Create New Column With Company Name Which Is Embedded In Email Name

Jun 12, 2014

I am working on a project. As part of project, emails were sent out to an experimental group for a cost survey. I have to combine data and do analysis now. I am given two excel spreadsheets (sample of both attached).

In sheet 1, column B contains email name. For instance, first email name (Row A2) is ‘96 '07 Bustello Third email name (Row A4) is 90-pt Panda Express '10

Based on this email name, I need to create a new column that contains only company name i.e Bustello against row A2, Panda Express against Row A4 and so on.

I thought of using ‘Text to Column’ function in the beginning. However, since there is no common character in all email names and no fixed width at which company names are embedded in email name I could not use it.

For now, I am doing it manually. I have 10,000 email names and it is becoming hard to do it manually.

Although I am given another sheet (sheet 2 of sample), which has two columns: Company number and Company Name, there is no common variable that I can use to do VLOOK UP therefore; I am not sure how to make use of that sheet.

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How To Get Company Name From Email Address

Mar 18, 2012

sort out the email address as per the company name using Vlookup or any other formulae other than using text to column on "Email Adress" and then doing a Vlookup from the reference table.

Reference table:


Result Required

Email AddressCompanyxyz@gmail.comGmailabc@hotmail.comHotmailAlpha@facebook.comFacebook

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Attaching Already Embedded PDF To Email?

Jan 14, 2014

My "Drawing" is embedded on Sheet1, later on in Sheet12 I click a button that'll send an automatic email to a user. I want to attach the embedded PDF onto this email if it is at all possible??

Dim Drawing As Object
After I've declared my variables I've tried setting the variable "Drawing" to the object, this is where I'm encountering my errors mainly "Type Mismatch" or Object Variable not set...

Sheets("Menu").Visible = True
Drawing = Sheet1.Shapes.range(Array("Drawing"))
Selection.Verb Verb:=xlPrimary
Sheets("Menu").Visible = False
At the bottom of the code, this is where i pull in the object

.To = Sheet12.range("L8")
.CC = ""
.BCC = ""
.Subject = "Arrange P&D Request"
.htmlbody = strbody & vbNewLine & Signature
.Attachments.Add ("Drawing")

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Extract Company Name From Email Address

Jan 30, 2009

I needed a useful formula in order to extract the company name from the email address I have listed in my excel worksheet, thanks for any assistance, so just want the xyz corp and abc international

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How To Extract Email Addresses That Are Embedded

Aug 5, 2013

I received an Excel spreadsheet that has contact info (name, address, phone, email, etc) but the email isn't visable unless I hover over their first name (a link) and I can see it in there. If I click the first name link, it opens a new Outlook email message. (Cool, but not what I need...)

When I copied the whole spreadsheet and pasted it as a tab into an existing Excel document of my own, the email addresses are no longer there, it now shows the path to where my original document is stored. Where did the email part go? how do I extract the emails out? Ideally I'd like to put them in a new column next to their name...sorted in my original document or in the tab...either one.

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Removing Prefix On Email Address To Leave Company Name In Field

Dec 7, 2009

I have a question regarding deletion and replacement in a new field. ie. A1 reads I want A2 to read microsoft. What is the code to delete "dave.jones@" and ".com" to be revealed in a new field.

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Create A Second Table Of Data Counting How Many Entries There Are For Each Month In Each Company

Mar 24, 2009

I have a large table of data covering 3 different companies and need to create a second table of data counting how many entries there are for each month in each company. This second table is to be used to create bar graphs and I am not using pivot tables as I cannot work out how to get the pivot table to insert months where nothing has happened. The attachment should make it clear

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If And And: If Company A (A1) And Company B (B1) Both Have Indices Greater Than 125

Jun 1, 2006

I have a nested if formula that isn't working and I know there is a real simple fix.
Here is the situation: If Company A (A1) and Company B (B1) both have indices greater than 125, I want that to show that in my recommendation. For example: I used if(A1>125&B1>125,"Company A and Company B",if(A1>125,"Company A", if(B1>125,"Company B","None"))). For whatever reason, the first nested if statement isn't working correctly. what I am doing wrong with this if/and statement?

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Link Address Column To Company Name Column

Jul 4, 2013

How to get Excel to automatically link address to company names?

Background information

I have started making a database in Excel and added company names and adresses in two seperate columns. Later I checked for duplicates by pasting in the company names from a database I have made before. Now, about 50% of the company names remained and so I want to remove the duplicate company names and adresses from the first file without sifting through them manually.


File prior to duplicate check/removal (tab called 'Database' in attached Excel file):

Company name 1 Address 1
Company name 2 Address 2
Company name 3 Address 3
Company name 4 Address 4
Company name 5 Address 5
Company name 6 Address 6

*used another database (without adresses) to check for duplicate company names*

File after duplicate check/removal (tab called 'Database (2) in attached Excel file):

Company name 1 Adress 1
Company name 3 Adress 2
Company name 4 Adress 3Adress 4
Adress 5
Adress 6

The idea is to make Excel automatically fill in the adresses from the companies that remain after the duplicates check from the tab called 'Database' on the tab called 'Database (2).

