Delete Blank Rows :: That Don't Contain Visible Numbers Or Letters
Oct 13, 2009
I'm trying to clean up several long worksheets by removing rows that don't contain a visable number or letter.
I want to remove all rows that only contain either empty cells, formulas that evaluate to a empty text string (""), cells that contain error values, or cells that contain zeros, or any combination of the previous.
I've stumbled onto the following, but it does not work.
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Aug 4, 2012
I have an excel sheet with about 20,000 rows. I want to delete rows that in column AC or AD do not have the letters E, A, or Y. Therefore, all remaining rows should have the letter E, A, or Y in column AC or AD.
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Jul 2, 2014
I can't understand how Delete works when applied to a table.
Here is my table:
If I use "EntireRow.Delete", I have an error.
If I use "Delete" only, it works for A and B, but for C, it suppresses the Letter column.
By the way, I don't understand why I have to include header (Table1[[#Headers],[#Data],[Letter]]) when I filter to find unique letters at the beginning of the script.
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Jan 30, 2013
how to delete only visible rows in a filtered list?
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Apr 10, 2008
If you look at the attached file in Row 41, Column H, the count function is not working properly... it is mis-counting, the numbers that appear. It does not work either in F41 and G41. It seems to be having a problem reading the if function I created. Does anyone know how to correct this, or change the if function formula so it doesn't have these issues.
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Jun 16, 2014
I have a row of numbers that change as they go up. I will have 2 rows of numbers that will range from 1's all the way to 9's (B through BO) I will have different letter sequences that I will be entering as the criteria in column F either on the Up and Down sheet or the Even and Odd sheet. When I say different sequences. This is 1 group of letters. The next group of letters in column F will be in a different order. They will always be a U and D in one and E and O in the other but in row 13 it may have a U or D and it will be the same all the way down. The object is for me to be able to place the letters in either column F from rows 13 to 60, place 2 rows of numbers in rows 58 and 59, press the advance cell in G1 and it it populates all across the spreadsheet from I to BO. I will get all different number sequences since I am starting with a different number in rows 58 and 59. I have all the letters color coded and they move up based upon the color of the letters in row 1. If there is a green E in column M then I will be the column that the number advances from 1111 to 2111. If there is a green O then column K will advance up from 1111 to 1121.
I made a short video if you wish to view it.
The conditional formatting is very important so I need to have the green font with gray shade and red font with yellow shade [URL]....
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Dec 11, 2012
I have a range that has been formatted as a table. Once I've applied a filter, if I try to select all of the rows, and delete the visible rows the option is greyed out.
Is there no way, short of vba, that I can just simply delete the visible rows?
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Jun 6, 2013
I'm working through a filter macro to delete unecessary rows of data from my dataset.
- I have a Dynamic Range for my dataset called "CanadaData"
- I'm trying to delete rows from the 5th column of my dataset for cells containing "DIRECTSHIP"
The macro filters the range fine, but when if comes to deleting the row, the macro stops.
Sub CanadaWarehouseFilter()
x = Range("E" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("E22:E" & x), "DIRECTSHIP") > 0 Then
With Range("CanadaData")
[Code] ......
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Sep 5, 2006
I am asking if it is possible to delete filtered rows? With code.
What I mean is after setting a filter, then deleting all shown rows except row 1, (Titles)
I did a search but nobody seams to have asked this yet, so recorded it, but that did not seam to enlighten me much either.
Or is this the wrong approach, should I delete using a loop, using the filtered criteria as to say delete row, or move on to the next row?, this would be far more time consuming as when all can be deleted at once if possible of corse.
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Jul 21, 2014
I would like to count all of the cells in a filtered range which contain specific text. These cells will also contain numbers.
The cells either contain one of the following
EXA 130
EXB 130
The number could be any number (not just 130) the text will only be EXA or EXB
So I am looking for the number of cells in a filtered range (visible cells) which contain EXA (plus any number)
The above doesn't work and I have attempted lots of variations of this with no luck.
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Oct 27, 2013
I need to write a macro where i need to copy set of rows from few columns of an excel sheet to another set of columns in same sheet . My excel looks something like this...
Now when i filter this table for Product PR01 only rows 1,3,4 will be visible while the other rows remains hidden
when i use the code
i get to select ones those are visible but i am not sure how i can PASTE them to rows visible under column f1020 to f1025
Tried this in a frantic effort
Selection.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).PasteSpecial xlValues
But got an error for " multiple selection"
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Jul 29, 2014
i have a list of 2000 fields which have the same format IE "AB10014"
I need to remove the "AB" from every field and leave the #.
Besides putting a space and running text to columns I'm not sure how.
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Jul 24, 2012
I have a column of cells, some blank, some containing just numbers, some containing just letters, some containing numbers preceded by the the letter 'p'
In the cells containing the number preceded by the 'p' - i would like to remove the 'p' leaving just the number, with all other cells remaining unchanged.
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Sep 30, 2008
I have the following codes to delete all blank rows in column A
Dim lastrow As Long
lastrow = Sheet1.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
MsgBox lastrow
With Sheet1
For t = 1 To lastrow
If Cells(t, 1) = "" Then
End If
Next t
End With
End Sub
Although it is working , it is not deleting all the blank rows at once, I have to keep pressing on the macro button running the macro several times, until all blank rows are completely deleted.
