Populate Drop Down Based On Selection Of Another
Feb 7, 2009
I have a dashboard that uses three pivots based off of a single data source. Each of the pivots is designed to work off of their own drop down list.
the first drop down list allows the user to select a lease date. The associated pivot will update with all servers assocated with that lease date.
the second drop down list allows the user to select a server. This list is limited by the lease date selected in the first drop down. The associated pivot will update with the partition information for the server selected in the drop down.
the third drop down list allows the user to select a partition. This list is limited by the server selected in the second drop down. The associated pivot will update with the detailed partition data for the partition selected in the drop down.
All of the above works, the issue is that when a new lease date is selected in the first drop down list, the current entries for the second and third drop down list are still reflecting the old lease date information. When you click the drop down the correct data is there, it is just not automatically populated.
Is there a way that when the user selects a new lease date in drop down one, the first server in the new list is automatically populated in the second drop down as well as the first partition in the third drop down?
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Dec 5, 2007
Im a fairly basic VBA user who has just purchased the code for J-Walk's Enhanced Data Form.
On other threads in this forum I have noticed a lot of people asking how to make the contents of one drop-down box dependant on the selection in another. I am trying to do the same thing but with the criteria section of the EDF form.
Is this possible? What does give me hope is that a simple Autofilter - whilst not as aesthetically pleasing, does the job well.
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Aug 7, 2008
Currently I have columns fixed or assigned to the names of insurance providers/companies.
In each column below the name of the Insurance Company, a combobox containing the plans that company offers. Choose a plan, and the rest of the column is filled in using vlookup.
Now to save space, IE opposed to having 13-15 columns one assigned to each Insurance Company/Provider. I am looking to have only 3-5 columns with a first initial combobox in which one chooses the Name of the Company/Provider, and in turn populate the original combobox and vlookup functionality I already have built in.
Here is an example of what I am working with.
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Oct 25, 2006
Here is what I'm trying to do:
I have 4 sheets:
1 called main
1 called states
1 called counties
1 called people
On "main" I have 1 drop down box and 1 cell:
the drop down lists the states from "states" sheet
the cell, which i would like to have as a drop down is supposed to be listing the counties in the state selected from the 1st drop down. right now it is setting the value to TRUE for testing purposes.
then when the county is selected, it will display the people in that county listed in "people". So far I can only get the 1st drop down to list the states. that's the easy part. i need to getting the counties to list in another drop down based on what state is selected.
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Jul 20, 2007
I want to have a drop down list in a cell so that the value in the cell can be only selected from two columns of data. Additionally once the data from the first column has been selected I want to be able to limit the inputs the user can select from in the second column.
e.g. In cell C115 I want to have the value BDS05.
I want to be able to select the value BDS from a drop down list of values and once that value has been selected I want to be able select 05 from a list of values from 01 to 14
If I select BCS as the first value then I want the second set of values to be limited to 01 to 02 etc.
I have read about combo boxes and list boxes and I'm a bit confused about the best way to achieve this (or even if I can).
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Oct 15, 2009
I am making a form. At the top there is a dropbox with a list of applications. Based on which application the user picks, I want another section of the form to populate check boxes with the name of the projects that are associated with that application. Some applications have 2 projects, some applications have 7 projects.
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Dec 18, 2007
if is possible to make some kind of ComboBox without filters, I mean that let you choose different items at the same time. I do not know if some of you have seen some "ComboBox" that has all the options in one side and next to this window it has a blank window that when you double click the word that was in the other wondow passes to the other window telling you that you have chossen this item.
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Apr 2, 2013
How do I change the color of a row, based on the users selection from a drop down box in that row? I have four driving types in my drop down , Towing - Town Driving - All highway - Mixed. I would like each driving type, if selected, to change the color of the entire Row of Data to a different color. I have been able to use conditional formating to change the drop down cell itself, but that is it.
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Jan 8, 2005
I have a shared worksheet that has many rows of data... but only certain rows are relevant to each specific users. I would like each user to be able to select their name from a drop-down list in order to have all rows that are not important to them be hidden. I can put the name of the user in column 'A' in each row they need to see, but how could I make all rows that do not contain their name in column 'A' hide? In other words, if 'Bill' is selected from a drop-down list, only rows that contain 'Bill' in column 'A' would be seen.
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Sep 12, 2006
There's a table with all the raw data in it
camp name
session name
to put in the correct format I am thinking of usinf drop down boxes so that the user can selct the camp name from drop down and based on that the session name can be populated and alos the rest of infomration of that accput in to the specified fields
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Dec 4, 2007
how to get a 2nd drop down box to update the range (Not just use C6:C7)based on selection in 1st drop down box.
