I have a sheet in my workbook named Summary, from this I would like to run a macro that cycles through every sheet except "Summary" & "Variables" & "Cash" and puts the sheet name in E5:down and cell AH30 from every sheet in F5:down.
I know it's possible, but I'm not sure how to set up the loop.
I need to create a macro that will scan a spreadsheet for the number of sheets and then pull data from the same places on each sheet in order to create a summary sheet. Let me try to explain a little better.
The spreadsheet I'm working with has a separate sheet for each new deal our company makes. Each of these sheets is in the same format - we use a template and fill in the data based on that whenever a new deal emerges. The sheets contain basic info about the deal in the first few rows and columns, then some narratives with dates describing the progress of the deal, and then a list of issues and whether or not they have been resolved. The problem is, each of these sheets contains too much info for a quick, high-level overview with the bosses so they've asked me to create something that will pull the basic info, the most recent narrative, and any unresolved issues from each sheet. This way, each time there's an overview scheduled with the bosses, the macro can be run and it will create a new sheet with data from each sheet in the workbook.
I have a spreadsheet which details an employee number, name, event type and no events as shown in attachment. (SHEET1). I would like to be able to create a summary sheet in the same workbook which will search through the list of usernames and produce a summary for each user.(SHEET2). The number of users varies in sheet1 so I would need to handle this dynamically.
My brother created an invoice for his company using excel; it's s typical invoice:
Name, Date, Invoice# Total, Tax, etc. He would like to have all of the mentioned information transfer to a summary sheet as he has between 30 and 60 per quarter. The problem is that they are not in a workbook. So each invoice is it's own .xls file. This can be time consuming if he had to open and copy from each sheet.
Is there a way to copy the info to a summary sheet?
I have 52 sheets in my workbook. Is there a simple way of creating a summary page of the data contained within specific cells which are the same reference on each sheet ?
The slow way is to edit the Sheet reference in the formula, but I sense this is not the most elegant way to do it.
My boss requires me to prepare forms for vouchers that we release to our suppliers.
I encode the details manually to excel with his prescribed format. each voucher are encoded on separate sheets on one file.
Now he requires me to prepare a summary for all the voucher forms which is now becoming a pain since i now hold 50+ suppliers. and each day i encode about 120 vouchers.
I found through this forum that there is a way to automate tasks on excel like preparing a summary sheet.
I'm looking to create a summary sheet of all data consolidated to one tab.
On the attached workbook, I want to pull all of the data from the monthly tabs and consolidate it all to the 2012 Totals tab.
How to only pull the nonblank rows, and ignore the headers.
I would like to be able to avoid using a macro for this, if at all possible. I would like for the summary to update dynamically whenever new data is added to any of the monthly tabs.
I need a macro that will copy and paste the data from the range below from every file in a directory with each file in the directory on a new row. My goal is to build a database with the information in the files in the directory. I will need to be able to put the directory in the code at a later time as it has not be set up yet. it will be on the local computer and not on a network share.....
I have a list of unsorted codes in A1:A30. There are a total of only 5 unique codes represented, but most of the codes occur several times.
I'd like to produce a summary list in A35:A40 of each of the 5 codes represented in the range above.
Is there a formula that can be copied and pasted into A35:A40 that will search A1:A30 and return one of each code, or can this only be done using a macro?
I have a very large table that I want to be able to summarize neatly and columns that have zeros for a specific person, so its easier to input data later.
I have three worksheets called North, East and South. Data is held in each of these sheets starting in D1:BZ144 and the data is in columns of three. Example columns D:E is one set of records, F:H is another and so on. The first cell of each set of columns is the company name.
I need to copy all of these records into a Summary works sheet so that the records are in held in columns B:D and that the first cell is shown shown in column 'A'.
Secondly, in a second sheet I'm trying to setup a lookup so that I can call the company name and the records from the sheets North, East and South are shown that relate. I've tried using HLOOKUP but as the company name only appears in the first column I cannot get columns rwo and three to show.
I use a specific report on a daily basis which is attached here. Is it possible that that report is generated automatically in the same sequence of rows once the data is updated in another sheet. I am not good in VBA so looking some built in function. I have tried the pivot but all the formatting and design of the report is changed. use the Template wizard with data tracking is used is the above exercise is possible. Is there any other better methord is available in excel. Is there any good web site availble to learn these things.
I have 2 worksheets which have a table on each. I would like to create a list using data from both tables. The list I am looking to create is for an upload fom an excel planning sheet into an ERP system and requires certain data fields and a certain format. Both table have the same amount of fields and the dates across the top. On worksheet one there are material numbers on the left and dates across the top. In the list I require I would need the dates down the left in the first column, next the material number, next the quantity from table one and then the last column I would require the value from the second worksheet which is relevant to the material number and date from the first table. I have tried pivot tables but cannot get this to work and feel it may work with a lookup. I have attached an example of the data.
Code: Date Jan-14..........Jun-14............Dec-14...........Jan-15..........Jun-15............Dec-15 Measure1 Measure2 Measure3
Code: Date 2014 2015 2016 Measure1 Measure2 Measure3
I have two tables, examples above In the first table, Jan-14 is a dropdown value that updates all the values to the right by a month increment when a specific date is selected
I then have some code that populates the cells which have 2014,2015,2016 in them.
What I need to do next is populate the 2nd table with values based on the date ranges in the above table.
