Auto Name Sheets Within A Workbook By Creating A List

Nov 8, 2007

Is there a way to auto name sheets within a workbook by creating a list. or by a different way.

Each list will have a person name.

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Creating New Workbook / Copying Sheets And Saving Workbook - Subscript Error

May 30, 2014

Trying to create a new workbook from another open workbook, then copying all the sheets that aren't called "Summary" to that new open workbook and then saving it. I get a subscript error on this line:


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Creating A List From Several Sheets Of Information

Feb 19, 2007

I have a wb containing several sheets that the field supervisors use to fill out for ordering material. Each sheet contains different types of material. The problem is that, if they only need one particular item from each type (sheet), they have to print 7 or 8 sheets just for those 7 or 8 items. I want to create a sheet that will list everything they are ordering in one compact, neat area, so they only have to print one sheet.

The set up of the sheets goes like this. There's a column containing the name of all the items. Next to each item is a place they can specify how many of that item they want. They leave it blank if they don't want any. That's it. Really quite simple.

So now, I need this new sheet to find all the cells that a quantity was entered on the other sheets, and list that and the description of the item wanted, along with what type of material it is. I have figured out one way of doing it, but it would take a crap load of hidden IF formulas, and I know there has to be a simpler way. I'm open to all suggestions - whether it's vb codes or formulas, it doesn't matter to me.

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Creating A Macro To Compare 2 Sheets In A Workbook And Print The Differences To A 3rd Sheet

Sep 30, 2009

Creating a macro to compare 2 sheets in a workbook and print the differences to a 3rd sheet.

Each sheet will have the same number of fields, 5 columns with the header in the first row.

All values in the cells are integer except for the last field which will be a character.

The key is the value in the 2nd column. If it's not in the other sheet, then it's a new record. If it's a new record then highlight it a color depending on what sheet contains the new record. Now if the key is the same in both sheets, then check the other columns to see what's different. If there is a difference, print the record for both sheets in the third sheet and highlight the differences. I attached a sample of what I want.

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Auto-populate Sheets Within One Workbook Based On Condition

Dec 20, 2012

I have a single registration sheet that lists names, contact information, and the class someone is in on a single sheet.

(Name, Number, Email, Class 1, Class 2)

I am hoping to automatically populate other sheets in my work book based on classes... essentially making automatically populated rosters. For example, everyone who has Math listed in either Class 1 or Class 2 would have their entire row (with contact information, etc) copied to the "Math" sheet.

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Creating Unique List Of Values From Column Of Data Across Multiple Sheets No Blanks

Jul 8, 2014

I have 6 worksheets in my file. In sheets 1-5, column A2:A26 list people's names. Some people's names appears on more than one sheet. Not all cells are populated with a value.



My attempt was... =INDEX('Week1:Week5-!$A$2:$A$26,MATCH(0,COUNTIF($A$1:A1,"Week1:Week5"!$A$2:$A$26),0))

where the sheets were Week1-Week5 and the values on each sheet was A2:A26. But I think there's an issue with Excel being able to 3D reference for these types of functions.

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Auto-populate Data To A Master Worksheet From Other Sheets In A Shared Workbook

May 11, 2009

I have never really used VBA and so am completely stuck at this problem. I need to create a macro which auto-populates a master worksheet from the individual user sheets in a shared workbook. Sheet 1 is the master sheet "Team Stats". There will be an undetermined number of individual worksheets to accomodate new staff. Each worksheet will be identical, using columns A-I with row 1 having the headings:

Date, Name, Reference, Value, Price, Age, Purchased?, Destination, Add. Products (the last 3 columns will have a drop-down list which will be used to enter data into the cell). There will be a varying number of rows in each of the individual sheets. If possible I would like the macro to run every time data is entered into one of the individual worksheets. If this is not then it would be fien to update every time the workbook is opened.

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Auto Populating A List Of Times From One Workbook To Another

May 9, 2013

I have two coworkers who input a list of times spent throughout the week into a basic 5x5 grid (daysof the week x 5 employees) into their own seperate workbooks. I then take those workbooks and copy and paste them on to my own master work book. Is there any way to get their data to auto populate on to my spreadsheet?

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List All Sheets In Workbook

Nov 20, 2006

I wanted to write a function that can search for the whole Workbook and give me the list of sheets that has the requirement/ name specified the first sheet. I have many sheets to search for and i cannot slist down each and every sheet using a Vlookup or countif function.

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List Names Of Sheets In Workbook Into Array

Oct 19, 2006

Need a way to generate a list (i.e. array) of tabs available in the current spreadsheet?

