Pulling Data From A Webpage

Jan 31, 2007

I am having trouble pulling data from a website. I need to get data from this website:


I need the highs and the low temperatures for the next week. (just the numbers preferably). But when I go to Data>> Import External Data >> New Web Query i'm not able to get any of the numbers into Excel. This way worked fine with other websites.

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Data Scrape From Webpage

Jul 7, 2014

I am currently working on a VBA Macro in order to scrape data from a webpage into an Excel spreadsheet. My problem originates from the type of webpage that I am accessing. I am accessing a webpage that is used to filter the type of information, in which I have a Favorite (preset), which is the URL that I have included in the code. Once I get to that page, the code selects the proper function to load the data onto another webpage. It is from this webpage that the data I need to import into the spreadsheet is located.

Here is a step by step breakdown of my macro and the bolded/underlined portion .

Macro initiated - > filter webpage opened - > selection of filter preloaded - > data loaded into another webpage - > webpage with data opened - > | need to transfer data to Excel |

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Importing Data From Webpage?

Oct 23, 2011

have been trying to work out how to copy data from a website into a worksheet. For some reason the Data > Import External Data > New Web Query route does not work so I have tried the code below but cannot get this to work either.

What I am trying to achieve is to copy each of the various tables on the page into Excel.

Dim WebCopy As Object
Dim WebtitleCopy As Object
Set WebCopy = Sheets("Sheet2")


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Data Extraction From Webpage

Dec 14, 2011

From the website [URL] ....

I need the Name, Website and contact details. I tried to extract but there is no ID for the element.

Data from the above site is:
1 Name: Shopping da Midia

2. Website: It is a hyperlink of Shopping da Midia that is [URL] ......

3. Contact details:

Tel: 16 2101-2500
Av. Independencia , 192
CEP: 14010-210
Ribeireo Preto
E-mail: compras@cdvirgem.com.br

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Fetch Data From This Webpage

Apr 2, 2009

Fetch data from the table on the page given by the link below..

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Get Webpage Data Into Worksheet

Jun 29, 2009

If I copy the source to the notepad, I can paste it to the spreadsheet IF I use the "PASTE" and then click on the "Use Text Import Wizard". This works OK, but, I am needing to do this from INSIDE another macro, and I can not rely on the users, so I need this to be automated.
I tried to RECORD the steps, but no matter what, it records only:

Sub Macro1
ActiveSheet.PasteSpecial Format:="Unicode Text", Link:=False, _
End Sub

But does NOT include the selections I made with the wizard (delimited with "`") or FIXEDWIDTH. Eitherway works fine, but the macro won't.
Attached is a sample of the source.
Saving the Notepad, and then processing the FILE is not an option. I need to work straight from the clipboard.

I have spent hours looking for the different options available for the "PasteSpecial" but all I find is more people asking what the options are.

File import, I found out how to control the data, same with convert to text. But it does not seem to be "quite" the same

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Fetch Data From ASPX Webpage

Sep 12, 2013

I tried to use the following code to get data from an ASPX webpage:



Sub Fetch_Marcas()
Dim IeTbl As Object
Dim obj As Object
Dim Scrn As String
Dim objIE As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer 'Microsoft Internet controls (shdocvw.dll)


However, I cannot get past the point where I click over the register (highlighted in yellow in Picture 1), to get the data displayed at Picture 2.

Picture 1
Picture 1.jpg
Picture 2
Picture 2.jpg

Please note that this query requires to click over what is not a button (I looked in the forum, but no similar question was made before on this topic).

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Sending Data To Open Webpage

Jul 28, 2006

How do I send data via VBA from a spreadsheet to a webpage that is already open? I don't want to open another IE window. I just want to be able to navigate the IE window that is already open on my desktop. Also, in reference to the open webpage, with this particular webpage (secure site), when you enter data on 1 screen, it takes you to another screen with a different url where you have to enter a bit more data and then move to a third screen with a different url and enter the rest of the data and then submit. Is there a way in VBA to have one macro handle passing data to all 3 screens and submit the information?

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Pull Data From Open Webpage

Jan 23, 2008

At work we have a particular website open at all times. It pulls random data that is entered by another office and we then pull it up using a unique reference number generated. Is there anyway to create a macro that will scrape the data from this open page? I know that you can use the AppActivate command to set the focus on this particular page, but is there a way to get the data I need from there? I know you can bring up a new webpage with Set IE, but is there a way to use the Set IE with whatever page currently has the focus? Basically my project is if we see any errors, we have to pull up a form I made and enter the data manually. I am just hoping there is a way to scrape the basic information each time so we don't have to do it all manually.

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Extract Data From Webpage At Specific Time?

Jul 15, 2014

I'm trying to extract some data from an online page, but I require a specific cell at an exact time, each day.

For example, I would like to acquire the main data from the following page: [URL]

into excel, but additionally, I require the ESU14 (Sep '14) Open cell at exactly 0700 BST. I am currently using the 'Data' - 'From Web' feature to scrape the necessary fields into Excel however I haven't found a way to acquire one of those cells, at exactly a certain time, every day, even when Excel et al aren't open.

