Dual Formatting For Cells?
Sep 15, 2014
I know how to format a cell so that if I type 5 it will say: 5 SF And then in another cell if I type 15, it will say: 15 Units
Is there any way possible to format a cell so that if I type (its actually calculated via formulas) these two numbers in one cell that it will format them both?
EXAMPLE: One cell that has 5, 15 will read: 5 SF and 15 Units
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May 13, 2009
I have a spreadsheet, in columns A & B are some numbers. I'm subtracting B from A - =sum(b1-a1) in column C. Can a formula be written, if the sum is equal or greater than 8, it will display 1? If the sum is 7 or less, it will display the sum. Or, does this need to be in a different column?
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Jan 15, 2014
I want VBA to open two separate sessions of IE on two separate displays.
I have not been able get the display part to work and not finding anything so i am not sure if i need separate sessions but would like to do so to be safe (doing it manually on the computers using i have to have separate sessions of IE to do full screen on the two monitors).
current code: (this opens two IE windows on full screen on the default monitor)
Sub Test()
Dim objIE As Object
Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
objIE.Visible = True
[Code] .........
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Aug 17, 2009
One formula is already present in the cell to show a value or date. I also want to use a formula to populate the cell with a comment from the contents of another cell.
I know the individual formulas, but just need to know how I can use both of them to show the results in the same cell.
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Jan 15, 2010
[IMG]file:///C:/Users/Paul/AppData/Local/Temp/moz-screenshot.png[/IMG]I need a fairly simple formula (I think) I have this table in another worksheet. I would like to be able to input select from a list "integrity" in A1 and from another list select "20" in A2 and then in A3 this mythical formula (if A1 = Integrity and A2 = 20, then 120%) I suppose i could write a ridiculously large if,then statement but I was thinking more of using a duel vlookup function.
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Jun 21, 2007
TAKING A BIT FURTHER THE POST Find Min Value In Multiple Columns And Match The Header
Here's my problem: I am trying to find the MIN value in a column with dual headings and match the corresponding product which makes my formula with three criteria.
see the attachment to see the structure of the tables and further explanation.
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Jul 31, 2007
How can I turn this into a dual axis chart whereby it shows the number of current stores open (like it does right now) as a bar chart. But also as a line chart shows the store potential (%) - so for example, PSUN has 960 current stores and has a 96% store penetration rate.
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Apr 3, 2012
I can accomplish what I want with the "Spin Button", but I'd really like to use the command button instead...
Can the command button be used for 2 functions?
Right now, I have a Spin Button, that performs this function:
Private Sub SpinButton1_spinup()
Range("E11").Formula = "=c11"
Is there a way to have the Command Button perform the same function? Not very familiar with VBA...I'd even prefer to go with the "Check Box"...but frankly, I simply don't know enough about the command functions to make it work.
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Apr 30, 2009
I have a 20000-row sheet generated by a daily report and I only want to work with about a quarter of this data; any rows that contain "PH4" in the M column. What's the best way to automatically single out this data to work with?
My initial solution was to create a seperate sheet to pull off all the columns with PH4 in the M cell, eg cell A8 would be:
Then I could run lookups off that sheet. However, this feels like a sloppy solution to me, and Excel throws up an error when saving, unable to save external link values with available resources. Is there a better way of going about this?
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Jun 26, 2014
I am trying to create a macro that checks and displays the screen resolution for both the Main monitor and the secondary monitor.
Currently I have this code that displays the resolution on the main screen only:
Declare PtrSafe Function GetSystemMetrics32 Lib "User32" _
Alias "GetSystemMetrics" (ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
Sub ScreenRes()
Dim lResWidth As Long
Dim lResHeight As Long
Dim sRes As String
lResWidth = GetSystemMetrics32(0)
lResHeight = GetSystemMetrics32(1)
sRes = lResWidth & "x" & lResHeight
MsgBox sRes
End Sub
However I want to then display another message with the secondary display's resolution (or on the same message box).
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Jul 10, 2008
I browsed the first few pages of searching for "row delete macro" and couldn't find anything that suited my needs very much, so here goes:
What I need to do is automatically delete rows where the entries in column B (date) and column E (string) are the same. It is a very large group of data, so filtering is not exacly an option here.
