Create List That Has Duplicate Entries
Oct 18, 2007
I am trying to create a drop down list from a named range that has duplicate names listed. I cannot delete any of the duplicate rows. Is there an easy way to create the list with each name represented only once?
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May 23, 2007
I have a spreadsheet that needs to have a validation drop down list in three cells in every row (D, E, F). There are three items in the list, say, "One", "Two" and "Three".
My only problem is that there can only be one entry of "One" in each row.
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Apr 4, 2008
I need a formula (I'm not sure if its possible without using VB which I have found on another thread) that I can 'drag' down to the cell Bx (where x is variable) to extract unique entries in a list of values and then display them in a shorter, more concise list - like the 'Pick From List' function does but actually display these values in seperately in a column of cells.
Hope this is making sense.
So (hopefully) to elaborate:
A1:Ax = The list of values containing duplicates
B1:Bx = The list of only unique values from column A
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Jun 12, 2006
I'm trying to remove duplicate entries from a list of names & addresses.
What I'm after is some VBA code which will examine row by row the 'post code' field and the 'Full name' field and highlight/delete duplicate entries.
Its best illustrated by an example
Full Name Address Postcode
Mr C. Verougstraete 6 somone st, Leicester HY8 9YK
Mrs R. Brazier 8 high st HY9 9LK
Mr C. Verougstraete 6 somone st, HY8 9YK
The last record is obviously a duplicate of row 2 therefore will be removed.
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Mar 17, 2008
I am using excel 2003 to count my inventory in the following manor:
I have a "database sheet" that is comprised of possible inventory SKU numbers.
I have a "scanned sheet" that lists all the SKU's that I have scanned in the warehouse
I have a "count sheet" that counts the number of times each SKU in the database appears in the "scanned sheet"
Am I going about this in the most efficient manor?
Question 2: Frequently, new Items appear in the warehouse that are not yet in my database. Is it possible to create a list of SKU numbers that do not have a match in the database? As it stands, any SKU numbers that are scanned but not already listed in my database - simply do not get counted.
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Jul 27, 2013
[URL] ......
In that file, you can see there is a list of somewhat similar data across 5 columns. Some of the entries are duplicates, some are different by only one character. What I want to be able to do is generate a list of all the unique rows of data, taking into account the data from ALL 5 columns. The list can be on another sheet or simply just further down on the same sheet, that doesn't matter too much.
I could do it if it were just one column of data, but struggling trying to do it with several columns.
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Sep 26, 2013
I'd like to create a drop down list in data validation from a column of data that contains numerous duplicates.
For example, let's say column A contained hundreds of transactions with either North, South, East and West, how could I create a drop down list in another cell that only had four selection options?
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Sep 24, 2009
I have been trying a number of different functions!
I have the following countif function that is searching a worksheet (Cases Closed) for the name John in Column O and excluding Solutions in column x. The problem I have is there are duplicates cases in Column C that are being counted two and three times.
Is there anyway to have the following function exclude duplicates records in Column C? Just count unique records in Column C?
=(COUNTIF('Cases Closed'!O:O,"John"))-(COUNTIFS('Cases Closed'!O:O, "John", 'Cases Closed'!X:X, "*Solution*"))
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Apr 23, 2013
Basically I've made this up myself because what ill be working with has 100s if not 1000s of rows with many different product numbers that's quantities are different. What I've been able to do up to now is sort the spreadsheet by the product number so all the same rows are next to each other. My problem is however I need a speedy way of making these duplicate rows become one but add the total quantity basically everything in the left screenshot into the one on the right. What I've tried up to now is sorting them so there together and manually adding them up and putting them into one of the rows quantity, then delete the rest. takes to long. Another was to make a row underneath the rows I need into one but that takes more time than manually adding and deleting the rest.
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Jun 13, 2008
I'm working on a employee evaluation form. I'm using a Pass/Fail system.
I have a cell designated for PASS & one for FAIL. In these cells, I would put
"YES" if they passed, "YES" if they failed that section.
