Delete Range Names That Refer To Sheet

Dec 19, 2006

I am looking for a way to delete all the range names in a worksheet, not the whole workbook. I have found several procedures that will delete all the names in an activeworkbook. For some reason it takes too long to run. Does anyone know how to handle a single sheet in VBA?

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Table To Refer To Sheet Names

Nov 23, 2006

I have 50 sheets (1 sheet per staff member) that will be linked to a Master Sheet that compiles the data. The staff members are based in 5 teams of 10. The names of the sheets are based on the person's initials plus the words Progress Day,

All formulas in the master sheet are based around linking to 10 sheets so I can view the performance of each team. My problem is that the composition of each team changes quite often and so the links have to be manually updated for each team. Is there any way, for example, of compiling a table of team initials like the one below:


that could easily be edited so that the formulae containing the sheet names relate to the table rather than static sheet names?

Eg., If AT left the above team and was replaced by PG then I would update the list above and the current formula

='C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersShared DesktopProgress Day Daisychain[AT Progress Day.xls]Sheet1'!D32+'[EF Progress Day.xls]Sheet1'!D32

would update to:

='C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersShared DesktopProgress Day Daisychain[PG Progress Day.xls]Sheet1'!D32+'[EF Progress Day.xls]Sheet1'!D32

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Sheet Indirection. Refer To Sheets With Changing Names

Feb 25, 2008

I've been referencing sheets in my code directly with things like

Sheet1. Range(NamedRange)

however in recreating a new workbook (to reduce bloat), the sheet-numbering has changed... to avoid having to mess around adjusting things again, I was wondering if it's possible to do some sort of indirection... something similar to

#define SHEET_SC_CONFIG Sheet1
#define SHEET_CUSTOMER Sheet2

'and then use these throughout the code....

(cannot reference by sheet name, as end user may change these)

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Subscript Out Of Range - Refer To Sheet?

Jun 8, 2012

Dim k as string
K = "sheet1"


This is the code 'm using

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Chart Data Series Refer To Defined Names

Jan 15, 2014

I'm trying to use some defined names to create charts. Though it works at the very begin, some extremely weird things happen when I try to develop further .....

Attached please find the test file, which simplifies my real case but shows the same problem.


In the test file, three names are defined as below:

Line1: "=Xvalue*1"
Line2: "=Xvalue*2"
Xvalue: "=ROW(SampleChart!$A$1:$A$25)"

the chart is very sample: "=SERIES(,Test.xlsx!Xvalue,Test.xlsx!Line1,1)"

So far, it works very well. However, I just simply can't add the second line into the chart, for example, "=SERIES(,Test.xlsx!Xvalue,Test.xlsx!Line2,2)"

I canNOT even change "Line1" to "Line2" in the "SERIES" formula!

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Delete Range Names

Nov 8, 2008

I inhereted a spreadsheet where the designer used range names for all formulas. i hate range names. is there any way i can delete all range names and have all formulas go back to showing cell references instead of range names? When i just go through and delete the range names, i get formula errors.

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Macro To Delete All Spaces In All Sheet Names

Dec 8, 2011

Is there a macro I can write that will delete all spaces in all the sheet names in a workbook?

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Delete Range/Cell Names

May 25, 2008

As I have been working I have highlighted cells and typed different names in the Name Box thus creating different lists. How do I delete the lists after they have been created?

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Delete All Range Names Macro Code

May 13, 2008

I have written VBA code which is operated every month. This code deletes several range names in a target spreadsheet, performs other actions - including extracting certain areas to different spreadsheets and then closes the spreadsheet without saving.

The range names in the target spreadsheet are required for ongoing use, so can not be deleted permanently.

Is there any code that deletes all range names in one go? At present my code includes the results of recording a macro wherein I delete each range name in turn - creating script over 100 lines long.

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Delete Range Names Containing Specific Word

Jun 6, 2008

the active sheet contains a number of defined named ranges. i would like to delete range names beginning with "Sales", yet the number of defined ranges changed from sheet to sheet = for example, Sheet1 may have 3 defined ranges (Sales1, Sales2, Sales 3), Sheet 2 may have 1 (Sales 1). Is it possible to included a wildcard search in the following code?

Sub DeleteRangeNames()
Dim RangeName As Name
For Each RangeName In Names
Next RangeName
End Sub

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Using Sheet Names As A Named Range

Feb 6, 2009

I have a namd sheet for everyday of the year in a workbook, so jan1 jan2 jan3 etc. I have a stats page which brings together certain pertinent data from those pages, so a formula on the stats page might look like this =sum('jan1'!$m$25:$m$900). What I would like to do is to name each day - jan1 jan2 etc as a named range perhaps date1 date2 etc so that the above formula would then look like =sum(date1!$m$25:$m$900).

