List To Change Based On Answer In Another ComboBox
Feb 11, 2014
I have 2 Combo boxes and I would like to do the following:
If Combo Box 1 = Answer A then populate Combo Box 2 with dynamic list "List A"
If Combo Box 1 = Answer B then populate Combo Box 2 with dynamic list "List B"
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Sep 26, 2008
I am a newbie to Excel. I really appreciate if someone could help me here and this is very urgent as I have a project going on.
I have a cell say B3, which is a dropdown list I created using Data Validation. It only lists down Yes or No.
What I need is when you click on Yes in B3, i need columns C to I to unhide. If answer is No, column C to I should be hidden. By default, the columns will be hidden.
Can you please help? I tried many times but not successful. Appreciate if someone will be able to walk me through details. If you want to see the sample spreadsheet, I can sent it to you by email. I tried Data> Outline group but they are not happy with this.
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Feb 8, 2008
How can i Loop through a combobox's values and compare to a string value and then set the listindex of the combobox to that value?
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Feb 13, 2008
I inherited a spreadsheet with a combox box, drop down list for user to select a project by name. The cell right below uses a lookup function to select the code listed with that project name from a list on a separate worksheet. When I edit the codes on the list used as the source for the lookup, the new code will appear as it should.
I want to edit the drop down list that appears in the combobox. I cannot find the source for the drop down list. Any ideas where/how to look for it?
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Dec 21, 2009
I have a userform that has a "payment type" combo box
This box consists of:
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Mar 20, 2012
I have attached my Excel File with the userform I am trying to do. What I am trying to do is change the table in the listbox based on the selection of the combobox and then my selection in the listbox will pass the selected values to Range A1:C1.
Excel 1.xls
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Jun 14, 2014
I have a TextBox and a ComboBox. the TextBox shows the current date
VB : TextBox1.Value = Format(Date, "dd/mm/yyyy")
The ComboBox has a list index of years say from 1991 to 2030. Is it possible Change only the "yyyy" in the TextBox based on the changed value in ComboBox.
Say the textbox1 shows today 14/06/2014. now if we select 2016 in ComboBox1 the TextBox1 date should changed to 14/06/2016.
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Jan 1, 2010
I want to tell Excel that, if a cell value is between 1 and 100, to enter one result in another cell. If the value is between 101 and 250, enter another result in that same cell. If the value is between 251 and 500 enter another result in that same cell and so on about another 12 times.
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Aug 29, 2009
im looking to return an answer in cell c28. in b28 it will say "best goalkeeper"
in c28 i need a formula to look in range d2:d6 then return the highest answer and correspond that to whats in b2: b6. so we could say
(b2)shilton(d2) 33
(b3)corrigan (d3) 55
(b4)parkes (d4) 66
(b5)schmeichel (d5) 100
(b6)cudicini (d6) 14
in c28 it will return the answer schmeichel because he is the highest
and in d28 it would return the points he has.
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Jun 30, 2008
I am trying to write an excel sheet that has multiple questions but need to be answered in order and the next question in the series answers should appear based on the answer to the previous question.
Question 1: Steel or Aluminum
Question 2: (If the answer was Aluminum) 3000psi or 3300psi
(If the answer was Steel) 2640psi or 3442psi or 3500psi
Question 3: If the answer to #2 was 3000psi: 50,63,80
If the answer to #2 was 3300psi: 100
If the answer to #2 was 2640psi: 66,85,95,98,104,112,125
If the answer to #2 was 3443psi: 80,100,120
If the answer to #2 was 3500psi: 65,80,100,120
I want the choices for the next question to be hidden before the previous question is answered and the choices based on the answer to the previous question. Would love to be able to use a drop down box to do this with.
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Sep 19, 2013
I have created 70 "templates" in my workbook. I would like to change the name of each template to the name contained on a list in the "Data" sheet. The list starts at a4, and may have 70 or more names. I want to cycle through each name, place it in cell c8 of the template, rename the template with the same name, then move on to the next name, rename the next template, place name in cell c8, and so forth. So far I have this, which creates the "template" and renames it according to the list, but it doesn't insert the name into cell C8 of each new sheet.
Sub NewSheets()
Dim I As Integer
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim sh As Worksheet
Set ws = Sheets("Template")
[Code] ........
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Aug 29, 2008
I am trying to get an IF Statement created based off a checkbox answer.
I have a cell reference C2 from Checkbox that is answer Y.
If "Y" I want to calculate *0.005+0,0.03),0)*C4.
I need to skip the 1st & 2nd quarter after C4 before the calcautaion starts.
Then continuing no greater than .03 till the date changes.
