Detect Characters? Change Combobox?
Jun 5, 2008
let's say combobox1 has a list of:
apple (KG)
apple (PKT)
apple (BAG)
orange (KG)
Orange (PKT)
Orange (BAG)
and a command button.
Can I make it in a way that when command button detects (kg) in combox1, the caption of commandButton will change to "KG"? if detect (BAG) combobox1, then commandButton is "Bag"?
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Jun 23, 2014
I want to alert a user that he or she has typed in a text string that begins or ends with an apostrophe ' or begins or ends with a quotation mark " so that they can take corrective action in removing these characters. The reasons for this are superflous to this post but what I thought was a logical answer returns a formula error. Here's the scenario:-
A user enters a string of text in cell A1.
Cell B1 checks if the text, if any, in A1 begins or ends with a ' or a " and if it does, returns an "Error" message
The formula I've tried in B1 is =IF(OR(LEFT(A1,1)="'",LEFT(A1,1)=""",RIGHT(A1,1)="'",RIGHT(A1,1)=""")),"Error","Ok") but Excel will have none of it.
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Sep 27, 2007
I have a simple bit of code that fires some code when it detects a change in cell $P$5 but it doesnt work and I cannot understand why - can anyone assist with this one? I am very green but keen:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = "$p$5" Then
Range("D9:D81"). AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="<>"
End If
End Sub
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Jan 1, 2007
I need to detect when changes are made to a TextBox (Manual changes). In VB 'TextChanged' fulfills that function but there is no equivalent in VBA.
I also need to differentiate between adding a value to a TextBox which has a vbnull value (Does not need to trigger event) and editing or replacing the current TextBox value (Trigger an event).
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Dec 3, 2008
I know of
Private Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)
but I would like to expand this idea to detect any change in cell selection across all open workbooks.
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Feb 19, 2009
how to create a macro that:
- In each row, pops up a Warning Dialog Box if the amount of letters in column "J" doesn't match the # defined in column "B"?
- Preferably this would pop up the Dialog Box as soon as the error occurs (so it's always running)
Two Exceptions:
- Does not look at Rows 1 & 2
- Does not look at Rows where column B = 0 or null
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Feb 27, 2014
I'm going to be using a spreadsheet to keep track of where different people are at. So if Person 1 is in Room 3, I will stick a 3 in the box next to their name and then can look at the spreadsheet whenever I need and see what room they are in. When I'm deciding what room to put a person in, though, I need to be able to quickly glance at a list of Room #'s and see what one's are still available. So I have a bank of Room #'s in the spreadsheet....1,2,3, etc.
What I'd like, is some way to set this up so that when I put, for example, "3" in the cell next to "Person 1" the spreadsheet automatically removes "3" from the bank of available Room #'s and when I delete the "3" because the person has left, it adds "3" back to the bank of available Rooms.
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Aug 13, 2012
I'm coding a userform where there are some comboxes which are popolated by values coming from Sheet2. Up to now I work it out (maybe its not elegant but it works).
Now I would like that when the user selects one combobox the values of the other comboboxes are set accordingly to the grid in Sheet2.
Please download the XLS file at: [URL]....
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May 22, 2013
I use excel for keeping a database of all the movies I have seen.
My problem is in regard to the value of characters. I sort my movies by default alphabetically and am wondering if there is any way to exclude the word 'The' from the sort. Traditionally when movies are sorted alphabetically, that word does not count, but obviously my problem is that excel is indeed including it.
There is also another problem regarding the value of characters. When I rate movies less than a '6' I would like to write it as "<6". The problem is that excel actually reads the "<" symbol as being of greater value than numbers and will put any movie rated "<6" at the top of the row when I sort largest to smallest. Is there any way to change the value of the "<" symbol so that my movies rated "<6" will be sorted below all my other rated movies?
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Sep 12, 2013
I want to change the last 16 characters of a cell to bold and font color.
I have this code but doesn't work. make it a working one.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim ctrRight As String
ctrRight = Right(Sheets("Planning").Range("B35").Value, 16)
MsgBox ctrRight
Right(Sheets("Planning").Range("B35").Value, 16).Font.Color = RGB(51, 153, 102)
Sheets("Planning").Range("B35").Font.Bold = True
End Sub
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Dec 29, 2009
I have about 40,000 lines in Column A that have text like so...
