Data Extraction From Webpage

Dec 14, 2011

From the website [URL] ....

I need the Name, Website and contact details. I tried to extract but there is no ID for the element.

Data from the above site is:
1 Name: Shopping da Midia

2. Website: It is a hyperlink of Shopping da Midia that is [URL] ......

3. Contact details:

Tel: 16 2101-2500
Av. Independencia , 192
CEP: 14010-210
Ribeireo Preto

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Data Extraction

Mar 11, 2008

I have an excel file with a large list of data in the following format, all the data is in the A column –

Mar 11: category one – process number one (1)
Mar 11: category two – process number two (2)
Mar 11: category three – process number three (3)
Mar 11: category four – process number four (4)
Mar 11: category five – process number five (5)

I would like to extract from the list, ONLY the data highlighted in red i.e. the process number data –

Mar 11: category one – process number one (1)
Mar 11: category two – process number two (2)
Mar 11: category three – process number three (3)
Mar 11: category four – process number four (4)
Mar 11: category five – process number five (5)

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Workbook Data Extraction

Oct 23, 2008

I have a folder on my drive that holds excel files, some of which I would like to extract data from, using an excel workbook outside the folder.

Can you assist me in achieiving this action? Or, direct me to literature that will have the answer?

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Data Range Extraction

Feb 18, 2014

I have a table similar to this

title1 title2 title3 0
12 5 0
0 23 0
13 1 0
453 1 0

I need a formula to get the following structure (without using macro):

title1 title2 title3
12 5 0
0 23 0
13 1 0
453 1 0

Attached File : ReturnNonblanks.xlsx‎

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Auto Extraction Of Data

Feb 4, 2010

I just wanted to ask whether the same code will work for many more sheets or will modification be needed? I have a very basic understanding of vba loops, so plz tell me did you check the entire row for being blank or specific cells? Im attaching a file which more closely resembles the data i work with, just tell me whether the previous macro called "ravi" will work fine or will it require modification.

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Data Mining / Extraction From Web

Nov 15, 2011

There are websites available for data, but what is viable and crucial to me is finding a way to

1) Run a repeated process via a macro / vba script to allow for data input into the site
2) Once input into site, data is to be brought back into excel so that I can benchmark my product pricing vs my competition

There are 2 sites I am most interested in getting this information from specifically and although they do the same thing they have a couple of unique pros to them. they are the following


The biggest pro to is that they have a beta tool on their site that allows for "mass searches" to be performed as opposed to 1 part number at a time. Up to 100 results can be returned at a time, so although there would be multiple iterations doing it this way would save processing power as each step is not done line by line (p/n by p/n) as i could group them and send them and perform the operations that way.

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Data Extraction - One Criteria

May 19, 2014

This table has one column with people's names, other columns with different things, and one with hours.

The figures will change every month, and my dad doesn't know crap about excel, so anything that he has to go put in equations or sort again every month or whatever, is not going to work. it needs to be so that all he has to do is plug in numbers.

It can be either one or two ways: either I need to pull out all the rows that have hours above a certain amount, and have them sitting to the side/under/above the main table in the same worksheet.

I realize that that may involve a long complicated formula, however.

Alternatively, we can have it so that all the rows with hours above a certain number are color coded at located at the top of the main table. I figured that one out with ease, HOWEVER I don't how to make that automatic, so that it does it by itself when the numbers are plugged in each month. My dad would not be able to handle sorting.

I need the hours that =0 color coded and put at the bottom if possible, it's not absolutely necessary, however. I could not figure out how to put the highest hours on top and the hours equaling 0 at the bottom, considering that all rowsthat fall in between need to be kept in alphabetical order.

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Data Extraction (pull The Data To Another Sheet For Each Line)

Feb 23, 2010

I want to pull data from another sheet, however there are multiple listings of each and I want to pull the data to another sheet for each line. I maybe easier if I try and show below:

Col. ACol. BCol. C
Smith 3612

I want to pull this data for each name in Col. A in to another sheet. I've tried "IF", "Vlookup" and a couple of others, it just seems to be hitting the first option and pulling the data but not the ones below.

