Delete Numbers Which Include Specified Numbers

Jun 24, 2007

How is it possible to delete the phone numbers which include 39 like (323940, 393312, 124039, and so) suppose all the phone numbers are in cell B

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Delete Numbers And Replace With Numbers From Adjacent Column

Feb 12, 2010

Is it possible to delete a column of numbers then replace those numbers from adjacent columns and the adjacent columns are then filled with the numbers adjacent to them

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Delete Numeric Series Numbers Between Numbers Entered

Mar 14, 2008

I want to ask that I have got a workbook with different number series i want user form where i can enter its start number and end number and then it finds and delete shift cells up said series number i have entered in user form please see mentioned below example.

and i want to delete 1 to 5 numbers delete to shift cells up.

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Formula To Include A Match To Any 8 Numbers

Aug 5, 2009

I have a formula to pick up certain bits of information depending on the contents of a cell.

The data in column F has a mixture of 8 digit numbers including numbers starting with multiple zero's, the numbers 138-1 and 151-26, then some text.

Orginally the 8 digit numbers only started 00 so it was easy to pull out the relevent information, then they started 40 and then 8. I'm just worried that I'm going to end up with too many nested 'if' statements (and reach the max limit), so I was wondering if I could do 'any 8 numeric digits' instead of this current 'dead end' solution.

I'm not sure if I could use a wildcard of some sort with the MID formula

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Excel 2003 :: Sort To Include Only Work Orders With All Numbers?

Aug 27, 2013

Using Microsoft Access to pull from a database work orders. Some of those are what we call "dummy" work orders and have a letter in them, real work orders are signified by a 10 digit number. I would like to sort and eliminate the letters to find appropriate data. I am assuming I will need to copy into excel and do some sort of formatting but not sure where to start.

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Delete Decimal Numbers Only?

Dec 14, 2008

Is there a way to delete only numbers ending in a decimal from a column of numbers? I have a column of numbers but only the non decimals are relevant to the next equation.

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Vba For Delete Of Numbers In Column

Feb 15, 2009

I have attached a pdf of part of my data. I wish to delete those cells in column 2 containing values between 9044795 and 9372402; then have the column below move up (into the cell deleted). Its a large data set so doing it manually is not an option.
After doing this the data across the rows should line up. I have tried using the replace and filter functions but I can't make it work. I've tried some VBA but my knowledge is wanting.

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Delete All Numbers From Column?

Dec 10, 2012

is there anyway i can delete all numbers from a column, leaving only alpha characters?

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VBA To Delete Range Of Numbers?

Sep 23, 2013

I have 50,000 to 150,000 rows of data. Row M has data from 0001 to 9999. I need to delete all rows except the rows with values 2500 to 4999. I had this working with a similar and smaller spreadsheet awhile back using an advanced filter. In this case I need to delete the unneeded rows. I would imagine I could also achieve it with a VLOOKUP array and a lot of finagling but with this many records to repetitively

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Delete First X Digits In Numbers

Oct 13, 2007

I have a unique 6 digit number in a column. I have 2500 rows. I need to cut the first three numbers only leaving the last 3 numbers in the column for each row.


I would need 112, and 234 deleted. Checked the forum and cannot get quite what I want.

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Delete Values That Are Not Whole Numbers

Dec 20, 2007

I'm looking for a way, inside a Macro, to delete any value in a range of cells that is not a whole number.

Say I have a range from "A4:C50" I am pasting items from another sheet through a Macro Button but I want code at the end of the Macro to then delete anything in this range that is not a whole number.

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Delete Row If Doesn't Contain Certain Numbers

Jan 18, 2008

Working at a company where we every month extract our customers into a excel document.

This is the CRM system , and some of the clients can't (shouldn't) be approached.

In Cell C is their customer classifications. In total there is about 60 different classifications. 10 of them is clients who we can send information to. For example customers with class 11111 or 41414 or 51515 or 61616 (among with 45 others) can't be approached. I'd like a macro/script who can delete all the nonrelevant clients so that afterwards I have a list of clients who can be approached.

