Dynamically Adding And Removing Checkbox - Linked Cells

Sep 15, 2014

I have problems with dynamically adding and removing checkboxes. I have a form and there is a button to add more rows to the table. Every row includes a checkbox too.

So first i add a row, and then add a checkbox to a specified cell in that row.There is a button for removing rows as well (witch should removes checkboxes as well).

My problem is when i ad the checkbox the linked cell property only works for the first one.When i add the second row the linked cell of the firstly added checkbox changes to the one in the new row and the new checkbox has no linked cell. I am adding the stuffs as follows:

Private Sub addBtn_Click()
Dim y As Integer
y = findFunc("end") // Y define where To insert the New row
Cells(y, 11).EntireRow.Insert
Cells(8, 11).Copy

[Code] .....

Any way to add checkboxes dynamically.

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Dynamically Adding And Removing Controls On A Userform

Apr 5, 2007

Is it possible to dynamically add or remove controls on an Excel userform using VBA? Doing this before the userform is displayed would be great.

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How To Keep Rows Of Data Together When Dynamically Linked To 2 Columns

Apr 30, 2014

I am trying to set up a new assurance work book and worksheet (worksheet2 lets say) which will dynamically link to another workbook and worksheet (worksheet 1) owned by another part of my business. The purpose using the data set in worksheet 1 is that this is the source data and is the most accurate for the project information. So I am looking up columns A, B and C in that workbook in my new worksheet2 using ='[Spreadheet 1.xlsx]Sheet1'!$A$1:$A$1174 the same for column B and C, with the aim that any new data entries within columns A, B and C will be populated in worksheet2.

In columns D to Z of worksheet 2 (my worksheet) I am applying some assurance metrics to the project information that is specific each row of column A, B and C which are dynamically linked to woorksheet1. My problem and it is completely eluding me is this....

The owners of worksheet1 regularly sort the data into chronological order based on Column A. However the data is not normally presented in this way i.e. all new entries regardless of date are added to the list at the bottom of worksheet1. The problem I have is, is keeping my row data in Columns D-Z linked to the row data in columns A-C of worksheet2 no matter what kind of sorting occurs to Columns A-C in worksheet1.

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Get The Value Of A Checkbox's Linked Cell

Jan 22, 2008

I am writing some VBA code in Excel 2007 and am stuck on a property with the standard form check box (not OLEObjects).

I would like to check and find out what the value is of the linked cell for a checkbox...

Like, if a user clicks the checkbox, it changes the linked cell value to true or false... But I cannot figure out how to "lookup" or "go and get" this true or false value through code...

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VBA That Can Find ActiveX Checkbox Linked Cell

Jan 2, 2013

I'm trying ActiveX controls for the first time.

I need my code to start at the cell that the checkbox is linked to, but I don't know how to do that.

I have several checkboxes on the same sheet. I already have the checkboxes linked to cells, I just need to know how to tell the vba to find the right place to start.

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Adding Tables Dynamically

Jan 2, 2008

I am looking for a macro that will (most likely via button) create new table under an already existing one.

So for simple example, I have this ....

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Dynamically Adding Menu Items

Jan 22, 2010

I have created a menu called "Temp" and a sub menu called "Temp1". When the user click on Temp1, I need to dynamically add some menu items under Temp1. Is this possible in Excel?

I need to do this on the right click menu. for example, along with "Cut", paste" etc menu's I need to add a Menu Item, Temp and under this menu, I need to add a SubMenu, Temp1. When the user click on the Temp1, I need to populate the child items.

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Dynamically Adding Row Blocks Based On Cell Value

Apr 2, 2014

I've managed to get coding that allows me to insert single rows dynamically based on a cell value. Example is if I enter a value in cell C3 the coding inserts the same number of rows below.

I've also created a simple macro that inserts a multiple row block under the active cell, complete with formatting, text and some merged cells. Example is I run the macro and it will insert a block of 3 rows, complete with formatting, borders, text and merged cells.

