Creating A Secure Locked Workbook
Oct 11, 2005
I want to create a completely uneditable locked workbook.
I know how to do the simple stuff like unlocking cells for the purpose of entering data values and locking the rest of the sheet.
What I want to do is also lock out users from changing headers, footers, etc.
Ultimately, what I'd like is, when the file is launched by the user, all that is displayed is the sheet with no toolbars and no menu bar. Finally, the last thing, is to have 'print' button (with obvious macro built in).
Simply put, this is an electronic version of a paper worksheet, so no saving is required either.
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Feb 2, 2008
I have one spreadsheet that is locked and I cannot modify, with a button I want to press from a fresh new one that I have created.
The first one is private and cannot modify it.
Now, what code should I use in mine so I can "click" the button of the other one when I press it?
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Dec 16, 2009
I have had a workbook that has 2 sheets.
When I protect the main sheet with a password, the unlocked cells are also locked.
When I move my cursor over any cells, it has the pointed finger as though it has a macro over it, which it doesn't.
When I click on any cell, the screen flashes and a large part of the screen momentarily it looks like a selected area.
I also am using Freeze Panes. Removed the Freeze and still no good.
If I use the horizontal scroll bar and click the right arrow 3 times, they become unlocked.
If I move the screen 3 clicks to the left, it re-locks all of the unlocked cells.
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Jun 19, 2014
I have a workbook with a tab for each day of the month. This workbook is placed in a shared file and used by various yards in different locations. A new yard beginning the process is refusing to use it because due to formulas we must lock the workbook (contains many formulas and a live clock macro to track trip time) and they cannot sort A-Z. The sheets are labeled 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and so on to 31. I know that you can write a Macro to allow sorting, but I cannot get it to work. the users CANNOT know the password due to hidden revenue etc. and formulas.
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Jul 31, 2009
I'm wondring how secure a dde link is? Can the source from where the data is coming from see what is within the spreadsheet that the ddel link is within?
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Oct 30, 2006
I've created a VBA-Form to import csv files into a spreadsheet.
Problem is IT have moved them to a secure server, and i've been given FTP Access to this server: \
I have a module which can locate a folder and count how many csv files are in that directory. Problem is if i put in the ftp address it doesnt connect because i need to login via the RUN window, by putting the FTp address then entering my userID and password.
Is there anyway i can bring up this dialog box without using the RUN window. i've attached a spreadsheet with a screen dump of the dialog box
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Nov 7, 2012
I need to find a way to split a sheet with a variable number of users (in column a) into either multiple tabs in the same workbook (preference) or into separate workbooks that are secured by a password for each user that is determined by another column on the original sheet (column b). There are going to be 25 columns and I'd like it to split with the column headers. As far as parsing the data into tabs, I've got several different methods for this I can already use. It's the secured part that I can't seem to get automated. I can, after the fact, manually insert code into each tab that will secure it or loop back to a tab that is viewable when the wrong password is entered. But what I'd like, is some vba code that will do this for me.
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Dec 5, 2012
I need to protect the VBA Password protected module from being hacked. Now a days there are VBA password recovery tools which are easily available on the net & can be downloaded to break the protected module. I have one as well.
I can use this tool to see break my password of a protected module. How to secure my VBA modules in a project.
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May 30, 2014
Trying to create a new workbook from another open workbook, then copying all the sheets that aren't called "Summary" to that new open workbook and then saving it. I get a subscript error on this line:
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Jul 18, 2005
Trying to find a set of code that I can use to open a website that's predetermined, and enter in the users name and password automatically. And if possible, open a new email via the website, addressed to a person, and ready to browse for the file to attach.
The code I have is below.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
storenumber = [$c$3]
If [$iv$2] = True Then
If [$iv$3] 0 Then
MsgBox ("Can't send with No Adjustments Checked & Items to Adjust, Please clear one")
End If
End If..................
