Data Validation And Auto Filling Cells
Sep 26, 2009
Starting to struggle a bit here. Trying to create a user form, with help from this website I was able to create 2 dropdown lists based on data validation and information from another sheet in the same workbook. I have one cell B7 that uses data validation and sheet "Eq List" to create a drop down list of departments that the user can select from. Once B7 is filled in, it creates the 2nd dropdown list in B9 so the user can pick "Equip Desc".
Where I am trying to fill B11 which should automatically give me back the Mach ID that is related to B7 & B9. Am I going about this the right way? I have ttached a sample file to make it easier to understand.
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Feb 14, 2012
I want to be able to fill with the formula not modified (e.g., I do not want to use INDIRECT, OFFSET, etc.)
In Cell P3, I have the function "=IF(ISBLANK(C25),"",C25)."
I need to fill the next cells (horizontally) so that this increments numerically,
i.e., in Cell Q3, the function should read "=IF(ISBLANK(C26),"",C26)."
Is this possible without manually typing, and without having to modify the actual functions?
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Jan 7, 2008
Within a data validation selection, are you able to do both Auto Complete and Auto Delete? I have this posted at another forum [url]but have not been able to find a solution (a copy of the file, test. zip is there as well). I am not sure it is possible, or, at least I have been unable to get it working. I can do each, but not both.
I have also been utilizing:
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Sep 26, 2007
I have a userform and on it is a combo box with the weeks in each month in it. A user has to select a week to enter figures for and then enter the figures into text boxes on the same form. When the click submit (command button), based on what week they've already selected, my code will put the figures into the spreadsheet in the appropriate place.
Sub december1()
If Figures1.TextBox1.Value >= "1" Then Range("c16") = Figures1.TextBox1.Value
If Figures1.TextBox2.Value >= "1" Then Range("c17") = Val(Figures1.TextBox2.Value) / 100#
If Figures1.TextBox3.Value >= "1" Then Range("c18") = Figures1.TextBox3.Value
If Figures1.TextBox4.Value >= "1" Then Range("c22") = Figures1.TextBox4.Value
If Figures1.TextBox5.Value >= "1" Then Range("c23") = Figures1.TextBox5.Value
If Figures1.TextBox6.Value >= "1" Then Range("c28") = Figures1.TextBox6.Value
If Figures1.TextBox7.Value >= "1" Then Range("c29") = Val(Figures1.TextBox7.Value) / 100#...........................
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Nov 29, 2006
I'm using a very long validation list for a drop down menu. Is there anyway to setup the drop down so that one could start typing and the list would immediately eliminate to less options?
For example, my list consists of 3000 plant names. Instead of scrolling down to choose a plant that begins with a letter P, is there anyway to start typing "P" in the cell and have the list pop up and jump down to entries that begin with "P"?
I know I've entered data with such a function but can't figure out how to set it up?
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Oct 13, 2009
I have to validate cell text are (1, Absent, 2,leave, 3 present, 4 late 5 no report)
at the same time Absent should filled by, red leave by pink, present by green, late by yellow and no report by blue.
Preferably I dont want to use VBA. I am using excel 2007 but I am not excel expert.
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Jun 26, 2009
I got my invoice and my journal. Once I finish my invoices I send all to the journal, but I am having a little problem.... Here is my code
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Jan 17, 2014
I have data validation in a cell that says only options from a list are allowed. i.e. =indirect(A1)
If this refers to a list where there is only 1 option available is there a way to display that value automatically without the user having to click the dropdown to select it?
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Mar 21, 2008
I am using the same VBA that is discussed in several threads on the internet to create a combobox on top of underlying excel validation. The most relevant post I have found on this site is linked below, however I am told that it has expired and I can not reply to it so I started this new thread.
Data Validation Autocomplete Via Combobox Modification
The VBA code discussed in the above linked thread is working pretty well in my excel file which has MANY different fields being validated. However, there is a problem that I can not seem to get past. Specifically, the combobox is currently showing the validated data behind it, but will also allow IN-valid data to be entered. Is there a way to stop this and force only valid data to be used (i.e., is there a way to force a "re-validation" on exit from the combo box)?