How can I prevent someone from mistakingly entering Yes in both cells?
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Jul 14, 2008
I am trying to find a macro that will clear duplicate entries in a column of data, and then move to the next column and repeat the process until it gets to a blank column.
There are blank cells between entries in a column. I need to keep the data unsorted as the cells are linked to others in the row, therefore I dont want to delete the cells, just clear the contents.
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Nov 24, 2009
I would like to check column B and if any of these values match values in column J hightlight the cell on the same row as the match on column E green. I don't know much about excel but this would be a tremendous help because i'm looking through quite a bit of data. I've tried using conditional formatting and i can't seem to get that to work for my needs. Let me know if you need anymore information.
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Feb 8, 2010
I have a table of data like this:
A , 1 , 1
B , 2 , 1
C , 3 , 4
D , 1 , 3
E , 3 , 3
I need to eliminate duplicate entries WITHIN a row. So, I need the table to become:
A , 1
B , 2 , 1
C , 3 , 4
D , 1 , 3
E , 3
Is there an easy way to do this for a large sample? Also, there are actually more like 8 columns of this data, if thats important.
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Dec 11, 2012
I've generated a sheet where, based on the total run hours of a generator set using a given fuel type, we can determine which engine to run on what fuel when. The problem I've run into is that if more than one engine has the same runtime, the chart returns just the lowest numbered engine and eliminates the remaining engine(s). What I'm trying to do is make it so that when this occurs, the suggested engines show up in numerical order. For example instead of 1, 1, and 1 showing up on the chart, something like 1, 2, and 5 will show when they all have 0 run hours. I've attached my chart below with some engines having the same runtimes. RunOrder.xlsx
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May 8, 2009
New here, I wanna do a "Prevent Duplicate Entries" into my column i try the following:
They all work well but if I'm using copy and paste It doesn't work! why is tat so?
Second issue will be i'm wanna do prevent duplication for the whole column not just one cell.
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Feb 5, 2009
I have a spreadsheet that has account numbers listed multiple times. I need to eliminate all of the duplicate entries...Is there a formula for this...?
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May 25, 2009
however I don't know how to change that to suit my needs (or even if it is at all possible to change it to suit my needs)
I will try my best to explain how my spreadsheet is set up as unfortunately I am at work and I can not use the method to show you the spreadsheet.
My spreadsheet:
I already have Data Validation in use from a list that I created. I use the same validation list in Columns C, E, G, I, K-BA
I also use validation list in other cells, and it is OK if these are duplicated throughout the row.
The only cells that should not contain duplicate information are the ones from C, E, G, I, K-BA
Basically I want to stop someone accidentally chosing the same option from the list within the same ROW.
Just in case it makes any difference I should let you know that I have already had help from the forum regarding macros for this same spreadsheet, here is the macro that is currently running just in case it makes a difference if there is an answer to my current problem.
Option Compare Text 'A=a, B=b, ... Z=z
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim Cell As Range
Dim Rng1 As Range
On Error Resume Next
Set Rng1 = ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas, 1)
On Error GoTo 0
If Rng1 Is Nothing Then
Set Rng1 = Range(Target.Address).........................
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Aug 24, 2006
I want to use (VBA) data vaildation to restrict duplicate entries.
Worksheet Name = "Metal Type"
NoDupe Cell = B15 (allowing text and numbers)
Range to check = (Sheet)="Metal Type" (Range)=A21:A100
Error = Message box "Enter Unique Name in Cell B15"
Then Exit Sub
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Sep 14, 2006
there are unique entries like AU0896 etc. that are repeated in my list.
my job is to find how many unique entries there are and add the count at the end so, basically if there are 6 AU0896 entries, then I must create a AU08966 value.
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Jan 22, 2007
In my spreadsheet, on ( sheet A) I pick up a value to a range (O2:O22) from other worksheet (sheet B), the value is validated when a cell in the same range but other column (A2:A10) reach a specific criteria.