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May 20, 2014
I would like to run a macro from a worksheet that creates a new workbook for each worksheet (there will be 20 plus) and saves it in a new folder i.e. all the same directory L/Utilisation/Team/name of the worksheet.
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Mar 5, 2009
Is it possible to create new workbook which contains sheet1 datas only from master workbook by clicking command button,and the name of workbook will be asking by inputbox and create accordingly?
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Jan 29, 2008
I have a workbook with four worksheets named
The two sheets named FilteredDataFormat and arrayFormat exist strictly to preserve headers , and column widths.
So that for convenience sake I can clear my data without specifying a range that excludes the headers.
I simple clear the contents of the 'FilteredData' and 'array' then copy and paste 'arrayFormat' and 'FilteredDataFormat'.
Sort of an unconventional and lazy approach but I see no reason why this will not work.
Here is my original code and what happens is that excel creates another workbook for some reason unknown to me
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Oct 26, 2011
Ok, I'm trying to learn how to create and save a new workbook using VBA...having some issues with this error:
Run-time error '1004':
Method 'SaveAs' of object '_Workbook' failed.
The line is highlighted in red.
Sub Copy_ActiveSheet_1()
Dim FileExtStr As String
Dim FileFormatNum As Long
Dim Sourcewb As Workbook
Dim Destwb As Workbook
Dim TempFilePath As String
[Code] .........
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Jul 30, 2014
VB code, recorded by macro, it is working, but I need create different workbooks with different names , this one create just one specific name here is the first problem , second would be for saving in desktop folder "Ataskaitos" here another because it just for my computer , on other computer directory would not be found and third , then I deleting existing sheet in workbook from there I run the macro and copy sheet to new workbook it asking if I sure want to delete that sheet, so I don't need asking that I just need to delete it
Sheets("Ruooinys" & i).Select
[Code] .....
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Nov 13, 2009
I have a workbook with several sheets- lets call it MyWorkbook (The VBA Project should be locked so no one can view code). What I need is to run a code from MyWorkbook to make a copy of this – call it NewWorkbook. Now in NewWorkbook I need to hide sheets Kong,Bong and Dong……then save it as ‘Workbook name’& Date & time. Then email NewWorkbook. (I don’t want to keep any copy of NewWorkbook)
After that I need to Save MyWorkbook (so basically MyWorkbook keeps getting updated with new info everyday, and there are no hidden sheets)
VBA Codes should be password protected in both workbooks. I tried to write the email code , this is what I have so far.
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Jun 22, 2012
Project is shared, cannot use vba.
I have in A2 - A12, The names of different sheets in the workbook. I would like to create a link so when a user clicks on the cell, it will take them to the specified sheet.
Lets say cell A2 contains the text '1208', when pressed I would like it to open up the sheet 'A1208'
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Jan 31, 2013
I am working on creating a summary page for my workbook. I want the code to create a destination sheet called Summary, then look at each sheet in the workbook, check for a value >0 in cell N7, if it is >0, the copy the tab name and the value in N7 and paste it into the destination sheet starting in cell A1(text of source tab name) and B1(dollar amount). Then move to the next sheet in the workbook and copy paste if N7 is >0 sheet name and value. It needs to skip the sheet XMOE. The Summary sheet would then create a dollar amount subtotal of the values copied from the sheets and populate it into Cell D1. Cell C1 would state "Workbook Subtotal"
I would like the code to delete any sheet where N7 = 0.
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Nov 8, 2007
Is there a way to auto name sheets within a workbook by creating a list. or by a different way.
Each list will have a person name.
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Feb 28, 2008
i want to create a menu in the worksheet named "Main Menu" that lists all the other worksheets within the workbook with the option to select the required worksheet and view or print it.