So if I selected Green on the second tab it brings through the "6" and "5", but not informtion from the listing from Green below. So I wiould like to list all the Green's, and the applicable data.

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Removing Gaps From Data Extraction

Nov 13, 2009

I'm doing some simple data extraction, e.g.
1 bob 3
2 mandy 4
3 charlie 6
4 dave 1
5 steve 5

So I had in c1 to c5 = =if(b1 > 3, a1,"") autofilled, which works fine, but I end up with,


how would I get,


also is it possible to have an if statement in 1 cell change the value of another cell?

in a1
if(b1>5, c1="yes",c1="no"), can't seem to get it to work

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Dropdown List (extraction Of Data)

Jul 3, 2013

I have 3 set of data representing 3 countries of data in 3 different spreadsheet.

I want to create a summary page and using a drop down list, when county is selected, corresponding data are extracted and fall into the template.

how can i do this ?

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Data Extraction And Formatting Using Macro?

Jan 22, 2014

To start off macro should pick selected columns such as owners and their projects, start date, price Final price, priority and status columns and paste into new sheet

At the same time only pick selected owners(Dave, Brian, Ken, Russell, Ben)data along with their high low, and medium projects then format the price and the final price column (that is to first convert them to numbers, then change it to the currency format and set the decimal place to 0) and then sort owners (AtoZ) along with Price and final price columns (largest to smallest) into a new workbook and to a new sheet in the same workbook with a name to the sheet called Extracted data

note owners may change and new members might get included in the list ( I am not sure if something dynamically can be done about this in the macro)

I have included sample data and how the output should look like.

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Linefeed-delimited Data Extraction

Jul 14, 2008

I'm trying to determine a way to populate a listbox with the contents of a few cells full of vblf-delimited information.

It's almost working properly, but placing the first entry in the target cells last in the listbox and have no idea why it's behaving this way.

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Data Extraction: Convert The Date Format

Mar 4, 2009

I have several large excel spreadsheets with thousands of entries (autocad drawing numbers). In one column it lists the date the drawing was created. Unfortunatley most of the entries were input as text. Even though I have formated the column to a date format (01/01/2009) most entries are not converting. Below is an example of some of the cells:

Jan. 12/02

How can I correct his?

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Creating Dropdown Menu For Data Extraction

Nov 30, 2012

Creating a drop down menu that allows me to pull data from sheet2.

I have all of my data on sheet2 and my objective is to have a small portion of the data displayed on sheet1 once the user selects the specific "study" from a drop down menu.

how to create a drop down menu that will have a list of all the different studies, and then once the specific study is selected, how do I make it display the pertaining information in the master sheet.

Follow up....more information

The data I’m working with is a master list of different drug studies. All of the data is broken down by the specific study itself, so all I need to do is figure out a way to let the user access the data in a quick and easy way. I figured this could be down with a drop down menu that has a list of each study, and the user could select the study they want to review. Once selected, the data pertaining to the study would then populate the fields on the master silde(sheet1).

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Data Extraction From Daily Production Sheets

Apr 24, 2013

I have daily production sheets (Excel sheets) that I fill out every day indicating the day's production totals. The files are named by the day's date. For example today's sheet (4/24/13) would be 042413.xls. However, I would like to be able to pull certain pieces of information into another separate spreadsheet. For example, my boss asked me how many of a certain product we made over the last month. So, I'd like to pull the product info, the date made, and quantity made into another sheet. And I'd like to be able to do this automatically for a date range that I specify.

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Macro And Worksheet Name - Data Segregation And Extraction

Feb 5, 2014

I created a macro for data segregation and extraction.

My currently flow is:create new worksheets rename the worksheets to e.g., sheet1 to product1, sheet2 to product2, etc manually filter the main data sheet, copy and paste the data into the respective sheets.

