Declaring Public Variables
Apr 19, 2007
how do you declare public variables? In one of my forms I declare the variables but for some reason can not access them in other forms.
Public Rm_new As Integer
Public Angle_new As Integer
Public Pl_new As Integer
Public Sub cal_graph_Click()
'Stating variables
Rm_new = text_rm.Text
Angle_new = text_angle.Text
Pl_new = text_length.Text
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Apr 22, 2014
i'm trying to develop an array that is populated when a userform is activated. The userform has a command button that when pressed, will cross check the information filled out in the userform with the entries in the array. If there are no matches then the array is ReDim and the new information is added to the array. Once all the entries have been made. The array is then transposed to a sheet titled "Database". My problem is that vba is not allowing me declare a public array.Below is the first part of the code. Which is when the userform is activated.
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
With Sheets("Resources")
cbZIP.List = .Range("A2", .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Value
cbBED.List = .Range("B2", .Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Value
cbBATH.List = .Range("C2", .Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Value
cbSTABRV.List = .Range("G2", .Range("G" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Value
End With
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Aug 23, 2007
I tend to use alot of sub but am finding I need to declare variables each time
for example
Sub Macro1
Dim i as integer
i = 10
some other code...
end sub
Sub Macro2
Dim i as integer
i = 10
some other code...
end sub
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Jul 17, 2014
I'm having trouble creating a macro that will look at a single URL, and based on what text is in a cell, replace that name and put it into a specific location in the URL. Then the URL will open and the rest is a macro I've written already. This will then be done as many times as need as long as there is text in the column.
So I'm looking to declare the text in these cells as different variables, then have something call these variables into a specific location in a URL, then have that URL (which is a worksheet location) open up. This is because I have many URL worksheet locations on an external website, I'd like for my macro to look at the cells in column A, check "A2" and whatever that name is, and have it placed into the URL. I assume some type of loop would be useful, since I do not want them to open up all at once, but one by one based on the text or variable in the column. Then the URL will open.
Then I can run my macro code which will include copying and pasting, closing and saving. Then go the next cell, check "A3" then repeat the process. The URL for all the worksheets are all the same, except for one specifc name, which is what im looking to replace one by one.
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Dec 22, 2011
Using Excel 2007, I'm trying to figure out (and not succeeding!) on how to declare worksheet and range - in order to:
input a formula to cell xfd1, then copy down to xfd2:xfd100 - and here's what I've been playing about with
Sub filldownxfd()
Dim src As Range, out As Range, wks As Worksheet
Dim sRangeName As String
Workbooks.Item(1).Sheets.Item ("Sheet1")
Dim example As Range
Set example = Range("xfd2:xfd100")
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May 14, 2008
I am trying to use a public variable but it is not holding the value when I call another sub.
Here is basically what I have:
Public AcctName as Long
Sub Statments()
There is much more code in here but it is not relevent
AcctName = an account name lets say "frank"
If X XX then
Call Title
End If
End Sub
It then goes to the title sub and executes the code however it is supposed to write out the value held in acctname but it comes up blank instead of as Frank which is the value it held when it left the statments sub. I am new to this public thing and need any help I can get.
Just a note: the spelling is correct and the variable does hold the correct value before title sub is called.
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Jul 21, 2009
I've recently been experiencing some strange phenomena in relation to public variables. It seems that if I run separate routines in quick enough succession (e.g. press a button twice within a couple of seconds), the memory of the public variable "hangs over" into the second routine.
The routines, however, are completely separate events. And I'm not using userforms or anything like that in order to keep VBA running in the background. In which case it seems that Public variables don't always get set to nothing with the end of the final sub in a routine. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? I was under the impression only Static variables could do this.
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Oct 20, 2006
I'm programming with multiple workbooks. So public variables in one workbook often reference ranges in another. Anyhow, I have found that, when closing a workbook, unless I nullify all public variables that reference this workbook, it closes in excel but remains visible in the VB Editor. When I open the workbook again, another instance of its VB project appears in the VB Editor..and so on and so on, which is obviously pretty annoying..
I've worked out a way of nullifying (setting equal to nothing) all public variables in a workbook, but it's quite arduous and I haven't tried it yet.. basically, it involves running a code which runs through the procedure which sets these public variables (they are all set in a single procedure), then having the code write a new subroutine setting all variables to nothing, then running this subroutine..