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May 25, 2012
I am building a macro and am just not figuring out how to do this. I am trying to create a new workbook, then give it a name. Simple right? Well, I have the format for the file name to be "mm-dd-yy Transmittal #.xlsx" but I can't figure out how to make the # part of that equation start as 1 but if the file already exists change it to 2, if that exists, change it to 3, and so on. Here's what I have so far:
Sub Transmittal()
Dim NewBook As Workbook
Dim MyPath As String
I don't think I'm allowed to do "x + 1" so that is probably where my problem is coming from.
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Jan 6, 2013
I want to create a custom tool bar for a work book but when I right click in the unused part of the tool bar area the only options I get are customize Quick access tool bar and customize the ribbon.
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May 3, 2014
I have a My.xlsx file that has data for single month and I want to make a single file in which I can have contents for whole year by copying this file 11 more times in the same excel work book. Finally I would have 12 sheet in a single workbook.
E.g. Jan-14, Feb-14, .... ,Dec-14
I don't need any calender data just 11 more copies of my original sheet in a single work book.
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Jul 31, 2012
I have an excel file as attached. I have two departments Digital and Industrial. Under this I have done a drop down option for different quarter for different projects.
When I open my excel file I just want to see the Quarter column under Digital but when I double click on Digital all other columns appear.
Second this is it possible to create a master filter or sorting for Quarter above the table so that if I select Q1 in it it will displays all the project and corresponding values in both Digital and Industrial.
Attachment 47491A.xlsx
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May 15, 2014
I have an excel workbook with about 40 worksheets. I have a formula in A1 of each sheet that returns a 1 or a 0 depending on whether or not the name of the worksheet is in a list.
What I am trying to do is create a macro that will print all worksheets that have a 1 in A1.
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Sep 22, 2011
Macro for creating new excel work book based on Partner names.
I have a master file which contains 3 worksheets -
1 - Code Summary
2 - Labor
3 - Expense
On column "T" of code summary tab I have a list of Sales Partners. So I want a macro which will create a new workbook for every single Sales partner on Column "T" of code summary tab along with corresponding data from column A:T on code summary tab.
The macro should also take data from the other 2 tabs Labor and Expense for the respective Sales Partners. On Labor tab the partner info is on column "Y" and on Expense tab the partner info is on column "M". So the new file should be renamed after the Sales Partner and have 3 worksheets just like the master file.
Basically I have a master file which has data for all Sales Partners. I need individual files for each sales partner for sending to respective partners.
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Mar 26, 2013
have seen macros that create a seperate sheet & save by tab number etc, & wonder if its possible to save each sheet in a workbook as the value defined in each sheets cell A2. is there a vb macro available to do that ? if so where ?
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Jun 12, 2008
I'm trying take a reference from some workbooks (e.g. WB1.xls,WB2.xls,WB3.xls,...etc)
They are all placed in one folder but there filename is subject to change,
I need to get the result of Cells A1 from WB1.xls+A1 from WB2.xls + A1 from WB3...etc
to shown on AA1 in another workbook(e.g. Collected.XLS)
Is this possible knowing that workbooks filenames are changeable?
Moreover Can the value of A1 from any new workbook added to the same folder be added automatically?...
Can the formula typed in AA1 from Collected.xls be draged down?(So as to show the sum of Cells B1 and C1.....etc) from each workbook?
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Sep 30, 2009
Creating a macro to compare 2 sheets in a workbook and print the differences to a 3rd sheet.
Each sheet will have the same number of fields, 5 columns with the header in the first row.
All values in the cells are integer except for the last field which will be a character.
The key is the value in the 2nd column. If it's not in the other sheet, then it's a new record. If it's a new record then highlight it a color depending on what sheet contains the new record. Now if the key is the same in both sheets, then check the other columns to see what's different. If there is a difference, print the record for both sheets in the third sheet and highlight the differences. I attached a sample of what I want.
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Mar 16, 2004
Is there any way of creating a log that logs the last user that saved the workbook including the date and time. I would like the log to be a sheet hidden in the workbook. Not many people will be saving the workbook.
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