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Importing Data From A Webpage With Password Protection

Jul 31, 2005

I am trying to import data from a website protected by ID and password. I do have the login ID and Password to login to the website.

I am importing data from the website to my excel sheet to track some shipping informations. I do have the 'Import to Excel' option but I would rather open the
spreadsheet and click Refresh Data and have all the Data imported with click of a button.

I have already tried to use Import External Data but it is not working.

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Access Webpage, Fill Fields, Retrieve Data

May 13, 2008

I am having a really difficult time with this code. I am trying to fill in some fields on an webpage in an effort to eventually retrieve some data. I have read lots of posts on the topic and somehow I'm still confused. My code crashes on this line and gives an Automation error, Unspecified Error message: With appIE.document.forms(0). No matter what I try, I can't get past this line. I have also tried: With appIE.document.all

Sub PropInfo()
Dim appIE As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
appIE.Visible = True
appIE.navigate "http://gisims2.miamidade.gov/MyHome/proptext.asp"
Do While appIE.Busy: DoEvents: Loop
Do While appIE.readyState <> complete: DoEvents: Loop

With appIE.document.all
.Item("cmd").Value = "FINDADDR"
.Item("cmdTemp").Value = "FINDADDR"
.Item("searchtool").Value = "ADDR" 'Search by' dropdown
.Item("stnum").Value = "2417" 'house #' field
.Item("stdir").Value = ""
.Item("stname").Value = "ponce de leon" 'street name' field
.Item("sttype").Value = "BLVD" 'street type' field
End With
End Sub

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Pulling Data From A Tab

Jun 10, 2009

i want it to change the Header in E1 to the name of that price level and have the prices change according to that price level. The price level prices are currently being pulled from another tab through vlookups which lookups up the part numbers. My method only works with 1 price level right now and have no clue how to approach it with more then one price level. Also these part numbers will change positions and locations and are not permanent hence why i thought to use a vlookup.

Is there a way macro wise ( preferably through a formula ) that i can have Column E prices change according to the Price Level Entered.

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Pulling Data From Dates?

Aug 6, 2014

In the little chart on the left, I have the customer name, when their story is due, and when it was completed. On the right, I want to show how many words per hour my journalist is averaging for each week. What I'd like to do in cells J2 through J5 is to have a formula that pulls out the total number of words written for all projects that occurred during that time frame. I can't seem to figure out the formula, though. I was thinking that I needed an array formula starting with ifferror and calling from the row functions, but I can't seem to get it to work out right.

Here's my sample sheet: sample data journalists.xlsx

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Pulling Data From A List

Mar 16, 2009

I am trying to create a spreadsheet which will help us analysis the sale of each of the inventory items.

Col A: Item #
Col B: Description of Item
Col C: Standard COGS
Col D: Price
Col E: Profit %

On Sheet 1(Standard), I listed all 205 items with columns b-e also being filled in.

On Sheet #2(Actual Sold), I want to just enter the Item # and have all the other info on Col B - Col E fillied in automatically.

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Pulling Data From One Spreadsheet Into Another?

May 27, 2013

What I am trying to do is pull data from one spread sheet into another. The Data spread sheet has 2 columns. Date and Price. What I need to do is enter a date in to row b2 (example 2/13/2013) Then Cells c2-v2 fill in with the data from the 20 days prior to 2/13/2013. Also note that I use only dates from weekdays.

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Pulling Data Out Of A Table

Jul 16, 2008

I have a 4 columned table with 10000 rows

Entry # Correlation Index1 Index2

I want to be able to create tables out of this where I can pull all line items with correlation > 0.8 or <0.1 or <0.3 etc.

I think a macro will have to be written for this.

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Pulling Data Off Web - Function

Jun 19, 2006

I have searched extensively for an answer to this but can't find anything.

I am pulling data off the web and it puts data down the column in the following manner:



I need to extract each set of Data to another worksheet. The problem is that it will be anywhere from 1 row each to 10 rows each. In each instance, there is a blank between the two sets of Data. I've looked at ISBLANK, LOOKUP, SEARCH, etc. but nothing I've tried has worked out.

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Pulling Data From Website When Url Changes

Feb 8, 2008

I have written a macro to pull in data from a website each day. However the macro falls over because the end of the url changes slightly each day as the website provider updates the information. Unfortunately there does not appear to be a logical pattern to the number change in the url and so I don’t think I can pre-empt what the change will be. The path through the website remains the same, but the url changes as a new csv document replaces the old one. Is there any way of writing the macro so that it opens/picks up the current url rather than a fixed url?

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VBA- Pulling Data From Website

Aug 24, 2008

I went through the thread http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/showthread.php?t=302438. I have similar problem of pulling the data from http://www.nseindia.com/ site. Could you please help me?

The navigation to the page required is as below.

http://www.nseindia.com/ > Equity > Historical Data > Security-wise data >

eg. NSE Symbol: RPL, Series: ALL, From date: 01-01-2008, To date: 01-05-2008.