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Automatically Copy The Name Of The Company In Column

Feb 17, 2010

I have a workbook with 2 sheets; Forecast and Resources.

On the "Forecast" tabb there are 2 columns; Column A: "Company Name" and Column B: "Forecast"

The "Resources" sheet is for breaking the forecasted amount from the Forecast sheet down to the various resources who will be generating the forecated revenue. Column A lists the Company name and each column after that lists the resource.

Unfortunately, entering the data requires bouncing between the 2 sheets.


This request has 2 parts.

Part 1)
Any time a value is forecasted for a company listed on the Forecast tab, I would like the system to automatically copy the name of the company (column a) to column A of the Resource tab. (initially the row 2 as row 1 is a header, and then subsequent entries to the next available row)

Part 2)

Any time a value is forecasted, a window which lists a predefined set of resources will appear allowing the user to assign an amount to each of the resources therein AND then, when the window is closed, that data will be used to populate the corresponding row/coumn on the Resources Tab.

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Sumproduct (count The Number Of Unique, Or Distinct, Company Names In Column)

Jan 28, 2010

I want to count the number of unique, or distinct, company names in column [C7], subject to two conditions that will exclude certain unique company names from the count.

I should also point out that most company names appear multiple times in column [C7].

a) Count the unique company names in column [C7]...

b) ...including only those companies who have at least one "Yes" in column [C8] somewhere among their records

c) ...and who also have at least one value equal or greater than "1" in column [C15] somewhere among their records

Note that that there is no requirement that the "Yes" and the "1" ever appear in the same record.

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Create Email, Font Manipulation.

Sep 17, 2009

Im Creating a email based on useform control values. Here is a part extract of how im creating it.

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How To Create A Button That Send Email

Aug 30, 2012

Anyway if its possible...i need to create a button in my worksheet, such that when one clicks it, it'll compose an email thru Outlook; outputting a specific range as the body of the email.

How do i do this?

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Create Email In Lotus Notes

Jun 2, 2014

I have an excel file that will be downloaded by multiple users and saved locally. I was wondering if there was a way to build code into the file so that everytime it is saved an email would be created in lotus notes from the user to me with a copy of the file attached. Is this possible?

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How To Create Outlook Email And Attach

Jun 10, 2014

I'm generating a letter (Word doc) and populating bookmarks with data on a worksheet using the following code which is assigned to a Button and it works a dream (in terms of opening the Doc and populating the bookmarks with whatever data is in the relevant cells on the worksheet):

Sub test()
Dim objWord As Object
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
objWord.Visible = True
objWord.Documents.Open "location of the letter.doc"


However, what I now need to do is Create an Outlook Item (email) with a Standard Subject and send to an email address that will be on the same worksheet (in cell M2 for instance) and with a standard Body.

I dont really need to open the Word doc, like it does at present, but I do need the Bookmarks contained within it to be populated with the source data contained within the Worksheet and subsequently have it attached to the email fully populated - maybe I need to 'close' / 'save as & close' the Doc post generation?

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Formula To Create Email Address

Mar 21, 2007

a formula to create an email address. The person's name is in cell A1. The email addresses are all the last name + first initial followed by @ and the domain name. For instance, if name is John Doe, the email address would be

The problem is, some of the names in the list contain middle initials, so I can't figure out a reliable way to discern the last name.

I know I can create a custom function in VBA using InStrRev to separate the last name, but if there is a way to do it using the functions already available in Excel, I'd rather do that.

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Macro That Will Create & Send Standard Email

Feb 13, 2009

I would like a macro that recognises the cell colour in column F if it is yellow i would like a standard email to be created & sent to the corresponding customer email address in column D. is this even possible??

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How To Create Trigger Event That Opens Email When Row Is Altered

Nov 25, 2011

I am trying to create a trigger event that opens an email when a particular row is altered. This all worked fine, until I tried to take it a step further and insert information from the spreadhseet into the email aswell.

I receive Argument not optional.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Column = 10 Then
Call GenerateEmail(Target.Address)
End If
End Sub


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Create Email Message With Content Prefilled From Excel?

Feb 1, 2013

Is it possible to have a cell when selected create an auto-generated email message to a recipient in column A with information taken from other columns inserted into the email. I understand it may be a bit vague at this moment, but I'm just wondering if this would be an alley to investigate further or not.

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Create Email Draft With Cell Hyperlinks Intact

Dec 23, 2013

Creating email drafts with the use of VBA in excel.

I've used some of his code to create an email draft to send a particular range within my excel spreadsheet. The trouble I'm having with it is keeping the hyperlinks within each cell in the range which will take the user to a particular website. How do I keep this formatting when the range is copied into the body of the email.

Example Cell A10 = HYPERLINK("URL","Google")

The hyperlinks are lost. How to keep these? Here is the code

Sub Mail_Selection_Range_Outlook_Body()
Dim rng As Range
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object

Set rng = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set rng = Range("EmailRange")

[Code] ........

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Code That Reading Company Name From Company Code.

Feb 7, 2008

I have a list of companies, each company has it is own name and particular code.