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Aug 6, 2009
Is tere a way to reset all public variables in a module. I have a number of sub routines withing the same module and need to carry a variable from one to another so I have decalared tham as public variables.
This works fine except for an instance when I expect the variable to be empty (because nothing has yet been assigned to it) when in fact it contains the value that was assigned to last time another sub was run. So I suppose what I need is a way to reset all the variables in the module when a particular sub ends
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Jan 13, 2008
I make a userform called Option and now i want to call some of the variables of the userform in a module. First i try to copy this variables in a cell with the next
ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 3) = Me.MediaP.Value
and it works. But now, i want to call to MediaP in a module. For do that I try to do this:
With Worksheets("Hoja2")
.Range("B1").Value = Option.MediaP.Value
but it doesn't work. I don't want to use public variables or copy/use the information of the cell(2,3), i only want to know how use the information on the textbox called MediaP in a module.
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Aug 18, 2006
In my VBA project I've declared several public variables as normal (ahead of
all procedures) ... Public simolo() As double etc. They are declared in normal modules, and arent declared twice. I set the values in one procedure and then execute a second procedure but, when the variable is encountered in the second procedure, it appears to be empty and I get a "Subscript out of range" error. Clearly, the public variable isn't public since no data is stored in it.
What is going on?
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Nov 17, 2007
When working in an userform, and you call another sub routine within the userform, will all variables passed automatically be byref (no way to do byval?)?
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Jan 22, 2014
Excel 2010
I am trying to set public variables from an event handling procedure based in a worksheet so I can use that variable in a userform. Nothing I have tried works no matter where I declare the variable. I am using a msgbox to display the variable (a range) but it shows as blank regardless of whether I place the variable in a module, this workbook object or in the sheet object where the event code is placed.
I am sure there is a simple way to transfer variables from the sheet's code (where it must remain as the variable depends on the target cell's position that triggers the event).
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Aug 14, 2012
I am trying to bring up a form after clicking the "ok" button on another form. Both forms are defined in my public sub, so basically, the module creates both forms, calls the first form, and hides the second form. Then the first form hides itself and shows the second form. However, when second form is defined using "dim", the first form can't find it to show it, and when I make the second form "public" in my public sub, I get the error that it is an invalid attribute or function.
Here is the code from my sub that applies to this error:
Public Sub PutInEngine()
Dim InputForm As New FrmInputs
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Jan 21, 2007
where the number of rows and columns depend on other variables?
For example: In sheet 1, I have mentioned A = 2 and B = 3.
In the macro, I declare A and B to be integers. Then I try to declare a 2D array as follows:
Dim AB(A, B) As Integer
During compiling, it gives me an error: "Compile Error: Constant Expression Required" with the above line highlighted. What am I doing wrong?
Also, when I declare an array AB(4, 7), 4 is the number of rows and 7 is the number of columns, right?
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Oct 29, 2008
Can anyone tell me how to have a variable which can store leading zero's. I am using this variable and part of a string and want it to be able to store and calculate numbers such as 0005 at the moment if such a number is entered it sees it as 5. At the moment I have declared the variables as integers but clearly this is incorrect.
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Nov 23, 2011
I am trying to make sense of quite an elaborate macro built by someone else. This has the following line of code
Public Sub readOperation(rowNumber As Integer)
Dim rowOff As Integer
rowOff = rowNumber - 1
'other arguments and conditions
End Sub
What I am buggered about is that I cannot see the the variable rowNumber being declared anywhere but it seems to have a value of 1. I should mention that Operation is a class and I am very new to classes.
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May 2, 2008
Using excel 2003
What is the proper declaration for a decimal, I’ve been using currency because it has two decimal points i.e.
Dim x as Currency ...
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Jul 18, 2008
i got this at the top of my module:
Option Explicit
Public intLRow As Integer
Public strNetDrive As String
Public strDocName As String
Const strNetDrive = "\DriveDocuments"
Then i have this as a macro to test it:
Sub test()
Range("A1").Formula = strNetDrive
End Sub
When i run the macro i get this error:
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Oct 20, 2006
I have a worksheet that has 2 sheets. I want to declare a variable that can be accessed for reading and/or overwriting by both of those sheets. Where do I declare it and how do I access it from Sheet1 for example?
