Delete Sheets Where Sheet Name Not In Range Of Cells?
Mar 13, 2014
I am looking for some code to scan my sheet names and delete all the sheets that don't have names corresponding to the values within a cell range contained on another sheet in the workbook. For example, if any sheet name, excluding a few reserved sheets, doesn't equal one of the values contained in cells A2:A23 on sheet "XYZ" then delete it.
The best solution I could come up with using my experience was to loop through each sheet and compare the name to each cell in the named range, but if it's possible to somehow declare the named range so that each sheet only has to compare to it that would be ideal;
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Dec 14, 2006
how can i delete all the worksheets at the left side of sheets named CWP by code?
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Feb 22, 2013
I have merged 336 individual spreadsheets into one book, now I want to merge the data in all the sheets into 1 individual sheet. All the sheets have the same size and range, I need to copy a constant range(row,column) from all the different sheets into one.
What VBA functions to use???
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Jun 11, 2008
I'm building a course registration workbook and am working on the unregistration macro.
I have a seperate worksheet for each course, labelled by the course code.
There is also a page for each registered participant that shows what courses they're in.
The macro reads off the information on the participants page, and then should goto each registered course's page, look in column C for their name, find it, delete the contents of that row for Columns C to G (has their other information) and then shift all CELLS (not rows) below the now deleted cells up 1 to keep track of the order they were added.
I've tried recording my own macro and editing... but it doesn't work very well for this.
I've also tried searching and come up with nothing, but if someone can look at my code, and/or point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated.
For Each ws In Worksheets
'checks only course sheets that match the courses the individual is registered in.
If ws.Name = unregisterCourse1 Or ws.Name = unregisterCourse2 Or ws.Name = unregisterCourse3 Or ws.Name = unregisterCourse4 Or ws.Name = unregisterCourse5 Then
'Should search for the variable "unRegister" in column C and select it.
Cells.Find(What:=unRegister, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Select
'Now needs to select the four cells to the right as well (C:G) and delete them
'Select all cells below from C:G and shift them up one.
End If
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Aug 12, 2008
i am going to have 25 sheets for subcontractors in a construction magement workbook. i want to delete 7 cells on each of the 35 sheets. they will all be in the same place on all sheets. ex c7 g18 e14 etc on all 25 sheets. i was wondering if there is a way to create a function that can perform this operation.
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Aug 14, 2009
I have a need to add or delete rows from a number of known sheet names using a table of variables on another sheet that tell me the start row of the sheet I need to go to and the number of rows I need to either add (ie copy rows and paste / insert these) or delete (delete rows).
There are multiple blocks of data I mey need to amend on each sheet and the values in my table of variables will change on each iteration (ie if I delete rows from the first block on a sheet, the start row for the 2nd block I need to amend will need to be updated in the table of variables before I can edit the 2nd block on that sheet).
I have been able to get the process to work for a single instance (ie one sheet and amendments to the first block of that sheet) but I can't figure out how to create the loop to elegantly move to the next set of variables and repeat the process for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th block etc on the first sheet and then move to the 2nd sheet to repeat the process etc.
Public Sub EditCurrentBlock()
Dim rowcount As Integer
Dim startrow As Integer
Dim endrow As Integer
Dim rowcountBal As Integer
'Dim selSheet As Worksheet (tried to use this to nominate the sheet variable but
' had problems so scrapped it)
'Reconfigure the GP Revenue block.................
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Feb 26, 2012
how to write a module that will if check if
if cell A5 has text in it,
check range (b5:t5) for any empty cells or any cells with the word "sp" in it,if there are any empty cell or cells with "sp" delete this sheet.
then check
if cell A8 has text in it,
check range (b8:t8) for any empty cells or any cells with the word "sp" in it,
if there are any empty cell or cells with "sp" delete this sheet.
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Apr 28, 2014
I have a workbook with large number of sheets (150+). All sheets have the same column structure (same number of columns with same heading in Row 1), but the sheets vary in the number of rows.
I am looking for a VBA (Macro) that copy (combine) the same range (d2:g6 from each sheet) into a new sheet stacked.