I have tried to rearange this formula every way I can think of to get it to work like I want it to.
a correct formula for me to get this to calculate?
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Oct 30, 2013
I am having an excel sheet where I enter the delivery dates. There are few freezes and restricted dates.
When I am entering the delivery date which falls under the freeze or restricted date, the colour of that cell should change.
How to achieve this either using some macro.
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Jan 11, 2013
I am building an Excel file that will be used to track information and at the core of it all is a list of people from different offices where the number of people per office can change and/or a person leaves the company and is replaced by another. I'll simply:
Column A Column B
Office Employee
Hamilton Emp 1
Hamilton Emp 2
Hamilton Emp 3
Toronto Emp 4
Toronto Emp 5
Toronto Emp 6
Toronto Emp 7
Toronto Emp 8
Waterloo Emp 9
Waterloo Emp 10
This will be all on Worksheet 'Info'. I have a Worksheet for each Office and named them accordingly. On each worksheet I want to use Data Validation on a column, we will call it 'ChosenOne', set it as 'List' and have the Source pull all the employee names that belong to that office and use them as a selection
ex: Hamilton Worksheet, 'ChosenOne' would show Emp 1, Emp 2, and Emp 3 in the list.
If Emp 3 changed offices to Waterloo 6 months from now I would like to change A4 from Hamilton to Waterloo and the formula would not have to be changed and the next time someone selects 'ChosenOne' it would only show Emp 1 and Emp 2.
Of course this means on the Waterloo Worksheet, 'ChosenOne' would show Emp 3, Emp 9, Emp 10 now.
So basically I am trying to not specify a specific named range for each office and am hoping there is a way to poll information from a Table (or any other tool that can simplify this).
I would be ok with something like:
Column A Column B
Office Employee
Hamilton Emp 1, Emp2, Emp 3
Toronto Emp 4, Emp 5, Emp 6, Emp 7, Emp 8
Waterloo Emp 9, Emp 10
and just move Emp 3 from B2 to B4 but I don't know if a list can be created from multiple items in a single cell seperated by a , or ; or :.
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Aug 13, 2012
I'm coding a userform where there are some comboxes which are popolated by values coming from Sheet2. Up to now I work it out (maybe its not elegant but it works).
Now I would like that when the user selects one combobox the values of the other comboboxes are set accordingly to the grid in Sheet2.
Please download the XLS file at: [URL]....
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Mar 30, 2014
I need to populate two combo boxes from excel sheet, the data will be like below:
Column A Column B
A 1
A 2
A 3
A 4
A 5
B 100
B 101
B 102
So from the above data, one combo box should hold unique values A & B.
On selecting a value from the 1st combo box A or B, respective values should be populated in 2nd combo box.
So the data should be like below:
If A is selected in the 1st combo box, then 2nd combo box should only show the values 1,2,3,4 & 5.
If B is selected in the 1st combo box, then 2nd combo box should only show the values 100,101 & 102.
Friends I need it in a macro and one important point is, this is dynamic and it is not static and the data can be more.
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Feb 6, 2014
I have been struggling with this formula for ages and have finally given up. What I would like to do is to do a lookup on the concatenated values of Province, Department and Initiative No, which has mutiple values in the status of milestone column, and then give the answer based on a condition.
The condition for this example should be, that if the returned status / or statuses of the initiative is all 1, then the value should be 1, if it's all 2, then the value should be 2, and so on.....but if the values returned from the status of the initiative is a combination of 1,2 or 3, then it should give me the answer 2. If 4 is part of the comination of values returned, then the value should be 4.
Zero - 0 should be excluded from the formula as it is part of planned values and not actual.
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Dec 27, 2012
I am trying to created a spreadsheet for work where I have created to validation drop down boxes, one each box has been selected i want it to return back with the correct answer in the 3rd column.
below are the 3 colums. i have created a validation for column 1 and 2 but when selected i want the final box to = column 3 ie. >=9, =2
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Jun 20, 2009
try and achive is when a user selects a item from the 1st Combobox the 2nd Combobox is the populated with the cell that is to the right of the selected item.
for Example if a user selects AAB from combobox1,, Combobox2 should populate with Belly.
Maby using combobox1_Exit for the excercise.
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Jun 12, 2006
I have a table, headers "FirstName" and "SurName".
Further a Userform with 2 Comboboxes "FirstName" and "SurName"
I'd like to choose the FirstName (say Jack) in the "FirstName" combobox, and based on that get the choice of the Surnames of all my Jacks in the "SurName" combobox.
Actually my sheet has much more fields and comboboxes, but i think my problem is just that I do not find a way to populate them dynamically.
