Cross Reference Matching (or Not) Text Strings

Nov 16, 2008

What formula will check a text string value in a column against a master list of text strings and advises whether or not the text string appears.

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Read Strings From 2 Reference Text Files?

May 28, 2014

we have 2 text file one is masters and other one child. we want to read the city from child text and wants to read the country coresposding to the city from master file.

the final output should look like

country city

england Portsmouth

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How To Cross Reference Two Lists

Apr 4, 2014

I have two lists of reference numbers; I need to see if any of the references appear in the other list. I don't want them to be removed, maybe highlighted?

I have made them into one list and used the duplicate conditional formatting but some references appear twice in one list and there is a lot of data so this is not good enough.

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Formula To Cross Reference

Mar 4, 2009

formulas i cannot get my head round at all i need e14 to work out how many times cell e1 appears in column h and in column b. so if yes is in e1. it then needs to look down column b and cross refernce it with column h and return the number of yes that appear in column b AND the same row in column h.

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Cross Reference Table

Jan 26, 2010

First as said in title i have no idea what these kind of tables is called in English and i didnt know how to formulate me when it came to the title (so hint me with a "right" name for this kind of table)

To the point i have alot of these cross reference tables. What i mean is table that have a horizontal titelbar (row) and a vertical titlebar (column) and in the table you have the diffrent stats or whatever that can be within it. Im having a really hard time expaining this so im just uploading a excel file with a little explanation of what im after.

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Cross Reference Cells

Jul 29, 2008

I am involved with regional sales and have developed a spreadsheet to track various statistics and information regarding the various cities and clients.

On Sheet1 I have Column A for the city names. Columns B through R are various statistical information (all numerical) associated with that city.

I would like to use Sheet2 to quickly draw that information into a generic "printable" spreadsheet such that I type a city name into Sheet2 A1 and the rest of the cells automatically draw the information for that city into their respective cells.

Looking through other threads I thought that maybe VLOOKUP would be the ticket, but it's only returning a #VALUE! error.

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Cross Reference Maybe Intersection

Feb 4, 2010

I am having to figure out a particularly painful excel formula. What i need is a formula that will count the number of times an issue label in text shows up, but it has to match a certain time.

we can get the excel sheet to round the time to the nearest thirty minutes, so if a call comes in at 3:12pm it rounds it to 3pm. We label the calls that come in with a issue description also like "dvr issue." So i need a formula that will allow me to count the number of instances where if it says 3pm AND dvr issue it will only count it and give me a total in a specified cell. Is that possible?

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Cross Reference Numbers

Jan 21, 2009

I have a spreadsheet with Company A's part numbers, then the number for the same exact part from their rival company or competitor. When searching on our website I need for the customer to be able to find the part even if we are out of stock of Company A's part, we can let them know we have company B's part and it is the exact same part. So I am cross referencing the numbers.

In my spreadsheet I have all of company A's parts in column A and their competitor parts in column B. In another column I have cross reference #'s I did with the concatenate function. Where it gets tricky is one part can have 50 or more numbers associated with it. So far, I have been doing the concatenate for each one. I haven't gotten very far as you can imagine. Is there a way I can have it check a column, then when it finds the same exact numbers have it put the numbers from column B all in the same row seperated by a space(my delimiter)? See image at link. I couldn't figure out how to post the spreadsheet. Maybe I am too new to attach files.


so in the example above, cell E11 has company A's part number, it's own number, then the number above it and the numbers below it. It has every number associated with 74679142.

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Cross Reference Worksheets

Apr 22, 2006

I am trying to match/cross reference (check by ZIP CODE) two extremely large databases/spreadsheets in MS EXCEL. The vast majority of matches will turn up negative (no match) and only like <5% of all the rows/fields in my 31000+ excel sheet will actually match by zip to the records contained in another sheet (actually this second sheet is a large Seibel Sales database that I exported to Excel for easier access/manipulation) So it would be very tedious and a time waster to manually match the records by hand. My question would be, is there an automated way in Excel (or using any number of Excel addons such as ASAP Utilities etc) that would let the computer do the work for me?

Basically I have two large records, one that I exported from Siebel online to Excel, and the second one is the original work Excel database that I am to work on (ie find matches by zip code and mark them as matched)

Is there a quick way to do this? The power of the computer should really be put to use, but I just don't know /cant figure out how to go about this.

here is the screenshots and explainations if you don't know what I am talking about:

Just to clarify (I'm not sure I explained it very good)

Imagine two sheets

Sheet #1 <-(Seibel converted to xls) Sheet #2 (xls sheet to be worked on)
12345 --------------------------------54986 (mark as NO MATCH)
84596 --------------------------------25746 (mark as NO MATCH)
24578 --------------------------------12345 (mark as MATCH!)
96328 --------------------------------15789 (mark as NO MATCH)
45897 --------------------------------96328 (mark as MATCH!)