My challenge is to bring these two elements together. So enter a number in a single cell which will then insert the same number of row blocks, complete with formatting etc. I've added a file to sample what it is I'm trying to achieve. I can add the coding I already have as well.

Dynamic list sample.xlsx‎

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Adding Events For Dynamically Created Controls

Oct 10, 2006

I have somecode that scan column "A", and add dynamically "TextBox" Control according to some condition.

How to add event on dynamically created controls?

Private Sub btnSubmit_Click()
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
For Each rng In Selection

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Excel 2007 :: Checkbox Linked Within Cell Value Will Show Up When Cell Value Searched

Jul 1, 2014

I have this worksheet with 2 buttons and 2 textboxes.the first button is named search literally to search the items inputted in the textboxes and the second button is clear which clear all the inputted items in the textboxes and the search field. I manage to code those things however I have a main problem. How am I suppose to linked a checkbox with those items?

For example I searched this particular item so the checkbox corresponding to that item must show up in the left most column of it. and if I searched multiple items those checkboxes must show up too. I am having a hard time coding and trying since I am new in vba. I also attached a sample worksheet. I am using excel 2007.


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Adding Checkbox Without Additional Text?

Apr 1, 2013

I'm working on a spreadsheet that needs a lot of check-boxes and every time I add one I get the text "Check box" right next to it. I can't seem to get rid of it.

Format control - Alt Text didn't work.

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Progressive Adding To And Removing From

Feb 10, 2009

I have a column of data showing trade results - in the most basic way I can explain, as my account value GROWS by a preset amount (say 20-30%) how can I ADD to the number of contracts I am trading. For example I start with $10,000 and the account grows to $12,000 or 20% - according to my own trading rules, this allows me to ADD an additional contract to trade (I start with 1 contract). As the account continues to grow progressively 20% from the previous 20% jump, I add ANOTHER contract.

and to top this off, I do the same in reverse, If I lose or go into a drawdown .. how do I reduce my number of contracts traded?? so lets say I am up to trading 4 contracts and I lose say 10% of the account value - I want to slow down or "ease up" the number of contracts until I get the account back to its previous high. Anyone know how this can be programmed??

One last final caveat - when you go on a winning streak, I add for every 20% INCREASE in the account value and when I lose I reduce contracts at every 10% pullback to preserve winnings as much as possible.but I am ALWAYS allowed to trade a MINIMUM of 1 contract

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Adding And Removing Series To Chart?

Jun 6, 2014

I want to use 4 toggle buttons to be able to add and remove 4 different series to a chart. When the toggle button is clicked, a specific series is added to a chart, and when it is unclicked then the series would be removed.

The problem I am running into is that unless I add and remove each series in a specific order, I will get an error because I may be trying to remove a series whose series number is not on the series collection in the chart.

for example: if I remove series number 2 with the toggle button for that specific series, then the toggle button for series number 3 will remove the old series 4 (which is now 3), and the toggle button for series 4 won't work because series 4 will now have become series 3.

Therefore, would there be a way to remove a series based on the name of the series, rather than the series collection number?

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Referring To Array And Adding / Removing One Preset Item

Apr 19, 2014

I'm trying to automatically add and remove one criterion from an autofilter without disturbing the previous existing criteria The autofilter code sounds like this:

ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$L$47").AutoFilter Field:=6, Criteria1:=Array( _
"Clay", "Grass"), Operator:=xlFilterValues

How would I go about referring to this array and adding another item called "Hard" to any pre-existing elements in this array?

I plan on attaching this code to a button and use it as a filter, so when the button is pressed, the item will be added to the list of criteria, and if it is "un-pressed" the item will be removed.

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Excel 2007 :: Adding And Deleting Rows With Hide Row Macro CheckBox?

Mar 18, 2014

I currently have the following Macro for one of my many checkboxes in 2007 Excel:

[Code] .....

