Divide One Long String To Many Rows
Dec 20, 2011
I have a very long string of characters inside one cell.
Now, I would like to divide this string into multiple rows and I know that next row should start after each 80 character. In other words, 81th character is a start of a new row.
How can I do that?
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Jun 25, 2014
I'm trying to run a countif formula in a separate worksheet searching for a long text string. The text string is long enough that I can't copy the entire string into the Ctrl F Find function.
=COUNTIF('Data Month 1'!C:C,F4)
F4 = text string put together using the values of multiple adjascent cells. Total characters are over 26.
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Mar 13, 2014
In a long string of characters and values, for example in B2:
Cos PGA 3.00 8.98 0.75 Cis TAK 1.00 2.99 0.25 Gsr PAM 14.00 41.92 0.82 Art GUN 3.00 8.98 0.18 Tlu NRG 9.00 26.95 0.33
I want to extract the second value after the specific string which is in in column headers C1, D1,E1...:
so for the example the result should be 8.98 in cell C2; 2.99 in cell D2; no value in E2; 41.92 in F2...
I attached a sheet with the table.
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May 15, 2012
I've got a string of text (that can vary in length) and contains a date (could be any month)..
I'm trying to extract the date from the string using VBA.
For example, the string may be:
"The following price of the service is effective until July 1, 2012 and may change whenever"
I need to first determine if the string has a date in it and then extract the date....
I did a search on mrexcel.com and found the following formula that will tell me if the text has a date (returns true/false)...however, i'm not sure how to use this in VBA nor how to find location of date....
B1 contains the text, N1:N12 contain the name of the months....
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Nov 5, 2012
I'm trying to use application.match() but I'm running into a issue where I don't know if I'll be matching a string or long data type...
Here's the snippet of code:
' Set Unit#
s1 = ActiveSheet.Pictures(Application.Caller).Name
iLen = Len(s1)
s1 = Mid(s1, 2, iLen - 2)
' Set Sel Ex Work Date
iCheck = Application.Match("MACHINE_NUMBER", Sheets("Allocation").Columns(1), 0)
How can I get application.match to look for strings if s1 = "ABC123" or numbers if s1 = "123456"
I've tried dim variant and s1 + 0... But, haven't come up with a solution.
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Apr 17, 2007
I am trying to automate a report writing spreadsheet in which the text never changes in the cell (up to and over 50 words long).
Is there any way in which the figures within that text could be linked to another cell and change accordingly.
For example: a particular cell might contain the following which never changes apart from the figures:
"the performance of the fund was (B5) followed by a change in the index of (B6)...........the performance of the irish stocks was (A19) etc etc."
I know something can be done in formatting but for very long text would this be impracticle?
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Jan 17, 2013
I have some code which looks through a logfile, and creates new worksheets based on items found in a particular column. This is normally working fine. However, there is a particular case where the item in the column is too long - it is actually the path name of a particular file, and which exceeds 31 characters.
This is causing an error in VBA. Is there a way that the worksheet can be renamed if the character string is too long?
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Mar 27, 2008
I have a spreadsheet that has a column of text that is always 10 characters long. There are 10 rows of text so there could be 100 text characters if all rows are filled. The rows usually will not all be filled. There will probably be blank rows between used rows. I have been able to capture the text and put it into one cell as one long text which is ok but I want to be able to break it up into the 10 character strings again, separated with a comma and space between each 10 characters.
This is the code I used to collect the 10 character text strings and put them all together as the variable "result". I used & ", " after ... Cells(r,17) which worked fine unless there was a blank row. If the row was blank it put in a comma and space anyway so I ended up with duplicate(triplicate) commas and spaces.
Private Sub test_Click()
result = ""
For r = 5 To 32 Step 3
'If Cells(r, 17) "" Then
result = result & Cells(r, 17)
Next r
Range("r5") = result
End Sub
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Sep 13, 2013
I have a google earth KML file that I have converted to text, and through a bunch of manipulation have been able to pull a series of GPS coordinate strings into a single cell string. Unfortunately, the string data is beyond what excel 2007 can handle for a single cell. so my thought is to have excel pull each coordinate string into a separate cell with which i can then run a macro to develop a new KML dynamically. (changing multiple attributes based on a query to a database)
Each string of coords actually maps out a single region (path) on the KML, truth be told it is telecom rate center data, and each rate center will have numerous other variables applied to it depending on my company's voice network capability for a given rate center. Currently my only desire is to depict differently any rate centers that I'm able to deliver VOIP services to by showing them in a different color...but these change very often so it will support to be able to auto generate the map from time to time.
the raw data from the KML looks like this:
[Code] ..........
After doing my data import, i extracted via various manipulations, the rate center name (a common lookup value that stays constant across multiple databases), and the string of coordinates. this is where i run into trouble. i need to pull each coord into a separate cell assuming i won't run out of cells in the x coordinates to gather this data OR find a way to grab the data via another lookup to another document...not desireable.