How to i edit the codes to allow the renaming of the worksheets to be non-static?

Meaning it doesn't have to be sheet1 to product1, sheet2 to product2

I can have sheet3 to product1, sheet4 to product2 or sheet7 to product1, sheet8 to product2

I feel that my method of data segregation and extraction is kind of rigid. is there any methods i can make it to be more fluid/dynamic?

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Data Extraction Predicated On Date Ranges

Sep 8, 2009

I've attached a spreadsheet that I'm working on. I want to be able to extract data from a master sheet and copy data to another sheet if the date is within a defined date-range. I've prototyped the problem within the attachment.

Given the code in macro2, none of the records are selected (the "yep"). What am I doing wrong?

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Extraction Of Data From Sheets Based Upon Input Value

Jan 20, 2010

Example attachment is included. The goal of this is to extract data off of another sheet based upon an input value. It's easy enough to where the input value will be equivalent to the sheet name I want to reference. The example I provide incorporates code that works successfully. The only problems I have are:

1. The select method only works on the active sheet. I want to be able to call this while another sheet is active.

2. My code is very inefficient and takes a while to execute. I'd like to cut down on the execution time.

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Excel 2003 :: Data Extraction From Cell

Apr 11, 2013

Data in cell A1 - 1) A Q
Data in cell A2 - 12) V
Data in cell A3 - 131) B H L

How do I throw away the #) and the following space in cells A1, A2, and A3 and save the rest?

Excel 2003. ie. no VBA.

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Data Scrape From Webpage

Jul 7, 2014

I am currently working on a VBA Macro in order to scrape data from a webpage into an Excel spreadsheet. My problem originates from the type of webpage that I am accessing. I am accessing a webpage that is used to filter the type of information, in which I have a Favorite (preset), which is the URL that I have included in the code. Once I get to that page, the code selects the proper function to load the data onto another webpage. It is from this webpage that the data I need to import into the spreadsheet is located.

Here is a step by step breakdown of my macro and the bolded/underlined portion .

Macro initiated - > filter webpage opened - > selection of filter preloaded - > data loaded into another webpage - > webpage with data opened - > | need to transfer data to Excel |

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Importing Data From Webpage?

Oct 23, 2011

have been trying to work out how to copy data from a website into a worksheet. For some reason the Data > Import External Data > New Web Query route does not work so I have tried the code below but cannot get this to work either.

What I am trying to achieve is to copy each of the various tables on the page into Excel.

Dim WebCopy As Object
Dim WebtitleCopy As Object
Set WebCopy = Sheets("Sheet2")


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Fetch Data From This Webpage

Apr 2, 2009

Fetch data from the table on the page given by the link below..

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Get Webpage Data Into Worksheet

Jun 29, 2009

If I copy the source to the notepad, I can paste it to the spreadsheet IF I use the "PASTE" and then click on the "Use Text Import Wizard". This works OK, but, I am needing to do this from INSIDE another macro, and I can not rely on the users, so I need this to be automated.
I tried to RECORD the steps, but no matter what, it records only:

Sub Macro1
ActiveSheet.PasteSpecial Format:="Unicode Text", Link:=False, _
End Sub

But does NOT include the selections I made with the wizard (delimited with "`") or FIXEDWIDTH. Eitherway works fine, but the macro won't.
Attached is a sample of the source.
Saving the Notepad, and then processing the FILE is not an option. I need to work straight from the clipboard.

I have spent hours looking for the different options available for the "PasteSpecial" but all I find is more people asking what the options are.

File import, I found out how to control the data, same with convert to text. But it does not seem to be "quite" the same

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Pulling Data From A Webpage

Jan 31, 2007

I am having trouble pulling data from a website. I need to get data from this website:


I need the highs and the low temperatures for the next week. (just the numbers preferably). But when I go to Data>> Import External Data >> New Web Query i'm not able to get any of the numbers into Excel. This way worked fine with other websites.