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Nov 21, 2013
I've created a spreadsheet in which I want a blank row added when a previous row is filled in any of the boxes. I've used VBA code to insert a row but it just inserts a row in which all the cells are unmerged. I want a blank row the same as the ones we're filling so the document auto expands and there's always a blank row available to fill.
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Sep 28, 2009
Is it possible to disable the auto filling, when copy/pasting formulas?
I have a range of formulas, which I want to copy/paste, and I want the pasted formulas to be the exact same as the copied.
Is this possible? I would prefer not having to use $ on all formulas.
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Apr 9, 2013
I have created a couple of conditional formatting rules on the first row that fill the whole row of the table based on whether there a number in one cell or another. (Fill the whole row green if cell E3 has a number in it, or fill the whole row red if Cell F3 has a number in it).
I want to apply this to each row of the sheet but when I auto fill it down, the conditional formats fill but the reference cells stay as E3 and F3. This is causing the entire table to be filled instead of just the individual rows.
I don't want to have to put in conditional formatting rules manually for each row. Is there a way to auto fill down with the reference cells changing to suit each row like a normal formula would?
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May 7, 2014
I have created a workbook with 31 worksheets (they represent each day of the month). I'd like to know how I can auto fill the date in cell A1 across the 31 worksheets without having to type in each day myself. I need the date format to look like this: Wednesday 7th May 2014
In other words, cell A1 in worksheet 1 needs to say Thursday 1st May 2014, cell A1 in worksheet 2 needs to say Friday 2nd May 2014, cell A1 in worksheet 3 needs to say Saturday 4th May 2014 and so on for the remainder of the worksheets for that month.
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May 7, 2014
I have created a workbook with 31 worksheets (they represent each day of the month). I'd like to know how I can auto fill the date in cell A1 across the 31 worksheets without having to type in each day myself. I need the date format to look like this: Wednesday 7th May 2014
In other words, cell A1 in worksheet 1 needs to say Thursday 1st May 2014, cell A1 in worksheet 2 needs to say Friday 2nd May 2014, cell A1 in worksheet 3 needs to say Saturday 4th May 2014 and so on for the remainder of the worksheets for that month.
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Feb 28, 2013
I've put together an annual leave tracker for the department and am trying to make it as automated as possible. It currently consists of two sheets, 'Leave Applications' and 'Leave Tracker 13'.
If you look at the 'Leave Applications' sheet, I wish to be able to take this data to fill the calendar on 'Leave Tracker 13' with either AL or HL to demonstrate whether the day is annual leave or half day leave. This only wants to happen if the leave has been accepted, represented by an 'A' on the 'Leave Applications' sheet. The calendar obviously doesn't have any dates in the cells but I've got around this when it comes to shading in weekends by concatenating the date above and to the left of the cells and assume I must be able to do the same for populating it.
It's also complicated by the 'Leave Applications' consisting of multiple members of staff, though this may be ordered by date.
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Nov 18, 2008
when I run a macro, it takes me to a different sheet, clicks on a cell, and then goes to data--> form to automatically generate a form so I can make a new entry. I want the macro to wait until I have completed the form, and on completion to do something else. I'd prefer it if I could indicate completion of the firm by just a keystroke, but a mouse click will do as well.
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May 4, 2013
I have a document to track funding and would like to be able to auto-populate individual task sheets within the workbook based on a task drop-down. So if I choose Safety from the "Task Area" drop down it would auto populate the full row from the Master Sheet to the Safety Sheet. I have uploaded my document so you can better understand.
Funding Roll-up for 5.1.xlsx
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Nov 6, 2003
I've 12 numbers for 12 months in Cells. 13th Cell is the sum of all these 12 Cells. What I want is - Can I have a Data Validation on the Sum that it should not be more than 100. So, the users can enter the values in 12 Cells to make it equal to sum of 100 only. I know, I can do in VB Code but if it is possible to do as a function or Data Validation..
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Aug 19, 2009
I'm trying to figure a to enforce dual data validation on a single cell. That is, I need to restrict the user to entering only a decimal value, only if a particular other cell (say A2) is blank. To put it another way, if A2 is blank, the user can enter a decimal value, but if A2 is not blank, the user cannot enter anything. I can use Data Validation to enforce either the decimal restriction or the ISBLANK, but I'm not sure how to make them work together.
