I have a splash page I created and I work on dual screen monitors. Typically I have Excel open on the left monitor and my VBA window (alt-F11) open on the right. If I close my Excel workbook and reopen it, the splash page will always open on the screen that had the VBA window on last. In my case Excel opens on the left monitor and the splash page shows up on the right window. I would like to have the splash page open on the side that Excel opens on (in my case the left side). Wondering if there is some VBA code I can add in my splash page code that would allow me to override this default setting?
I want VBA to open two separate sessions of IE on two separate displays.
I have not been able get the display part to work and not finding anything so i am not sure if i need separate sessions but would like to do so to be safe (doing it manually on the computers using i have to have separate sessions of IE to do full screen on the two monitors).
current code: (this opens two IE windows on full screen on the default monitor)
Code: Sub Test()
Dim objIE As Object
Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") objIE.Visible = True
I am trying to create a macro that checks and displays the screen resolution for both the Main monitor and the secondary monitor.
Currently I have this code that displays the resolution on the main screen only:
Declare PtrSafe Function GetSystemMetrics32 Lib "User32" _ Alias "GetSystemMetrics" (ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long Sub ScreenRes() Dim lResWidth As Long Dim lResHeight As Long Dim sRes As String lResWidth = GetSystemMetrics32(0) lResHeight = GetSystemMetrics32(1) sRes = lResWidth & "x" & lResHeight MsgBox sRes End Sub
However I want to then display another message with the secondary display's resolution (or on the same message box).
I believe that someone showed me once that you could view the same workbook on two monitors with the vien arrange all mode, you could make changes on both screens and the changes would be saved to the same file similar to arranging two views. I cannot rememebr how to do this or even if it is possible.
Hi, The purpose of this macro was to control the time this excel file was open because many users modify it. I decided to create a splash screen (userform) to display a message to the user saying "your session time of 15min is up"
The problem is, the first time I open the file everything works fine. But after I close it (just the workbook not excel), It opens itself for some reason and gives me a debug error message. Perhaps the timer is never stopped?
I call "StartTimer10min" on workbook open and "StopTimer" before workbook close.
I have a SplashScreen that is activated in the ‘Workbook_Open ‘ Event.
A CheckboxControl on the SplashScreen allows a user to disregard the screen the next time the workbook is opened.
Private Sub Splash_Screen_Activate() If Splash_Screen.ckbx_StopSplashScreen.Value = True Then Splash_Screen.Hide Else If Splash_Screen.ckbx_StopSplashScreen = False Then Splash_Screen.Show End If End If End Sub
Unfortunatley my code is not working. I was hoping for some insight into making this work. Mind you, I’m a cut and paste VBA type of person, but I do understand the concepts enough to work with it.
1.What is the proper method for coding this? 2.Which location would this code be placed – the Form itself or a Module? 3.How and where do you store the CheckBox Value to be used the next time the Workbook is opened?
I have a report which is produced by a macro, it works well. The report grows over the year to maybe 20 printable pages, landscape, and nicely readable.
Summary information is produced alongside the report over more columns than can be diplayed, so I have copied the summary data as a picture and pasted it below the main printout and adjusted the size of the "photo" to fit the page width.
I would like this photo to always appear on a new page of its own - not just tagged onto the pages before it.
want to specify page breaks and set print areas when running a macro. Appears to work sometimes, but then breaks (hard and soft) pop up on their own). Currently using something like this to specify a 2 page wide view...
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = "$A:$Z" With ActiveSheet.PageSetup .FitToPagesWide = 2 Set ActiveSheet.VPageBreaks(1).Location = Range("P1") End With
Can I force breaks to be more absolute (more accurately)?
Excel 2003. User form coding an If statement the "Else" FieldName.Setfocus. The User form has a MultiPage object in addition to the above (setfocus) in a particular field (NOT on the MultiPage object) I want it open to Page2 instead of what ever page it was last closed on. I tried this: MultiPage1.Page2.Enabled
I have an Excel sheet with several thousand rows. Now I want to create a report using this Excel file such that when I print the Excel File it must be limited to a specific number of row for instance 100 rows per page and at the bottom of that page I want Excel to display the sum of the above 100 rows for one single column. If I do this manually it would take hours therefore I want either a Macro for this or some shortcut to achieve what I am looking for.
I want to make Excel show page breaks automatically when I open a new file. Please tell me how to do that. I tried changing the book.xlt and sheet.xlt files, but to no avail. I am using Excel 2003.
I'm putting together an HR spreadsheet for interviews, showing the progression of a candidate. In column A, it's showing the status. In column B, it's calculating the age of the open recruiting process =NETWORKDAYS(F23,NOW()). This formula will go on for ages, if I don't stop it when the recuritment is over. So.....when I change the status to Closed in column A, I would like column B to stop counting the days automatically....
When I view a sheet under Page Break Preview, it shows the Page numbers in the centre of the Page. While I am aware that it would not print the page number I was wondering if there is an option to remove/hide the page numbers.
I run two monitors and am able to open different files on each monitor which is very handy.
This doesn't seem to work with Excel. If I have two different Excel files open I can only view one at a time. I can move across to the other monitor, but then can only view one at a time on that monitor - very frustrating.
