Excel 2007 :: Adding And Deleting Rows With Hide Row Macro CheckBox?
Mar 18, 2014
I currently have the following Macro for one of my many checkboxes in 2007 Excel:
[Code] .....
It works perfectly until additional rows are added/deleted before the indicated rows in the code (It changes the number sequence in the workbook). The number sequence stays the same in the code which means I am now hiding rows either before (delete rows) or after (insert rows) the intended rows I want to be hidden. Is there a way to change the above code to remain with the assigned rows regardless of the adding/deleting of rows before it?
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Jan 28, 2013
How can i hide and unhide column and rows using checkbox in the excel.
detail price qty amount
chair 1000 1 1000
some time i just want to see only the amount or some time i want to see the qty, how can i hide and unhide row or Column
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Nov 30, 2012
I'm using Excel 2007.
I'm building a spreadsheet which includes a few columns which have activex check boxes which are linked to cells. I want to allow the users of the spreadsheet to insert new rows if necessary. Ideally, when these new rows are inserted, the check boxes would also automatically appear in the corresponding columns of the new row (and be linked to the relevant cells), just the same way that pull-down menus and formulas automatically copy into the new row. Is there a way to do this?
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Aug 13, 2011
I have a macro that exports a row (or rows) to destination sheet ("Amber") based on criteria in Column K. Once exported I return to the source sheet ("Register") and the row that had the data that I wanted exported has exported the info but the row just sits where it was and appears to only 'clear the contents'. The macro I use is:
Sub Extract_FW_Rows()
Set ws = ActiveSheet
endrow = ws.Cells(65000, 1).End(xlUp).Row
For i = endrow To 1 Step -1
[Code] ......
I set up the macro on Excel 2002 in work as thats what we have....however when I input the same code into my home laptop working Excel 2007, all works perfectly i.e. it cuts the data to destination sheet, goes back to source sheet and the rows have moved up accordingly - I do realise that the action taken is a row removal i.e. I had 1000 rows, macro executes, I now have 999 rows in the source sheet.
What I would like is the same result in 2002 as I get in 2007.
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Jul 9, 2008
Problem: We have some rather large excel spreadsheets (142,000 rows, 190 columns) and some users that need to delete the data from rows of cells 5,000 rows + at a time. When doing this machines jump in CPU, Excel goes "not responding" and on average comes back to life 1 minute 45 seconds after pressing the delete key.
Note: We are not doing a right click and deleting the rows. This is a highlight of the 5000 rows and pressing the delete keyboard key to clear the data.
We've tried disabling the Auto Save and the Workbook Calculation changed to Manual.
Dell is no help, Microsoft is no help. This process can be replicated on multiple Dell machines and with Operating Systems of XP SP2, SP3 and Vista, machines with single drives, raided systems and even a machine with a solid state drive. All have 2GB of RAM or more.
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Mar 7, 2009
I need to hide / unhide some rows in a sheet with the help of a activex checkbox... I want remove, let's say row 20:24 and row 34 with one checkbox.
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Jan 20, 2010
i'm newbie here. i need to hide & unhide rows using checkbox in excel but i stuck. i write these simple code and it doesn't work at all. my bad..
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Sep 17, 2008
I am trying to have a checkbox that will hide any row between 6 and 300 say IF column P of that row that is empty, or does not contain the letter "Y", whichever is easier. I have found a bunch of different code snippets, but most hide a predetermined row range, and I need this to be dynamic.
If it can also expand the range automatically as I add more rows to the spreadsheet, that would be even better, but not necessarily required.
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Nov 11, 2009
I've had luck with hiding rows with a checkbox, but I cannot get them to unhide when I uncheck the box.
Here's my scenario - (using Excel 2000) In an estimating spreadsheet I have a print range of A1:N74. What I'd like to do is add a checkbox or button so I can hide and unhide rows based on a null or zero in column range b5:b62. This is for printing purposes, but I can't get a 'beforeprint' event to work either. All I need is box checked and cells hide, box unchecked and cells show (unhide).
Sub CheckBox1_Click()
Dim Rng As Range
Dim MyCell As Range
Set Rng = Range("B5:B62")
For Each MyCell In Rng
If MyCell.Value = "" Then
MyCell.EntireRow.Hidden = True
End If
Next MyCell
End Sub
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Apr 19, 2012
I have a sheet with a hierarchy of operating units in a column, with DirectX checkboxes next to each (used a VBA script to auto-create the checkboxes ).
The checkboxes go from D5:D147, so 142 checkboxes. They are named checkbox_D5, checkbox_D6 all the way to 147, so checkbox_[Column]&[Row].
Based on a True/False value in another column to the right (BA or column#53), I am hiding specific rows. Just to give a sense, if a checkbox for a Level 2 hierarchy is clicked, I have some formulas to determine which Level 3 rows will be shown by putting a TRUE in column BA. For sake a speed, I created these to only run for 30 rows per click (that's the most that would ever change on a checkbox click).