After clicking on the 'Get Results' button it navigates to the page with tables. At the end it says "Download file in csv format". upon clicking this a csv file opens. (http://www.nseindia.com/content/equi...-2008RPLXN.csv)

I need this page to be opened in Excel sheet. How should I go ahead?
(Basically I need historical stock data csv files of various stocks)

Even though a simple web query opens the page, it do not work if the parameters (stock name, date) are changed.

I found that the last resulting page in csv is using a "REFERRAL URL". Could this be a problem? How to get around?

I know little bit of VBA and can further work to pass variables.

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Pulling Certain Data From A Spreadsheet

Aug 20, 2009

I get excel files containing information listed by store for the entire company. How can I sort and pull out only the information pertaining to the stores that are in my area?

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Pulling Data From Web Without Web Query

Mar 5, 2010

information from a website that does not allow web queries (or at least from Excel 2003).

I have to pull the latest data every Wednesday from this webpage: [url]

To make things even more complicated the name of the page changes every week as well (corresponding to the date).

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Pulling Data From Multiple Data Tabs?

Aug 30, 2012

I have a spreadsheet with multiple data tabs feeding a few summary tabs.

For this question I will deal with one summary tab and two data tabs, one data tab for sales and one data tab for service. On the summary tab, I want to look at vehicles sold during a certain time period-(looking to the sales tab). For each of the records in the sales tab that match the date range, I need to count the repair order activity on the service tab. The key between the summary and sales tab is the sales date, and the key between the sales and service tabs is the vehicle serial number.

I currently have multiple columns on the sales tab to perform the counts from the service tab, thus allowing me to pull the information to the summary tab. Problem is that the spreadsheet has over 2 million calculating cells and tends to take excessive amounts of time to recalc.

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Pulling Unique Data From A List

Apr 16, 2013

I have a generated list that pulls data from a different sheet. I need a formula to pull only unique values from that generated list since some values are list multiple times.

[URL] ......

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Pulling Data From Cells Into A Matrix?

Jun 22, 2013

In VBA I'm trying to grab numbers from a cell range (ie: A1:A10), and save them to a matrix or variable. I will later need to grab additional numbers and add it to that matrix. I have experimented several different ways, but belows demonstrates what I'm trying to do:

my_data = Range("A1:A10").Value
my_data = my_data&Range("B1:B10").Value

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Pulling Data From Categorizes With Number

Nov 23, 2013

I have over 7000 items with a unique 6 digit item number each. They are separated buy category numbers. So category 5 may have 30 item numbers in it. column A has 555555555666666666777777777. Column B has the item numbers. I have about 200 categories.

In the workbook I have separate sheets for each category.

I need to pull all the item numbers from category 5 to sheet tab 5, all cat 6 numbers to sheet tab 6 and so on.

I do know excel but never used code.



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Pulling Data Associated With Countif Cells

May 14, 2014

I am tracking 3 different payment types, and the employee, customer and dollar amount for the transactions that can not be verified. All of this data is then transferred over the the "Summary" sheet. I found the Countif formula that will tell me how many times an employee names appears on the sheet, but I was wondering if it were possible to also calculate the dollar amount associated with those transactions.

I have attached the spreadsheet to better explain what I am talking about, but below is a very small example. I do not want to calculate the info on this page, but rather add another 2 cells next to where the number of unclaimed and the % of unclaimed are calculated on the "Summary" sheet. Sample spreadsheet2.xlsx

1 Date EmployeeCustomer $
2 1-Jan MonicaJohn Doe $65.00
3 2-Jan AshleyJane Doe $85.00
4 3-Jan MonicaJustin Doe $15.00
5 4-Jan MonicaJessica Doe $135.00
6 5-Jan AshleyJeremy Doe $100.00
7 6-Jan CheriJustine Doe $50.00
8 7-Jan CheriJace Doe $450.00
9 8-Jan JudyJackie Doe $50.00
10 9-Jan MonicaJake Doe $65.00
11 10-Jan JudyJennifer Doe$85.00

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Auto Pulling Data From Different Spreadsheets?

Jul 29, 2014

i am currently working on a file that counts things during the day and then sums them up. i have a different sheets for each day witch are named 28.07,27.07,26.07 etc'

i want the current sheet to pull data from the last sheet, lets say from cell I10. so if i'm working on the 28.07 - i use the formula " ='27.07'!I10' " and it works just fine. but i want to automate it. lets say make a cell in every sheet with the name of the previous one (i figured out how to automatically generate it) and make the formula pull from there. so lets say if i use the cell B2 for the value of the previous sheet (27.07) - it should look like " =B2!I10 "

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Pulling Out Data From A Difficult Table

Mar 10, 2009

See the attached file.

I have a table, which contains a dates in Column A. and Contract type in Column C, and the value in Column G.

I need a VLOOKUP function which takes the value "06.03.2009" and "Dec-2009". That can return the value "10,97".

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Pulling Specific Data From One Column

Apr 16, 2009

Start Date: 1/1/08
End Date: 1/1/08
Users: 100
Description: ...whatever

What I want to do is pull just the end dates into the next column. Is there an easy way to do this or do I need to build a macro?

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