It works perfectly until additional rows are added/deleted before the indicated rows in the code (It changes the number sequence in the workbook). The number sequence stays the same in the code which means I am now hiding rows either before (delete rows) or after (insert rows) the intended rows I want to be hidden. Is there a way to change the above code to remain with the assigned rows regardless of the adding/deleting of rows before it?

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Complex Formulas Not Automatically Adjusting When Adding / Removing Rows?

Jul 11, 2014

I have this spreadsheet that I am creating schedules for my employees since our scheduling software at work is horrible to work with. It calculates total hours for each employee at the far right of the rows, and calculates total hours for each day in the columns. The formulas that calculate the hours for each day is set up to automatically deduct 30 minutes from a shift, for lunch, if they're scheduled for more than 5 hours (the gray shaded employee rows are for managers and that only deducts 30 mins if they're shift exceeds 8 hours).

I'm familiar enough to put somewhat complex formulas together, but I don't understand it enough to always make them work correctly. What I'm wanting to be able to do is add or subtract entire rows (add new employees or remove old), and have my formulas for calculating the total hours to still work. Right now if I delete a row the cell with the formula in it says #REF!. I can fix this by going through the formula and manually deleting everything in that contains those other cells, but the formula is huge, and it's pretty tedious going through the whole thing when it feels like there should be a simpler way of doing it.

TLDR: I want to be able to add/remove a row and have my cells currently on row 36 update the formula correctly.

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Remove "TRUE" & "FALSE" Words From A Linked Checkbox

Nov 15, 2008

On the sheets where 'present' needs to be checked, after linking the checkbox to the cell it now says "TRUE" or "FALSE". How do I get rid of that? There is a formula that this affects also (just FYI).

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Update Cells Dynamically

Dec 7, 2008

I have a cell range of L3:N3 on Sheet 1 and on Sheet 2 in A1 i have the value of N3 of Sheet 1.

Now, if I move L3:N3 to eg. R10:T10 I want the value A1 ( Sheet 2 ) to be updated to T10 ( Sheet 1 )

Right now, it wont update dynamically, value of A1 stays at N3...

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Dynamically Merge Cells

Nov 19, 2009

I'm am trying something that is still a little over my head...

Normally, I merge cells the easy way:

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Dynamically Reference Range Of Cells?

Jun 27, 2012

I have a 'receipt' worksheet with about 500+ lines of data, here is an example of what could be in cell A166: 1.1 NET_AMOUNT 742,523,253.83

In another worksheet, is there a way to look at the whole worksheet for column A in receipt to say:
if 1.1 is true, capture text to the right of 'NET_AMOUNT' then format using =Dollar?

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Adding Time: Adding Individual Cells Works, But SUM Doesn't

Mar 28, 2008

I have a column of times: e.g. 10:03:00 and I would like to add them all up.

=A1+A2 works fine.

=sum(A1:A10) does not.

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Dynamically Updating Range Of Cells Via Dropdown Menu

Apr 20, 2009

I'm hoping this is a simple question someone might help clear up for me.

I've defined a few cell ranges on a worksheet (in my example I've defined their names as site1, site2, site3, site4, site5). All these ranges are identical in # of columns and rows.

On a separate worksheet, I'm trying to display a single named range, depending on the value in a dropdown menu.

In my example, I have a pulldown menu with the following items: site1, site2, site3, site4, site5 (mirroring the named cell ranges). I'd like to display one of these ranges, depending on which name is selected in the dropdown.

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Combine Two Linked Cells

Dec 1, 2009

I am making a report template in excel. I have written a macro to format the report based on the contents of two other sheets in the work book.

I am attempting to combine two cells in separate sheets as a linked cell in a third sheet.

i.e. in sheet 3, A1 I want to combine the values held in sheets(1).range("a1") with sheets(2).("A1") as a link which will update as the parent cells values are changed.

The cell has to be a link of the other cells as their contents will change based on the report requirements.

