Custom Format To Replace Decimal With Comma
Mar 21, 2008
I am having problems applying custom format to numbers that need to be formatted.
custom format use is 0",00". When I apply the custom format above to whole numbers, I achieve the results I want:
However, when I apply to numbers with decimal places
how I can change the custom format so that the period is replaced with a comma but the decimal values are preserved?
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Nov 1, 2006
Is there any way to change the decimal point from the usual period symbol (.) to a comma (,). The reason being, i have a structural design spreadsheet and the new terminology is just so, changed from 00.00 to 00,00 I have tried cell formatting but it just uses a comma (,) for numbers in their thousand and it wont do what i need.
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Aug 22, 2006
I have a UserForm with different text boxes, everytime I put a number with decimals (ex 100.23) on a Textbox and I want that number to be shown on a excel cell, VBA changes the "dot" for a "comma" so excel understands it as an integer number 100,23 (10023).
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Aug 25, 2009
I've just imported a file into a UK version of Excel from a German made datalogger. The decimal points (which should look like this 0.0) all appear as comas (0,0) with the result that Excel can't read them.
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Jan 18, 2008
I have an UserForm, where I have several text boxes. One of these textboxes should be entered with decimals. I have been able to cope with the declarations, and set the variable as Variant. However, is it possible to prevent the user inserting "," instead of "."? Alternatively, automatically change "," to "."?
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Aug 8, 2008
I am trying to create a unique sample code by putting together the values of other cells that a user will input. It's all working well apart from the last part, where I am trying to include a decimal number. I want the decimal number to appear without the central "." and in a four digit format. e.g. 2.5 would appear as 0250, 14.25 would appear as 1425. This is the formlua I am using currently:
However, where the value of H4 is 2.5, I am getting a result of 0303 (I've put this part in bold). I have attached a small spreadsheet to aid understanding.
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Dec 21, 2006
I want to set at my textbox,so that if user enter the number with comma instead of dot,the comma will automatically be changed into my default format(dot).for example,if user type in (86,5),the value will be converted to (86.5). I have read through the relevant previous thread regarding this matter and I wrote the function as below.It happens to be that (86,5) will change to (865.00),not as what it suppose to be.So can anyone correct my function below?
Private Sub txtdiameter_Change()
If txtdiameter = vbNullString Then Exit Sub
If Not IsNumeric(txtdiameter) Then
MsgBox "Numbers Only"
txtdiameter = "86" 'default value'
End If
End Sub
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Apr 7, 2014
I got VBA line that will replace Dots(.) for Comma's (,)
[Code] .........
The problem is its only take collum I and i want it so that it will take I and J.
am I doing something wrong here that it only take I and not Both ? I and J?
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Nov 26, 2013
My problem is that I am trying to use REPLACE function but I do not know where my starting point is.
I have last name first that you don't know how many characters will be, then empty space which is 7 characters long. How can I tell REPLACE formula where to start replacing empty spaces with comma?
Johnson John
I need to replace with Johnson, John.
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Feb 7, 2008
I have the following code which is save Sheet as a text file. I know there are some options in Excel for saving, but it is not saving as ".txt" file.
I would like to modify this code to replace blank space with comma between Cells.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
' Save file name and path into a variable
template_file = ActiveWorkbook.FullName
' Default directory would be c:temp. Users however will have the ability to change where to save the file if need be.
' Notice that i'm only allowing the save as option to be of .txt format.
' I'm also attaching the current date to the file name............
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Nov 14, 2006
I have a string in a cell which is essentially comma separated and want it in the same cell but with enters instead of commas. Cell info to start with would look like this
Bob, The, Builder
And the result I am looking for is
All within the same cell so I can create a label which uses this information on a user form. I have attached a small example.
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Jun 7, 2006
I have a column of cells with values - 0.2%, 0.32%, 0.22, 0.5 etc. The cells with % symbol are in ' Percentage, 2 decimal' format while the plain numbers are in 'General' format i.e. column contains cells in either of these formats. I need a macro where I can specify the column and it will select the cells with the % format, convert it to 'General' and multiply the result by 100 eg. 0.2% converted to 'General' becomes 0.002. When multiplied by 100, result is 0.2 i.e. is displayed without the % symbol.
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Aug 15, 2007
I have a columb of positions which at the moment have a decimal place, I want to substitute the first decimal with a degree ie. S27.01.050 for S27°01.050 This has to apply to all cells in that columb.
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Mar 5, 2009
I require a custom data validation formula to limit cell value to maximum of 4 decimal places.
0.0001 ok
0.02 ok
0.3 ok
0.12345 fail
0.123456 fail etc
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Oct 15, 2013
I need to list 4 digit numbers in each section followed by commas, but whatever I do it goes to 3digits (e.g. I need "1234,5678,9123" and as soon as I hit Enter it goes to "123,456,789,123"). It wont work to format as text because I have a whole bunch of 12 digit numbers to break up into 4.
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Jun 9, 2008
looking up a value in a table.
So I have this value on one worksheet: Example 1
Now, I have a table on the second worksheet with a bunch of id's in list of 1-100. Now, each product has one of those id's and also has a product name.
So, right now, I am trying to figure out what the product name would be if my id specified is a valid id in the table on worksheet 2. Now, if the specified id isn't a valid id in the table (for example 105) I need the cell the say, "No Product".
Here is my if function: =IF(what do I put here,VLOOKUP($A$1,Table1,2), "Product Not Found")
So what do I put for the logical test to find out if the id is a valid id in the table that i'm looking up the id's.
