UserForm Variables In Public Modules

Jan 13, 2008

I make a userform called Option and now i want to call some of the variables of the userform in a module. First i try to copy this variables in a cell with the next

ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 3) = Me.MediaP.Value

and it works. But now, i want to call to MediaP in a module. For do that I try to do this:

With Worksheets("Hoja2")
.Range("B1").Value = Option.MediaP.Value

but it doesn't work. I don't want to use public variables or copy/use the information of the cell(2,3), i only want to know how use the information on the textbox called MediaP in a module.

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Pass Variables From Userform To Public Procedures

Nov 17, 2007

When working in an userform, and you call another sub routine within the userform, will all variables passed automatically be byref (no way to do byval?)?

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Making String Public Across Modules

Jan 3, 2014

I need to define a string in a specific workbook that can be called across any worksheet in that workbook.

The code in ThisWorkbook would be similar to:
Sub Workbook_Open()
MyID = "FCF"
End Sub

Within any Worksheet in ThisWorkbook...
Sub SomeMacro()
MsgBox = MyID
EnD Sub

The MsgBox should read FCF

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Pass Array Variables Between Modules

Jun 8, 2007

I am trying to pass a public variable to another module in the same workbook. On Module1 I declare at the top

Public stores
Sub Main()
Dim stores(1 To 100, 1 To 10, 1 To 10)


...which then calls the procedure Reader in Module2

Sub Reader()
let x=1
let y=1
let z=1
let stores (x,y,z)=activecell.value

I've left out the portions of code that seem irrelevant. When the macro runs, I get a type mismatch error on the "let stores" line. If I move the code from Reader into the procedure Main, it works, so it seems to be an issue with passing the variable. I haven't used multiple modules very often so this is probably a very basic issue.

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Public Variables Not Holding The Value

May 14, 2008

I am trying to use a public variable but it is not holding the value when I call another sub.

Here is basically what I have:

Public AcctName as Long

Sub Statments()
There is much more code in here but it is not relevent
AcctName = an account name lets say "frank"

If X XX then
Call Title
End If

End Sub

It then goes to the title sub and executes the code however it is supposed to write out the value held in acctname but it comes up blank instead of as Frank which is the value it held when it left the statments sub. I am new to this public thing and need any help I can get.
Just a note: the spelling is correct and the variable does hold the correct value before title sub is called.

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Public Variables Duration

Jul 21, 2009

I've recently been experiencing some strange phenomena in relation to public variables. It seems that if I run separate routines in quick enough succession (e.g. press a button twice within a couple of seconds), the memory of the public variable "hangs over" into the second routine.

The routines, however, are completely separate events. And I'm not using userforms or anything like that in order to keep VBA running in the background. In which case it seems that Public variables don't always get set to nothing with the end of the final sub in a routine. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? I was under the impression only Static variables could do this.

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Nullifying Public Variables

Oct 20, 2006

I'm programming with multiple workbooks. So public variables in one workbook often reference ranges in another. Anyhow, I have found that, when closing a workbook, unless I nullify all public variables that reference this workbook, it closes in excel but remains visible in the VB Editor. When I open the workbook again, another instance of its VB project appears in the VB Editor..and so on and so on, which is obviously pretty annoying..

I've worked out a way of nullifying (setting equal to nothing) all public variables in a workbook, but it's quite arduous and I haven't tried it yet.. basically, it involves running a code which runs through the procedure which sets these public variables (they are all set in a single procedure), then having the code write a new subroutine setting all variables to nothing, then running this subroutine..

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Declaring Public Variables

Apr 19, 2007

how do you declare public variables? In one of my forms I declare the variables but for some reason can not access them in other forms.

Public Rm_new As Integer
Public Angle_new As Integer
Public Pl_new As Integer

Public Sub cal_graph_Click()
'Stating variables
Rm_new = text_rm.Text
Angle_new = text_angle.Text
Pl_new = text_length.Text

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Reset All Public Variables In A Module

Aug 6, 2009

Is tere a way to reset all public variables in a module. I have a number of sub routines withing the same module and need to carry a variable from one to another so I have decalared tham as public variables.

This works fine except for an instance when I expect the variable to be empty (because nothing has yet been assigned to it) when in fact it contains the value that was assigned to last time another sub was run. So I suppose what I need is a way to reset all the variables in the module when a particular sub ends

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Subscript Out Of Range Using Public Array Variables

Aug 18, 2006

In my VBA project I've declared several public variables as normal (ahead of
all procedures) ... Public simolo() As double etc. They are declared in normal modules, and arent declared twice. I set the values in one procedure and then execute a second procedure but, when the variable is encountered in the second procedure, it appears to be empty and I get a "Subscript out of range" error. Clearly, the public variable isn't public since no data is stored in it.
What is going on?

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Excel 2010 :: Public Variables From Event Handling Procedure?

