Enable/Disable & Hide/Show Button Shapes
Mar 13, 2008
I am trying to allow uses of a spreadsheet to be able to select one control button which would in turn disable another one via check boxes however the control buttons do not re-enable when the undo check box is selected.
Sub Lead_REC()
' Set screen behaviour
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
' Defer error handling
On Error Resume Next
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Feb 22, 2010
i want to dis able and enable this button using three criteria, and auto paste the comment to other sheet.
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Jun 28, 2008
What i am trying to do is make a command button appear when you hit any cell of the row its on. For example, If you were to hit any cell on rows 1 or 2 the command button will appear and when I am not on the visible property goes back to false. I have a ton of buttons on this sheet and I am trying to clean it up so buttons only appear as needed.
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Aug 5, 2014
I want an option, if click on drop down button on parent cell than few a cells will come out in which I have mentioned details of the parent cell.
By pressing the same button again those cells will be hidden or covered under parent cell. ​
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Nov 12, 2013
I found this code for a button, so I can collapse and expand a set number of rows within that sheet. It works exactly the way i want it to, however, now I have a second sheet in my workbook, and I used the same button. Problem here is that when I activate the button, it opens the same rows in EVERY sheet in the workbook. "For each ws in Worksheets" so my question is what is the term for it to only work on a certain worksheet?
Private Sub ToggleButton1_Change()Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim ws As Worksheet
With ToggleButton1
If ToggleButton1.Value = True Then
For Each ws In Worksheets
[Code] ........
Other questions is about the ability to send an MS Outlook email from inside of excel.
I've been trying to find something that does the following:
Click button, Form pops up, has drop downs to select recipient, has field for subject, has field for message body, sends email.
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Jan 22, 2009
After scouring the entire OzGrid, I have found the following two macros that partly satisfy what I want to achieve. BTW, following two macros are executed on Sheet2 and I want to achieve the following:
On Worksheet_Activate, show columns that match the criteria value in Sheet1.D4 (Sheet1.D4 contains a dropdown list with about 6 text values). In addition to that, if Sheet1.D4 value is blank then show all columns. Right now, it successfully shows columns that match the D4 value but does not work if that D4 value is left blank, instead it hides all columns in range (C:CV). So in short, to the first macro, I need to add the criteria if D4 is blank, then keep the sheet intact and don’t hide anything, just show all columns.Once on that sheet after the Worksheet_Activate event has occurred, with the second macro “ToggleColumnsVisibility” following things need to happen. BTW, currently this macro is assigned to a button (from Forms Toolbar).If cell D4 has a value, then the button’s caption should read “Show All” and when that button is pressed, it should show all columns in the range (C:CV), and the button's caption needs to change to “Show Selected”. In “Show Selected” mode, when that button is pressed, it needs to show all the columns that match the D4 value.If cell D4 is left blank, then the button's caption should read "No Action" and when the button is pressed, it should not do anything but just show all columns.
As you will notice in the header, my experience with Excel is very limited, so detailed instructions will be greatly appreciated. I am also hoping that proposed solution uses some of the efficient/effective ways of using loops such as described below (example taken from this website from this link http://www.ozgrid.com/VBA/SpeedingUpVBACode.htm)
Sub TrueOrFalseFaster()
Dim bYesNo As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
bYesNo = (i = 5)
MsgBox bYesNo
End Sub
Sub ToggleTrueOrFalseFaster()
Dim bYesNo As Boolean
bYesNo = Not bYesNo
MsgBox bYesNo
End Sub .........
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Apr 8, 2008
i have a workbook with two sheets. i have a command button on sheet 1 that inserts another worksheet from another workbook based on a cell value in sheet 1. i would like this specific command button on sheet 1 to be hidden or disabled until a value is entered into a certain cell on sheet 1 that matches a value in a named range on sheet 2.
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Jul 17, 2007
I would like to completely disable the drop down list on the right-click.
I've got
.CommandBars("Cell").Enabled = False
set up and this works on cells but it still leaves it working on shapes.
.CommandBars("Toolbar List").Enabled = False
is similar. Anyone know how to fix this?