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Use INDIRECT To Refer Sheet Name

May 9, 2014

I have multiple sheets as Name1 ; Name2 ; Name3 and each sheet have a value on cell A1 for any number let say between 0 to 100. On another sheet call SheetName, I have A1=Name1 ; A2=Name2 ; A3=Name3.

I have formula as:

[Code] .....

The INDIRECT formula work to refer each cell A1 in each sheet, however if the sheet name include a space then it won't work anymore. How to make it work with the sheet name with space?

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Refer To Previous Sheet

Nov 24, 2009

I've got a workbook that increments in sheets for each new week. I have a cell showing the current week number for that sheet ( lets say cell C1) and any formulas that need to reference data from the previous sheet do in 'indirect' function which basically looks at the current week number ( lets say week 20)in cell C1 and minus's 1 to navigate to the previous week (week 19).

I was wondering if there was a way to reference the previous sheet purely by the order they're in.

So say i have 5 sheets named "1,4,5,8,9" and these represent week numbers so the sheet named '8' in cell C1 would have '8' standanding for the week number but cells that wanted to reference the previous sheet couldn't do the 'indirect' C1-1 as there is no 'week 7'.

The weeks used could vary alot so a formula to reference the directly previous sheet is needed.

ok, thought best if i show you the actual formula


the '$A$G2-1' part is the bit that redirects to the previous sheet based on it's name, what i think i really need is to replace this part with a 'PrevSheet' function but i'm unsure how.

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Refer To Sheet By Secret Name

Jun 9, 2006

When I look in VBA under the Microsoft Excel Objects at the sheet names in my workbook I see two names for the same sheet like so:

sOrdersFB(Orders From Bob)

how to select using the first name sOrdersFB?

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Refer To A Sheet's Codename From Another Workbook?

Apr 17, 2009

I want to be able to safeguard against a user changing the name of a worksheet, so I use the sheet's codename in all my macros.

I have the codename of a sheet: shOptions

From a different workbook, "ActiveWorkbook.shOptions" doesn't work. How can I use "shOptions" in the other workbook.

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Sheet Name Stored In Cell - Refer To In Formula

May 31, 2006

Sheet names in Col B
B2 : Sheet1
B3 : Sheet2

I tried


at C3 where $J$58 is the cell I would like to reference on 50 different sheets

Formula returns #REF!
Col C ref's $J$58
Col D ref's $L$58
Col E ref's $N$58
Col F ref's $P$58

So as I copy the 4 formulas down, the ref to the correct sheet should update but the cell ref's should remain

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Refer To Each Particular Item In Listbox For A Range

Jul 15, 2014

I have a userform with a ListBox and I'm trying to refer to each particular item in the Listbox for a range but it doesn't work.

[Code] .....

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Refer To The Cell In Dynamic Range

Oct 4, 2011

I want to know all times this one presents the number 3 in the last 10 cells of the A column

For a static range I use this function


If I add a new cell which is the function for a dynamic range?

I can refer to the cell with this function = ADDRESS(MATCH(300;A:A);1)

but not as integrate it.

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Each Array Item To Refer To A Range

Jul 15, 2007

I am looking to Set an object as a Array, but i keep getting an error, and the book i have does not really go into Set Functions that much, so not sure if it can be done or not?

For d = 1 To 31 ' days in the month

Set Rng(d) = Range(sRng & ":" & eRng)

Next d

sRng andn eRng are already set by date, and I have Dim Rng() As Range at the top.

Can a Set function have a Array in it?

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Refer To A Named Range In A CSE Array Formula?

Jan 11, 2010

I know I've asked before but I can neither find my previous question or the answer.
So, once again.... is it possible to refer to a named range in a CSE array formula?
I know how I would type a formula that way -- but I would be happy to see an example.

Most importantly, will it always work? Or are there pitfalls and dangers?

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Refer To Named Range In Private Module

Nov 10, 2006

I've got a problem referring to a named range in another worksheet.

Private Sub test()
Dim var_StartWeek As String ' 0740 This is the value I make a lookup for
Dim var StartWeekNr As Integer ' 40 and get this as a result

'*** Here is the named range in another worksheet (It doesn't work)
Set rng = ActiveWorkbook.Names("WeekData2").RefersToRange
var_StartWeekNr = WorksheetFunction.HLookup(var_StartWeek, Range("rng.Value"), 4) ' I'm doing something wrong here...

'*** If I have the named range in the same worksheeet it works fine
'var_StartWeekNr = WorksheetFunction.HLookup(var_StartWeek, ActiveSheet.Range("WeekData"), 4)

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Named Range. Refer To Current WorkSheet

Jan 2, 2008

I put all my named ranges in a seperate worksheet in the workbook.