The problem is Sheet #2 is not only five rows, it is like 30000+ rows, and I
will have to do another 30000+ rows soon, so 60000+ to do by hand is very slow indeed.

Also, >95% of all the rows in Sheet #2 will be a NO MATCH with no matching zip codes to ANY of the zip codes of Sheet #1. So less than 5% will actually be a match, but the thing is I have to check ALL of them to actually know which ones match and which don't.

IS there a utility / macro or function in Excel that can quickly let me do this the automated way?

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Cross Reference Two Files

Dec 11, 2006

Basically I have two files. File A) Consists of a billing spreadsheet of approximately 2500 orders. File B) Consists of a Customer spreadsheet with about 2400 customers. What I want to know is there a fast way to confirm based on customer last name and customer number that for each customer in file b that there is a billing entry in file a. I've gone the V-look up way which is effective but time consuming also. File A & B are going to get progressively larger and larger; thereby making the v- lookup not a very timewise solution.

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How To Create A Cross Reference Database

Sep 18, 2013

I am trying to create a cross-reference database in excel. I am not sure if I am using the correct terminology, so here is what I need to do:

I have three columns that contain text cells, each with different numbers of rows. Now imagine that cell A1 is related to cell B3 and also to cell C5. There are numerous different combinations similar to this. Is there a way to show this relationship between cells in excel. If so, how?

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Cross Reference Values Amongst Columns

May 22, 2009

I have these data arranged in three columns as follows:


(where *** stay for blank cells)

I need to "report" somewhere and somehow within the spreasheet hopefully by means of some formulas the following data:

1. for column "C" the maximum value within first group of consecutive numbers that are exceeding 180: in this example equal to 201

2. for column "C" the total number of values within first group of consecutive numbers that are exceeding 180: in this example equal to 4

3. for column "B" the first number corresponding to the first group of consecutive numbers that are exceeding 180: in this example equal to 1

4. for column "A" the corresponding number to the maximum value within first group of consecutive numbers in column "C" that are exceeding 180: in this example equal to 5

and most of all I would like to generalise the problem so that to "report" the same data for all cases that are appearing in the above example;

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Create Parts Cross Reference Table?

Jan 29, 2014

create parts cross reference table?

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Cross Reference Multiple Columns And Copy

Apr 12, 2009

I am working with two sheets, Sheet one has 1 column of information with 12 columns to the right as categories. I want to be able to put an 'X' in any one of the 12 column rows, (category) and have a function that will copy/pastes the information from the main column (column #1, row=any) to the second sheet. I have tried True-False function, argument function, Vlook etc., I still cannot get it to work.

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VLOOKUP - To Create A Cross Reference Tool

Mar 24, 2008

I'm using VLOOKUP to create a Cross Reference tool. CR is my "anchor" page that I'm attempting to tie the remaining worksheets WIT,TEC,COP back to the CR worksheet. I'm able to get VLOOKUP to work on the CR worksheet in columns H & I but unable to get the VLOOKUP to work in column J. The VLOOKUP function is entered but it does not return a value that I know exists in worksheet COP.

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Cross Reference Sheet1 And Sheet2 To Find Duplicates?

May 2, 2012

Is there a way to Cross-Reference two sheets to find the duplicates and highlight them or another way of making it defined? I do not want them deleted, just need to be able to tell who the duplicates are.

Sheet 1 data has

A1 - Email Address B1 - Contact Name

Sheet 2 data has

A1 - Email Address B1 - Contact Name

I want to be able to find the duplicated email address' in sheet 1. And both spreadsheets have over 10,000 email address'. Is this possible?

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TWo Way Cross Reference Formula Works But Not Across Entire Data Range

May 21, 2009

I have attached a sample of the issue. The formula is found in cell B49. If I enter a gravity of 2.76 or higher in cell B47 I get #N/A in cell B49. Why will it not read any farther over than 2.75. I have been starring at this for awhile now. I might look pretty dumb after someone else looks at it.

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Excel 2003 :: Cross Reference Multiple Fields For Answer?

