Determine An Investment Max Value

Feb 14, 2007

I want to easily determine the max value of the stocks I own by only changing the daily value but i cannot bypass the circular reference problem. Example:

Stock|Today's Value| Max Value
A | 1 | 1
B | 3 | 3

Tomorrow i'm going to change today's value and my goal is that the max value remains unaltered if today's value is smaller. like this:

Stock|Today's Value| Max Value
A | 2 | 2
B | 1 | 3

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Calculating Annual Return On Investment For Real Estate Investment?

May 5, 2012

What formula to use to show the Annual ROI for a real estate investment property (single family). I believe I have all my figures to calculate WITH (acquisition amount, annual net income, etc.) -- but I can't figure out how to determine the ROI.

Or - is determining that % even possible/logical?

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Irr Calculations / Formula For Investment

Dec 17, 2008

I have a specific problem on irr calculations. In the excel file, I have following data.

date of investment - 1st May 2008
Investment Value - 1000000
Investment close date - 15th Dec 2008
Closure value - 1055000

I want to calculate IRR for the investment for the days the money got invested.
How do I calculate this in excel.

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Formula For Investment Gain

Oct 20, 2009

I was looking for how to calculate the value from on cell F11 from
this excel table but my formula didn't work so I'm looking for other solutions?
ur Cell F11 indicates $104
and cell F12 $320
and F13 $658

but from my formula only works with on cell F11
I used this formula on this sheet.

Enter Retirement Parameters as IndicatedSummary of Retirement CalculationsDate plan began1/1/2008Projected retirement date1/1/2052Number of years to contribute45TRUEAccount value at retirement$542,654Annual contribution$1,300 Total contribution over life of plan$58,500Expected rate of return8%Investment Gain$484,154Type of planRoth IRAPercentage through investment89%$0.00 $1 Contribution NumberDateValue prior to contributionContributionTotal Invested Over Life of PlanInvestment GainValue at end of the year11/1/2008-$1,300 $1,300 $104$1,404$104 21/1/2009$1,300 $2,600 $320$2,920$320 $216 31/1/2010$1,300 $3,900 $536$4,436$658 41/1/2011$1,300 $5,200 $5,200$1,127 51/1/2012$1,300 $6,500 $6,50061/1/2013$1,300 $7,800 $7,80071/1/2014$1,300 $9,100 $9,100

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Calculating Monthly Investment

Apr 21, 2007

If I want to obtain a future value of $500,000 at the end of 20 years, how much do I need to save each year at an interest rate of 10% per annum? I ended up using the following formula: =PMT(10%,20,-PV(10%,20,,-500000,1),,1). Let's define (Insert/ Name/Define) the answer to this function as Pmt1.

By then using =FV(10%,20,Pmt1,,1) to confirm that Pmt1 will end up providing $500,000 after 20 years I get the answer I am looking for but have absolutely NO IDEA why it works. Worse, I do not know whether it is the correct answer. I have the following function (courtesy of someone) that I use to determine the expected future value of a series of annual payments at a fixed interest rate but also with fixed annual increases in the payments. (Example: $1000 per annum is invested for 20 years. The interest earned on the $1000 is 10% per annum. The $1000 increases by 5% each year - i.e. 19 increases)

=Pmt1* SUMPRODUCT((1+5%)^(ROW(OFFSET($A$1,0,0,20,1))-1),(1+10%)^(20-ROW(OFFSET($A$1,0,0,20,1))+1))

Assuming the payment does not increase, I simply replace the 5% with 0%. When I run this function and use Pmt1 as the annual payment the answer differs from the one that I get from the PMT function that I quoted above until I change the ",,1" in the function to ",,0". What do I not understand about these functions!? Which is correct or are both provided I learn to know what they do? This is the vaguest question I've ever been able to devise simply because I can see that something is amiss and I do not know what - or how to start figuring out what it is that I "know not"!

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Purpose Of Investment Calculators

Oct 24, 2007

I am part of an investment sales team and was wondering if the use of specific excel based investment calculators will assist me in my task of advising clients of the best options. Also; if these tools do help, I wanted to create a calculator that displayed the interest schedule depending on the term that its invested for. I have searched and found various threads on this topic; though not too sure how

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Average Net Investment Calc In One Cell

Sep 29, 2008

How to calculate ANI in one cell? The only way I can currently find the result is to build an amortisation schedule and then divide the sum of the outstandings by the payment frequency.

I'd like to avoid building the amort.

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Calculate A Pay Back Period For A Certain Investment

Dec 6, 2006

I need to calculate a pay back period for a certain investment. Excel has options for NPV and IRR but not for the Pay back period. (PBP). I've tried finding a solution using google discussion groups and some books but nothing helped me out. attached you'll find an example of my sheet. I need the PBP to be calculated in e.g. 5,3 years. but when the figures change it should automaticly recalculate the PBP.