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Jun 11, 2007
Is it possible to declare n variable names dynamically in a macro? For example: Cell A2 in Sheet1 contains the number of variables to be considered in the macro (n). I would like all the variables to take names in the macro from node1 to noden using the dim statement. I tried running a for loop:
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Jan 13, 2010
I'm trying to create an array of arrays (a jagged array). According to Microsoft's VB developer center I can declare in the following ways: ...
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Jun 14, 2012
Right now in cell AE1 the value = "SUM", but the word "SUM" floats in row 1
I'd like a macro that looks through row1, and gives me the column letter that the word "SUM" resides in
sCol_1 As String
sCol1 = (Where ever the word "SUM" is located in row 1)
not sure if this is the best way.
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Jul 28, 2009
Prior to declaring a variable i used this code and it worked:
Sheets("442000ON-1+6").Range("C7").formula = "my formula"
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("C7:N7"), Type:=xlFillDefault
Than i declared a variable b/c i have a number of formulas i need to use but still needed it to fill the formula in a series after the formula ran. I started getting an error.
Fix was:
Dim formula1 As String
formula1 = "=SUMIF(Pivot!$A$6:$A$108,'442000ON-1+6'!$C$3,INDEX(Pivot!$B$6:$BP$106,0,MATCH('442000ON-1+6'!$B$1,Pivot!$B$5:$BP$5)))"
Sheets("442000ON-1+6").Range("C7").formula = formula1
Set SourceRange = Worksheets("442000ON-1+6").Range("C7")
Set fillRange = Worksheets("442000ON-1+6").Range("C7:N7")
SourceRange.AutoFill Destination:=fillRange
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Jun 18, 2006
I am trying to compare two workbooks and am running into the problem that since I declared my two workbooks, I am limited in the methods that I can use. Here is all of the code so far.
Option Explicit
Sub UpdateMasterFile()
Dim wbMaster As Workbooks
Dim wbEmailed As Workbooks
Dim wsPC As Worksheet
Dim Master As Long
Dim Emailed As Long
Dim intMaster As Integer
Dim intEmailed As Integer
Set wbMaster = Workbooks("Master Info.xls").Sheets("PlantsCom")
Set wbEmailed = Workbooks("EmailedData.xls").Sheets("NewInfo")
Master = Workbooks("Master Info.xls").Sheets("PlantsCom"). Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Row
Emailed = Workbooks("EmailedData.xls").Sheets("NewInfo").Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Row..............
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Sep 25, 2006
Users select a row number which then opens up a Userform. Comboboxes and Textboxes on this Userform are then populated with coloumn values (dependant on the row initially selected). If the row number was the same each time I could accomplish this by the following.
Private Sub TextBox1_Enter()
TextBox1.Value = Range("a1")
End Sub
but as its a variable I'm trying the following (which I think should work)
Private Sub TextBox1_Enter()
TextBox1.Value = Range("a" & edi & "")
End Sub
I think I need to declare the variable 'edi' as Public. If so where should this be? I've tried 'Genereal Declaration'
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Feb 5, 2009
Unzip Code - Works without Variables, Breaks with Variables.... This has been driving me bananas...
I have the
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Feb 12, 2008
Setting the Public Statement does not work. These are my codes:
Option Explicit
Public Ankis_makro As Boolean
Sub Makro2_Ankis_veckor()
On Error Resume Next
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Selection. AutoFilter Field:=1
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=2
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=3
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=4
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=5
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=6
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=7
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=8
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=9
Range(Range("J2"), Range("I65536").End(xlUp).Offset(0, 1)).FormulaR1C1 = "=TEXT(RC[-9],""ÅÅÅÅ"")" ...................
What ever I do I can't get the Ankis_makro set to True.
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Apr 3, 2014
I am trying to declare a public (or global) array and it's values so I don't have to keep dimensioning it for each function I create.
I was trying things such as:
Public whatever(10) as string
whatever(0) = "something"
whatever(1) = "somethin else"
And tried creating an initialize macro in "ThisWorkbook".
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May 26, 2014
I have declared one variable outside of Sub. And in a Sub I gave it a value. Then I run a macro, which should take that value and print it to the cell. However, it is printing a blank cell, not even "0" (I run a macro and anything in that cell is removed).
and then my macro:
How to make so macro see my variable declared outside of this macro?
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