I did not know how to do it any cleaner, so I created 142 of these:
Private Sub CheckBox_D5_Change()
Dim i As Long
For i = 5 To i + 30
It works OK up to checkbox_D23 or 24, but excel seems to reduce the number of rows it goes through for each checkbox below that, with checkbox_D31 down doing nothing. I read somewhere about a 32 form item limit, wonder if I'm hitting that.. Cleaner way to do this vs. 142 instances of checkbox_XX_change() events?
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Jun 22, 2014
I need a VBA code that will when used with a Form Control "Check Box" will unhide / hide a row. To be more exact, I'm needind the code to "Hide" row 34 when unchecked and "Unhide" the same row when checked. I'm using Excel 2010.
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Jul 9, 2013
I have a spreadsheet with multiple similar entries I would like to add up. What would work well for me is to be able to input a column like a and a target column like e.
So in this case it would search throughout column a and wherever it finds a duplicate entry add column e and then delete one of the rows. I could then run it again under different column criteria if needed.
So if I had the below sheet:
I could search by column a and add up column h to read like this:
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Dec 7, 2011
I'm trying to get a checkbox in a user form to prepopulate depending on what's in cell H5.
Here is the line of code that I need rewriting (in bold):
Sub Userform_Initialize()
LabelPolicyNumber.Caption = ActiveSheet.Range("B5").Text
LabelSponsorName.Caption = ActiveSheet.Range("D5").Text
If Application.WorksheetFunction.IsNA(ActiveSheet.Range("H5")) = True Or ActiveSheet.Range("H5") = "" Then CheckBoxHalifax.Value = False Else CheckBoxHalifax.Value = True
End Sub
H5 contains a vlookup formula, so depending on other variables it can either have a value ("Halifax"), an error (#NA) or be blank. I've
It seems Excel will only evaluate the first statement and ignore the Or statement, meaning when H5 is blank Halifax is checked off when I load the user form.
I'm working in Excel 2007 on Windows XP.
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Nov 9, 2008
I am using several formulas to conditionally format and fill in rows from column A to column BS. These are the formulas and application areas:
=$BS4<>"" Applied to =$A$3:BS$350
=$G3<>"" Applied to =$A$3:BS$350
=OR($J3="Regional Manager",$J3="Assistant Manager",$J3="Manager") Applied to =$A$3:BS$350
=OR($J3="Recruiting Manager",$J3="Owner",$J3="District Manager",$J3="Office Manager") Applied to =$A$3:BS$350
If I do not add or delete any rows, everything works just fine. The problem I am running into is that this list is constantly updated and rows are being added and deleted. When I do this, it duplicates my rules and changes my applied to ranges. Here are some examples of the changes:
This creates much excess work, when I have to go back and change everything back to the way it should be. how I can either modify my formulas or application areas to correct this situation?
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Jun 7, 2012
One of my engaging tasks at work is to disable/enable general ledger accounts (accounting speak) in our Oracle ERP application using one of their forms.
In this case it would be a list of gl accounts and to the left of the gl account would be a check box that I can click.
Checked means enabled.
Blank would mean disabled.
If I have a list of currently enabled gl accounts that are to be disabled (unchecked) then I have to do so one by one. I can click with the mouse on the checkbox or I can using the keyboard use the space bar followed by the down arrow key and repeat. As fun as that sounds sometimes I'm faced with dozens or hundreds at a time.
Therefore my question is can I automate this using VBA? or any other tools out there.
Using Excel Office 2007, Oracle ERP (9.5.8) I think - it's old
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Jul 21, 2014
I currently have this formula to deal with this:
However, whenever I delete the top row...I get a reference error and have to re-adjust...
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Mar 26, 2014
I have a Productivity Report that contains very basic formulas that provide totals for 4 columns (B6:E6) and an average for one column (F). I have included two command buttons, one to add a new row and the other to delete a row.
I need to be able to add or delete rows depending on how many employees' productivity I will be tracking on any given week; each row represents a separate employee. I need the following functionality out of my form:
1) formula in column F needs to copy and paste with each new line
2) when a new line is copied and pasted I need the contents to be cleared
3) I need the user to be blocked from deleting the first row (3 on this form) in the table
The code I'm using for my "Add" button is:
The code I'm using for my "Delete" button is:
[Code] .....
The buttons add and delete rows as I'd like them to but content is not clearing, with each row added the contents provide a sub total. I've tried various lines of code (some more complicated and some less) before I recorded my own macro (see above).
Attached File : Productivity Report (HH).xlsm
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Jul 21, 2014
I currently have this formula to deal with this:
However, whenever I delete the top row...I get a reference error and have to re-adjust...
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May 21, 2006
ColumnA in my data base contains dates. How can I delete the entire row if the date is before today's date and add a new date at the end of the range to replace the deleted row.
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Apr 2, 2009
I have a table A to J, column A, C, E are auto-populated with data in corresponding cells in another worksheet.
