Hey everyone, I'm new to the boards and only moderately familiar with Excel, so I'm looking for a little help. My question might not be completely clear, so I'll try to give you a visualization.
I want to give users the ability to choose different kinds of expenses from a drop down menu (i.e., Salary, Postage, Supplies). However, some of the expenses have general costs associated with them on top of other costs, and I want it to be made clear by having the proper costs come up with the proper expense. For example: ...
I need to disable the "save as" file menu command when a user opens a shared document. Upon exit I want to enable the save as so that other opened worksheets are not affected. This code works: CommandBars("File").Controls("Save As...").Enabled = False
My problem is this. I can activate this command by selecting run in the VB editor. But I need for this action to be automatic when a user opens the worksheet. I did this in the editor:
Under general
Sub dISABLESAVEAS() CommandBars("File").Controls("Save As...").Enabled = False End
Sub WORKSHEET_BEFORECLOSE() CommandBars("File").Controls("Save As...").Enabled = True End
Question regarding the disabling of right mouse button click options and have used the code below to disable and reciprocal code to enable options. The code works well in Excel 2003 but have recently used the spreadsheet in excel 2000 and the code causes a runtime error 5 'Invalid procedure call or argument'. how to amend the code to have it also work with Excel 2000.
I am creating a fool proof, well as near as I can get it, spreadsheet for them to work in and want them to follow the rules I set out!!
I am able to disable cut, copy, paste etc but was wondering if it was possible for to disable to use of the "Delete" function from the menu when you right click on a cell and also disable to the Delete key on the keyboard?
Is there a way to either hide or disable the worksheet menu bar on ONE SHEET ONLY, so that a right-click customize doesn't even work on that sheet. I want the user to be able to do nothing but what my customized toolbar allows on that sheet.
How can I disable the SAVE and PRINT options under Office Button, in excel 2007??? I've tried a macro that I used in 2003 version, but it not works (problem: "File" menu)!!!
Is there a code or a way to make it impossible to make permanent changes to a file without first saving it as something else? I have a master report that is done monthly.
I do not want anyone to be able to save any changes on the master report. How do I go about disabling save and the save as funtions in excel? I have a save as command button that I only want people to use.
Also is there a way to set up a print command button to print to any computers default printer? I have set up a print command button on my computer and it works fine on mine, but I have sent the file to another person and the button is not doing anything on their computer. I assume because we don't have the same computers.
I would like my custom menus to act like builtin menus - specifically I would like them to be disabled (grayed out or even entirely removed) when the application is in Cell Edit Mode (I cant believe I am the first to ask about this but I cant find the answer elsewhere).
It sure seems confusing to offer users access to a seemingly active command when it does not run (in edit mode I mean).
I send huge lumps of Karma to any willing to share ideas or solutions.
I have an Excel 2003 program that contains macros. One of the macros hides certain command bars and disables the worksheet menu bar. On close the opposite is true. The problem is, if a user uses the disable macros when opening then the worksheet menu bar and other command bars are still available. I would like to hide all of the data sheets and display another sheet that would normally be hidden displaying a message that the macros have to be enabled for the program to work correctly if disable macros is chosen. When the enable macros are used I would like the Error page to be hidden.
I am trying to take two random Mouse click selections and swap a set of ranges associated with the cells that are selected. For example if the user clicks on A1 it will resize(3,22) and store the selection as a variable to be swapped with another selection. Here is what I have so far but I keep getting a object required error on rngEmp1.
VB: Sub SwapGroup() If Selection.Cells.Count < 8 Then MsgBox "Please Select two Groups to swap. Press and hold 'Ctrl' in between your selections", , "Swap Groups"
I have several cells in a column for the user to input data, and then a "submit" button. It is a very basic sheet to take user input and store it on another sheet and then manipulate(pivot) and display(graphs) on respective sheets.
Is it possible to remove gridlines and disable all cells on the input sheet except for those that take input, currently validation cells. The main reason is when the user hits tab or lets say enter it moves to the next field for data entry as opposed to through the two empty cells between that are there for spacing. Also to disable them from editing the text that poses the questions(labels): "
I need to display Excel Sheet in a Browser and I want to disable the Right Click and Menu of Excel(File, Edit).
So in the method Workbook_Open i coded following
Private Sub Workbook_Open() Application. CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Enabled = False Application.CommandBars(" Cell").Enabled = False Application.CommandBars("Sheet").Enabled = False Application.CommandBars("Ply").Enabled = False Application.CommandBars("Row").Enabled = False Application.CommandBars("Column").Enabled = False End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Enabled = True Application.CommandBars("Cell").Enabled = True Application.CommandBars("Sheet").Enabled = True Application.CommandBars("Ply").Enabled = True Application.CommandBars("Row").Enabled = True Application.CommandBars("Column").Enabled = True End Sub
It works fine, but if I open Excel application before viewing this HTML page(which contains XLS) and then the option are also disabled in Stand alone Excel application. I want to disable option when for this Sheet which is opened.
I have a workbook containing multiple sheets of data. I have a macro to analyze this data but want to add a popup menu with a dropdown list of all sheets in the workbook. The idea is to have the macro prompt me to select which sheet to continue running on. I can't remember how to create an input box with a dropdown menu.
I have a sheet,i want the users unable to select any cells,but a column is free to select an change and enter the inputs. I want to delete and shift up zero cells on that free column,but this property is disable when i protect the sheet.
How I protect other cells from selection and change,and enable delete and shift up for the column that not protected.
For example: I have the attachment file,every column is protected except column "H". I want a macro to when I clear content of any cell in this column,every cells shift up and every non zero cell put from row 1 to... and after them zero cells put.
I have workbook having 3 sheets out of them 1 sheet name "report". I want vba to disable copy /past option to sheet Report only with msg " copy not allowed" if key clt+c or copy option selected
I am trying to create an event macro that would deactivate column and row headers when the workbook is launched and activate a sheet. i am not managing to do this,
How do I Enable/Disable Command Buttons from a Sheet?
I am using a Command Button in a Sheet to copy and paste the Data from one Sheet to another with the help of macro..
As I am not well-versed with VBA dont know all the syntaxes of VBA. I need help for the command button..
First and Foremost, I double click a Command Button form the Control tool-box and paste it on the Sheet, I dont know how to get the name of this command button , I mean where do i get it?
Based on a condition like a value in a cell I want it to be Enabled and Disabled?
Any ideas...please I am not able to follow even after googling a lot as I dont know what's the name of the command button control I have used.
If the value entered in a particluar cell is more than the 1000 difference between two cells then the command button should be disbaled...
The Application part: The command button is used to transfer the data in a cell lets say $I$4 to another sheet Cell J2,J3,J4 so on so forth..by incrementing the ROW number.
Now The balance gets depleted with every new Debit Entry and we need to disallow the user from entering such an amount which will reduce the balance more than The Minimum Account Balance of a bank...
I have VBA code that creates three reports based on fields a user chooses. When the user clicks the button to create the first report, links are built to the files which contain the fields they chose. There are approximately 15 files that need to be linked in every report.
When the links are built, referencing the external files, the system is extremely slow.
I have Application.ScreenUpdating = False and Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual.
Despite these settings, the links pull in updated values.
Also, to create the last two files, I do a FIND/REPLACE to change the cells referenced in the links, causing it to choke.
would get the links in place without updating each one as it is created?
I want create something (a macro), maybe ending in a button to activate or desactivate the update (relatively) of the charts and relative cells in one of various sheets i use!