I am looking for a macro to delete rows that DO NOT contain criteria. But what I could achieve so far is deleting all rows except the first word ie ACC here. My code so far is as follows
I need to get a general formula which if possible, automatically calculates the frequency of unique texts (no duplicates) under a particular month (January) without manually inserting the cells which is under january. If possible, the formula will also check to see if the company is either Cash or Cheque.
I have three columns; Date, Company name and Payment mode.
Date ranges from 1 jan 2010 to 31 dec 2012. Cell A2 to A234
I have a worksheet in which I have sorted the data based in date and numbering (column I and E). I would like to create 2 macros for following actions:
1- all rows with the value "TOM" in column C will have to be deleted.
2- all rows with a value of 601 or 602 in column E, will have to be moved to the bottom of the sheet after the last row with data. The rows that have been moved will have to be sorted based in date (column I) and numbering (column E).
This sheet has A:K columns and 1:3212 rows. There are 'page headers' that are in the text file that I want to delete (the text file was exported from an AS400 program). The first row that starts the page header has SA341 in column 1. Each page header has 5 rows. I used this code from one of the other threads on deleting rows, but I obviously do not understand the code as it deleted all rows that contained SA341. Sub DeleteRows() Column_To_Check = 1 Start_Row = 1 End_Row = ActiveSheet. Cells(Rows.Count, Column_To_Check).End(xlUp).Row MsgBox End_Row Search_String = "SA341" For Row_Counter = End_Row To Start_Row Step -1 If ActiveSheet.Cells(Row_Counter, Column_To_Check).Value < SA341 > Search_String Then ActiveSheet.Rows(Row_Counter).Delete
delete rows if two conditions are met .THe sample data looks as shown below:
I need to check for a given resource where the allocation hours are highest against which project , and then delete the rest of the rows for that resource records.If the Allocation hours are the same , then the priority column should be considered the highest priority should be included and the rest to be deleted.And if the priority is also the same then need just one record to remain rest of the rows to be deleted.I have priority of business area ranging from
I have the following table, which starts in Column A, row 2. I would like to have a macro, that deletes some rows after certain criteria. If Column F = SO normal and Column E = aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, ff then delete the whole row.
I have an excel 2007 file, which is quite big: ~10mb. There are situated plenty of columns with coordinates. I would like to transcribe it, modify those data, but it will take me ages. I'm not acquainted with macros, but I heard that people can do with them everything using computers' abilities. I'll abridge my whole problem.
I give you a sample of that file, so please open it. In the file you can see two 'columns'. Every column has two other columns called x and y. As you are thinking now these two columns are containing arguments (in x column) and their values (in column y). Every third column is empty. In attached file you see, that arguments are repeating and values are increasing by one. Sometimes there is an argument without repeats, and sometimes there are only two repeating arguments.
What I wanted to do is delete those repeating arguments leaving arguments with the highest and the lowest value. Example: Please look at range A230:B232. There are three repeating arguments and for this case I should delete row 231 from columns A&B and then move cells up to join separated columns. There are also not repeating arguments, which I need to double. If there will be only two repeating arguments I would like leave them. In the end I should have a clear view for all those coordinates.
i have several student ID results that have conditional formatting in place. I'd like to KEEP the following data but delete/hide everything else:
1) Filter out purple rows 2) WITH filtered rows: KEEP any scoreA that's 100% or less than 85% 3) Look at Score A and Score B - KEEP if the difference is greater/less than 5% 4) If a student took testB but didnt take testA, KEEP.
I have a sheet with say 1000+ rows that is a QA report of possible mistakes found in a employee rostering tool.
The report finds all occurrences where the staff member only has one coffee break rather than the two they are entitled to. However, on days where they have training, or other half day commitments, on of the coffee breaks is not entered into out tool. This means we are getting a whole lot of entries that we do not require(i.e. one coffee break error).
The tool uses icons but the cells do have a single unique character under each icon type. For example, the coffee break cells have a "T" and training cells have a "&" underneath the icon (without quotes). The staff members day is separated into 15 minute blocks and each block occupies a cell in a column. This means each staff members day spans many columns in a row (i.e. C=8am, D=8:15am, E=8:30am etc...).
What I have been trying to accomplish is to create a macro in VB code that will locate any row with both a "T and a "&" and delete it. This will eliminate occurrences that we are aware of and leave only genuine errors. There are other combination's that I would like to include also such as: "T" "[" "T" "#" "T" "@" "T" "]"
The first row is headers and the first two columns contain team names and staff names which I am trying to exclude (because names contains "T"'s ).
I have spent many hours now looking for example code on Google, this forum and other forums, however most of the examples I have found are looking for two criteria within a column or specific criteria that is not suitable to my application (i.e. values <> certain numbers etc...).
I had a raw data sheet in which i need to prepare a statement just like the attached worksheet.
My requirement is to delete all those rows in the department column except the department which starts with "C" Just like "CNN" & "CNN-IN".
Rows with data containing the words starting with "CNN" should not be deleted .The rows can contain words with "CNN" or "CNN*"(here * denotes anything after the word CNN)
I had just formatted the whole worksheet for easy reference.Actually the raw data is extracted from other program which is very clumsy & irregular.
I have macro code to hide rows based on a certain critera but I don't know how to adapt the code to delete the rows. Basically it checks a column and for every row
I have some data from A1 to A65536, there are few blank rows in between. i want to delete all the rows below the word "test" in that range. that is the word "Test" appears in A37686 that row and all the below Rows till the last row should be deleted.