I want my output to look like:
[Code] ........
First off, my import was jacked up by missing some comma's...this i can fix easily with the string importation and manipulation HOWEVER...i still run into the issue of string length OFTEN.
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Jun 20, 2014
I have a data extract that gets generated at the end of each month that I post into the 'Full Extract' tab on my example spreadsheet.
writing a macro that will divide the various items in the 'Extract' based on the Reference, (some items may need to go into multiple sheets)
then draw down the formulas that need to be applied to the item.
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Jun 30, 2009
I have a 52 (one for each week) page workbook. I am trying to average cell J9 for the entire 52 pages. However the information is not added to the cell until the end of the week so week 30-52 all have 0s and should not be counted in the dividing number. Is there a way to have Excel count the number of cells that have a number (not 0) and divide the sum of the cells but that number.
=(WK1!J9+.....WK52!J9) / (counted number of cells not = 0)
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Sep 4, 2009
An original text string entry appearing in an Excel cell would be:
"N7C Neuroprotective J5Z Antiviral, other M2Z Antiarthritic, other J5A Antiviral, anti-HIV"
I need to extract N7C, J5Z, M2Z and J5A from this string and list these alphanumeric values in separate cells adjacent to the original text string. The challenge is that these alphanumeric references may appear in different positions within the original string with no fixed value e.g. a "," separating them. The alphanumeric references may also be 3 or 4 characters in length and there may be different numbers of alphanumeric references in the original string.
Another example would be (very different from the first):
"T2Z Recombinant, other K5B Radio-chemoprotective J3Z Antibacterial, other D3A Vulnerary A10C Symptomatic antidiabetic K6Z Anticancer, other R8A Antiasthma B6A Septic shock treatment I1Z Immunostimulant, other S1Z Ophthalmological R8B Antiallergic, non-asthma M1A1 Anti-inflammatory"
You can see that in this further example "A10C" & "M1A1" are 4 character alphanumeric strings wheras the others feature 3 characters.
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Aug 15, 2007
Suppose I have in A1, names of people seperated by comma....
James Dean, Bruce Lee, Marilyn Monroe, Tom Cruise, etc
How do I break them into rows like
James Dean
Bruce Lee
Marilyn Monroe
Tom Cruise
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Nov 22, 2012
I am working on putting together a very large spreadsheet covering multiple data sets over multiple states/years. I am trying to convert the data that I have in one spreadsheet (that is arranged like the example below) and make it so that I can paste the data into another spreadsheet as one single row: i.e, 1,651 would follow in the column to the right in the same row as 6.4 and so on. Right now I am having to copy and paste row by row and it is going to take me years.
[Code] .......
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Jun 14, 2013
I have a bunch of these following below which I need extract text from the first "." from the right hand side.
The amount of text and "." can vary as does the number of characters.
Ultimately i want it to display the following:
Vibrating Screen SC409
Scalping Circuit 4
Fines Stacker ST601
I have used LEFT, RIGHT, SEARCH, LEN functions in various combinations but cant get it to reference the last "." from the right.
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Sep 7, 2009
Lets say I have a 2 column sheet (A and B). And I want to sort on column B with all the rows that contain a given string, i.e. /g or �����.
Something like doing a find all but then being able to select/copy/cut etc those rows.
How can this be done?
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Feb 26, 2008
There are probably simple solutions to these problems but I'm fairly new to Excel and i have spent far to much time trying to figure this out.
I need a macro that will delete rows that do not contain the string "QC"
Only column A is populated and "QC" is always at the start of the string followed by a space then more characters.
I would also like to delete the contents of the remaining cells (cells that do contain "QC") with the exception of the 5 characters (inc space) immediately after "QC"
For example, these 3 cells:
QC 4860 MF 25/01/08 1713 DateUtilsAH F 25Jan2008 VbV defect 4842QC 4529
Would become:
QC 4860
QC 4529
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Aug 21, 2009
I have an Excel workbook that i need to loop through all rows searching for a certain string we can call "Totals". There are more than one, and i need to grab the values from each at an offset in the same row, different column, to total at the bottom. I have tried a few things unsuccessfully. The code below is just my first step to try to find the row, i know there are problems as i am unfamiliar with the different properties of a given variable.
Function FindRow(szName) As Integer
nFoundRow = 0
For nRow = 0 To Worksheets("Totals").Columns(nCol).Rows.Count
If StrComp(Worksheets("Totals").Cells(1, nRow), szName) = 0 Then
nFoundRow = nRow
End If
Next nRow
FindRow = nFoundRow
End Function
Sub Totals()
nCol = FindRow("Totals")
ActiveCell.Select = nCol
MsgBox (nCol.Value)
End Sub
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Jul 31, 2013
I am running MS Excel 2003.
A user inputs a string of letters/symbols all meaning different things. These would typically for my case be L, R, +, -, F. These items correspond to certain behaviors. Essentially I'm working on a L-System solver for those of you who are well versed in math. For those of you who aren't, I'll explain a bit.