I need a formula to change all TR and OT to characters QT. I did a find and replace but its changing other columns of text that I don't need changed.
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Jan 13, 2009
I was wondering if there was a way of reducing the maximum characters allowed in a cell reference.
I am creating a form which Bank details need to be entered and would like to only allow a possible 16 characters.
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Jan 27, 2009
Although I can live with having a Sub run when setting the ComboBox Sub to AfterUpdate...I would really prefer it to be set to _Change. Here is the Sub code that runs after the event:
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Feb 24, 2009
I need to change the background of an worksheet using a combobox!
Let's say that I have 10 or more picture with different names in folder "C:/picture".
I need to change the background of an worksheet selecting this pictures from a combobox.
I know that I can do this manually using "format/sheet/background", but I need to automate the process (in "C:/picture" folder, sometimes I will have more than 50 picture).
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Apr 17, 2009
Dim bfr As Long
bfr = ComboBox1.Value
ComboBox1.Value = bfr: Exit Sub
how come this gives me a "cant change property" error!?
The code is inside my combobox change event...
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Mar 11, 2007
I have several comboboxes on a userform that work fine as long as I use a whole number, but if I try to use a number with a decimal, I get a run time error 'invalid property'. what I'm doing wrong or if I have to change a property value in the combobox?
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Aug 6, 2008
I have a very large file of data, over 500,000 rows, opening in one sheet in Excel is not an option with my current version. In each row I need to change the characters in positions 41-44 from whatever they current are, to '9999'. I'm sure there has to be a way I can do this using vba, does anyone have a sample snippet of code, or another post they can point me too?
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May 8, 2009
In this file, I have a Work Summary worksheet in which I'm extracting some data from the other worksheets to "summarize" all jobs into one nice work summary log On Basis of Average of data from 3 other different sheets A,B,C
The following form works great to if onyl formula calling is applied
C6 = Worksheet name or Worksheet tab name ....
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Dec 12, 2012
I am looking for a way to use VBA code to allow a combo box (form control) to change the data in a cell. For example: The combo box could contain Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. If the user selects Monday in the combo box, than cell A1 will populate the word Monday. In the particular situation that I using this for, an if statement will not work since there are 82 values (options) in the combo box.
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Jul 31, 2013
I have a massive list of items, most of the same items have different detail depending on the item itself and/or region its being sold etc. I'm been using combo boxes to change regions giving the full range of items within that region but different prices etc.
The problem i'm having with combo box or even vlookup is I can only search or change details in rows (row number), and not able to figure out how to change details within a set of columns (vertically). I want to be able to select the region via combo box and change the details within a set of columns (top to bottom).
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Apr 24, 2009
How do I set the font size property and special effect property in this code?
I was trying to answer a question on Experrt Exchange but Rory beat me to it and now I'm feeling frustrated that I can't get my solution to work.
Sub AddCombo()Dim rVals As Range, rCell As Range, lTop, lLef, lHeight, lWidth, lCount As LongSet rVals = ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeAllValidation)lCount = 1For Each rCell In rVals If rCell.Validation.Type = 3 Then lTop = rCell.Top lLeft = rCell.Left lHeight = rCell.Rows.Height lWidth = rCell.Columns.Width With ActiveSheet.OLEObjects.Add(classtype:="Forms.ComboBox.1", Left:=lLeft, Top:=lTop, Width:=lWidth, Height:=lHeight) .Name = "NewCombo" & lCount .ListFillRange = rCell.Validation.Formula1 .LinkedCell = rCell.Address(0, 0) '.SpecialEffect = fmSpecialEffectFlat //doesn't work // '.FontSize = 14 //doesn't work // '.Font.Size = 14 // doesn't work // End With lCount = lCount + 1 End IfNext rCellEnd Sub
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Jan 10, 2007
I have a piece of code attached to a combo box. When selected the code loops through 3, even 4 times for no apparent reason. Has anyone come across this before? The loop can start either after the final "end sub" or part way through (.clearcontents mainly) Have included the code just in case it is something obvious.