Attached is five months of dummy sales data for eight products. My objective is to filter this data with date ranges (using Column A in Data sheet), and have the corresponding pie slices (shown in Pie Chart Sheet) be the summation of the Products grouped by their designated letter. Currently, the result I am getting is 6 pie slices for "Product A" and this is wrong. I want to see "Product A" show up only once in the LEGEND and only as one aggregated pie slice. The same holds true for the rest of the Product Letters.
I want to avoid using Pivot Tables. My objective is to keep my layout clean and simple. I would like to know if anyone out there could help me figure out a formula that will automatically catagorize all of the resulting filtered data by the Product Letter they share. Once the formula categorizes or groups together all of the resulting filtered data by Product Letter, I would like the formula to calculate a summation for each Product Letter category. After the formula finishes the summation task I would like the formula to feed these results to a Pie Chart. The resulting chart I would like to see will show individual pie slices for each Product Letter resulting from the date range filtering operation performed on Column A. The resulting letters can be anywhere from "A" to "H". My goal is to only have one individual pie slice representing each of the Product Letters resulting from a Date range filter. I thought such a task would be as easy as baking a pie, but it's turned out to be beyond my Excel skills.
I am using Multiple worksheets ( 30 to 35 ) of same format to calculate Individual scores of an event. Each sheet contains Participant Name in C4 and Score in E 21.
Macro to provide a summary sheet which returns C4 & E21 in all the sheets..
The score in E21 is calculated thru another macro done with excel recording feature..
I am currently pulling information from a database into Excel. In column A is a list of dates that vary depending on how many days I decide to pull. On any given day there are options to which car will be driven and it is random and there are attributes associated with that drive such as below. If the car was not driven the data pull inputs "No Data" or a "0". On any given day up to three cars can be driven but it is still possible that only one will be driven. This is shown in the second table below. I'd like to be able to create an automated summary table such as the first table below. The summary table should be organized by date and show what cars were driven and their attributes. I know this seems simple but in reality I have six different cars and up to 10 attributes for each car and will be pulling months at a time. The only thought I have had is to do a for loop that checks every individual cell but I am not sure how to implement that.
See attached file - I would like to use the "Create Parts issue Report" Button to create worksheet titled "Parts Issue Report" based on the pulldown menu in cell B1 tab "Vehicle data" so each pulll down will generate a different "Parts Issue Report" when clicking the "Create Parts Issue Report" button. I think it needs to be a looping VBA to go thru the "Vehicle Data" rows and columns looking for the keywords "late" or past" as I only want a report created on that criteria. The output criteria I have label in the tab "Parts Issue Report" I can explain further if needed.
I'm trying to update a the summary sheet that will run through the 10 worksheets and bring back the entire row (or the columns I specify) that matches the creteria MS.
MS will appear against each row in the same column in all the tabs.
So in the summary sheet I would see all the rows individually that appear in tabs 1-10.
I am trying to create a summary sheet from the matrix to do further analysis. I want to pick out the welds done everyday with weld inches as you will see in the summary sheet. How can summary sheet be automatically updated when I enter the inspection date rather than copying and pasting? I can use vlookup to get the weld dia once I get the weld numbers on that date. I have attached the file.
We have an equipment sheet that our sales team fills out when quoting customers. The sheet has everything from the items Brand, Model Number, Description of item, cost, MSRP, ect... on it followed with a QTY that is needed. Now one of my jobs is to go through the sheet and create a summary page of everything that is selected and place certain data onto this "Summary Page". This is what I am trying to do:
When a QTY of greater than 1 is selected on the "Equipment" page it will autopopulate the "Summary" page with certain data, mainly the description of the item followed by the QTY ordered. Let me see if I can do an example below
Say I have this equipment list below:
'EQUIPMENT' Sheet Example.png
Now since a QTY greater than 1 has been placed into column E2:E5 I would like to populate data from the corresponding B, C & D column into the 'Summary' sheet
I hope this makes since. If I am able to do this it would save me countless hours of CTRL+V CTRL+C work, that and its hard to catch every value when you have over 3,000 items on a equipment sheet.
I have a summary sheet with a numerous data sheets to the left of it in a single workbook. Every time I add a new data sheet I have to type it's name on the summary sheet. How can I automate this?
I’ve had a look through the forum and on some of the guides/FAQ but thanks to my ineptitude I have been unable to adapt any of the examples to my specific situation.
What I’m after is this: I need to create a summary sheet for a work book with a variable number of tabs. All I need the summary sheet to do is to make a table of the name of the tab and then cell A17. How would I go about doing this and is it possible to save this macro to my machine/all workbooks instead of just the one?
I've got a multi-sheet workbook and I'd like to have a summary tab of all of the tabs that have a name starting with "Site"....I have Site 123, Site 234, Site 567 and Location Listing. I've run a macro that I found on the internet and it works to copy all content to the new sheet, but, I prefer that the macro not need to be run to update the summary tab each time a change is made to one of the other sheets because this workbook is for someone that wouldn't know how to run the macro.
Every "site" sheet has the same columns, but the number of rows is different.
There will be new "site" sheets added and I want to make sure there is a way to update the summary sheet when new "sites" are added.
What is the best way to do this or is it even possible? I've attached my example workbook.Tracker.xlsx
I have a Workbook that has 12 worksheets in it, one for each month (January '14, February '14, ect.). Each sheet is identical with A1:Q1 being the same headers on each. I need a way to consolidate each sheet into one new summary worksheet. The issue I'm having is with the headers being copied multiple times on this new summary worksheet; appearing when a new month is listed. Row 1 of the summary sheet should be the header row and the following rows the data found on each monthly worksheet.