On a different sheet I have all my data with references to the named ranges. But what it gives me is the cell information from the sheet on which the named range is located and not on the worksheet where I actually need the calculations to be done.

How can I make the named range refer to the cells in the worksheet in which it sits?

Worksheet 1

Worksheet 2
I name the function Red apples
RedApples =CONCATENATE($A1&"Red Apples")

Worksheet 3

Question #1
How do I make the name reference in worksheet 2 refer to
the cells located in the worksheet in which i use it. In other words, when I use RedApples in Worksheet 3, it gives me what is sitting in A1 in worksheet 2 instead of in A1 on Worksheet 1.

Question #2
How do I make the name reference in Worksheet 3 keep stepping down along Column A in Worksheet 1?

Formula at issue in actuality is

=IF($S5>0.149,Morethan15,IF(AND($S5<0.15,$S5>0.999 ),Morethan10,IF(AND($S5<0.999,$S5>0.0499),Morethan 5,IF(AND($S5<0.05,$S5>0),Morethan0,IF($S5<0,Lessth an0)))))

the morethan15,10,5,0 and lessthan0 is defined in the last worksheet

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Refer To Next Item In Range Of Filtered List

Apr 5, 2008

I have filtered a list, defined a range of the visible cells. Now I want to loop thru the range and process each cell. In the process I have to refer to the next visible cell. How can I achive this? both .Offset and .Item result in the next none-visible cell.

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Can Create Data Validation List Of Names Created In Name Box Or Sheet Tab Names

May 7, 2012

Can I create data validation list of the names created in the name box or of the sheet tab names?

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Excel 2010 :: VBA - Hide Sheets Using Code Names Not Sheet Names

Oct 15, 2013


Sheets(Array("Sheet 1", "Sheet 2")).Visible = False

How do I convert the above to using Sheet Codes Names, Sheet1 and Sheet2?

Want to ensure my code will work if the user changes the sheet name.

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Delete Sheet If Range Is Empty

Feb 26, 2012

how to write a module that will if check if

if cell A5 has text in it,

check range (b5:t5) for any empty cells or any cells with the word "sp" in it,if there are any empty cell or cells with "sp" delete this sheet.

then check

if cell A8 has text in it,

check range (b8:t8) for any empty cells or any cells with the word "sp" in it,

if there are any empty cell or cells with "sp" delete this sheet.

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Create Array Of File Names/sheet Names

May 1, 2008

Two part question:

1) I'm relatively new to arrays, but what I need to do is generate a list of file names and the sheets within each one. I would like to use an array for this, but since I don't have much experience.... well....that's why I'm here. Can someone point me in the right direction?

2) And the second part of this.... I was planning on using the FileSystemObject to determine the files in a selected folder and loop through that list of files, opening each one and harvesting the required info (file name and all sheet names). Should I use the FSO or is there something built into Excel that might be better (and also limit the number of dependencies for this little "project" of mine).

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List Sheet Names And Internal Names Within Workbook

Feb 25, 2011

Is it possible to produce a list on a new worksheet of all sheet names and their their internal names within a workbook?

If so I would like the tabbed name's to begin in say A2 with the corresponding internal name in B2.

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Find Matching Value In Range On Different Sheet And Delete?

Jan 28, 2014

I am an inventory specialist for a dish network company and as such I track inventory in and out of technicians vans, both serialized and not. I've done a great deal of work updating a broken excel sheet they use so that it functions again but I didn't build it. I've learned a lot but I'm only self taught with Excel and had never even heard of VBA code until I dived into this project. It's a huge puzzle and is now my "baby".

Anyway, basically I have one sheet that has a list of all the items I need to keep track of. One section of this Sheet1 I've designed to have cells with dependent drop down lists that are Named Ranges on Sheet2. The tech can choose item A B or C in the first dropdown box and then the next cell shows only the serial numbers from the named range on Sheet2 of A B or C. (Was that english?)

Since the receiver comes out of the techs van once its used I want to figure out a way to delete the serial number that the tech has chosen without deleting the row or cell, just the value in it so that it can then have another serial number typed in. How can I do that?

Also, since I'm here, my 2nd drop down list seems to always start scrolled down and I have to scroll up to see my serial numbers. Why is that? The receiver list starts at the top but the dependent one doesn't...

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Delete Sheets Where Sheet Name Not In Range Of Cells?

Mar 13, 2014

I am looking for some code to scan my sheet names and delete all the sheets that don't have names corresponding to the values within a cell range contained on another sheet in the workbook. For example, if any sheet name, excluding a few reserved sheets, doesn't equal one of the values contained in cells A2:A23 on sheet "XYZ" then delete it.

The best solution I could come up with using my experience was to loop through each sheet and compare the name to each cell in the named range, but if it's possible to somehow declare the named range so that each sheet only has to compare to it that would be ideal;

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