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Jun 21, 2008
I have an imported report in a spreadsheet. It imports to three columns. I need to check each row in column A for three seperate criteria and delete the rows I don't need. I need to delete blank rows and check next row for page header info. Delete these and next rows to next blank cell. Check next row for page header and not delete if not page header. Several rows down will be a cell with 23 blank spaces before the word Reg: and sometimes other words past this but always this first. This row is to be kept. I looked at the FAQ's example of Deleting but I don't think it will work. I also need to put a key word in column A at a point where I want to stop. This report is a couple thousand rows long so a VBA procedure would really save time. I have a procedure I use to check for two zero's in two cells that hide these rows but I couldn't modify it to work on this report.
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Apr 22, 2009
Need to correct code to resize all visible rows on a sheet based only on the text in the visible columns. I have tried the below code but when it resizes it is using the largest amount of text in the rows including that in the hidden columns.
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May 19, 2014
I have pulled a SharePoint list into my workbook. The list object (table) is still linked to the SharePoint list, as I'd like to synchronize it later on. I have filtered it with an autofilter. I'd like to delete all of the visible rows. I have tried a billion things to no avail. I have been searching Google for hours now. None of the examples work.
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Jun 17, 2014
I have been trying to delete about 86k rows in my table in a worksheet. It has been over 5 hours now and it is still running to delete. any better solution? or how long do i need to wait for the system to finish its work?
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Jan 19, 2012
I have a real problem with a file I'm working on. It has invoice numbers in one column, followed by payment milestones. In the row underneath, there is an 'x' to mark if payment was made in a particular zone, e.g.:
The problem is that there are two rows with data, a blank row, then another two rows with data. I have thousands of rows and need a quick-fix to delete the blanks.
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Feb 23, 2013
a VBA code to delete blank rows.
The current worksheet has data which is retrieved from other worksheets.
For example:
Current worksheet A1= Sheet1!A1
Current worksheet A10= Sheet2!A1
Current worksheet A20= Sheet13!A1
The range of this current worksheet is A1:F1287 and inbetween there are blank rows. The cells in the current worksheet are not technically blank, because each cell (A1:F1287) retrieves the information from the respective worksheet.
I would like to know of a VBA code to delete a whole blank row/-s (all columns of this row is blank) inbetween the range. Therefore, if there is a whole blank row, this row to be deleted and to go to the next row that shows information . In other words, instead of me manually searching and deleting whole empty rows; a VBA code for this task.
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May 9, 2007
modified my code to have the data continue to the next row where it left off before jump to other sheets. The code below creates too many blank rows of all sheets (9213, 9316, 9501 and 9601).
After the code stops execute, I have to delete all the blank rows. This takes too long, approximately 5 minutes for each sheet...
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Apr 24, 2009
I am trying to write a macro that will check from 1 to 143 columns..and if all the columns are empty then it has to delete that entire line. Totals rows are over 35000. I am using excel 2007. I have written the below code. Could someone pl help me in enhancing this.. or a better way as this is taking about an hour to complete.
Sub Costa()
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Integer
j = 2
For i = 2 To 37735
loop1: For j = j To 143
If Cells(i, j) = "" Then
j = j + 1
GoTo loop1
Cells(i, j).EntireRow.Delete
j = 2
GoTo loop3
End If
Next j
Cells(i, j).EntireRow.Delete
loop3: Next i
End Sub
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Apr 18, 2013
I need to detect blank rows and then delete them but for the formula not be be affected
In the example attached there are 4 components but i may only need to use 3 so row 4 would be blank
i need to find the blank rows and delete them and for the formula in cells G12:H14 to be update as necessary
at the moment if i delete the rows i get a REF# in place of the cell which has been deleted
i have tried this on a simple formula and when you delete a row the formula changes as required
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Jun 23, 2014
I've got a code that generates some worksheets in a fairly large workbook. The code is run monthly and replaces the already existing worksheets.
The problem is that each newly generated worksheets contains more than 1 million rows, which means that the size of each worksheet is around 5MB.
I need a code which allows me to delete all blank rows starting with row 1000 in those worksheets.
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Jan 14, 2012
I have created a file where I use the Subtotal function. Once I collapse the information to only give me the Total, I would like to copy the Total rows into another worksheet. However, when I do this I get blank lines in between. I am trying to find a way to delete the blank rows in between the Total rows I need. Is there a way to do this with the auto filter function?
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Nov 13, 2012
I would like VBA code to delete all rows where there are blanks in Col B
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Sep 11, 2013
I need to loop through data when it finds a blank it need to delete that row and 15 rows down and loop through whole data set find blank row and delete 15 rows down.
It's been years since I did any VBA, and I forgot. Do I need to use offset to acheive this task?
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Dec 13, 2007
I need to write a macro that will successfully delete blank rows. I also need to write a macro that will successfully delete duplicates. The duplicates are numbers and they do constantly change.
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Jan 31, 2008
A macro that will delete a tab or tabs in a file if and only if rows 11, 13, 23 & 25 are completely blank within that tab?
So basically ALL rows would need to be blank, if there is any data within any of those rows, then tab should NOT be deleted.
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Jun 12, 2008
I need a macro to delete blank rows from row 2, but excluding the last 4 rows where there is blank rows between the data
See example below where the rows containing blank cells after #2 in column A must not be deleted ...
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