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Assign Individual Investment To Master Spreadsheet

Dec 17, 2012

(i) I have a spreadsheet listing all the investments details. For example,

Investment Investment Date Amount
xxx company 1/1/2012 $10,000
yyy company 2/1/2012 $20,000

(ii) Each investments have different investors. For example, xxx company has two investors: A and B; yyy company has 4 investors: B, C, D, E

I want to assign Investors Name and their Personal Investment Amount to the main investment spreadsheet. So that I can retrieve individual investor's investment positions.

For example, I want a spreadsheet showing B's investment. Then this spreadsheet should have details of xxx company and yyy company, as well as B's personal investment amount.

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Macro- Data That Is Exported Our House Investment System

Oct 27, 2008

i have a spreadsheet with data that is exported to Excel via our in house investment system, the report looks something like below, though real data consists of 2000 rows of data. Where we have O/S in Bank this means these entries are all physical bank entries i.e statement credit and statement debit, and where we have O/S not in Bank these are all accounting entries, i.e. Ledger Debit and Ledger Debit.

What i am after is a macro that will insert a column next to Team and then input SDR SCR on all statement entries and LDR and LCR on all Ledger entries, the final report should look like the second spreadsheet....

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Investment Calculator: Sheet That Will Take Payments Away From A Starting Balance

Jan 16, 2007

I need to create a sheet that will take payments away from a starting balance. The catch is that I don't know the starting balance. The interest is compounded annually at 3% and each withdrawl is different. My sheet needs to show the interest earned in each year and the account balance like a running sheet, after lets say 5 years there needs to be no money left.

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Calculate 10% Or 20% On Investment Form Depending On Interest Rate In Column

May 25, 2009

The way I have this sheet setup is to calculate a 20% fee off the interest earned column "D". Say you earned 6.5% on a beginning balance so the interest earned is in col "D". This works fine for a 20% fee but I need the fee to calculate a 10% fee if the interest in column "C" hit 4% or below and it also needs to be able to calculate a 20% fee if the interested earned is above 4%.

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Investment Selection With Cell Selection

May 4, 2007

I'm trying to build an investment calculator. Tried searching "calculator" as keyword but return nothing similiar.

There are eight cell : [ A ][ B ][ C ][ D ][ E ][ F ][ G ][h]

[ H ] is price of the leverage

[A] is X balance
[b] is X lot size
[C] is X amount of money use to get x lot
[D] is X percentage of money use to get x lot
[E] is X point gain
[f] is X money gain
[G] is balance + money gain

Ignore the formulae for leverage to determine 1 lot price. Take 1 lot = 250.

What I'm looking for is when I enter any value at cell B, C or D, it will automatically calculate the value for either B, C or D cell.

Let say, the balance is 10000.

If I enter 2 at cell B. Then, it will calculate the value for cell C & D.

If I enter 750 at cell C, then it will calculate value for cell B & D.

If I enter 25 at cell D, it will calculate value for cell B & C.

how to use OR Selection in excel.

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Determine Last Used Row

Dec 12, 2007

i need to have this information entered in the row below each time which may or maynot be empty. i need a message box with error handling to ask if the user wants to enter more products or finish and another message box if the entries (which start at cell B4) go past B10 that they have to exit and start a new sheet. I have put the code below and attached the workbook so it may be of use to others

Option Explicit

Sub Locate(Name As String, Data As Range)
Dim rngFind As Range
Dim strFirstFind As String
With Data
Set rngFind = .Find(Name, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlPart)
If Not rngFind Is Nothing Then
strFirstFind = rngFind.Address
If rngFind.Row > 1 Then
ListBox1.AddItem rngFind.Value
End If....................

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Determine Used Column And End Of Row

Sep 14, 2012

Right now in my code I'm using the below section to determine the column in which to search for dupes, and the last column of data for that range. However, I make the user select only part or one column through IF statements above, so there's no need for the user to input this information. I'd like to replace the choice part with and automated routine that determines the DupeCol from the column section selected, and determines the rowend from the last used cell to the right in the rows in that column selection. But I don't know how to do that and keep the values as strings.

Dim RowEnd As String, DupeCol As String
Dim LastRow As Long
DupeCol = InputBox("Type in the letter of the column you want to look for duplicates in.", "Fill in the Info")
RowEnd = InputBox("Type in the letter of the last column you want colored.", "Fill in the Info")

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Determine Max Value Of Parabolas?

Jan 14, 2014

I have a big serie of charts (parabolas - open down) that i need to find the max value.

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Using IF Function To Determine Value?

Jan 6, 2014

I would like to choose an option (C, Q, T) and get a result in 1 column.

In other words, if I type C in H6, I must get a different result in I6 as opposed to if I choose Q or T in the same column. However if I leave it blank I should have nothing or a 0 in I6.

In the attachment above you will see that I gave a sum for C (A3), Q (A4) and T (A5). The sum for each one is broken down into a percentage rate and a flat rate.

These rates are dependent on the initial amount entered into G6. C, Q, T stand for Cash, Cheques, Transfers. The form of transaction determines the % and flate rate to be charged.