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Find Min Of 4 Numbers And Delete That Number

Feb 3, 2014

I need to find the minimum of 4 numbers placed in 4 columns and delete the one which is minimum among them. I know to find minimum I can use min function but i don't know after finding how can i delete that automatically. Also problem is if two or more numbers are identical and minimum value it has to delete any one of them.

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Delete Rows Where The Numbers Don't Match?

Mar 3, 2014

column "b" in the attached file has numbers that match some numbers in column "c" I need to delete all the rows that done match the numbers in column "c" that are used in column "b"

for example no " 53" is in column "c" but not column "b" so they need deleting

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Delete ALL Text And Leave Only Numbers

Sep 28, 2009

I need to delete all characters BUT numbers (including decimals) in my sheet. Does anyone know how I can do this? I can do it either by using the find/replace menu, or use vba.

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Delete NUMBERS In Front Of The Names

Aug 15, 2007

I need to know how I can delete NUMBERS in front of the names....


Colume B


I need to delete the numbers in front of the names - i have about 26thousand records like this and need to know how i can delete them.

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Macro Delete Stacked Numbers

Jul 22, 2008

I already have a few macros I run in order to sort data. I am able to show problem data by using a macro to perform an output that puts the number "1" in a cell if there is a problem.

I'm looking for some help if someone could create/show me a macro that can delete stacked numbers. For this I mean if there is the number "1" in cell A1 and a "1" in cell A2, I want to delete the bottom of the two which means remove the "1" in cell A2 so that there are no 1's that are stacked. The number "1" in cell A1 and a number "1" in cell A3 is fine.

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Delete Initial Spaces From Numbers

Mar 17, 2007

I have inserted a set of numbers from the web, and some are appearing with $, and others with commas, and also some with spaces before the numbers. I can remove the $ and commas fine using crtl replace but cant get rid of the spaces before the numbers? I seem to remember in word there is a way to do this using crt+replace (using $ or ^ sign perhaps?) but need my memory jogged.

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Delete Cells If No Numbers In Same Range

Apr 29, 2008

For the description below I will be referring to the file I have attached.

I would like to write a VBA macro which will look at columns 1-4, if ALL of these are blank it will take the results from the row below in their place.

So the code column on the left will be displayed next to columns 1-4 in the row below, if columns 1-4 adjacent to the code are blank.

The 'Raw Data' columns show how the raw data will be fed into the spreadsheet.

The 'Output' columns show the desired output I would like from the raw data columns.

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Formula To Delete Whole Numbers But Leave Decimals?

Apr 22, 2014

I've got a spreadsheet that's basically a large list of numbers, both whole and decimal. For example, let's say this is in cells A1-A5:


Is there a formula to get rid of all of the whole numbers but leave the decimals? (What I mean by that is I don't need 4 or 3 as they're whole, but I need the decimals to be left alone).

I know it's probably a really awkward question but I have over 2,000 lines to go through, it will take a long time to do manually.

Perhaps if it's not possible to a formula to delete entries, maybe just make all whole numbers say something like "NO", so that I can sort the column in A-Z order and delete all of the 'NO's quickly by highlighting them all together.

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Delete Rows Multiple Criteria W/Numbers

Dec 23, 2009

I am trying to use the code below to eliminate data in a spreadsheet based on certain criteria. I have been able to get this to work with text fields just fine, but now I am running into an issue with numbers. I am trying to get this code to delete rows if they have the word "unknown" in column C and if the value in column B is greater than 900 hours (999:00:00), the numbers in this column are formatted as [hhh]:mm:ss. What should I tweak to make this work?

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Delete All Numbers Like: #####-## From Text Strings In Cells

Jun 23, 2008

I need to remove multiple instances of pages numbers from a 2000 character text string I have dumped into a cell. The spacing is not equal between the page numbers but they always take the form |#####-##| i.e. bar delimited 5 digit-2 digit. I tried SUBSTITUTE but it will not accept wildcards. I was thinking of looping through a SEARCH. The numbers are ordered ie |00001-01| to |00001-25| then |00002-01| etc, stopping at 25. This might lend to looping but I couldn't wrap my head around the VBA to accomplish that. A sample of the text

"|00006-01| (Defendants' Exhibit Nos. 1,2 marked for |00006-02| Identification.) |00006-03| BY MR. JOHNSON: |00006-04| Q. Doctor, I am handing you Exhibits 1 and 2. |00006-05| Exhibit 2, is that the one that you brought with you, |00006-06| the deposition notice of today? |00006-07| A. I believe so, yes." Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes;I should have said this before but this is for use on Excel 2003 WinXP.