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Aug 7, 2008
Hi. Does anyone know a formula to copy a selected range of cells on sheet one to a range on sheet three when a check box in checked. Ex. copy range a4:j4 on sheet one into a4:j4 on sheet three once the check box for on sheet one is checked?
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Jan 28, 2014
I am an inventory specialist for a dish network company and as such I track inventory in and out of technicians vans, both serialized and not. I've done a great deal of work updating a broken excel sheet they use so that it functions again but I didn't build it. I've learned a lot but I'm only self taught with Excel and had never even heard of VBA code until I dived into this project. It's a huge puzzle and is now my "baby".
Anyway, basically I have one sheet that has a list of all the items I need to keep track of. One section of this Sheet1 I've designed to have cells with dependent drop down lists that are Named Ranges on Sheet2. The tech can choose item A B or C in the first dropdown box and then the next cell shows only the serial numbers from the named range on Sheet2 of A B or C. (Was that english?)
Since the receiver comes out of the techs van once its used I want to figure out a way to delete the serial number that the tech has chosen without deleting the row or cell, just the value in it so that it can then have another serial number typed in. How can I do that?
Also, since I'm here, my 2nd drop down list seems to always start scrolled down and I have to scroll up to see my serial numbers. Why is that? The receiver list starts at the top but the dependent one doesn't...
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Jan 18, 2014
I am an inventory specialist for a dish network company and as such I track inventory in and out of technicians vans, both serialized and not. I've done a great deal of work updating a broken excel sheet they use so that it functions again but I didn't build it. I've learned a lot but I'm only self taught with Excel and had never even heard of VBA code until I dived into this project.
Anyway, basically I have one sheet that has a list of all the items I need to keep track of. One section of this Sheet1 I've designed to have cells with dependent drop down lists that are Named Ranges on Sheet2. The tech can choose item A B or C in the first dropdown box and then the next cell shows only the serial numbers from the named range on Sheet2 of A B or C. (Was that english?)
Since the receiver comes out of the techs van once its used I want to figure out a way to delete the serial number that the tech has chosen without deleting the row or cell, just the value in it so that it can then have another serial number typed in. How can I do that?
Also, since I'm here, my 2nd drop down list seems to always start scrolled down and I have to scroll up to see my serial numbers. Why is that? The receiver list starts at the top but the dependent one doesn't...
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Dec 11, 2008
Let's say that I've got 125 sheets. The 1st "Reference", and the rest sheets names are "1" to "124". I need a macro to delete sheet based on cell range A1:A300. If the range contain 25 data so the number of sheet will be 26 (Reference and 1-25)
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Dec 19, 2006
I am looking for a way to delete all the range names in a worksheet, not the whole workbook. I have found several procedures that will delete all the names in an activeworkbook. For some reason it takes too long to run. Does anyone know how to handle a single sheet in VBA?
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Mar 13, 2013
I've got a spreadsheet with a 'data' sheet and I want to add and name additional sheets based on the contents of a range in the 'data' sheet - it could be 1 extra sheet, it could be 100, the range is open ended.
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Oct 23, 2007
I need to combine data from 4 tabs with employee names, onto a tab called total. The tab named total is hidden. Is there a way to do this using code?
In my sample I need the name then dates and data below in the yellow areas. As long as Column a has data above cell A22.
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Jun 27, 2014
I've tried for a while on my own but no luck. I'm looking to delete cells D21 and 22 when any changes are made to the sheet.
I've tried using Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) but no luck.
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Jan 8, 2008
I have multiple sheets (lets say for example a 100 of them) where I need to copy a Value from a fixed location (Col#,Row#) from each of the 100 sheets and store it in a column in a Master sheet.. in the end the Master sheet has only two columns.. first column A contains file name (of the sheet where I copied).. then adjacent column B has the copied value.. in other words the Master sheet will have 100 rows and two columns..for this example..
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May 30, 2014
I have got a set of data in a workbook with Sheet 1 range A1 to K373 and a range of data in Sheet 2 ranging from A1 to A30. What I will like to do is to have a VBA code to loop through all the cells in Sheet 1 column C and check which are the cells which value matches those in Sheet 2. Those that matches in Sheet 1 will have the entire row deleted. I have come out with the following codes but it does not work.
[Code] ..........