I have a large spreadsheet that is 65000 rows and colomns A thru W. I need a macro to delete rows that if Date and Account and Type are equal and the net of Quantity is zero delete those rows.
Col A = Date Col C = Account Col D = Type Col J = Quantity
What the macro would do is if an account had 250 rows of activity on say 7/7/2004 (Date) and same type of account and the net of all Quantity is equal to zero delete those rows.
Is there a vba code that can delete the entire row based on two criterias? If a row has a location of Canada and is a female, then delete the entire row.
Name Location Gender Alan Mexico Male Dick USA Male Sharon Canada Female <-- This will be deleted if based on criteria Mike Canada Male
I am a pharmacist that runs reports and I need to sort and exclude data
It is in Excel 2003 format
I run a report that includes a patients name in one column, the medications name in another column and if the medication was withdrawn, wasted, returned or restocked in another column. Withdrawn, wasted, returned or restocked are treated as different functions and each have their own row entry. Patient and medication name are the same in all situations
I need a macro that will look at the patients name and medication name, see if it is the same and delete all rows that have a withdrawal with an associated wasted, returned or restocked.
if anyone out there had some code that would delete an entire row if a cell contained a value either = or > 0. I have attached a sample of my spreadsheet it contains two worksheets and I need the same task performed on each. The list may differ from day to day in length so I would need to work from the bottom of the worksheet up and I would only need it to work up to and including cell D4. The column that I need to take the action on is D and the heading is MaxDebit2.
how they can be used to delete rows that meet multiple criteria, however all the examples I have found seem to be rather complex and personal to the individuals as opposed to being rather generic. Many people, including myself would find it useful to have a simplified generic answer that can be applied to all kinds of criteria. Such as if the data in column B = x and the data in column C = y delete the row. Here is my example.
In column A - Date e.g. 05/02/2011, 06/02/2011 In column B - Day In column C - Time (in format 09:06:21) In column D – Service numbers dialled (70, 110, 224) two to three digits long
Delete the row if the criteria in: Column D = 10, 40, 192 or 244 And Column C is between 09:00:00 and 16:00:00
macro code or at least a link to a thread that they think gives a scenario as simple as this.
I got 2 sheets one with Employees name in col A number of hours worked in col B. Second sheet is download form time clock which has Name in Col A and Hours worked in Col B and other details in other columns. I want MACRO to delete matching rows depend on Col A and Col B .
I am trying to figure out how to have some VBA look down Column 1 and where the Cell's string value = "GRANDTOTAL", to DELETE that ROW and ALL ROWS below.
Can anyone help me out in writing the Visual Basic code?
I am trying to use the code below to eliminate data in a spreadsheet based on certain criteria. I have been able to get this to work with text fields just fine, but now I am running into an issue with numbers. I am trying to get this code to delete rows if they have the word "unknown" in column C and if the value in column B is greater than 900 hours (999:00:00), the numbers in this column are formatted as [hhh]:mm:ss. What should I tweak to make this work?
I was searching for a macro to delete rows that obey a specific criteria. I downloaded [URL]..... and copied the Loop Example to my WorkBook.
When using Mr. de Bruin example, it worked perfectly, it did really delete the rows that obeyed my ">2" criteria. Although, when using on my workbook, the macro deleted the values, not the entire rows. Here's what's happening:
I would like to delete rows, not only values.
'The code below will delete every row in the usedrange with "ron" in the A column. 'If .Value = "ron" Then .EntireRow.Delete ' 'I use the A column in my example, change the A to your column in this code line. 'With .Cells(Lrow, "A") ' 'Change ron and the A to your search word and column before you try the macro. 'See the examples on the worksheet if you want to do something different. Sub Loop_Example() Dim Firstrow As Long
few macros/vba that delete rows based on criteria in a cell.
I'm after something a little different. I have a workbook with sheets called Raw Data1, Raw Data2,Raw Data3, Raw Data4 and Raw Data5 and Menu.
There is a column of data in each of the sheets which has a column header of 'Location', however the column where this is located will vary from sheet to sheet. For example in Raw Data1, this is column 'J' and on Raw Data2 it will be column 'M', ( I'm not at work and can't remember the specific column positions for all sheets re: 'Location').
Is it possible to have on the 'Menu' sheet, say in cell B5 a value of 'Locationa' and have rows be deleted in each of the Raw Data that do not match the value in B5?
I have a file which has some data I want to keep and some data I want to strip out.
The data I want to keep will always have either a date or a string “Overdue” or a string “> 1 year” in the first column, anything else I want to remove.
I have a worksheet with 20,000 plus rows, header=yes, and I need to delete all rows NOT containing the numbers 6600, 6700 or 6800 in column C. I'm currently using the below code which works, but is DOG slow.
Sub TestDeleteRows()
Dim Firstrow As Long Dim LastRow As Long Dim Lrow As Long Dim CalcMode As Long Dim ViewMode As Long
With Application CalcMode = .Calculation .Calculation = xlCalculationManual . ScreenUpdating = False End With
I have a large number of user inputs which is linked to a data sheet. In this sheet are rows to be kept and rows to be deleted. See attached example...
I need code to delete all other similar rows than the one with a number (1) in the field Complete. There can only be a number (1) in the field Complete in one of the rows.
But if there is no number (1) in the field Complete in any of the rows, no rows should be deleted.
The data sheet is to be transferred to Access afterwards.