I specify Cell D12 For Company Code and Cell E12 for Company name.

How to write code that write company name automaticlly in cell E12 when I write the company code in cell D12?

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Macro To Create Unique ID From Email Address And Assign To Repeated Entries

Feb 10, 2014

I am creating a rollup file from hundreds of excel files each has the same structure

Each file will have a dozens to hundreds of names and some files will share entries i.e Juan Alvarez might be in 10 different files

I need to create a unique numerical identifier starting at 0 for everyone based off there unique email address for each individual in the rollup file

So Juan Alvarez would need to be given the same numerical ID every time he showed up in the rollup

[Code] .....

Rollup. After filtering on "Name".

[Code] .....

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Contains Function: Function That States If A Cell In The Email Column Contains A String Or Value From The Names Column

Oct 13, 2009

On sheet 1 I have a list of 1000 firstnames
On sheet 2 I have a list of 1000 emails,

I need a function that states If a cell in the email column contains a string or value from the names column, it will result in a true statement so that I can separate out the emails that have these peoples first names.

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Extract Email Address From Column

May 15, 2007

I have the following information under column A, I would like to just have the email address
for each under column B. So column B should consist only of email addresses from A.
Test enterprises
Test 2 enterprises
Test 3 enterprises

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How To Extract Company Name From Row

Sep 19, 2013

I have a spreadsheet with thousand company names that I would like to extract and hope there is way to not do it manually. The data is organized in each row like this:

5;"Novo Nordisk";"Medicinal og biotek";"66346000";"17097000";"31499"

I would like to only keep the company name, in this case Novo Nordisk and delete the rest of the information. How do I do that ?

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Trucking Company Pay

Jan 16, 2007

Here is the Scenario, A friend of mine who works for a Trucking company asked me this Question; This is How their company calculates His Pay for the Trips that he Makes.
@ first 100 Meter + Loading A Value of 1 Which will be Multiplied by the weight of the Load “L” and then a Flat Fee of “X’, And Off course The weight is not of any Issue for us for time being.

@ first 100 Meter + Loading A Value of 1 * X
@ Next 500 Meter a value of Max. 500-100=400 => 400/100= 4, then A Value of 4 * Y, Then if Total Traveling is 350 Meter, There we will have 1*X*L + 2.5*Y*L
And again L is not important and for time Being Could left Out.
@ Next 10 Kilometer A value of [Number of Kilometer - .5]*Z Then Max would be 9.5 * Z
@ Traveling of Over 10 and Less Than 30 Kilometer would be [Number of Kilometer – 10] * W Then a Traveling of 27 would be 17 * W
@ Over 30 Kilometer a Value of [Number of Kilometer – 30] * V
And Finally all these would be added up accordingly.

So far so good, and There is no Problem and Easily I can Use Excel To Calculate Every thing for me Just by Entering the Total travel amount and the Weigh of the Load, Using If, And Vlookup.
But Here it gets Complicated, They have these Following additional Conditions;

1: If the Traveling Road is a High way or Major Paved Roads Then all the above Values would be multiply by .77
2: If the Road is a Semi Paved Road then all the Above Values would be multiplies by .9
3; If the Road is a Dirt Road then all above would be Multiply by 1

For Example if the Traveling is 17 Kilometer and 2 kilometer is Dirt at the Beginning, and 2 Kilometer is the semi Paved at the end and the Rest are Fine Paved Road.

1*X*1+ 4*Y*1 + 1.5*Z*1 + 8*Z*(.77) + 5*W*(.77) + 2*W(.9)

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Delete Email Domains In Excel Column?

Oct 21, 2013

For instance, aol,, and email domains. I want those values in the Excel column automatically erased and am wondering how do you do this?

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Extract Email Addresses From Two Column List

Nov 18, 2012

I am trying to extract email addresses from a two column list. looks like the information may have been copied and pasted from a business card application of some sort. so first column contains name and a few other bits and pieces, the second column contains email address, phone numbers, status etc. unfortunately some records seem to be six lines, some seven.

I thought I might try using a pivot to create a list of the account names and then do a lookup/offset combination formula but i cannot seem to work into it the means to locate the "@" in the email address (to identify which line contains the email address). my end result will be two columns: name and email address. or maybe, since the name is already on the first line of each record, i could use some sort of formula to pull the email address up the first line of column c??


Abbey*Dayrell, Ms
12 Battunga Street, Wishart QLD 4122

p(H):*(07) 3349 3236*

[Code] ......

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Share Excel In The Company?

Aug 14, 2014

My company has a lot of file excel. I usually use Google driver, LAN and a lot of the other ways to share file to all member in the company. But so, it is time consuming very much and not protect information in my execl file.

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Map Two Lists Of Company Names

Oct 29, 2012

I need to map two lists of company names. 1st list is master list having around 1lakh company names. 2nd list have around 500 records which i need to manually match bcoz index and match functions just dont work.

What i currently do is copy a part of company name from list2, go to list1 and apply a contain filter and if any matches are found, take the closest match to list2.

This is a tedious task for 500 companies as it involves to many mouse clicks. We just need to paste a part of company name in search box and a contain filter is applied to list 1.

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