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Feb 15, 2014
I have the below given macro which does quite well at deleting the cell for a given value (Value = "_y-600_z-.jpg") in a given range. What I need for it to do is delete the cell contents if '_y-600_z-.jpg' is anywhere in the string. As an example, if the cell contains 'Handler_x-111251_y-600_z-.jpg' it will delete the cell contents.
[Code] ......
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Mar 1, 2014
Not sure if this is better suited for a macro or done via conditional formatting.
Trying to empty a standard template we use and of a certain range I need to empty all cells not containing N/A (typed not error).
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Jan 30, 2013
I am trying to delete a group of four cells and have the remaining block shift up. My code is below and crashes on the red. What is the right code to get this to work?
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
If ActiveCell.Value = Range("G1").Value Then
Range(ActiveCell:ActiveCell.Resize(0, 3)).Delete Shift:=xlUp
Exit Do
End If
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Apr 29, 2008
For the description below I will be referring to the file I have attached.
I would like to write a VBA macro which will look at columns 1-4, if ALL of these are blank it will take the results from the row below in their place.
So the code column on the left will be displayed next to columns 1-4 in the row below, if columns 1-4 adjacent to the code are blank.
The 'Raw Data' columns show how the raw data will be fed into the spreadsheet.
The 'Output' columns show the desired output I would like from the raw data columns.
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Jan 9, 2014
I know how to reference cells from one sheet to another but for some reason I cannot for the life of me work out how to do this and that particular figure remains even after sorting sheets? Basically every time I reference some numbers its fine but when I sort the original sheet being referenced the figures are all wrong. I tried linking the cells and that didn't do it either?
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Oct 9, 2009
There is 2 parts to my question and I will explain them as best as i can.
1. I have a front sheet and 12 other sheets ( 1 for each month of the year) they all have the same layout. On my front sheet I want to create a button which will capture the sheet onto my front sheet for the current month, whether this means to make 12 buttons to choose which month is displayed on the front sheet or one that detects the date by system time i dont mind.
2. These 12 sheets will ideally be hidden and what I am wanting is again, on the front sheet 12 buttons for each sheet to bring up the corresponding hidden sheet so they can be viewed, and then on each of the 12 sheets another button which will hide them and return the user to the front sheet.
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Jul 25, 2012
im having a little trouble writing a macro to :
check if a7:t7 is empty, if so delete a6:t7 and change cell colour of a6:t7 to 'no fill'
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Apr 20, 2013
I need a code to delete all duplicates (all cells) in the range A1: F100?
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Oct 21, 2013
I have a range (D5:BU5) that I will have various dates in each cell. At the end of the row is a percentage block. It has the formula count=(D5:BU5)/70 which gives me a percentage complete. The fun begins where some dates are based off annual, semi-annual, and quarterly. What I want to do is be able to delete cell values so they are not reflected in the final percentage. I know there is a marco that deletes the entire row but that is too much I just want a target cell.
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Apr 15, 2014
I wanted to ask how to delete a specific range of data in a cell range using VBA
Here is a snipit of code I currently have:
Sname1 = Sheets("Numbers").Range("FX3").Value 'FX3 = cell F starting column letter
Range(Sname1 & Range("FR7").Value).Select 'FR7 = row number
If I added the following:
Sname2 = Sheets("Numbers").Range("FX4").Value 'FX4 = cell n ending column letter
Changed the code to the following: obviously this code is incorrect below:
Range(Sname1 & Range("FR7").Value) : Range(Sname2 & Range("FR7").Value).Select
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Dec 2, 2013
Macro for getting colored cells in specific range in a separate sheets in to one consolidated sheet.
Have attached an excel as a reference.. marked yellow and red.
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Dec 24, 2013
I have a set of sheets on a workbook that contain addresses, which are all combined on the first sheet (as you can see in the attached file). I would like to use a formula to compare the addresses on the Main sheet with the other sheets, then return in the D column of Main a colored cell indicating on which sheet the address was found on; different colors for different sheets. I tried to figure out some conditional formatting, but to no avail. Also, on occasion I have spreadsheets with 5 or 6 sheets containing these mixed addresses. Is there a solution that won't be limited to just a few sheets for comparison?
Excel Help.xlsx
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