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Excel Macro To Create New Workbook Based On Category In List With Respective Sheets

Apr 27, 2014

I need new workbooks based on category name in the below list. Respective sheets should be copied from the existing workbook with items as sheet names. List can be updatable.

Vegetables carrot
vegetables brinjal
meat chicken
meat Fish
meat Mutton
grains Wheat
grains Rice

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Creating A Dropdown List Using Matching Data From 2 Columns To Populate The List

Jun 11, 2013

I'm creating a spreadsheet to keep track of my costs of production in an online game. Within the game there are a range of spawned resources that appear for only a short time before being unobtainable these resources have specific types that is shared between multiple spawns of the resource but each resource spawn has a unique name.

My first worksheet lists all the resources and their various qualities and the later worksheets are meant to allow me to choose from a list resources matching the requirements of the item I'm looking to craft. The example i have shown in the second picture requires Tatooinian Fiberplast and Lokian Wild Wheat to craft so in the Chosen Resource column I would like to have a drop down list allowing me to select the named resource type i would like to use - for Tatooinian Fiberplast the only thing on the list should be Omnitwixi and for the Wild Wheat it should show Fizi and Krad



I am aware there are people with more pressing problems than computer games and as such

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Creating Compact Text List After Comparing List Against Two Variables

May 8, 2014

I would like to be able to compare the "standards" in Column A with the Assessment status in Column B and the Assessment period in Column C in order to generate a compact list in another workbook (ideally) or tab (if not). A list might typically contain all the standards that have been M (mastered) during a given Assessment period. I realize that filters would achieve this to a large extent but I was hoping to automatically populate another worksheet or tab.

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Creating Patterns For Auto Fill To Follow?

Aug 20, 2014

I'm trying to create an auto fill pattern to match B4-M4 then repeat with B5-M5 and continue to 350.

So for example, I'd like to manually enter "B4,C4,D4,E4,F4,G4,H4,I4,J4,K4,L4,M4,B5,C5,D5,E5,F5,G5,H5,I5,J5,K5,L5,M5" into column A and drag the auto fill box down until I've repeated the pattern to match all the way to M350.

Is this possible? I tried just entering the pattern as I've posted and dragging the auto fill down, but it doesn't fill the numbers properly and ends up with a strange pattern.

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Creating Macro To Auto Inset User Name

Jun 17, 2009

I have tried to create a macro using the record function to copy and paste the user name from Tools/Options/General. The problem is that the macro does not record the copy function and reads like this

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Creating A Graph By Auto Selecting A Set Of Data

Nov 12, 2006

i have a set of data range from B1 to K10 (10 cells all together).
and i created a graph by selecting from B1 - K10.
what i want is, if i key in range from 1-10 in A1, the graph will change based on the number i keyed in (from 1-10).

if i keyed in 5 in A1, the graph will auto select B1 to F1 and show data from B1 toF1

then if i select 6 in A1, the graph will auto select B1 to G1 and show data from B1 to G1

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Creating Drop-down Menu: Using Auto Complete

Dec 6, 2006

I have created a list in a Microsoft Excel Workbook (names and corresponding numbers) and named the list.

Then, I created a drop-down menu through Data/Validate/List that included the names.

I can look the names up in the drop-down box, but I would like to be able to type a few letters and Excel auto complete the rest of the name. For instance I would type Ja...and James Doe would come up with the mes Doe in black (highlighted).

Is there a way to do this in Excel?

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Creating Spot Check List From Inventory List

Mar 17, 2014

I am looking for a Macro that would randomly select 20 items from my inventory list for performing spot checks. Column F of Active Coil Log tab is where the data would need to pull from, however I would like all data in the row to go along with it. I've explored the RAND functions, but they don't seem to be the right fit .

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Auto Creating A Calendar Based On A Date In A Cell.

Dec 30, 2009

I am playing around with creating a calendar based on a date (month) I enter into a cell. I am doing this with a simple =date+1.

I have a sample attached. Only problem I am having is that for months with 30 days I don't want the last day to show the first of the next month. But I can't simply remove that as if I entered a month with 31 days I would need it to show the 31st.

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Creating Auto Costing Sheet For Pre-Sales Function?

Oct 9, 2013

I am trying to create a spreadsheet that uses a selection criteria based on different sheets within a workbook to output a costing quote, anything i can use as a template? I will post the sheet that i am working on that I need to combine into a working book.