But in the same column if the criteria is typed again I gone a have the same value on range( O ), and I dont want that, because this value represents a total for a day, and is to be added to other cell.
I'm using this, to pick up the data
(A2:A10) Criteria
(O2:O10) value picked up
on SheetA, Sumif(sheetBA10:A40,A2,SheetBK10:K40)
How can I count only one of the values picked up from sheet B?
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Feb 14, 2007
Got a workbook with 4 worksheets and sometimes we need to cut and paste a row from one worksheet to another, now thats easy now as we are all human and sometimes it gets copied and we have duplicate logs.
Now each sheet has usually not got that many rows in it, but that spreadsheet is getting sent to the highest people in the company and any mistakes look poor.
What i'm looking for is a way that i can highligh any rows that a duplicated in each worksheet. I can do it in each worksheet using conditional formatting with something like = COUNTIF($A8:$A$20,A8)>1. but don't know how to check that is not on any other worksheet. On every worksheet only need to check Col A for the duplicate information
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Mar 7, 2007
Wihitn a large SS I have a column which has a number of entries that may include an amount of duplicate entries. Till now I have been using Sort and them manually deleting the duplicates is anyway that I can select just the Column and then without sorting go down and if a duplicate is found, then the duplicate would be deleted. Meant to say the dta is numeric.
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Mar 27, 2007
I have a spreadsheet which has data in column A & B. I trying to do an if statement to state "YES" if data in both A and B has been duplicated. EG 111 in (A) & 222 in (B) are a PAIR, im need an if statemnet in Column (C) to say if this PAIR are duplicated in these two columns return "YES". I have tried THREE different methods to do acheive this which are in the attached document. The main issue I am having is the iff statement is returning yes for some of the number when thye are completely different. I have used concatenate, & and tried to multiply the two values to try to make it unique. I have an example of each in the separate tabs.
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May 21, 2007
I am trying to determine wether there are duplicate entries within a range and have then counted also. Example:
I have a list if zip codes and I want to find out how many of each zip code are there. If I have a list with:
I want to have it tell me there are 3 of "12345" and 2 of "12346", possibly next to the entry?
12345 3
12346 2
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Apr 3, 2013
I'm trying to get data totals for multiple entries and haven't been able to figure out how to do this using a pivot table.
For example:
Ben 2
Bill 1
Jane 3
Bill 4
Dave 7
Jane 4
Would make it
Ben 2
Bill 5
Jane 7
this list is 3700 cells long.
Is there an easy macro or another way of doing this? I want to generate a list that gives all data totals but just lists each persons name once. I treid attaching the file but it wont let me! here is the link... [URL]
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Apr 24, 2014
highlighting the duplicate entries in the same date comparing C:C data.
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Aug 15, 2008
Let's say I have two mailing lists, A and B.
Now I want to create list C, a modified version of list B, which is made up of everybody in list B, EXCEPT for those people who are also present in list A (in this case, Jeff and Cindy).
So basically list C should look like this:
What would be the fastest and most efficient way to create list C?
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Jan 14, 2010
how i can set 'Data Validation' to stop me from entering duplicate values across multiple columns, i can set it for a single column i.e. A1 to A100 but i am after this but for something like A1 to H100.....?
I am currently using this formula in Data Validation:
I need something to do this but for multiple columns.
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Jun 23, 2014
I have a userform created to enter clients information which by submitting goes to sheet1 ..
Now the challenge is i want to make sure that no duplicate entries are entered thru userform.
And if duplicate company name is entered then all the client details of the other fields of the userform shall display the values of previous entry so that i can edit the latest changes to the sheet.
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Jun 28, 2014
I currently have a sheet of 20,000+ items and 2 columns. My first column is an part number and the second is a date. Each part number can be show multiple times but will have a different date each time. What I want to do is that the first occurrence of each part number (and corresponding date) and put it in sheet 1, the second occurrence of each part number and date into cell 2, third in cell 3 and so on... not all part numbers are showing multiple times, only certain ones.
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