An L-system starts with a string, for example:
and then has one or more generators:
then at each iteration of the system, every L and R in the previous iteration gets replaced with that string. The +/- are incremental angles.
I need to be able to take each iteration and convert it into a series of rows with one character in each row. I need it to do this automatically, and automatically adjust to the proper length of rows (these strings can get thousands of characters long because each iteration of the system converts the Ls and Rs into longer strings containing more of all of those letters.) Once each of those rows are constructed, I need it to run some mathematical operations on each of these rows automatically.
For example, for each + or -, the value in an angle column should change by an increment given elsewhere in the sheet. For each F, the x and y coordinates should change from the previous iteration based on the angle (just a basic d+dcos(ang) or d+dsin(ang) where d is a distance multiplied by a scaling factor).
I have no experience with Macros or any type of scripting, so if I can keep this in an Excel formula, that would be ideal. I know a minimal amount of C++ and Python, but that's the extent of my programming knowledge.
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Mar 25, 2008
I have a worksheet with 17000 rows of words that end in commas in column A, i.e.
Column A
Row 1 = Word 1,
Row 2 = Words 2,
Row 3 - Word 3,
I need to get this into the following single string format...
Word 1,Word 2,Word 3,etc...
I want to ultimately save it as a .txt file.
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Mar 5, 2009
I have a single column dynamic range called "Dock" and I need to sort the rows in my worksheet based on information from this range.
Each cell in "Dock" is formated similarly to "TM09030010"
This is "TM" & YYMM & "4 digit number"
I need to sort my rows based first on Date "YYMM" then second by the last 4 digits of the same string.
The worksheet has information in columns A through K and Range "Dock" is located within column A.
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Feb 22, 2010
I am looking for a way to split a large string (400 numeric value's, split by comma's) into a 20x20 field.
If possible, the field should be 600x400 pixels (30x20 squares), but this is just extra
Is there a way to do this in Excel (or any other program)?
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Mar 29, 2007
I am a VBA starter. I try my best to customize the previously posted code to solve my problems. But I am badly stuck this time. Help please!
I have a sheet by name �MAIN�, that has the following features:
1.Data that I require starts from row 12
2.Cells in Column D (starting from D12) contain: mix of numbers, alphabets and special characters
MAIN!D12 = �123-AXE1�
MAIN!A12= �CopyMeA�
MAIN!B12= �CopyMeB�
What I would like to do is: .....
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Apr 8, 2014
I have conditional formatting on a cell based on a formula, when I entered the solution of "if then 0 " but the cell doesn't see the result as a 0, if I manually enter the 0 the conditional format works.
I even tried putting the formula in another cell and then referencing to that cell, still didn't work...
The "divide by zero error won't trigger the conditional either......
[Code] ....
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Oct 10, 2008
If I have a value of lets say 53, I need it broken down into equal and whole numbers across the spread sheet with the last one being the remaining value.
Currently for example in cell F5 I have a value of 41 that I need to break down so
I have done the following:
In Cell P5 =IF(F5>=25,F5-21,F5)
Then in Cell Z5 =IF(P5>=25,P5-21,P5) and this goes on until I have zero value from the original value in the last cell can i not do this all in one formula and have the results populate in other cells.
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Aug 20, 2009
I am creating a 'weekly average spreadsheet' (Excel 2007) for a teacher. It has a column for each student's name and his test grade for each day (M-F). The last column gives his weekly average.
She also needs an average for all the students' for the week (vertically). My formula is correct, i.e., =AVERAGE(H2:H11). However, I'm getting a divide by zero error because I have some blank rows above my formula (so she can add new students' names as they come.
How can I get rid of the divide by zero error so she can see the running averages as she inputs grades (but still leaving empty rows for new names)?
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Feb 2, 2014
I have just started to try and learn VBA for excel. the resource I have been using are books and the WEB. Some how, not sure how there was/is some code where all enteries in all worksheets are divided by 100, i.e if I enter 2222 after clicking the enter button the result in the cell is 22.22. I have deleted all macros and code however the problem still exist.
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May 21, 2009
If CheckBox1.Value = True Then
Range("e25") = ComboBox6.Value
ElseIf CheckBox2.Value = True Then
Range("e25") = ComboBox6.Value / 2
End If
Im getting an error on the second to last row, Ive never tried to divide using VBA before and I have no idea how to!
Also the amount im trying to divide will always be in the format hh:mm
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Oct 16, 2006
I have a database that requires me to find the average of some data over several columns, however if one of the values I have to divide by is a zero I get a 'Can't Divide By Zero Error' is there any way to override this ? So that if a Divide by Zero Occurs, instead of returning a 'Can't Divide By Zero Error' it just replaces it with a Zero instead ?
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Aug 25, 2014
create a function that counts only the number of rows in a range which contain less than 5 instances of the string "VAC". So if they have less than 5 cells in the row that contain "VAC" count + 1.
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