Detect When Autofilter Drop-down Selection Made

Oct 6, 2009

Is it possible to detect when a auto-filter selection has been made ? Is that when an autofilter hides rows, the activecell could become hidden, which potentially may cause errant data entry, not knowing what cell is receiving entry as it is hidden from view.

if the worksheet contains a change event that autosizes the target row, it unhides the filtered hidden row in the process. I could say if target is hidden ignore autosize, but i would prefer to activate a visible cell (first visible cell for filtered column) on selection of autofilter.

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Make Autofilter React Based Upon Selection In Drop Box...

Nov 14, 2008

I have a pricing model I'm working on where the request is to have all of the line/part items in the model, but only display a subset of those items based upon a sub-line chosen by the user by a drop box that includes all sub-lines.

Right now the list of parts is a table that I'm querying that also includes a simple '1' or '0' to indicate whether every part is an element of one or many sub-lines; eg (sorry, sure this won't format right):

Item SubA SubB SubC
210-1010 1 1 0
210-1011 1 0 1

So if choosing SubB in the drop box, I need the autofilter to show the first part, but not the second one. I think I have to do it this way (autofilter) because it will retain all of the parts whether the user is looking at them at this moment or not; they will use this tool to perhaps first price all SubB items, *then* go select SubC and price all of *those* items - and it needs to retain everything they've done, rather than a dynamic query that would lose prior changes and pull in a whole new set of data (if that makes sense).

So.... I need my autofilter to react not to specifically choosing data on the autofilter itself, but to a choice made in the drop box (probably a macro/VB attached to the box that reacts to the linked cell value that results from the choice, but I don't know how to tell it if the linked cell value is '5', go to column 7 (first two are part number and description) in the autofilter and filter on that column.

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Drop Box That Generates A Chosen Table Already Made

Feb 6, 2014

Scenario: I have 5 different tables, all having the same headers. The values under are Vlookups.

Objective: Create a dropbox that lists (Table 1, Table 2, etc.) For whichever table is picked, is the one that will show.

For example, if I want table 1 to populate, I would chose table one in the drop box and so on for the rest of the other tables.

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Preventing The Same Choice Being Made In Two Drop-downs

Dec 11, 2008

I am building a template in Excel and I want an error message (or any message) to appear to the user if they select from a static drop-down the same option in column I as in column J (i.e. they have to pick something different in each case).

Issue is I can't exclude any options from the second validation because, essentially, it's the same list. So if, on one row, a person picks "Bill" in column I, they can't pick "Bill" in column J. However, if they have picked "James" in column I, they can pick "Bill" in column J.

Don't know if this is well explained enough but would appreciate any tips on this - I've tried messing about with validation, conditional formatting, putting an IF statement in the next column and so forth but I haven't found a method that isn't convaluted and easy for the user of the template...

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Macro To Stop If No Selection Made

Jun 14, 2007

If nothing is typed in and the OK button is pressed, it changes the entire sheet to values. I'd like the macro to stop if nothing is selected.

Dim sCol As String
sCol = InputBox("Select Column")
Set UserRange = Range(sCol & "9:" & sCol & "35")
UserRange.Value = UserRange.Value

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Sub To Detect Any Change In Cell Selection Within Any Open Workbook?

Dec 3, 2008

I know of

Private Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)

but I would like to expand this idea to detect any change in cell selection across all open workbooks.

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Add Color To Cell Based On Selection Made

Jan 5, 2009

I've tried to do conditional formatting for each of the "Discipline" values in this spreadsheet but it is restricted to only 3. Is there a way around this? I'm trying to setup a color code for the "Discipline" values for example RN=Red, LPN=Blue, Social Worker=Orange, Chaplain=Purple, STNA=Yellow, Volunteer=Pink & Other=Green. So when the "Discipline" cell/cells on each of the patient sheets (ie. "Doe, Jane", "Doe, John", etc.) is equal to say RN the cell would then turn Red either on the spreadsheet or only when sheet is printed.

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Enable Command Button If ANY Of 4 Listboxes Have Selection Made

Feb 12, 2014

I have a fairly straightforward UserForm with 4 listboxes and 4 option textboxes (the textboxes do not need to be a part of the validation I'm needing). I then have a command button that I want to be enabled ONLY if ANY of the 4 Listboxes have a selection. I've tried the "Change" event code below and it works upon the first selection of any listbox item.

However, if the user de-selects all selections in the listboxes (i.e. they are all unchecked), the command button remains enabled. I need the validation logic to enable/disable the button to persist as long as the user has the form open and if there is not a selection in ANY of the listboxes. The reason being is that if they click the command button it will update the cells in the worksheet, which if empty may overwrite previous work completed with blank cells.