If Fat, Use range from C6:C7
If Skinny, Use range from D6:D7
Note: I tried putting an if statement in the input range for box2 but won't accept it.
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Jan 19, 2009
Various Numbers Will Be in a drop-down List eg:
I need it to Be able to, When I Select '6718' from the drop down Menu
"375 CAN 2lB18 C/F D/COKE" will Appear in the Next Cell.
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Apr 25, 2008
I am attempting to populate a row of several cells on a worksheet using a drop-down list, using data from a seperate worksheet in the same workbook. The worksheet containing the data will be hidden (I do not think that matters in this case). Do I place a VLOOKUP function in the first worksheet cells? see attached sample
As a follow-up question, as time goes by, the data in the source worksheet will be appended with new items (additional rows of data). As each new item is added, will I need to edit the formulas, or is there a way for Excel to dynamically add the new data? This might be stretching my wish list a bit but I thought I'd ask.
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Apr 7, 2014
I need to populate a textbox based off 2 combobox selections. My first combobox selects the worksheet. "08BOG, 09BOG, 10BOG...15BOG" My second combobox lists majors based off of the worksheet selected in combobox 1. I need my textbox to populate the value 18 rows over the selected worksheet and the selected row.
Currently I have something like this:
[Code] ......
But obviously this is all wrong because it is only referencing one sheet instead of the selected sheet in the combobox.
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Jun 26, 2014
My table contains 26 columns, I have Column E header as 'Assignee' and Column J for 'Date_Closed'.
I have a form containing a combobox and a listbox. The combobox is populated with 10 Assignee Names.
I want the listbox to be populated with all rows containing the selected Name ONLY if Date_Closed column (J) is blank/null.ie.date not filled yet.
For example, if i select "Ann", the listbox will show all rows in the table that have Assignee Ann for and closed date is still blank.
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Jan 25, 2008
My table contains 6 columns, one of which is 'season'.
I have a form containing a combobox and a listbox. The combobox has 4 options (spring summer autumn and winter). I want the listbox to be populated with all rows containing the selected season. For example, if i select "spring", the listbox will show all rows in the table that have spring in the season column.
I realise this is a very remedial question but i am very new to VBA and programming in general!
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Jan 25, 2008
I found many examples on this forum of how one can pull in data from closed workbooks, or copy it and have it stored in the active sheet. So far so good, but I need a solution which would do the opposite - I need the macro to take a range of data form the active sheet store it in a closed workbook and save any changes in the target workbook without opening it.
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Apr 30, 2014
I have a workbook consisting of 5 sheets.
Sheet 1 is the master sheet, and (among many other columns) it has a series of yes/no columns. The yes/no options are the equivalent of:
"Are you in sheet 2?"
"Are you in sheet 3?"
When this is the Yes option, I would like the rest of the contents of the row to copy into sheet 2.
These need to remain linked, so if I change stuff in Sheet 1 I would like it to change everywhere.
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Nov 14, 2008
I have a pricing model I'm working on where the request is to have all of the line/part items in the model, but only display a subset of those items based upon a sub-line chosen by the user by a drop box that includes all sub-lines.
Right now the list of parts is a table that I'm querying that also includes a simple '1' or '0' to indicate whether every part is an element of one or many sub-lines; eg (sorry, sure this won't format right):
Item SubA SubB SubC
210-1010 1 1 0
210-1011 1 0 1
So if choosing SubB in the drop box, I need the autofilter to show the first part, but not the second one. I think I have to do it this way (autofilter) because it will retain all of the parts whether the user is looking at them at this moment or not; they will use this tool to perhaps first price all SubB items, *then* go select SubC and price all of *those* items - and it needs to retain everything they've done, rather than a dynamic query that would lose prior changes and pull in a whole new set of data (if that makes sense).
So.... I need my autofilter to react not to specifically choosing data on the autofilter itself, but to a choice made in the drop box (probably a macro/VB attached to the box that reacts to the linked cell value that results from the choice, but I don't know how to tell it if the linked cell value is '5', go to column 7 (first two are part number and description) in the autofilter and filter on that column.
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Dec 15, 2009
Attached is the file i am working with. The table spanning from A:AA5:16 contains hours worked per day of the week with respect to the Project chosen from the drop down menus in A7:16. Cells in the range of F,K,O,R,U,X,AA7:16 total those hours worked on a daily basis. The table below should sum the total hours worked per day according to the Project selected in A19 from the drop down menu, with respect to the Project(s) chosen in cell range A7:16. For example, if i am looking for total hours worked Monday on Project RSB i select "RSB" from the drop down menu in cell A19, i want cell F18:19 to be the sum of cells A7 and A9, with respect to the Project selected from cells A7:16. If I select "FRG" from the drop down in cell A19, i want cell F18:19 to reflect the sum of cells F8 and F10.