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Mar 2, 2014
Is it possible to enable/disable a texbox in excel which has been assigned a macro. To make it clear I'm not talking about a textbox within a userform. I understand I should really be using command buttons but I prefer the look of textboxes.
I have the following code to change the colour of the textbox (name: txtCreateInvoice) but the final line to disable the textbox doesn't work.
With Selection.ShapeRange.Fill.ForeColour
.ObjectThemeColor = msoThemeColorText1
.Brightness = 0.5
End With
Selection.Enabled = False
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Apr 24, 2009
On several of my worksheets, I'm asked if I want to disable/enable the macros but there are none associated with that particular worksheet- matter of fact, none of my worksheets have macros unless pivot tables count, so why am I being prompted in that way?
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Dec 27, 2013
I have 3 checkboxes on a worksheet. I have a command button to copy/paste data that is captured from a device.
I want the data to go to the ranges that are selected by referring to the true/false driving mechanism of the check boxes.
Obviously if more than one button is checked at one time, the whole shooting match will blow up.
So....how can I allow only one check box to be active at any given time? I'm thinking perhaps a select case statement that refers to the possible conditions of true true true, true true false, true false true, etc....If that would work, how could the code be simplified?
Let's call them cb1, cb2 & cb3. Is this even possible??
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Apr 17, 2008
Whenever I open an Excel file that has macros in it, a message always pop up and ask if I want to enable or disable the macros.
Is there a way to get rid of the message?
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Oct 13, 2008
I started to write mini codes but still much to learn.
Private Sub ComboBox3_Change()
If Range("A1") = "TRUE" Then
ComboBox3.Enabled = 1
ElseIf Range("A1") = "FALSE" Then
ComboBox3.Disabled = 1
End If
End Sub
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Feb 12, 2009
how to make txtBox1 only useable when optButton1 has been selected only.
I have 4 Textboxes
The following Option buttons are within a Frame called fraFrame1
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Jun 21, 2008
I have a checkbox (checkbox1) on a userform that functions to disable two listboxes (monthListbox & yearListbox) when checked. For this, I have the following
Private Sub CheckBox1_Click()
MonthListBox.Enabled = Not CheckBox1
MonthListBox.BackColor = &H8000000B
MonthListBox.Locked = True
YearListBox.Enabled = Not CheckBox1
YearListBox.BackColor = &H8000000B
YearListBox.Locked = True
End Sub
This works fine and dandy. However, when testing the userform, when I "unchecked" the checkbox, it did not undo the actions. So my question is, is there a sub to undo the actions that the above code does after I "uncheck" the checkbox. Additionally...under what event would I write this sub since I've already completed the sub for Checkbox_Click()
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Sep 30, 2008
I need a macro to disable all cut options (ctrl^x, right click cut, cut button in ribbon above), disable drag and drop, but still allow copying and pasting (the cutting affects cell references). I've already locked the spreadsheet, but users need to be able to input information and paste information in from other workbooks. This code must also only apply to THIS WORKBOOK and not affect others. Please help with a macro for this, as well as where to paste and how to properly configure macro security settings. I'm a big excel user, but this is my first time ever with VB and macros so talk to me like I'm dumb! I've pasted links to the two codes I tried, and I think one of them enabled a macro that affected all workbooks and now whatever code I put in won't save upon re-opening. It's there when I navigate to it, but it is ineffective like it's not even there. In macro security, I've enabled all macros and have the "trust VB programming" box checked. So maybe do some damage control before re-programming. I am getting a new computer in less than a month, but I want to be able to try out the code and have it work first, and I don't want to transfer the harmful code to the new computer.
P.S. This first code allows copying and cutting, but then just disables pasting, which is not what I want. The second one works great, but disables the right click menu altogether, which is no good either. And neither allow for pasting from the outside. And this is for moderate excel users, they won't try to erase the macro. I just need to keep them from making mistakes with cutting.
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Dec 24, 2008
I want to hide all toolbars and disable the red X upon opening of the spreadsheet, and to restore the main toolbars upon closing. That worked perfectly. (when I used the black code -see below)
I added in the red code as i wanted to disable the red X as well to ensure that users will always close the EXCEL worksheet via a Macro button.