Here is the twist on it...
I have a column F that contains either "Accepted-Active" or "Accepted-Closed". If I delete a bunch of rows that contain the same column B and E entries, I want to save the row that contains "Accepted-Closed", otherwise I don't particularly care which of the rows is saved.
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Sep 1, 2009
I'm trying to create a cell with multiple dropdown lists in E4 depending on a value from another drop down list in B4. Both E4 dropdown lists are named cell ranges RV_MECHANISM and VALVE_OPERATING_MECHANISM_TYPE. I know how to do this in Data Validation using an IF formula, however, that's not quite "bullet proof" or "idiot proof" enough.
I'm attempting to create a macro to load only the appropriate dropdown list in E4 as called for by B4.
I recorded the Data Validation dropdown lists using the macro recorder, then searched through all appropriate posts I could find at MrExcel and attempted to write the appropriate macro code as follows;
With Selection.Validation
.Add Type:=xlValidateList
If Range("$B$4").Value = "RV" Then
End With
End If
End Sub
Compile error: End With without With
That's as close as I can get ... can one of you kind souls direct my macro coding paths and offer up the correct code for accomplishing this task.
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Nov 19, 2006
What is the best way to filter a list of data with dual headers, using both those headers as the filter criteria? I’d like to extract 1 column of data to copy to another location using something like Advanced Filter to select 2 criteria ( Upper header and Lower header), and copy the one column with the matching header values.
The worksheet has the following peculiarities:
- 2-row headers
- Top row headers (main categories) are merged, spanning several columns (I can un- merge if necessary)
- Bottom row headers are sub-categories and have repeating names
Although the top headers are merged and the bottom headers have repeating names, each of the 2 headers combined creates unique labels for each column.
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Apr 9, 2014
I believe that someone showed me once that you could view the same workbook on two monitors with the vien arrange all mode, you could make changes on both screens and the changes would be saved to the same file similar to arranging two views. I cannot rememebr how to do this or even if it is possible.
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Sep 26, 2013
I know what i need to do to get it to open the file I want. I dont know how I set the position of a file that i am opening. In this case a .pdf file.
I have searched and came up with a lot of info for userforms, but I am not working with a userform in this case.
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Feb 3, 2008
I have a splash page I created and I work on dual screen monitors. Typically I have Excel open on the left monitor and my VBA window (alt-F11) open on the right. If I close my Excel workbook and reopen it, the splash page will always open on the screen that had the VBA window on last. In my case Excel opens on the left monitor and the splash page shows up on the right window. I would like to have the splash page open on the side that Excel opens on (in my case the left side). Wondering if there is some VBA code I can add in my splash page code that would allow me to override this default setting?
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Sep 16, 2013
A little background on what i am doing. I have a spreadsheet that tracks when i have blown the dust out of our computers. I have set up conditional formatting so that the text turns red after 300 days and the cell turns yellow after 600 days. However, some computers are in high dust environments. I would like the spreadsheet to tell me to blow the dust out of these sooner. see the attached sheet.
dust 1.xlsx
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May 20, 2008
I'm looking for a macro that can sort emails by 2 very distinct ways, with 1 special find function as well. Not too much eh? ........
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Nov 17, 2011
Working in Excel 2007. I am using excel for a data log (basically) and want it to format all empty cells in a row yellow if there is data in column A
Basically, If i have a value in A2, I want any empty cell between B2-G2 to be filled in yellow (as an idicator to the inputter that the cell needs to be completed).
there is already conditional formatting on these cells, which i want to maintain for the non-empty cells. I also have "0" as a value, so I couldn't use the basic conditional formatting setting it =0, it highlighted cells with $0.00, which i do not want.
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Jul 18, 2006
Is there a way to set up a conditional format for several cells so that the cells are filled in with red until the user enters text in those cells??
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Jul 2, 2014
So i've been trying to do this invoice/inventory/client , I couldn't find a way to somehow register the whole invoice as it is, so i can later print/visualize it if i lost the copy or something.
It would be best if it just stayed stored in a variable and not always visible, and only appeared if i wanted to check/print it.