I need to automatically delete an entire row if; A1 (and on down column A)="Void"
I need to be able to specify which worksheet this is to run since I have 4 total worksheets where if "Void" pops in colum A, the row(s) need to be deleted.
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May 23, 2012
I would like to hide rows for data that does not meet specific criteria. For example: If a user selects room number 101 from a drop down in B1, I want to filter data in range A3:F1000 to show me only room 101 rows (A column) where C column contains a value larger than zero OR D column contains a value larger than zero OR E column contains a value larger than zero. I do not want it to return rows where 101 may be in other columns beside A.
1 ROOM: 101
4 101 XX 1.2 0 0 P
16 101 YA 0 0 1.1 L
23 101 JJ 3.2 2.1 0 L
55 101 JJ 0 0 1 P
So, if a row contains 101 in column A and all three values in columns C, D, and E equal 0, then those rows will be hidden.
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Jun 16, 2008
Will excel allow text to be permanently be positioned in a specific cell even if rows or columns are added?
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Oct 30, 2011
Operating System: Windows XP, Excel version: 2003
Aim: To create a Macro to hide all rows where the date in column D is before today. Column D has about 600 rows.
Current solution:
Sub Hide_Old2()
'Worksheet name
With Worksheets("Schedule")
'set start of date range
Set rngStart = .Range("D2")
'find end of date range
[Code] .....
The problem with this solution is its speed, or lack thereof. It causes the screen to hang and flicker while it cylces through. Is there some way to create a range based on the date and hide the range? or another solution?
Note: Autofilter is not an option, as the spreadsheet with the dates needs to be kept simple for other stakholders and the macro is being run from another sheet.
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Feb 27, 2012
(Excel 2010): Hide row if cell C in this row is empty.
I've just started using macros and I'm sure there is one for this problem.
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Sep 26, 2006
I'm using Conditional Formatting for an entire column to check the value of each cell and compare it to the value of a cell in the same row but a different column. (Cell Value equals =$D2) It works great until I insert or delete a cell in the formatted column. The reference does not change as one would expect. I've played around with formulae such as =$D2<>$P2 but the reference only changes for the P2, not the D2. I've also tried using =CELL("contents", ADDRESS(Row(),4)) but this causes excel to complain.
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Jul 4, 2014
I am using Excel 2007 on Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit.
My Workbook contains 2 Worksheets, both with the same headings in row 1. Sheet2 is initially empty, except for the headings in row 1.
The following is a sample of the data in Sheet1:
[Code] ......
I want to create a Macro to operate as follows:
In the above sample data, rows 2, 4, and 8 are identical, so I want to copy rows 4 and 8 to Sheet2, and delete them from Sheet1.
Rows 3 and 9 are identical, so row 9 should move to Sheet2;
Rows 5 and 11 are identical, so row 11 should move to Sheet2.
Rows 6, 7, 10, and 12 are all unique, so should be unaffected by the Macro.
New records will be added to Sheet1 periodically, so the Macro will be used each time to move any newly discovered duplicates to Sheet2.
The Macro should make no assumption about how the rows are ordered, and should not change their order.
I have uploaded two Workbooks, such that Workbook1 shows the original data, and Workbook2 shows the result I want to obtain.
Attached Files :
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Jul 7, 2014
Currently I am using Excel 2007. I want to merge data of alternate row of a particular column in Excel.Also i want to remove merged row. E.g.
Name City Pincode
John Mumbai
John 400009
Carol Delhi
Carol 110001
Carol Pune
Carol 411079
I want output to be ----->
Name City
John Mumbai-400009
Carol Delhi-110001
Carol Pune-411079
macro/formula for the above requirement..?
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Sep 19, 2013
I have a big DB with several rows and columns.
Column B has several card numbers (e.i. 7987654345678)
Column C has a location name (e.i. madrid)
Column L has a date (the date is when the card was used)
What I want to do is identify the cards that appear more then twice on the same date and the same place.
Card Number
[Code] .........
I would like through a macro or pivot to show me the results of the 2 last rows, because those are the only ones that are exactly the same.
I have excel 2007 running on Windows7
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Sep 23, 2013
I am using MS Excel 2007 and I am trying to create a macro which will copy column E and paste the data in column E to the bottom of column D. However each week the amount of rows in these column with vary, they will always be the same amount of rows in column E as in column D but there may be 20 rows one week and a 100 rows the next.
The formula I currently have is below but this will only work for a specified number of rows. How I could change this to work for any number of rows?
Sub IPT()
' IPT Macro
[Code] .....
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Dec 19, 2013
a macro to insert rows based on certain cell values in column A.
I have uto 300 rows of data. Below is an example of column A.
If (above the R) is an 8, I need to insert 2 rows above that R and directly below the 8.
If (above the R) is a 9, I need to insert 1 row above that R below, directly below the 9.
(Below the R there is always a minimum of 8 digits with the 9 and 10 being random).
I have excel 2007
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