The Macro will save the spreadsheet and close the worksheet and the Private sub should restore the toolbars.
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Oct 14, 2009
How do I Enable/Disable Command Buttons from a Sheet?
I am using a Command Button in a Sheet to copy and paste the Data from one Sheet to another with the help of macro..
As I am not well-versed with VBA dont know all the syntaxes of VBA.
I need help for the command button..
First and Foremost, I double click a Command Button form the Control tool-box and paste it on the Sheet, I dont know how to get the name of this command button , I mean where do i get it?
Based on a condition like a value in a cell I want it to be Enabled and Disabled?
Any ideas...please I am not able to follow even after googling a lot as I dont know what's the name of the command button control I have used.
If the value entered in a particluar cell is more than the 1000 difference between two cells then the command button should be disbaled...
The Application part:
The command button is used to transfer the data in a cell lets say $I$4 to another sheet Cell J2,J3,J4 so on so forth..by incrementing the ROW number.
Now The balance gets depleted with every new Debit Entry and we need to disallow the user from entering such an amount which will reduce the balance more than The Minimum Account Balance of a bank...
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Oct 23, 2008
I am attempting to modify a spreadsheet so that it will enable a range on Sheet3 (I9:K42) if a check box is checked on Sheet2. If it is not checked, it will lock that range on Sheet 3 and grey (or gray, if you prefer) out that range.
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Jun 13, 2009
I have collected some data from survey respondents, and I have the following array formula:
What I'd like to do is make the 3rd criterion -- $H$1:$H$400="american" -- dependent on whether the string value in cell A1 ("Evaluate Americans only?") is "yes" or "no".
Because, my actual situation is considerably more complex (see below), I'm looking to insert a test within the MIN array formula to check the value of A1, and calculate the answer accordingly.
I'm aware that I could theoretically create two array arguments (one with & one without the American test), and place them inside an IF function that tests the value of A1. However that isn't practical for my real-world situation...
I occasionally see array formulas with all sorts of symbols that I don't really understand in the array context (such as * and | and . ), and I'm wondering if one of those magic symbols might be the doorway to my solution.
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Jun 20, 2014
Is it possible to disable and ActiveX listbox, but allow the scrollbar to work?
Or, prevent selections without changing the enabled property?
I'd like to populate my list with items that are for information purposes only.
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Oct 20, 2007
I am creating a form that performs several different functions. I would like to force a sequence of these functions by enabling/disabling the controls based on a variable.
For example, a form as two buttons Button1 and Button2. By default, Button1 is ENABLED and Button2 is DISABLED. When Button1 is clicked, a macro is run, where an Enable_Button2variable is initialized to FALSE. The last line of the macro sets the Enable_Button2 variable to TRUE. Then, because Enable_Button2 is now TRUE, Button2 then becomes ENABLED.
I am trying to apply this strategy to a ComboBox, ListBox and CommandButtons. I'm not sure what event to trigger on to poll the Enable_Button2 to enable/disable the control.
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Mar 5, 2008
I'm currently building an Excel database. This database has a few comboboxes and checkboxes that are tied to each other. If I select the combobox option of "Years", the "Quarters" combobox must be greyed out. In addition depending on which option is chosen, the relevant check boxes must be enabeled or disabled. I've written some code which runs fine, until I try and activate another macro button or if I add and rename a sheet(which is not linked to anything). What should I do? Here is a sample of my code. I have a feeling it's really obviouse but I cant see it..
Private Sub ComboBox2_Change()
If Sheets("InputSheet").ComboBox2 = "Years" Then
Sheets("InputSheet").ComboBox3.Value = ""
Sheets("InputSheet").ComboBox3.Enabled = False
Sheets("InputSheet").CheckBox6.Enabled = True
Sheets("InputSheet").CheckBox7.Enabled = True
Sheets("InputSheet").CheckBox8.Enabled = True
Sheets("InputSheet").CheckBox9.Enabled = True
Sheets("InputSheet").CheckBox10.Enabled = True
Sheets("InputSheet").CheckBox11.Enabled = True
Sheets("InputSheet").CheckBox12.Enabled = True
Sheets("InputSheet").CheckBox13.Enabled = True
Sheets("InputSheet").CheckBox14.Enabled = True
End If...................