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Mar 10, 2014
In Column C, I have a variable range (usually like, C5:C100000) that has data validation in it. However, only about 10% of the cells have a value from that data validation list in them (which is what I want). I'd like to write a macro that only cleared out the cells with no value in them, so that they no longer had any data validation in them. Is this possible?
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Jul 8, 2008
I have several cells on a worksheet which contain data validation and force the user to select from a list, and several other cells with free user input. I want to use a macro to clear all data, and return the cells containing data validation to blank. (I have a blnak row at the top of all my lists, so there is a selection for "blank".)
I have no problem clearing the cells requiring user input, but my recorded macro would not select the cells with validation and return them to blank.
The first cell containing validation that I need to clear is M39. I have my code listed below for clearing the other cells. If I could get a clue on how to return M39 to blank, I could figure out the rest of the cells.
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Oct 16, 2008
Attached is the spreadsheet I am working on, log sheet and example sheet. As you can see from the example sheet I have location, Equipment type, equipment id and some others. As you can see on the log sheet, at the moment people select the information from validated cells, but if they select Point Machine from the equipment type list they have to scroll through all the equipment ID’s when they only really need to see 10 equipment ID’s relating to Point Machines. Is there a way to get the validation cells to do this or is there another way. I am very very new to VBA if this is an alternate way to do this.
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Jan 23, 2013
im having when it comes to creating a drop box. When I click on a cell or several cells and go to click data validation, I get "No cells were found"
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Nov 6, 2009
In need data validation in a range of cells (lets keep it to A1 for the example please). The data being entered is a 9 digit number, which needs to satisfy the following:
The 7th and 8th characters should be equal to an even number and be greater than zero, but less than 35.
Example 1: If 123456789 is entered in the cell, this would return an error because 78 (although being an even number) is above 35.
Example 2: If 987654321 is entered in the cell this would be allowed as 32 is an even number and less than 35.
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Aug 15, 2008
I have a list and set cells with a List Data Validation so you can choose them from a drop down menu. What i want to do is when you choose one of the option is the cell next to it come up with other option relating to the previous. E.G. I choose John Smith in cell A1 as a manager and in A2 a list of his team appears.
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Sep 26, 2007
My sheet goes from monday to friday on the coulombs. On the rows i have various data sections for each day. I would like the data on the last day (any day after monday) that there is data for a sheet to input that data into the monday slot when the "master date" is changed on the cheese sheet. The idea here being that the script will take the last entered data for a given sheet, and put it into the monday coulomb on the same sheet when the date is changed. This is kind of hard to explain so if you need clarification let me know. Attached is the sheet i'm working with.
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May 1, 2014
I want to prevent copying and pasting over cells with data validation as this means the validation is overwritten. To get around this I've selected all the cells with data validation and unlocked them, then protected the worksheet with all boxes ticked apart from format cells, columns and rows.
This prevents copy/pasting from overwriting data validation but it doesn't prevent data being pasted in that doesn't meet the validation criteria.
So for example, say -1 is in cell A1, with no data validation. In B1 there is data validation, which doesn't allow negative numbers to be entered. If I copy and paste A1 into B1, the data validation isn't overwritten, but it doesn't stop the non validated data (-1) from being entered! If I then double click on B1 and press enter it recognises the validation criteria is not met.
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Jul 24, 2009
I have column of cells, both of with have drop down menus to select information from. I have an adjacent cell to display an error based on conditions. Is there a way to have conditional formatting to apply to the cells with Data Validation to change the color, based on the error. I have tried using the Conditional Formatting options but it still does not change the color of them. I believe i have to use the formula option, but not exactly sure what to put, i know a if statement could work but unsure on how, there are only two conditions that i would need for it to apply, if the adjacent cell has an error, and when it does not. Is this possible?
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Aug 21, 2009
I have a list in one worksheet which comes from "=SALESMEN!$D:$D" but the list is extremely long with blank values. How can I make the list only show values from column D which are non-blank?
Currently the list goes up to 30, however I want to use all of Column D from the SALESMEN worksheet, that way if I add to it, the names will automatically be added to the list in the other sheet.
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Feb 3, 2014
Is there a way to have a user on sheet1 pick from a pull down of a data validation on sheet2? I have important information that is linked to only sheet2 within a data validation. I want to be able to reference it in sheet1 to have the user pick, then it toggles them on sheet2. Is this possible?
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