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CheckBox To Automatically Get Checked If A Selection Is Made In The Listbox

Oct 14, 2008

I have a userform with a CheckBox and a ListBox. Is there a way to have the CheckBox to automatically get checked if a selection is made in the listbox?

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Populate Drop-Down Based On Another Drop-Down Selection ...

Dec 5, 2007

Im a fairly basic VBA user who has just purchased the code for J-Walk's Enhanced Data Form.

On other threads in this forum I have noticed a lot of people asking how to make the contents of one drop-down box dependant on the selection in another. I am trying to do the same thing but with the criteria section of the EDF form.

Is this possible? What does give me hope is that a simple Autofilter - whilst not as aesthetically pleasing, does the job well.

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Populate Drop-Down Based On Another Drop-Down Selection

Aug 7, 2008

Currently I have columns fixed or assigned to the names of insurance providers/companies.

In each column below the name of the Insurance Company, a combobox containing the plans that company offers. Choose a plan, and the rest of the column is filled in using vlookup.

Now to save space, IE opposed to having 13-15 columns one assigned to each Insurance Company/Provider. I am looking to have only 3-5 columns with a first initial combobox in which one chooses the Name of the Company/Provider, and in turn populate the original combobox and vlookup functionality I already have built in.

Here is an example of what I am working with.

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Restrict Drop-Down Selection Based On Selection From Another

Jul 20, 2007

I want to have a drop down list in a cell so that the value in the cell can be only selected from two columns of data. Additionally once the data from the first column has been selected I want to be able to limit the inputs the user can select from in the second column.

e.g. In cell C115 I want to have the value BDS05.

I want to be able to select the value BDS from a drop down list of values and once that value has been selected I want to be able select 05 from a list of values from 01 to 14
If I select BCS as the first value then I want the second set of values to be limited to 01 to 02 etc.

I have read about combo boxes and list boxes and I'm a bit confused about the best way to achieve this (or even if I can).

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Selection From One Drop Down Creates New Drop Down

Mar 1, 2007

In the attached example I am trying to get the selections from one drop down to gnerate available selections in the next. The first drop down is the door style. This then needs to generate the possible drop downs in wood species. This then needs to generate the possible drop down in available stains. this then needs to generate the related door factor....

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Creating Range Of Listbox Based On Selection Made In Another ListBox

May 1, 2014

I have two lists mainly TV Brand & There Models.

List 1 (TV Brand)
Depended List 2 (Models)
Sony LG Samsung
EX420 55EB9600 PL43E450A1FXZP
EX430 77EC9800 PL43E490B4FXZP
EX550 55EA8800 PL43E400U1FXZP
EX520 KN55S9C UN32EH5300FXZP
EX645 55EA9800 PL64E8000GFXZP

I'm using two Listboxes (Form Control) with multiple selection options namely Listbox 1 (Brand) & Listbox 2 (Models). I want listbox 2 input range to be depended on selection made on Listbox 1 (Brand). For example, if user selects Sony then box2 should show only Sony's models and if user selects Sony & LG, box2 should show models for both Sony & LG.

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Selecting Autofilter Criteria From A Drop Down Menu

Jun 8, 2009

I am trying to create a macro that will run autofilter on another sheet when I select a number from a drop down menu, with that number being the autofilter criteria. I have tried the following code but it changes sheets before I can select the entry from the drop down menu.

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Change Color Of AutoFilter Drop Arrows

Jan 9, 2008

Is it possible to change those AutoFilter drop-down arrows that are active? As it is now they are hard to spot which is in use.

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Remove Standard Autofilter Drop Down Choice

Feb 12, 2008

Want to remove choices from excel autofilter drop down list like (non blanks) or (custom...).

Excel 2000 and above. Using vba is OK.

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Activating A New Form Once A Selection Is Made From A Form

May 1, 2007

I have a form with Option Buttons and once a selection has been made it opens the relevant sheet on the workbook but I can get it to open the relevant form to feed that worksheet once the selection has been made from the opening form. Is it possible to do this and if so dose anyone no the code.

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Extract Selection In Autofilter Dropdown Box To A Range

Feb 18, 2014

There are multiple duplicates of different part numbers in a column. When I autofilter the column, it shows 1 selection for each part number. I am trying to extract this selection fromm the autofilter dropdown box. I want to use it elsewhere in a dropdown box.