Jan 22, 2014

Excel 2010

I am trying to set public variables from an event handling procedure based in a worksheet so I can use that variable in a userform. Nothing I have tried works no matter where I declare the variable. I am using a msgbox to display the variable (a range) but it shows as blank regardless of whether I place the variable in a module, this workbook object or in the sheet object where the event code is placed.

I am sure there is a simple way to transfer variables from the sheet's code (where it must remain as the variable depends on the target cell's position that triggers the event).

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Create Userform With Existing Modules?

May 12, 2014

I wrote some macros that allow me to check info when i input employee number and dates on a worksheet. There are three buttons in my macro which are "Prepare" (do some preparation for the origional data in order to perform check ups later on), "Clear" (clear info in order to perform next check up), "Check" ( Check the info that i need). I already finished the code for all three buttons and they are all functioning.

My question is how to create a userform that allows me to do the same thing as a macro. for example, on the userform window, there should also be three command buttons ("Prepare","Clear","Check") and also there should be three textbox labeled as "Employee Number","DateFrom","Date To" and the value of these textboxes are just the same as the input value for the macro( ie. In the macro, these three inputs are located at cells "B2","C2","D2")

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Dynamically Create Userform Through Class Modules?

Feb 15, 2013

I have a problem with a dynamic userform that I need to create.

I need a userform in which the number of controls are determined by the some values in the worksheet. The users of the workbook must be able to add new controls to the form, so I do not know the number of controls in advance. I therefore can not create the userform through the design module but must create it through code instead.

I need a userform with a number of comboboxes and a commandbutton, which when clicked sends the content of the comboboxes to the first empty row in a worksheet.

My problem is that I can't assign any commands to the comboboxes (which are created at runtime), nor can I use the values of the comboboxes in any commands assigned to other controls in the userform (e.g. the commandbutton).

I have read as far that I probably need some form of class module to create the controls at runtime, but since I am relatively new at VBA, I'm having trouble getting the class module to work in connection with the userform.

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Userform Not Passing Through 1 Particular Public Variable?

Aug 20, 2014

I have a userform that is called within a sub in module. I declared a public string, "divisonb", in the module. When the userform's ok button is clicked, I define the public string through a "select case" method.

At the end of the private sub for the ok button click I have this:


a message box comes up with the correct string for divisonb. After the sub ends and it returns to the module I have the following:

[Code] ....

When this message box pops up, it is blank. Somehow, divisonb was redifined as blank within that 2 lines of code. All my other public strings are returned to the module with their correct values.

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Pass Userform To Public Sub Procedure

Feb 15, 2010

I have a userform that has a number of cascading comboboxes, however i wish to use the same cascading feature in a number of other userforms. So what i am trying to achive is calling the cascading element from a public macro, to do this i need to pass the userform name to the procedure. The snippet of code i am using is:

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
If ComboBox1.Value <> "" Then
myform = Me.Name
Call Cascade1(myform)
End If
End Sub

ub Cascade1(myform)
myform.Label2.Visible = True
myform.ComboBox2.Visible = True
myform.ComboBox2.RowSource = Range(myform.ComboBox1.RowSource).Cells(myform. ComboBox1.ListIndex + 1, 1)
End Sub

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Losing Public Variable When Submitting Userform

Jan 29, 2009

I have an Excel 07 spreadsheet containing multiple tabs, modules, and userforms.
In Module1, I have a public variable declared as boolean - will call it X. When X is selected from a combo box in Userform 1, X is set to TRUE. However I've noticed that when the user enters Userform 2, X is somehow set to FALSE.

I can't set it back to TRUE at that point because more often than not, it SHOULD be FALSE, thereby sending the macro down a different path. Any idea how I can retain the "TRUE" value for X. I've tried changing the Public Variables to Global, but am still having the problem.

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Declaring Public 2 Dimensional Array In Userform

Apr 22, 2014

i'm trying to develop an array that is populated when a userform is activated. The userform has a command button that when pressed, will cross check the information filled out in the userform with the entries in the array. If there are no matches then the array is ReDim and the new information is added to the array. Once all the entries have been made. The array is then transposed to a sheet titled "Database". My problem is that vba is not allowing me declare a public array.Below is the first part of the code. Which is when the userform is activated.

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
With Sheets("Resources")
cbZIP.List = .Range("A2", .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Value
cbBED.List = .Range("B2", .Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Value
cbBATH.List = .Range("C2", .Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Value
cbSTABRV.List = .Range("G2", .Range("G" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Value
End With


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Reference Userform Controls In Public Module

Jan 9, 2007

I located combobox on userfom and don't see it in the module.

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Call Public Object From Public Sub?

Aug 14, 2012

I am trying to bring up a form after clicking the "ok" button on another form. Both forms are defined in my public sub, so basically, the module creates both forms, calls the first form, and hides the second form. Then the first form hides itself and shows the second form. However, when second form is defined using "dim", the first form can't find it to show it, and when I make the second form "public" in my public sub, I get the error that it is an invalid attribute or function.