Aug 16, 2013

I have a sheet (sheet 1) of employee information for multiple buildings as follows:

Employee Name, Building, Pay Grade, Full Time Equivalent (of full time hours worked)

Anne, Centre A, Anne, Grade 2, 1.0
Bob, Centre E, Bob, Grade 3, 0.50
Carl, Centre H, Carl, Grade 2, 0.60
Dan, Centre B, Dan, Grade 1, 1.0
Emma, Centre A, Emma, Grade 3, 1.0
Fash, Centre A, Fash, Grade 2, 0.40
Gemma, Centre C, Gemma, Grade 2, 1.0
Hanna, Centre B, Hanna, Grade 1, 1.0
etc, etc, etc

From another sheet (sheet 2), I wish to populate the total of "Full Time Equililents" at each grade in each centre, eg:

Centre A, 0 1.4 1.0
Centre B, 2.0 0 0

I'm using Excel 2003 if that makes a difference

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Copy Rows Between 2 Sheets Based On Cross Reference Match

Apr 22, 2008

I am trying to drop (paste) in new data in a range in sheet 2 and cross reference a column with a table in sheet three and display all rows of matching instances in sheet 1. Example:

Sheet 3 has
a1 b1
amcdap amber connor
apsdap ashley simpson

sheet 2 has
a1 b1 c1 d1 e1
amcdap 300 400 2:00 9:00
apsdap 500 300 4:00 8:00
capdap 200 300 5:00 9:00
dlsdap 400 300 2:00 8:00

I need to return only rows 1 and 2 to sheet 1. I guess ideally I'd like to drop data in sheet 2, click button.

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Cross Reference (Vlookup) Based On Data Validation List Dropdown?

Jun 19, 2014

Attached is example of what I'm trying to do. I want to use the drop-down on the "Master Tab" and have the corresponding price by promo_month appear in the yellow cells.

Currently its on July, but I would like to switch that to August etc and have new prices populate in the yellow cells. Prices come from the "table" tab.

Example 06.19.14.xlsx‎

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Non-matching Search Strings

Feb 24, 2010

I have a worksheet containing a 'first name' column and a 'last name' column. I've put together a macro that requests a first and last name, then filters on the result, or will filter on the last name only if that is all that is entered (I know this can be done using autofilter, but let's not go there!).

So far so good, but what I want to do is add a bit of code that, when a non-existent last name is entered, displays a message stating this and exits the program rather than trying to filter on the name and displaying no records.

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SUMIFS Not Matching Yyyymm Dates Stored As Strings

Jun 21, 2014

I have a data table on worksheet "Data" which has 2 dates (start and end) stored in columns in yyyymm format: (example 201204)

I also have a row/column table which is supposed to sum up balances which match both the start date in the column, and end date in the row, so that all unique combinations of start and end dates will have their own cells.

This is an example formula I am using

VB: =SUMIFS(Data!$K$2:$K$37233,Data!$F$2:$F$37233,"="&TEXT(R$6,"yyyymm"),Data!$H$2:$H$37233,"="&TEXT($B27,"yyyymm"))

I checked individually and the TEXT(R$6,"yyyymm") as well as the ($B27,"yyyymm") does return the yyyymm format.

The problem is that excel thinks that 201204 in the data table is different from the string "201204" and I keep getting zeros for that SUMIFS formula.

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Count Number Of Cells With Partial Matching Strings

Jul 31, 2009

1. Counts the number of cells in a column with the same 18-character text string(Full String is 24) using a RIGHT( function.

2. Returns a 1 if there is 1 and a zero if the count is greater than 1.

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Cross Reference Information From One Sheet With Another Sheet

Jul 14, 2009

I have a spreadsheet that shows a large number of folks we had working in a particular division from Jan. 1st until now, 1800 +. Some of the folks are on the sheet twice due to having more than one role. The sheet lists last name, first name, skill description, pay rate, company they worked at...etc. Most of the folks on the list are not currently working but some are. I have another spread sheet that lists the folks that ARE currently working. I'm trying to see if there is a way to compare the two sheets, via a formula, that will be able to identify when the first name, last name, company name, and skill description are the same and then have those identified deleted from the first sheet.

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Compare Text Strings In Two Columns And Return Text From Adjacent Cell

Feb 28, 2013

how to Chk the text string in particular cell, compare it with a super set column and get the full from of the text string from another corresponsing column and the output will be corresponsing full form of the chked text string?

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Excel 2011 :: Find Multiple Text Strings In Another Text String

Mar 8, 2013

How do I use an Excel formula to find which (if any) multiple sets, each of up to 50 words, exist in a series of rows of a spreadsheet - if set A has one or more words found in a searched cell.