The whole invoice would be from A1 to F30
Excel 2010 btw
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May 3, 2013
What I am looking to do is;
If cell A2 = "Closed"
then I want cells B2 and C2 to strike through its own text.
A2= anything other than "Closed"
then B2 and C2 = Blah blah blah
but if
A2 = Closed
then B2 and C2 = Blah blah blah
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Apr 19, 2012
I've been trying to solve with a 2 column drop down. What I am hoping to do is use two columns to aid the user in selecting the correct entry. So the first column will be a number and the second column would contain what the number means
Col1 | Col2
001 | Horse
002 | Cow
003 | Dog
Both columns show when the list is selected, but when the user selects 003 | Dog, the cell would be populated with only the 003.
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Jan 4, 2010
i have just read the thread started by scabertrain regarding "if" conditonal formating, but mines slightly different and i cant make head nor tale of the fomula shown.
So... Monthly budgeting... using a projected outgoing (A1) and an actual outgoing (A2) i want the colour "A2" to change depending on whether i have spent over the budgeted amount, green being underspent, orange for on target and red for over spending....
I predicted (A1) that i was going to spend £50 on a night out, but my actual spending (A2) was £100, i would like A2 to turn to red.
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Jan 17, 2013
I have attached the sample. I need the cells without the employee or without a boss to highlight a color and i also need the date of certification to highlight if it is more than one year old.
conditional formatting.xlsx
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Jul 30, 2014
Creating a project tracking sheet that is as automted as possible so that people dont have to populate lots. I have managed to get it to create a new sheet and populate according to a filled out combobox. The user then populates a 'milestone' section. When a button is clicked these are transferred to a GANTT chart type sheet and pasted. Before they are pasted the macro checks if the project title exists, if it does not it first pastes the title LEFT INDENTED. Then follows by pasting the milestones CENTRED. If the title exists, it inserts the milestones under the project title by copying and pasting all milestones. Hence, if milestones are regularly added, it will begin to add duplicates of the same milestone. I need to remove these. I would usually be able to do this however there is often the same milestone in numerous projects which I CANNOT remove as it would loose data. I would like a code that says between the cell I was searching for (Rng) and the next cell which is also left indented to remove duplicates. Basically I can't use x1enddown because it needs to stop at the next cell which has the same formatting... i.e. only duplicates to be removed out of the cells which are centred. I would then like it to repear this action for the whole document and move the next left indented cell and do the same.
It feels like a kind of backward conditional formatting is what I am looking for
Here is my code as it stands
Dim FindString As String
Dim Rng As Range
FindString = Range("D2").Value
If Trim(FindString) <> "" Then
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Aug 19, 2009
I'm trying to figure a to enforce dual data validation on a single cell. That is, I need to restrict the user to entering only a decimal value, only if a particular other cell (say A2) is blank. To put it another way, if A2 is blank, the user can enter a decimal value, but if A2 is not blank, the user cannot enter anything. I can use Data Validation to enforce either the decimal restriction or the ISBLANK, but I'm not sure how to make them work together.
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Feb 11, 2014
I am trying to get different people to add dates onto a spreadsheet but need a way to differentiate whos dates are whos. Is there a way to color the cells according to which user put the dates in automatically?
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Oct 13, 2008
Is there a way to date format a cell so that when I enter only the number date (ie today is October 13 so I'd enter 13) the cell formats to the current month with the date?
So for today I'd enter "13" and the cell would read 13-Oct. Additionally, when the month turns to November that same cell, without me making any changes to it, would change to 13-Nov. For future dates it would always show the current month with the date I entered manually.
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Nov 8, 2008
I have a spreadsheet to calculate piping offsets, center to center.
The formula in B:1 is simple. Take the length in cell A:1 and multiply
it by the square root of 2.
I then increment the length by 1/8 of an inch through cell A:180 and those
results are place in B:2 thru B:180.
The results are display to the nearest 1/16 of an inch. But if the actual
dimension is eight and one half inch, it is displayed as 8 8/16. For aesthetic
reason i wish to display the reducible fractions reduced. So that 8 8/16
is displayed as 8 1/2 inch.
I understand that i may go to each cell and individually format it accordingly
as halves
as quarters
as eights
but was wondering if there is an easier method.
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