Here is the code from my sub that applies to this error:

Public Sub PutInEngine()
Dim InputForm As New FrmInputs


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UserForm Variables Available To All UserForm Procedures

Jan 16, 2008

I have a userform that should return a global varable but when the global varable is used back in the is 0 and not the number in the userform.

The varable I speak of is ForcedCurrent
Global declairation

Private Type TempData
LotNumber() As String
Site() As String
Macro() As String
ChainName() As String
ResistancePerContact() As Double
Index As Integer
End Type

Private Type Lot
Product As String
ParaOrDeft As String
ThermalOrStress As String
Hours() As String
Data() As TempData
Index As Integer
End Type

Dim LotData As Lot

Dim TestNameArray() As String
Dim NumberOfContacts() As Double
Dim ReedholmUnits() As String
Dim ForcedCurrent As Double ...

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Passing Variables From A Userform

Dec 21, 2009

I am trying to eliminate a lot of the global variables from my program by passing the variables to my functions and subs as arguments. I am stuck though when it comes to variables created in userforms.

The program starts with a series of userforms that asks the user for information that will be used throughout the rest of the program. Data is assigned to the variables on the click events. Is it possible, without using global variables, to pass those variables to the rest of the program?


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Using Goal Seek On Userform With Variables

Apr 6, 2013

Goal seek function

Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("Polynomial").GoalSeek _
Goal:=15, _ ChangingCell:=Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("X")

Is it possible to modify this such that I can use variables? For example, the variables are 'left term', 'right term' and 'sigma max' .

I want to set the value of the following equation 'left term - right term' to 0 by changing variable 'sigma max' Everything is done on the userform and not in the spreadsheet.

(Note: In spreadsheet format, the above query is equivalent to setting a cell which has a formula to 0 by changing the value in another cell, fairly simple).

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Pass Variables Between UserForm & Macro

Sep 2, 2007

I am looking at using forms, as in the Userform... Not used them before, but would like to know, if you create a text box on it, is the value global, so any module can use the var? or how can I, so that value entered can be used on the whole book ?

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VBA Userform - Labeling Depending On Multiple Variables

May 20, 2014

I have the following issue:

I have a table of data, and would like my userform to select parts on this depending on different variables.

When I run the macro "Show_UserFormCalculatePrice" or click the button "Calculate Price", the userform is activated which has 2 comboboxes, Date and Service.

When a certain date a service are selected I would like the the dish name to show in the labels of the userform.

My main issue is that there will be multiple dishes that will correspond to the data, and I would like them to be vertically listed in the labels depending on their number (Column A).

Essentially I would like to run some sort of If function:

If the date and the service correspond to the criteria then they are shown in the labels.


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Link Variables & Sheets In Macro To A Userform

Jul 24, 2007

I have a sheet with 3 macros. It consists of two macros to produce results, and the third to bridge the two together where is all starts. I have built a userform in the sheet and am trying to get the variables in both sheets, to be user changeable and selectable via the userform.

In the attached data, the userform allows for the selection of two sheets, A and B. The user would select in A the sheet with data which is equivalent to Oval_An and in B the sheet with the data equivalent to Oval_DMA. The first macro, Find_75 runs, followed by the second macro, kTest, all working to produce results when hitting the Subtract button on the form. The Find_75 tolerance are also defined via the useform box, as well as kTest's compare tolerance.

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Constant Variables - Declare Name In Separate UserForm As Constant

May 8, 2012

I have a userForm (Form1) that contains a persons name that I would like to reference in a separate UserForm (Form2). In the separate UserForm (Form2) I need to reference this persons name many times, so I was wondering if there was a was to declare this name in the separate UserForm (Form2) as a constant. Only thing is that a constant, to the best of my knowledge, must be an expression and not a variable. Mainly, I'm trying to avoid declaring the myName variable in each Sub within Form2, which it will be needed for a ton of Sub's.

Code for Form2: Const myName As String = Form1.txtName.Value

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Unzip Code - Works Without Variables, Breaks With Variables...

Feb 5, 2009

Unzip Code - Works without Variables, Breaks with Variables.... This has been driving me bananas...

I have the

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Modules In VBA

Feb 26, 2009

Can i know how many modules can be used in a VBA Program

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Class Modules?

Oct 14, 2008

I'm wondering about class modules and what they can be used for etc etc? i want to continue developing my VBA and feel that this area is the next step?

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Ignoring 1 Of Two Modules

Jan 28, 2010

I have managed to get it almost done with lots of help from here the last issue I have is this:

The module I want transferred is working the assigning of the macro within that module to the button is working, however, when it gets to the FillSalesSheet section it opens the said workbook but then jumps to the module and the FillSalesSheet in that.

Module 1 which I would like ignored on the newly formed workbooks looks like this: ...

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