A positive result will return a specific value in the designated result cell. If none of the words in Set A is found in the searched cell, the formulae will repeat the test for the words in Set B, and so on.

After all 50 sets of words have been tested, the formula will move to the next cell in the searched column.

New words will be added to the sets of words continually as required.

Multiple words within sets are included in double quotes. Within each set of words there will be some n-tuples of words (i.e. 24 adjacent words) that contain one or more of the words in the set, but for which the formula will be required to return a negative result. Example: Set A = word 1, word2, word 3, "word1 word2 word3". (The words within a set could also be each entered in separate columns, as opposed to all included in a single cell.) The single column of text to be searched is about 10,000 rows.

I am wanting to use the above in a spreadsheet that contains data downloaded from a series of bank accounts to automatically allocate items of expenditure to one of 20 or so different categories of expenditure.

The formula will search the description field to find words that are used in the in the downloaded files from the various accounts to describe each transaction.

If a word describing travel expenditure (e.g. hotel, "holiday inn" but not "holiday travel") is found in the description of an expenditure item - the item cost will be allocated to the TRAVEL EXPENDITURE column, which is one of 20 or so different categories of expenditure.

Happy to consider a different solution if the task can be done better a different way.

Tried using a combination of INDEX/SEARCH/IF in Excel, but was not able to get a correct result. PS I am using Excel 2011 for Mac - which does not allow macros, so the solution needs to be entirely formula based.

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Lookup Part Text In Range In Cells Holding Text Strings

Sep 27, 2006

I try to write the function that gets some "ref" and returns appropriate item.
For example: if I give to function "C3", it returns "AAA"
if I give to function "R18", it returns "BBB" (cause it between R15 to R26)
if I give to function "R9", it returns "BBB" also.

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Extract Multiple Text Strings From A Long Text String

Sep 4, 2009

An original text string entry appearing in an Excel cell would be:

"N7C Neuroprotective J5Z Antiviral, other M2Z Antiarthritic, other J5A Antiviral, anti-HIV"

I need to extract N7C, J5Z, M2Z and J5A from this string and list these alphanumeric values in separate cells adjacent to the original text string. The challenge is that these alphanumeric references may appear in different positions within the original string with no fixed value e.g. a "," separating them. The alphanumeric references may also be 3 or 4 characters in length and there may be different numbers of alphanumeric references in the original string.

Another example would be (very different from the first):

"T2Z Recombinant, other K5B Radio-chemoprotective J3Z Antibacterial, other D3A Vulnerary A10C Symptomatic antidiabetic K6Z Anticancer, other R8A Antiasthma B6A Septic shock treatment I1Z Immunostimulant, other S1Z Ophthalmological R8B Antiallergic, non-asthma M1A1 Anti-inflammatory"

You can see that in this further example "A10C" & "M1A1" are 4 character alphanumeric strings wheras the others feature 3 characters.

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Editing Using VBA - Find Text Strings In Text File

Dec 7, 2012

I have a large .txt file that I would like to edit using VBA. What I would like to do is to find each of the following text strings in the text file :

De :

If the character right before those text strings is not a carriage return (chr(13) then add a carriage return.

I would like the code to read each line in the text file and execute the task mentioned above.

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Extracting Strings Of Text From Columns Of Data(text)

Apr 23, 2007

What I have is a column of data(text) which contains amongst all the text three strings of text in ever cell in the column which I require copying into three adjoining cells

The data I require is :-

(a) The persons name which is always after the word ‘Requester’ e.g. Requester Steve Robinson

(b) Their office location which is directly after the persons name and is in brackets e.g. (Newcastle User)

(c) The Approving persons name which is preceded by ‘Approved by’ e.g. Approved by Christine Hunting

See examples 1 & 2 below

Example 1

CR0/CRZ3651 Requestor Steve Robinson (Newcastle User) Tel: 01234 798157 Approved by Christine Hunting

Please install and configure 2 Ultra 2s (typhoon and lancaster) for use as ARTE workstations. These workstations require Solaris 2.5.1 plus the same patches as before

Example 2

CR0/CRZ3118 Requestor Doug Cunningham (Newport User) Tel: 0114 9881480 Approved by John Smithers

Please provide support to set up Cisco 2691 Router and PIX-506E Firewall to enable external connection of a remote terminal for project work.

As you will appreciate the text in the cells is of non standard lenght and the three pieces of information can be located virtually any where in the text

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