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2000 - Autofilter, The Drop-down Arrow Turns Blue In Color

Feb 10, 2010

When using the autofilter, the drop-down arrow turns blue in color, i.e., when some filter citerion is being used, the small down-arrow turns a different color as a way of informing the user that a filter is in place. Is there a way to control the color of this? Currently, mine turns blue, but it would be more useful if I could change it to a brilliant color in order to make it contrast more with the default black. Blue is too difficult to be distinguished by my eyes. The autofilter is turned on via a macro. If there a line of code that controls the color.

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Fill Cells In On Drop Down Selection

Jan 20, 2010

when I select a value from my drop down list how can I fill in say.. cell A50 with a number automatically?

Pretty much on a drop down selection I want to fill in another cell.

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Jump To Drop-down Selection On Another Sheet

Jul 16, 2009 . This is the original post.. and the original code was


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Value Pulled Per List Drop Down Selection

Nov 11, 2008

I have attached my problem workbook in explanation, I need help of pulling values from particular data by referencing selection in drop down list via some formula.
I thought about using the SUMPRODUCT and VLOOKUP but couldnt reference the values in drop down list.

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Populate Drop Down Based On Selection Of Another

Feb 7, 2009

I have a dashboard that uses three pivots based off of a single data source. Each of the pivots is designed to work off of their own drop down list.

the first drop down list allows the user to select a lease date. The associated pivot will update with all servers assocated with that lease date.

the second drop down list allows the user to select a server. This list is limited by the lease date selected in the first drop down. The associated pivot will update with the partition information for the server selected in the drop down.

the third drop down list allows the user to select a partition. This list is limited by the server selected in the second drop down. The associated pivot will update with the detailed partition data for the partition selected in the drop down.

All of the above works, the issue is that when a new lease date is selected in the first drop down list, the current entries for the second and third drop down list are still reflecting the old lease date information. When you click the drop down the correct data is there, it is just not automatically populated.

Is there a way that when the user selects a new lease date in drop down one, the first server in the new list is automatically populated in the second drop down as well as the first partition in the third drop down?

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Selection From Drop Down Box To Create A List

Sep 13, 2006

is it possible to create a list of parts from a selection in one drop down box

i have 1200 parts with descriptions etc in list . using a drop down box i want to select and create a workto list.

ideally this list would start on another worksheet starting on row 10

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Change Row Color Based On Drop Down Selection?

Apr 2, 2013

How do I change the color of a row, based on the users selection from a drop down box in that row? I have four driving types in my drop down , Towing - Town Driving - All highway - Mixed. I would like each driving type, if selected, to change the color of the entire Row of Data to a different color. I have been able to use conditional formating to change the drop down cell itself, but that is it.

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Returning Textbox From Drop Down List Selection?

May 31, 2013

is there a way to return a textbox full of information based on a selection from a dropdown box?

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Using Drop Down List As Selection Criteria For The Next Cell

May 31, 2008

One worksheet will have a library of job elements for assembly process with standard times on it.For example:Pick up a bolt(0.621m),install gasket(0.231m) etc.
The main worksheet will have a dropdown list which will list all the job elements discussed above.It will also have the quantity.So in otherwords,to pick up one bolt the time would be 0.621 minutes.But if anyone picks up 4 bolts the time would be 2.115 minutes,which can be calculated by the formula.So I want to display the job element,qty and the time in three separate rows.This worksheet will also calculate the total time for the assembly of the components which might contain more than thousand job elements.
My question is how do I ensure that picking up any of these job elements will give me the correct time.Is this something that can be done by formulas or anything thats built in excel or I need to run a macro or VBA to run some codes for IF...ELSE....THEN statements.There are too many conditions like If pick up one bolt time is 0.621 minutes,if pick up 4 bolts time is 2.115 minutes or if pick up a gasket time is 0.231 minutes.

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Data Validation: Restrict Drop-down Selection

Sep 4, 2009

I have two fields that do the same thing [preset selection vs custom entry], and I need to restrict one from holding any data if the other already does. One field is a drop-down menu, and the other is a decimal entry. It was easy to restrict the decimal from being entered if a drop-down selection has already been made - Data Validation prevents any entry unless the drop-down cell is blank. It's not so easy to restrict the drop-down, however, as it already uses List-type Data Validation to allow only values from a specified range.

Does anyone have any ideas for allowing the drop-down to function as normal if a specific other field or range is blank, but not allowing a selection to be made if that specific field or range already has data in it? I've attached a simplified example worksheet.

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Show Current Selection In Drop Down Menu

May 4, 2009

Hi guys i am in assistance of your brilliant brains, i have a working drop down menu which when selected i can select my data range such as below: ...

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