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Mar 23, 2014
I have a set of 4 multiple choice answers B,C,D,E column "F" lists a # 1-4 which lets you know which column letter (b,c,d,e) the correct answer is in. I want to set up a formula that will copy the contents of the correct answer (based on that # identifier) and copy it into column "A" which is currently blank.
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Mar 23, 2014
Here's an example of what i want to do
A_________ B Frank Sinatra C Sammy Davis D Dean Martin E Joey Bishop F 3
I want to put "D"'s value 'Dean Martin' in column A - i know it belongs in A because the "3" in column F indicates its the 3rd answer listed i.e Dean Martin. This format would be the same where there are 4 possible answers on the column to the right dictates which answer is correct.
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Jan 28, 2007
i'm writing a refrigeration selection user interface, working from values on an excel spreadsheet. how to get the programme to automatically select a value from a list or range once a user has selected corresponding value from a list within a combobox. for example if a user sets the temperature of their refrigerator to -5 celsius i need the programme to automatically select the corresponding value of enthalpy for the air at that temperature.
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Jun 9, 2006
I have a userform where I have 2 comboboxes. The first combobox shows the the first column (only 1 of each) and the second comboBox shows me the secondary list that correlates to the valuse in the first from column B. Now I have a text box that I am trying to get the value from column C depending on what I have in the first 2 comboboxes. What is the easiest way to do it? This is all in VB since it is a UserForm, and using Vlookup seems to be too many lines if I go that route. Is there a way to use Index and Match in VB where it would be more efficient? I attached just a sample of how the data would be layed out in the Excel sheet.
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Apr 9, 2012
I'm trying to make a userform that has 2 combo boxes. I have just 3 columns right now.
Procedure GrpADA-QSI DescProcedure GrpAnesthesia And
Drugs9210-LOCAL ANESTH/NO SURGAnesthesia And DrugsAnesthesia And
Drugs9212-TRIGEM BLOCK ANESTHCrowns And BridgeAnesthesia And
Drugs9215-LOCAL ANESTHESIADenturesAnesthesia And
[Code] ........
I copied and pasted Column A into Column C and then removed duplicates. I named Column C 'ValList' and placed it in the RowSource for ComboBox1. What I now want is for ComboBox2 to populate based on my selection in ComboBox1. There are no duplicates in Column B. Duplicates are in Column A.
I also named Column A 'Proc_Grp' and Column B 'ADA_QSI_Desc'
For the properties in Combobox2, I left the RowSource empty. (that's correct right?) Because there's going to be a code that links Combobox2 to Combobox1... I think...
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Nov 5, 2008
Need Help in resolving the following issue:
Update a list using a Combo Box works fine when the list is on the same worksheet but when the list is on a different Worksheet it does not work.
Is this achievable? I guess so! but was wondering how to do it.
e.g: if my range defined name called let us say "SP" with a range AD1:AD60 in Sheet1 when I use a combo box the Listfillrange will contain: SP
When inserting a new entry using the combobox it works fine but when the same defined name range points to a different Worksheet example: Sheet2 then the update does not work although the ListFillRange contains the same Range name: SP.
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Jan 12, 2014
how I can list 3 different values to a list of list of 3 in a combo box, is.
combo box
select high = 35
select middle 30
select low = 25
I have the names in the box I just need it to add a value (which I have listed 1 in each separate cells) to each selection
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Dec 8, 2013
My goal from image is to enter a number for example in cell F4 and have in appear in L6 so simply L6=F4 but I want it to be negative if cell M2 reads "Outgo" and positive if cell M2 reads "Intake" as selected from the list. Is this possible?
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Mar 22, 2014
How to create a spreadsheet with what I think will be a very simple formula?
If date in B2 - date in A2 is 1 or less days, put a 1 in cell C2.
If date in B2 - date in A2 is 7 or less days but more than 1, put a 2 in cell C2.
If date in B2 - date in A2 is 30 or less days but more than 7, put a 3 in cell C2.
If date in B2 - date in A2 is 90 or less days but more than 30, put a 4 in cell C2.
If date in B2 - date in A2 is 91 days or more, put a 5 in cell C2.
Another, maybe simpler, way of saying it is:
If date in B2 - date in A2 is 1 or less days, put a 1 in cell C2.
If date in B2 - date in A2 is 2-7 days, put a 2 in cell C2.
If date in B2 - date in A2 is 8-30 days, put a 3 in cell C2.
If date in B2 - date in A2 is 31-90 days, put a 4 in cell C2.
If date in B2 - date in A2 is 91 days or more, put a 5 in cell C2.
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Jan 27, 2009
Although I can live with having a Sub run when setting the ComboBox Sub to AfterUpdate...I would really prefer it to be set to _Change. Here is the Sub code that runs after the event:
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