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Data Extraction Multiple Workbooks And Sheets To Master Spreadsheet

Mar 20, 2009

I have directory with multiple workbooks. Each workbook contains multiple sheets (sheet 1, sheet 2, etc). On each sheet of the workbook, there are various data. The data I am looking to extract from these sheets are in the same cell of each sheet. (See data sheet –datasheet.xls). If I can extract these data without opening the file, it would be preferred. Otherwise, opening the workbook, extract the data, and then close the workbook is acceptable.

Desired Solution:

I would like the assistance to create a macro that will extract data from each sheet of the workbook in the directory at a time until all the workbooks and sheets within the directory are read. The macro shall extract data from cell B5, B6, B10:B20, and sheet name from each sheet of the workbook and copy these data to an active sheet called “US” on workbook, DesireResult.xls. The DesireResult.xls shows how the data should be copied over. Before copying the data to the DesireResult.xls workbook, the macro will prompt the user to enter a cell on the “US” sheet as the starting point to paste the information to. Prompting the user to enter the beginning cell shall happen only once and not for each workbook or sheet being read. The reason for this is because the “US” sheet will already have other data in it. After reading each sheet, the macro shall leave a blank row at the end. The data from the next sheet shall be pasted below the blank row. Note: all the workbooks contain macro and link to other file. When opening each workbook, the macro should automatically choose not to update the links.

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Fetch Data From ASPX Webpage

Sep 12, 2013

I tried to use the following code to get data from an ASPX webpage:



Sub Fetch_Marcas()
Dim IeTbl As Object
Dim obj As Object
Dim Scrn As String
Dim objIE As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer 'Microsoft Internet controls (shdocvw.dll)


However, I cannot get past the point where I click over the register (highlighted in yellow in Picture 1), to get the data displayed at Picture 2.

Picture 1
Picture 1.jpg
Picture 2
Picture 2.jpg

Please note that this query requires to click over what is not a button (I looked in the forum, but no similar question was made before on this topic).

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Sending Data To Open Webpage

Jul 28, 2006

How do I send data via VBA from a spreadsheet to a webpage that is already open? I don't want to open another IE window. I just want to be able to navigate the IE window that is already open on my desktop. Also, in reference to the open webpage, with this particular webpage (secure site), when you enter data on 1 screen, it takes you to another screen with a different url where you have to enter a bit more data and then move to a third screen with a different url and enter the rest of the data and then submit. Is there a way in VBA to have one macro handle passing data to all 3 screens and submit the information?

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Pull Data From Open Webpage

Jan 23, 2008

At work we have a particular website open at all times. It pulls random data that is entered by another office and we then pull it up using a unique reference number generated. Is there anyway to create a macro that will scrape the data from this open page? I know that you can use the AppActivate command to set the focus on this particular page, but is there a way to get the data I need from there? I know you can bring up a new webpage with Set IE, but is there a way to use the Set IE with whatever page currently has the focus? Basically my project is if we see any errors, we have to pull up a form I made and enter the data manually. I am just hoping there is a way to scrape the basic information each time so we don't have to do it all manually.

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Extract Data From Webpage At Specific Time?

Jul 15, 2014

I'm trying to extract some data from an online page, but I require a specific cell at an exact time, each day.

For example, I would like to acquire the main data from the following page: [URL]

into excel, but additionally, I require the ESU14 (Sep '14) Open cell at exactly 0700 BST. I am currently using the 'Data' - 'From Web' feature to scrape the necessary fields into Excel however I haven't found a way to acquire one of those cells, at exactly a certain time, every day, even when Excel et al aren't open.

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Importing Data From A Webpage With Password Protection

Jul 31, 2005

I am trying to import data from a website protected by ID and password. I do have the login ID and Password to login to the website.

I am importing data from the website to my excel sheet to track some shipping informations. I do have the 'Import to Excel' option but I would rather open the
spreadsheet and click Refresh Data and have all the Data imported with click of a button.

I have already tried to use Import External Data but it is not working.

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