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Creating Timesheet That Auto Calculate Normal / Overtime

Jan 13, 2014

I'm been trying to create a timesheet that will auto calculate the hours of normal / overtime 1 / overtime 2

Saturday / Sunday / Public Holiday = Overtime 2
Monday to Friday (8:30 till 17:30) = Normal (Auto
Monday to Friday (17:30 till 22:00) = Overtime 1
Monday to Friday (22:00 till 8:30) = Overtime 2

* If Public Holiday column is set to 1 then all hours will auto set to overtime 2

* If Breaktime column is > 0 then deduct from total hours calculate


Date / Day
Public Holiday
Start time
End time
Normal hour(s)
Overtime 1
Overtime 2


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Creating New Sheets And Name Itself With Vba

Feb 9, 2009

i have a named range that is one column wide and changing in lenght, rows. I want a sheet to create and name itself the same as the value in the cell for each value in the named range. if a name in the range should be removed then so should the sheet.

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Creating New Workbook For Each Sheet In Workbook

May 20, 2014

I would like to run a macro from a worksheet that creates a new workbook for each worksheet (there will be 20 plus) and saves it in a new folder i.e. all the same directory L/Utilisation/Team/name of the worksheet.

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Creating And Summing In Multiple Sheets?

Aug 20, 2013

1. I created a macro to put in multiple sheets when clicking in pivot table fields

2. I didn't want to include 2 main sheets in the process ("PROV_AGENTEN_SEE_EXTERN_2013073") and ("PIVOT 20130731")

3. In each newly created list I want to put in the sum of the last column. This will be calculated in the last cell below the table.

The last point is troubling because it looks at right values but the sums are not right. They are right only in the last sheet in others it isn't calculated correctly.

Sub Sheetsfrompivot()

Application.DisplayAlerts = False
For Each Sheet In Application.Worksheets [code].....

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Creating Sheets While Referencing A New Row In Some Cells

Jul 24, 2009

I am trying to find a way to create new sheets in a workbook that when created will reference a new row on a data sheet in that workbook. Each workbook could end up containing varying numbers of sheets (anywhere from 2 to 150+) based on size limitations. There are some lookups and referenced data on each sheet that would be copied as is and not reference the data sheet. I have not included these in my example.

I'm trying to avoid having to change each cell's reference manually for all of these sheets (which is one of the solutions I've come up with so far). My current method of creating these workbooks does not involve the data sheet and each workbook starts off with data only on sheet1. I select and copy that sheet into sheet2 and every subsequent sheet. I want to incorporate the data sheet so it can be filled out by someone else and copied into that tab to populate all of the data sheets.

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Looping Through Sheets And Creating Charts?

Jun 18, 2014

I have following code which is not behaving the way I want.

[Code] ....

The problem is the last statement, a chart which gets created in an iteration does not "move" to a new sheet but rather same sheet. So end result is a sheet with chart of the last iteration.

How to get this code to create new charts in new sheet and not the same sheet.

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Creating Multiple Sheets From A Macro

Dec 30, 2006

I am creating a vacation calendar for all of my associates. I have 763 employees so, i want to run a macro that will react a worksheet for each of them. I will have an employee list that will create the sheets and I will have a VLOOK Up to update and pull information when we have new hires come on board.

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VBA- To Rename The Sheets Directly After Creating Them

Aug 21, 2008

I have a macro which creates 4 worksheets. Unfortunately sometimes they are named by default "Sheet5", "Sheet6", "Sheet7", and "Sheet8" when the macro is set to "Sheet1", "Sheet2", "Sheet3", "Sheet4". My question, is there a way to rename the sheets directly after creating them so that the sheet in the very first position in the spreadsheet is named "Sheet1" (the same would go for sheets 2-4). The code below wont work if the sheet decides to be a name other then "Sheet5" so how do I point to the the worksheet known as Sheet5 without using its name and tell excel I want its default to be "Sheet1"?

Code below:

Sheets("Sheet5").Name = "Sheet1"
Sheets("Sheet6").Name = "Sheet2"
Sheets("Sheet7").Name = "Sheet3"
Sheets("Sheet8").Name = "Sheet4"

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Creating Drop Down Boxes For Job Sheets

May 9, 2006

I am trying to create drop down boxes in a spreadsheet so I can create job sheets from them, I have a small business building cubby houses and I want to create a job sheet from a spread sheet that will have customer name - job number and so on thats the easy bit but I need to have a few drop down boxes so I can just click on what type of cubby they want from a list and what colour roof and what side door will be on and so on instead of having to type all this in for every job.

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Printing Multiple Sheets In Workbook With Hundreds Of Sheets

Feb 18, 2014

I have a work sheet named "Main_List"...In column D starting with "D2" I would like to list worksheets that I would like to have printed via VBA.

The workbook has several hundred worksheets and I would like to list in column D only worksheets that I would like to print with VBA code.

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