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Jun 8, 2007
I have created a pricing sensitivity for a list of products. In cell C3, users can select a product (i.e. Apple, Elmo, or Bowl) and based on this selection, a range of Prices and Units are then updated and the Revenue for each price point calculated. A few lines beneath this, I have a little summary table that lists all the products. I'd like for users to be able to enter in the optimal price point for each item and then have the Units and Revenue for that selected price point for that specific product automatically update.
For example, if I select Apple from my drop down list my price choices are $5, $10, $15; units are 100, 85, 70; and revenue are $500, $850, and $1,050 respectively. On the summary table, I would like units 85, revenue $850 to update automatically if I select/input a $10 price. This would happen for all the products so at the end I want to be able to calculate a blended revenue mix given my pricing changes.
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Jan 20, 2013
I have a dropdown list selection on the form for types of machines. The list of machines, their sizes and related noise level are in a chart on worksheet 2 and I'd like to automate the form so that when the machine is selected, the related noise level auto populates.
The dropdown box has been put in the form using the data validation function.
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Dec 31, 2009
I want to populate the values of two textboxes that we will call TextBox5 and TextBox6 from columns W and X of a spreadsheet called "PowerAnalysis" when a selection is made form ComboBox5.
The ComboBox5 works perfectly now. I just need it to populate the other two text boxes.
All the data resides in the same row on the same sheet of PowerAnalysis when the selection is made in ComboBox5.
I hope I have been able to give a clear picture of what I am wanting to do.
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Jul 2, 2014
I need VBA code to do the following:
When cell H2 = "Weekly", I need cell I2 to return "50".
When cell H2 = "Bi-weekly", I need cell I2 to return "25".
The value in Column I should change as soon as the value in Column H changes.
NOTE: The value in Column H is chosen from a Data Validation List.
I'm assuming offset is the best option?
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Feb 1, 2013
I am trying to create an easy fill spreadsheet for a game. I am looking to have data values auto fill based off of the entry of 2 prior drop down menus.
I would like to have values for "Move", "Str", "Spd", "Skill", "Armor", and "Value" auto populate after the "Race" and "Role" has been selected. Data for these auto fills I have put on Sheet2 while the main file itself is on Sheet1.
If possible I would like to have Value increase by 5 for every level in "Rank" on the sheet.
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May 2, 2014
For example, I have a master sheet that has a drop-down list of the months January and February, which have their own sheets. I am trying to populate the sales of the week 1, 2 ,3 ,4 in the master sheet based on the same data for the month chosen.
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Mar 10, 2014
Is it possible to be able to select a range of dates, and a time interval, and then to automatically fill in cells in a column? to be more specific, I want to be able to select, say 1 Jan 2013 to 31 dec 2013 in one box, then specify a time interval, for example "hourly" and then a column is populated with each interval, i.e. 1 jan 2013 00:00, and then the next one is 1 jan 2013 01:00 etc. I have tired the normal automatic fill tool but it never seems to get it right. It works for the first few days then it all goes funny.
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Mar 18, 2014
I am trying to create individualized worksheets based off a master worksheet. I have different committee names that I want to appear on the individualized sheets, based on whether the person is apart of that committee or not. On my master sheet, I choose the persons name under the committee and I want that committee name to show on the individualized sheet. For example, I want A1 on Master to show on Name 1, B3 and A10 on Master to show on Name 1, C3. Can I write a formula to achieve this or or am I asking too much? In my actual file, I will have about 10 names and 5 committees with one person being on up to all 5 of the committees.
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Dec 13, 2009
I'm using Excel 2007. I would like to seek some advise on how i may update cells after selecting a month from a drop down list.
i have created a simplified version of what i intend to have. One the 1st tab 'Cash Budget 2009', i have filled up a table with numbers, sorted by months. On the 2nd tab 'Dec09', i would like to create an expense table, to be able to be selected by month. So i have created a drop down list based on the months that are created in the 1st tab.
Upon selection of the month from the drop down list, i would like the cells to display (fetch) the data from the 1st worksheet. It would also be helpful if the name of the 2nd tab can be updated to read as the month that is being selected.
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Mar 7, 2013
[URL]....When I select a name in column B, it populates column C's dropdown with that name's list of units. When I select a unity type in column C, I'd like it to automatically populate column E in the same row with the value associated with that unit. The values associated with a particular unit can be found to the right of the sheet. So if in row 2 I select Blake in column B, then Unit 5 in column C, I'd like column E to be populated with 14.
Edit: using Excel 2007.
I attached stripped down version of the sheet which is small enough to post. None of the things I removed should affect the topic at hand. The full sheet is available at rapidshare.
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