 2008
I am trying to use an active cell (i.e. "Sheet2!E7") which always changes, to create a hyperlink on a different sheet to that particular cell. What is happening is I have a master list of current open POs. On a separate sheet I have the PO listed in greater detail. I want the PO number on my master list to have a hyperlink that brings you to my detailed PO on another sheet. Simply, I need a way to turn my active cell into text (not the contents, but the cell itself).
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Nov 3, 2009
I have a workbook for Purchase orders.
how it works at the moment is when I fill in the Purchase prder sheet then save it, I have a macro that
Copies Sheet "Purchase Order" creates a new sheet to paste it to then also copies some details to A Sheet called "Register.
I would like to be able to (if possible)
1/ automaticly create a hyperlink between the P/o Nomber stored on the register as it is storing the new sheet &
2/ automaticly change the sheet tab to reflectthe P/order number in Cell G8
I have very little knowlage of VBA & am learning how to record macros so please be gentle.
here is the macro I recorded ....
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Dec 2, 2009
I'm running Excel 2003 and I'm looking for assistance with programmatically creating hyperlinks. I have to update a Shared Workbook on a weekly basis. The cells in column D contain a catalog id and I need to create a hyperlink that includes this id in the url.
What I want to do is insert a new row, enter the catalog id and then create a hyperlink that contains the id. Additionally, the text to display has to be the 8 digit id. Here is an example of the hyperlink.
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Dec 14, 2009
I m creating a hyperlink in a sheet, pointing from the selected cell in sheet3 to a different cell in the other sheet(sheet1 or sheet2).
The user is supposed to select a cell, and activate the macro.
The macro should then create a hyperlink to this cell.
The cell will usually contain a textdata, and the target cell will usually contain same textdata, but in other sheet(sheet1 or sheet2).
In this sheet when we open the data sheet you will find a column named Feild, In the feild column when we click on any text data in a cell it should automatically redirect us to the other sheet of the column where the exact text data is present.
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Dec 16, 2011
I have an issues database that lists issues by [URL].......
I'm working on a test plan where we can enter an issue under in to a cell between J3 and J100, for instance... "1111".
I've been trying to figure this out all morning.. but I would like to create a macro or script that automatically adds a hyperlink to the cell with an issue number...
Append "" & "cell.value" Or something like that.
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May 4, 2012
I need to create a way to generate specific URLs based on a fixed URL and adding a variable number in a cell to create that URL.
example of the finished product
So I have:
Cell B is
Cell D is 99
What formula should i use to generate [URL] so that different numbers can be used to generate unique URLs.
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Feb 17, 2007
sometimes i'll have some text i want to show in a userform textbox. let's say the text happens to be in a sheet named story, and it is in A1 of the worksheet.
A1 says, for example:
" The next big thing can be found by clicking here "
if the note above were on a web page, all you'd have to do is click on 'here' and you are off the the next big thing. but so far, when i use this code to bring the text in story!A1 into the userform textbox all i get is the text. there is no 'clickability' as it were.
Me.textbox.Value = Range("story!A1").Value
is there some bit of code magic one can use to make a userform textbox function with html code?
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Jul 5, 2006
How can I change the text color within a cell when I am using a concatenation formula? I have the following formula;
=" Total Bonus Earned ("&TEXT(A2/VLOOKUP($A$1,PR_DB,2,False),"#0.0%")&" of 2006 Earnings):"
In the text function portion I would like to format the result in red. An example of the result of my formula I am seeking is as follows; Total Bonus Earned (10% of 2006 Earnings): Do I need to create a custom format and if so how do I call it up within the text function?
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Aug 17, 2006
I need help in making a VBA to create a looping hyperlink drilldown for each cell in the inventory_general wksht.
The purpose of this sheet is to allow a user to click on a hyperlink which will then reference a macro to
autofilter the data in the bin_lot worksheet to display all rows for that particular item number.
Apparently, you can't select all the cells and insert a hyperlink because all the hyperlinks will reference the first cell value for autofiltering.
This is what I tried but it's not working obviously.
Sub HyperlinkDrilldown()
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, Address:="", SubAddress:= _
"Bin_Lot!A1", TextToDisplay:=target.value
End Sub
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Oct 11, 2013
I want to scan the envelopes coming into our postroom and look up the results within excel. I would then if I match the name be able to print out the details e.g. name floor they are located on etc..
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Aug 17, 2007
I have an excel worksheet that consists of 4 tabs. Each tabs has approximately 60,000 lines of data. The data consists of user id's and menus that correspond to the user id. There are 131 user id's in total. I would like to be able to return all the menus for one of the user id's. If we need to start with one tab and work from there, that's fine.
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Sep 16, 2009
I have a production planning spreadsheet that is updated every week from a database to a new sheet. This sheet is 'Sheet1', last weeks update becomes 'Sheet2'. Every day people annotate and colour cells for various orders, depending on their place within the planning scheme. It's really only the formats that I need to copy across, I could use the VLOOKUP function for the values - So I suppose you could say I'm looking for a VLOOKUP macro/VBA Code which keeps the original formatting (cell colour etc.)
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Dec 15, 2006
I have a list of people with SSN, about 3000. This list contains business done by each individual, which can be in all 50 states. I have another list of the same individuals with just their name and addresses and what we call "client number". I need to put the client number with the list for the individual states. See example list:
List of individuals with client numbers
123 John Doe
456 Jane Doe
List of individuals with state business
John Doe AR
John Doe CO
John Doe FL
John Doe MS
John Doe TX
Jane Doe MS
Jane Doe TX
Jane Doe AZ
I need for those client numbers to appear in the column before the names on list with states.
123 John Doe AR
123 John Doe CO
123 John Doe FL
456 Jane Doe MS
456 Jane Doe TX
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Dec 19, 2006
I have these numbers located in column A (rows 1:3)
formula that will return my search result (in these case 532) as well as the information immediately above & below the location of cell that has my search info?
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Apr 6, 2007
I have a data table, A1:J22. The purpose it serves is to align and compare data from other tables, so the data contained within it is all cell references and contains many #N/A values. Also, and most importantly, not all of the columns are populated with data. The first row is a text header row and the first column is numeric and adjusts according to the value in A2. I have an additional column at the end of the data table, yet apart from it, which contains an array formula to provide me with the maximum value of each row and to circumvent the #N/A's, =MAX(IF(ISNUMBER(B2:J2),B2:J2,"")). I am trying to write a formula that will return the corresponding "header" of the result of this formula. Everything I have tried thus far, primarily variations of Lookup and Index/Match formulas, seemingly defaults to the header of the last column containing data.
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