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Jun 19, 2008
I've created a macro to disable cut-copy-paste and drag-and-drop (below), but when the user exits Excel, the drag-and-drop option remains turned off.
The user has to click on the Office button, go to Excel Options, Advanced tab, and re-enable the fill handle manually. How can I have my macro do this automatically when the workbook is closed?
'*** In a standard module ***
Option Explicit
Sub ToggleCutCopyAndPaste(Allow As Boolean)
'Activate/deactivate cut, copy, paste and pastespecial menu items
Call EnableMenuItem(21, Allow) ' cut
Call EnableMenuItem(19, Allow) ' copy
Call EnableMenuItem(22, Allow) ' paste
Call EnableMenuItem(755, Allow) ' pastespecial
'Activate/deactivate drag and drop ability
Application.CellDragAndDrop = Allow
'Activate/deactivate cut, copy, paste and pastespecial shortcut keys
With Application
Select Case Allow
Case Is = False ....................................
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Oct 17, 2007
I want to write a macro that uses shapes to hide zeros; I have seen this done before but don't really understand how to set it up for myself.
On my sheet, there is a list of funds (Cells A4 to A79), a mixture of which will make up any given portfolio. Cell A1 houses a drop down list of portfolios. When I change cell A1, the numbers are automatically updated, as they are pulled from other worksheets in the spreadsheet. I want to be able to have the funds with zeroes next to them be automatically hidden. I believe there is a way to do this using shapes.
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Aug 8, 2012
I have a map of the US composed of 50 shapes (one for each state). I need each shape to appear or disappear based on a value in a corresponding cell. I can't use VBA for this as it needs to function for users in a high-security Excel 2003 which doesn't allow macros.
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Aug 18, 2009
I have an workbook with many sheets. each sheet contains loads of checkboxes, dropdowns, option buttons, groupboxes ... and they are created using a macro when the workbook is opened. all this works fine. Now I've grouped different rows based on their level of importance. Here's the glitch. whenever I select a group level, the rows get hidden, but not the shapes & objects present on them. Instead, they just jump to the row above or below and overlap the other shapes.
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Nov 30, 2008
I work for Local Governments where supervisors want me to create Project Update program.
I've created one with VBA but still, cannot get the unchose color circles in the same row to become blank.
Whenever they choose one of the 3 color circles, 2 becomes blank.
I hope this will explain well enough for you to understand
here's the code I've put in and with the attachment, you can see my explaination.
Sub TimeRed()
doit 3, "D"
End Sub
Sub TimeYellow()
doit 6, "E"
End Sub
Sub TimeGreen()
doit 4, "F"
End Sub
Sub BudRed()
doit 3, "H"
End Sub
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Sep 3, 2008
I am trying to programatically access a built in excel menu to edit the font dialog for text boxes. Specifically, I want to access the diolag box which opens when a text box is selected and you click the arrow in the bottom right of the font group in the home tab (Excel 2007). I do not want the dialog box which opens when just a cell is selected. The dialog I want has two tabs - font and character spacing. I know how to use application.dialogs().show to open built in dialog boxes in VBA, but I can't figure out how to show this specific dialog.
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Jan 16, 2010
1) Force user to enable macros.
2) keep three worksheets very hidden all the time.
3) passwrd protect vba
I have been using this code to force user to enable macros but this unhides all sheets other than "macros not enabled" sheet. I need three worksheets to remain very hidden all the time. How do I do this.
Option Explicit
Dim ws As Worksheet
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
Worksheets("Macros Not Enabled").Visible = True
For Each ws In Worksheets
If ws.Name "Macros Not Enabled" Then ws.Visible = xlVeryHidden
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
For Each ws In Worksheets
If ws.Name "Macros Not Enabled" Then ws.Visible = True
Worksheets("Macros Not Enabled").Visible = xlVeryHidden
End Sub
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