Private Sub cmbDI_GrowthBasis_Change()
If UCase(Worksheets("Tables"). Range("GrowthNo")) = "NIL" Then
Worksheets("Detail Inputs").Range("DI_GrowthRateTitle") = ""
With Worksheets("Detail Inputs").Range("DI_GrowthRate")
.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlNone
.Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = xlNone
.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlNone
.Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = xlNone
.Interior.ColorIndex = 15
.Locked = False
End With
Worksheets("Detail Inputs").Range("DI_GrowthRateTitle") = Worksheets("Tables").Range("GrowthNo") & " :"
End If
End Sub
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Feb 13, 2008
I inherited a spreadsheet with a combox box, drop down list for user to select a project by name. The cell right below uses a lookup function to select the code listed with that project name from a list on a separate worksheet. When I edit the codes on the list used as the source for the lookup, the new code will appear as it should.
I want to edit the drop down list that appears in the combobox. I cannot find the source for the drop down list. Any ideas where/how to look for it?
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Jun 18, 2014
I have attached a work book.
At the moment when you click the macro botton on the sheets a calender shows and you can select the inspection done tab, this gives you a list to select witch then updates the selected task in the sheet.
How can i get this to allow single or multiple sections so that if more than one task is completed on the same date they could be updated all at once.
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Jul 5, 2014
How to make it function able. Here are the details.I have a user form named UserForm1 in the user form I have a text box and combo box. Combobox is named as ComboBox1 and text box is named as TextBox1.
Along with the above 2 fields in form, I have 2 labels, Label2 & Label6.
TextBox1 contains date (which user can either type or chose form calendar), and ComboBox1 will have Employee ID that needs to be choose. Upon selecting both, my Label2 caption should have employee name & Label6 caption should have shift time.
By using formulas in excel I have employee name in Sheet2 cell b2 and shift time in Sheet2 cell b3. Upon change either in ComboBox1 or TextBox1, I want data in Sheet2 cell b2 be the caption of Labe2 and data in Sheet2 cell b3 be the caption of Labe6.
What is the code to get this done, if either of them is blank, then label caption should be blank.
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Feb 11, 2014
I have 2 Combo boxes and I would like to do the following:
If Combo Box 1 = Answer A then populate Combo Box 2 with dynamic list "List A"
If Combo Box 1 = Answer B then populate Combo Box 2 with dynamic list "List B"
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Mar 3, 2014
I have attached an example set up with a user form I am building. I currently have the first combo box loading upon the initialize of the user form an from that I choose one of the product types and it gives me a list with all product names associated in the second combo box. Upon a change event in the second combo box I want to populate the 3rd Column with the count of how many of that Product type.
I have a couple different code set ups in the attached sheet and neither works.
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Sep 13, 2012
I am trying to change the font size on my combo box using VBA.
I create the combobox dynamically, so need to be able to change the font too.
This is how I create the combobox, however the .Font.Size = 10 does not work and the default font size is 11.
With ActiveSheet .OLEObjects.Add(ClassType:="Forms.ComboBox.1", Link:=False, _
DisplayAsIcon:=False, Left:=159.75, Top:=80.25, Width:=75.75, Height:=19.5) _
.Font.Size = 10
.Name = "cmbBaseD"
.OLEObjects("cmbBaseD").ListFillRange = "DynRng"
End With
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Jan 3, 2013
The following code works fine, but when I put the code in an ActiveX Combobox Change Event it gives a run-time error 1004. ("Select Method of Range class failed")The error occurs on the following line
Worksheets("SAVED").Range("A" & l).Select
Dim l As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
l = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(Worksheets("DATA").Range("O34"), Worksheets("SAVED").Range("A1:A10000"), 0)
Worksheets("SAVED").Range("A" & l).Select
Selection.Resize(1, 739).Offset(1, 2).Copy
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Apr 17, 2013
I have an 'in-cell dropdown' which looks up two values, Q1 and Q2 I have a range of data by month showing a specific number as below e.g
I have a Line graph using this entire table as the source data. What I would like to do is only use part of the data based on what the dropdown cell specifies. For example, if it is set to "Q1", I would like just the 2012-01 and 2012-02 data to show in the graph. If its "Q2", I would like only 2013-03 and 2012-04 data to show in the graph.
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