When I was using Excel 2010 on my last job I was shown a clunky, round-about way of being able to open two Excel files, one on each monitor. (By opening one file, opening a new Excel document from there, and then opening the other Excel file from the new document, minimizing that file and dragging it to the other screen).
Now I am using Excel 2007 and am not able to view two different Excel files, one on each screen. how I can do this in Excel 2007?
Macro: the system monitors changes to the spreadsheet and then performs actions accordingly. Example: If the value of column c = Bug, then it sets the value of G to Celeste and Column H to Kewill.
Could this macro be changed so that instead of having to enter "Celeste" in this code, it could set the value of column G to the value found in H5 on the sheet?
I tried replacing "Celeste" in the code with H5 but it did not work.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) 'Declare variable Dim iCol As Integer 'Look at the column number of the changed cell (Target) Select Case Target.Column 'Column C Case 3 Select Case Target.Value 'if "Bug" set iCol to 3 (Red)and change value of column G to "Celeste" and Column H to "Kewill" Case "Bug": iCol = 3 Target.Offset(, 4).Value = H5 Target.Offset(, 5).Value = "KWL"................
I currently produce excel reports for my company but need to somehow monitor how many times they are accessed and, if possible, when and by whom. All these excel files are situated on a server that our company uses and all users systems are connected to this. We use office 2003 and Outlook as the emailing system. My guessing is that the programming would have to intiate the usage file, amend it, and then close it each time a report is opened.
For each of the files that I want this file to monitor, I have written the following program which essentially opens up the usage file 'EPoS Usage' which is a simple grid, enters an extra one to the relevant counter cell then closes it. I really need to include a date and time for each opening and, if possible, get a username as well. Here it is:
Private Sub workbook_open() Application. ScreenUpdating = False Workbooks.Open Filename:= _ "S:Newman CommonCATEGORY MANAGEMENT - RangesEPoS Usage.xls" Dim Counter As Integer Counter = Cells(2, 8) Counter = Counter + 1 Cells(2, 8) = Counter ActiveWorkbook.Save ActiveWindow.Close Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub
I have never created a splash screen and would like to do so now, I am in the VB editor, i have inserted a userform, i would like to insert my company logo on to the userform, how do i do this?
I know how to format a cell so that if I type 5 it will say: 5 SF And then in another cell if I type 15, it will say: 15 Units
Is there any way possible to format a cell so that if I type (its actually calculated via formulas) these two numbers in one cell that it will format them both?
EXAMPLE: One cell that has 5, 15 will read: 5 SF and 15 Units
I have a spreadsheet, in columns A & B are some numbers. I'm subtracting B from A - =sum(b1-a1) in column C. Can a formula be written, if the sum is equal or greater than 8, it will display 1? If the sum is 7 or less, it will display the sum. Or, does this need to be in a different column?
One formula is already present in the cell to show a value or date. I also want to use a formula to populate the cell with a comment from the contents of another cell.
I know the individual formulas, but just need to know how I can use both of them to show the results in the same cell.
[IMG]file:///C:/Users/Paul/AppData/Local/Temp/moz-screenshot.png[/IMG]I need a fairly simple formula (I think) I have this table in another worksheet. I would like to be able to input select from a list "integrity" in A1 and from another list select "20" in A2 and then in A3 this mythical formula (if A1 = Integrity and A2 = 20, then 120%) I suppose i could write a ridiculously large if,then statement but I was thinking more of using a duel vlookup function.
I cooked up a nice little splash screen using a user form. It seems to be left of center on the screen when it pops up. Is there a way to set the x and y coordinates to 'place' the splash where I want it to go?
TAKING A BIT FURTHER THE POST Find Min Value In Multiple Columns And Match The Header
Here's my problem: I am trying to find the MIN value in a column with dual headings and match the corresponding product which makes my formula with three criteria.
see the attachment to see the structure of the tables and further explanation.
How can I turn this into a dual axis chart whereby it shows the number of current stores open (like it does right now) as a bar chart. But also as a line chart shows the store potential (%) - so for example, PSUN has 960 current stores and has a 96% store penetration rate.
I searched for this and found a few examples on splash screens, but if someone could help I would appreciate it.
Basically I have this massive macro that runs, I recorded some of it, and VBA the rest. It does a bunch of things like bringing in different spreadsheets, formatting vlookups blah blah blah... Anyway for a nice touch I was hoping that I could get a splash screen or something that will run while this macro is running in the background. How hard would this be? The macro is button driven...
I can accomplish what I want with the "Spin Button", but I'd really like to use the command button instead...
Can the command button be used for 2 functions?
Right now, I have a Spin Button, that performs this function: Private Sub SpinButton1_spinup() Range("E11").Formula = "=c11"
Is there a way to have the Command Button perform the same function? Not very familiar with VBA...I'd even prefer to go with the "Check Box"...but frankly, I simply don't know enough about the command functions to make it work.
I have recently finished a program in excel and when my users dbl click the icon on the desktop, excel loads with their splash screen. Is there any way of replacing their screen with one of my own?