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Determine By How Many White

Mar 21, 2006

I have a spreadsheet with Ethnicity (White, African American, hispanic,
Asian, other) in column A and Time (hh:mm:ss) in column B.

I trying to determine by how many White, for example, have spent less than 5
hours, >5 hrs but less than 10 hr, etc.

My plan is to make a chart of the data.
I've been looking at sumproduct and COUNTIF but I can't quite figure it out.

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Determine Largest Value

Mar 26, 2009

I'm working with box quantities and would like to get a formula that would take the box quantity and return the largest value based on some parameters. Here are my parameters:

Box Quantity

- 375 pieces

Break down options

2 - 187.5 pieces
3 - 125 pieces
4 - 93.75 pieces
5 - 75 pieces

Obviously options 2 and 4 are no good as I can only work with even break downs. This leaves me with either 3 or 4 and because I want the largest, I would choose number 3. What I need is help on a formula that will take the value of the box quantity and return the largest whole number. I think for the time being I would like to leave the break down between 2 and 5 as well.

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Determine Whether Value Is Within Certain Ranges

Dec 13, 2011

What do I do if I want to determine whether an input is within a specified range, and then for there to be an output of a certain value from another cell?

For example, with tax brackets: if income (D) falls within B and C, return value A(from a separate column)?

Here is the data I have:

Column A

"Formula referencing D1"
"Formula referencing D1"
"Formula referencing D1"
"Formula referencing D1"
"Formula referencing D1"


Column D, cell D1 is where you would input a number (income) Column E, cell E1 is where I want the output value.

Basically, what I would like is a formula to put into column E that will do two things. First, to determine if the value in D1 is within either (B1-C1, B2-C2, B3-C3, B4-C4, or B5-C5). Second, to then output the value of either A1, A2, A3, A4, or A5, for each respective range.

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UDF To Determine Changes In A Cell

Feb 2, 2012

I want to write a function that goes out and reads a cell, waits a few seconds, then reads the cell again, since it is constantly changing. Then report back the difference between the two readings of the same cell. The following code does not work since t0 and t1 always come back the same value.

Function ReadTime(t)
t0 = t
Application.wait Now() + TimeValue("00:00:15")
t1 = t
ReadTime = t1 - t0
End Function

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Formula To Determine Age

May 16, 2007

formula I can use to determine age between date of birth (in one cell) and an event date (in another cell)., i.e. birthdate 3/15/2000 with an event date of 3/2/2007.

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Need To Determine The Last Row In A Range

Apr 5, 2009

I am having a bit of amnesia right now, but I know there are some smart cookies out there who can do this in a second or two.

I have a certain range in a worksheet (D6:D27). I need to find the first blank row, or the last row with data +1. I would like a worksheet function of some sort that might be used like this


The result would be row 10 (the first blank row).

I have been searching for the past hour and just can not get anything to work right. I have tried many different suggestions, but I still draw a blank.

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Determine Value Of TextBox

Nov 8, 2006

i have this code behind a command button in a userform

Private Sub cmdCalculate_Click()
If Me.txtLength.Value > "6.021" Then
lbM2.Caption = Val(txtHeight) * Val(txtLength)
End If
End Sub

the calculations work fine up till i enter anything over 9.999 in the textbox called "txtLength" Can any one see why this will not perform calculations when the entry is more than 9.999 in text box "txtLength"? i tried replacing the label control with a textbox!

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Determine If A Number Is Even Or Odd

Jan 20, 2007

Determine If A Number Is Even Or Odd. i would like to Determine If A Number Is Even Or Odd...?

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Determine If Value Is Between 2 Values

Dec 4, 2007

at present i have the following code that does as intended.

If number < pr1 Then
number = 0
End If

how would i alter this so that it changes the 'number' if number is between pr1 and another number pr2?

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Determine Cell Value Or N/A

Dec 20, 2007

I am working on a spreadsheet where individuals must enter a value between 1 - 4 or n/a. I would like to include a formula for each question where if they enter a value between 1-4, this scores 1 and if they enter n/a this scores 0. Does anyone know a simple formula I could use, I have tried IF formulas but keep getting muddled.

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Determine Which Textbox Has Lowest Value?

Jun 23, 2014

I have 4 TextBox on a UserForm. First three to enter value and the last one to return the lowest value entered in to the first Three TextBox. How to determine the lowest value and show it on last TextBox.

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Determine Total Goals

Feb 21, 2009

how can i get excel to read column c and return the answer into column f i have scores in column c that look like eg. 2-2 what i need excel to do is count the goals
in the example obviously 4 and then in column f if its over 2.5 return the value over but if its under 2.5 it returns under is this possible please given the format of column c?

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Use Two Fields To Determine Lookup Value?

Jun 9, 2009

I'm sure it is possible to solve this with an array, despite all my efforts having produced nothing so far. Attached is an example workbook. On the 'Data' sheet, every month the data will change and I need to fill in column A, with the approriate Name from the 'Map' sheet. Is this possible using an array?

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