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Adding Values In Cells (stops Adding After Row 14)

Oct 1, 2009

I am trying to add numbers from cells if it IsNumeric and for some reason in column K the macro doesnt recognize numbers after row 14?

The range column is "E4:E"
Search criteria is the letter "R" in column "E" Then using OffSet, I go thru other columns and process data. Most of the macro works except for column K after row 14?

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Combobox Multiple Linked Cells

Jul 16, 2014

I have combobox filled with range of two columns , i want somehow to show them both in linked cell , I don't figure it out , by myself using BoundColumn option and it showing first or second column only.

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Linked Cells In XLSB Not Updating

Aug 7, 2014

I recently found out about .xlsb, which is faster and file size.. (mainly using it for the improved speed)

Now I've changed all the files at work to .xlsb and now link them all to .xlsm files that i can use to update the links to pull the data from the .xlsb files and then run macros as i need to.

However... I am having some issues with linked cells not updating automatically? is this because if the .xlsb format?

1. my understand was that .xlsb is the same as .xlsx just XML limitations.

2. my excel is set to automatic but i have to manually force it to update (and in some cases need to repoint the cell to the cell in the spreadsheet again).

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Automatically Add Rows Of Linked Cells

Jun 19, 2009

I'm trying to create one spreadsheet where I use formulas to come up with an "end total" on a daily basis. I want these "end total" values to be automatically recorded each day on a separate spreadsheet that keeps a historical log.

In example:

On Day 1 I will enter numbers into "Spreadsheet A" to come up with an "end total" for that day. This number will automatically be entered into "Spreadsheet B" on the first row.

On Day 2 I will write over the numbers from the previous day in "Spreadsheet A" to come up with a new "end total". This new "end total" will be automatically entered into "Spreadsheet B" on the second row.

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Removing Duplicates Between Two Cells Reliant Upon Formatting Of Two Cells?

Jul 30, 2014

Creating a project tracking sheet that is as automted as possible so that people dont have to populate lots. I have managed to get it to create a new sheet and populate according to a filled out combobox. The user then populates a 'milestone' section. When a button is clicked these are transferred to a GANTT chart type sheet and pasted. Before they are pasted the macro checks if the project title exists, if it does not it first pastes the title LEFT INDENTED. Then follows by pasting the milestones CENTRED. If the title exists, it inserts the milestones under the project title by copying and pasting all milestones. Hence, if milestones are regularly added, it will begin to add duplicates of the same milestone. I need to remove these. I would usually be able to do this however there is often the same milestone in numerous projects which I CANNOT remove as it would loose data. I would like a code that says between the cell I was searching for (Rng) and the next cell which is also left indented to remove duplicates. Basically I can't use x1enddown because it needs to stop at the next cell which has the same formatting... i.e. only duplicates to be removed out of the cells which are centred. I would then like it to repear this action for the whole document and move the next left indented cell and do the same.

It feels like a kind of backward conditional formatting is what I am looking for

Here is my code as it stands

Dim FindString As String
Dim Rng As Range
FindString = Range("D2").Value
If Trim(FindString) <> "" Then


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Automatic Updated Cells That Are Linked To Other Workbooks

Nov 19, 2013

I have workbook 1 with information.
I have workbook 2 that contains cells that are linked to workbook1.
I have workbook 3 that contains cells that are linked to workbook2.

When I open workbook3 I would like it to be update without opening first workbooks 1 or 2.

Can it be done?

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Change Linked Cells From Rows To Columns

Sep 9, 2009

I'm working on right now is a spreadsheet where we catalog and monitor account information for a handful of groups. I have several different worksheets that contain grouped information such as all groups we have and a list of individual people in those groups. Those groups are in a single column going down and the people are in a single row for that group going from left to right, an example is below:

Master Personnel Listing for Accounts
Group 1 | Name 1 | Name 2 | Name 3
Group 2 | Name 1 | Name 2
Group 3 | Name 1
Group 4 | Name 1 | Name 2 | Name 3 | Name 4....................

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