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Delete Text In Cells Leaving Only Numbers

Jun 25, 2008

i m creating a macro to delete extra characters in a column. I have over 200,000.00 records in one column which consists of numbers with characters. For example:

/ 80730279
80736277 /
( )80739210
* 80739823
& 80735380
80796440 @
## 80722138

if anybody can come up with a macro, so that I can just have the numbers and nothing else. I would like to exclude the following -~!@#$%^&*()_=+?/.";:|][{},^` within a cell.

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Detect Numbers In A Cell Range And Then Change Cells Based On What Numbers Are Found?

Feb 27, 2014

I'm going to be using a spreadsheet to keep track of where different people are at. So if Person 1 is in Room 3, I will stick a 3 in the box next to their name and then can look at the spreadsheet whenever I need and see what room they are in. When I'm deciding what room to put a person in, though, I need to be able to quickly glance at a list of Room #'s and see what one's are still available. So I have a bank of Room #'s in the spreadsheet....1,2,3, etc.

What I'd like, is some way to set this up so that when I put, for example, "3" in the cell next to "Person 1" the spreadsheet automatically removes "3" from the bank of available Room #'s and when I delete the "3" because the person has left, it adds "3" back to the bank of available Rooms.

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Split Range Of Numbers From One Cell Into Column Of Multiple Cells All With Individual Numbers

Mar 5, 2012

I have a mass of data which look something like this:

table removed

and I require the ranges of reference numbers to be listed in a column one above the other, which requires inserting new rows. I also need the date & description columns copied down into the newly inserted rows.

So basically for example I would want the top row to now read:

table removed

and then apply the same procedure to the other ranges below this.

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Excel 2010 :: Formatting Numbers Written In Text To Numeric And Pulling Only Numbers Out

Feb 20, 2013

I am extracting data from a website to excel 2010. my problem is the data contains both text, numbers, and sometimes a combination of both.

e.g. hi im ron for more information you can reach me at 6 five 6 four 5 seven 7 three 2 two..

I need it to look like this 6564577322 or 7 * 0 * 2 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 8 * 6 * 2 * 1...i need to look look the same

How do i first format the numbers written in text into numbers and then show only the numbers in a cell minus the text?

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Matching Pairs - Column To Automatically Populate With Any Of 3 Digit Numbers That Share Two Numbers

Mar 12, 2013

This is what I need:

Columns B, C, D & E are all populated with 3 digit numbers.

I would like column F to automatically populate with any of the 3 digit numbers that share two numbers, i.e.

F2 might look like this (using 00 as the pair):

001, 040

F3 might look like this (using 01 as the pair):
701, 051, 110, 001, 120

F4 might look like this (using 12 as the pair):
123, 721, 281, 912, 112, 120


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Import Large Text File Of Numbers Without Excel Splitting Numbers?

Jul 19, 2014

I have a text file with rows and columns of numbers ranging from 1-4 digits that I'd like to import/copy into Excel with each number being in its own cell. But whenever I copy/try to import, Excel splits all of the 3-4 digit numbers up into single digit numbers. The text file has 10,000+ columns (each number occupies two columns so I have half of that amount in numbers) and 300+ lines.

Is the file simply too large for Excel to handle or is there a way I can do this?

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Delete Blank Rows :: That Don't Contain Visible Numbers Or Letters

Oct 13, 2009

I'm trying to clean up several long worksheets by removing rows that don't contain a visable number or letter.

I want to remove all rows that only contain either empty cells, formulas that evaluate to a empty text string (""), cells that contain error values, or cells that contain zeros, or any combination of the previous.

I've stumbled onto the following, but it does not work.

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Convert Numbers Stored As Text To Numbers (attached File)

Oct 22, 2009

In the ID column of the attached excel file whenever I convert the numbers stored as text to numbers it results in a weird transformation.

e.g. an ID of 480610141001 becomes 4.8061E+11. When I do the same process in the name column, which has similar numbers, it will give the correct result following the same process.

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