The bottom line: If you get an error like #Value! or #N/A, or any of those types of errors, how can you rename the cell so say something else instead of that.
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Feb 23, 2007
I have a macro that creates an email based on the contents of each column in the worksheet. The macro works great, but I would like to format a column (A) which contains numbers into the Comma Style, prior to sending out the email.
Is there a VBA code that will format a given column (A) into a certain style (Currency, Comma, Percentage, etc) ?
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Feb 21, 2014
I have a column in excel which gets populated in the format "2/1/1980" when copied from a different source. I want a macro to run on this column and convert this in the below format. Required format: '02-01-80 (note the ' symbol before 02 which will keep it as text)
Existing ----> Required
2/1/1980 --> '02-01-80
2/1/1970 --> '02-01-70
2/1/1983 --> '02-01-83
I need this macro to run on two columns and replace them with the required format. I can do a find and replace either in the sheet or through hard coding the VBA, but as the date format keeps growing, I would need to do this via code and hence requesting the same.
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Feb 21, 2009
Cell C9: 1.25773
Cell C10: 20.0
Cell C11: 2.25%
Cell C15: =C9+((C10*C11)/10000)
C9 is a user entered value, currently formated general
C10 is a user entered value, currently formated decimal with one decimal
C11 is a user entered percentage, currently formated percent with two decimals
C15 is a formula calculation, currently formated general
I've tried formating cells to general (and/or) text and the values appear to be correct but still don't show what I want.
The most popular entries for C9 will be:
Any of the above could have one or more trailing zeros.
I would like C15 to show the same amount of decimal places that the user enters in C9. If user enters one, two, three, four, five, etc...decimal places in C9 then show the same amount of decimal places in C15 after the calculation is done and include any trailing 0's that are needed to match the number of decimals in C9.
I've tried different If statements with custom format to try to get the format of C9 transfered to C15 but haven't come across the right way to do this.
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Apr 9, 2014
How to be able to convert decimal hours into time format.
Here are the examples:
12.2 = 12:02:00
98.41 = 98:41:00
300.42.1 = 300:42:10
and so on and so forth...
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Jun 5, 2014
Is there a way to format a number into 2 decimal places and when you select the cell you wont see the true value?
For example:
I still see the 316.2696 when I click the cell. Instead of 316.27 only.
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Sep 30, 2008
I need to control the amount of decimals allowed by the entry of another column same row so I do not have to format the cells everytime to get the correct decimal places. I need all my data in one table so I can do pivot tables.
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Nov 10, 2008
If I enter 2.5 into a cell, and then change the format so that there are no digits after the decimal, the number changes to a 3.
2.4 correctly rounds to 2, but shouldn't 2.5 round to 2???
I thought that even numbers were supposed to round down, and odd numbers round up when there is a 5 right after the decimal.
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Jan 15, 2009
I am using Excel 2003. I am attempting to use the Accounting format with numbers that should not have any decimal places (although what is entered might have a decimal place). The numbers line up fine on the right, however, the dollar signs on the left are not lining up. It looks something like:
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Nov 16, 2011
I trying to create a schedule on my 2002 excel. I placed all the times in HH:MM AM/PM format. But somehow...I don't know what I was doing...all the times instantly appear as decimals on the cells. The times I inputted still appears in the cell's formula bar. I tried changing the cell's format to my prefferred time format, but the cells wouldn't budge.
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Dec 10, 2008
I have a problem with the currency format with 4 decimal places.
Sub go()
Range("C5") = Range("C5") + Range("C4")
End Sub
as you can see it adds the conecnt of "R4" to what is in "R5"
If works fine when the calls are formatted as number with 4 decimal places.
example if R4 is 0.1111 and R5 is 0.2222 after running the macro R5 becomes 0.3333
But if the cells are formatted as currency and 4 decimal places the then excel returns $0.3300
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Jan 13, 2009
I need to never have a trailing zero be displayed but still have decimals displayed (we can use up to 3 digits for the example) Here's a list of test cases
The only time I want to see a 0 is when the answer is 0 (or rounded to 0) or when 0 is required in the middle. This is for patient safety if you are curious. 2.0 when printed out or written by hand can be mistakenly read as "20" in the heat of things, thus 2.0 should be written/printed as "2" (no decimal on the end) not as "2." even, just "2"
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Mar 24, 2009
Is there a way to format a cell based upon a condition? If the cell value is <1, I want to show two decimal places. If the cell is >1, I want to show zero decimal places. I tried to use the conditional formatting, but there is no option for this.
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Aug 16, 2012
I'm writing a macro that will automatically change the display in a column of cells.
The input in the cell would be a decimal value, (e.g. 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2). As of now, I think the only input options are whole numbers and 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 fractions.
After inputting the decimal value, the cell should update to display the value as the following string format :
Input: 1.25
Displays: 1-1/4"
The purpose being to enable fast data entry while displaying in the desired format.
Here is where I know to begin for the automatic update:
Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
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Dec 20, 2012
I have the following code
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
TextBox1.Text = Range("P" & UserForm1.ComboBox1.ListIndex + 3).Value
TextBox2.Text = Range("N" & UserForm1.ComboBox1.ListIndex + 3).Value[code].....
In TextBox3, the user will input a percentage as a whole number, IE: 5 for 5%, but when the update is made, it is writing the "5" as 500% and is writing 50 as 5000%.
If there is already a percent in the cell it calls up IE: 50%, it shows up in TextBox3 as .5%
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