Show/Hide Command Button Based On Location

Jun 28, 2008

What i am trying to do is make a command button appear when you hit any cell of the row its on. For example, If you were to hit any cell on rows 1 or 2 the command button will appear and when I am not on the visible property goes back to false. I have a ton of buttons on this sheet and I am trying to clean it up so buttons only appear as needed.

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Show/Hide Worksheet Command Button Based On Cell Value Being In Another Range

Apr 8, 2008

i have a workbook with two sheets. i have a command button on sheet 1 that inserts another worksheet from another workbook based on a cell value in sheet 1. i would like this specific command button on sheet 1 to be hidden or disabled until a value is entered into a certain cell on sheet 1 that matches a value in a named range on sheet 2.

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How To Hide Command Button Based On Another Cell

Jan 16, 2010

I have a command button on a worksheet, not in a user form. I know the command button has a property called Visible that I can manually set to False.

I want to set this property to False if the value of the B3 cell is less than 2.000

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Hide Command Button Based On Another Cell?

Jan 28, 2014

How to hide command button based on another cell?’ [URL] .....

This works faultlessly but for only 1 Button. I tried adding in the code again for a second Button but it creates a conflict. I made a slight adjustment to your original code, to show the button when the cell is populated, which works well…

[Code] .....

Any way I can:-

1. Add additional buttons which reference their own cell?

CommandButton4 – H9
CommandButton6 – I9
CommandButton2 – Q9
CommandButton3 – S9

2. And add one button which activates based on one of 3 cells?

CommandButton1 – J9 &/or V9

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How To Hide Command Button Based On Another Cell?

Jan 16, 2010

I have a command button on a worksheet, not in a user form. I know the command button has a property called Visible that I can manually set to False.

I want to set this property to False if the value of the B3 cell is less than 2.000

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Command Button To Hide Rows Based On Date Range In Column A

Aug 22, 2014

In one spreadsheet, I want to have a command button that will hide all rows where the date column (column A) shows a date older than one week from today. When this button is clicked again, all rows will unhide again. Preferably the Command button title would change to reflect whether it is on the hide or show cycle (for example "Click to Hide all older than one week" and then "Click to Show all events") .

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Excel 2011 :: VBA Code - Command Button Location

Aug 16, 2014

I am building a code based on a command button in a row, which will check is a worksheet exists (message), if not create a worksheet from a template (from another worksheet specific to a on a cell value in the same row), rename the worksheet based on a cell value in the same row.

I am having some success for each task with exception to relative cell values .....

As the code will be specific to the row (one button per row) Questions:

how to i determine the location of the button that is clicked? (I assume once this is established i can use to pull values in the same sheet on certain columns....?)

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VBA - Button Command To Auto-Hide Rows With Value HIDE

Jun 9, 2013

Sub Button294_Click()

If Sheet1.Range("A34:A94") = "HIDE" Then
For Each cell In Range("A27:A94")
If UCase(cell.Value) = "HIDE" Then
cell.EntireRow.Hidden = True
End If
End Sub

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Reference Cell Based On Button Location & Determine Button Used

Mar 7, 2008

I received this code from an example I found once upon a time that was originally submitted by someone else. Right now the code enters the current date in a cell of the same row as the checkbox when it's checked. I need to revise it, or come up with something similar, that will reference the value of a cell when it is in the same row as the button (from the Forms toolbar) that is clicked to activate the macro. First of all, I don't know how to reference a Forms button in VBA.

Sub Process_CheckBox()
Dim cBox As CheckBox
Dim LRow As Integer
Dim LRange As String
LName = Application.Caller
Set cBox = ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes(LName)
' Find row that checkbox resides in
LRow = cBox.TopLeftCell.Row
LRange = "B" & CStr(LRow)
'Change date in column B, if checkbox is checked
If cBox.Value > 0 Then
ActiveSheet.Range(LRange).Value = Date
'Clear date in column B, if checkbox is unchecked
ActiveSheet.Range(LRange).Value = Null
End If
End Sub

Here is some other code I already created. Unfortunately, because I don't know how to do the row reference, I had to create 25 different macros, which just bulks up the size of my file and slows it down. But here is what I'm trying to accomplish in my macro:.............

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Hide Command Button Behind Picture

Jan 14, 2010

I have a command button that is within a cell that when selected it insert a picture, the problem I have is when picture is in selected cell (same as command button) I can still view the command button from behind. I set the picture to “view from front” and Command button to “view from rear” but it doesn’t solve anything. I also have the command button checked to not print

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Hide A Command Button If A Cell Value Is 0

Feb 26, 2007

Is it possible to hide a command button if a cell value is 0, and unhide if the same cell value is 1.

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Hide Command Button If Worksheet Is Protected

Oct 3, 2009

I want to hide a command button when a worksheet is protected and unhide when the sheet is unprotected.

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Show Command Button On Worksheet When Cell = True

Dec 16, 2009

On the attached example, i have a check-box with controls cell M4.

There is also a command button on here, which i want to be visible when the cell value of M4 is "TRUE" and not visible when the cell value is "FALSE".

I assume i need to write some code into the worksheet to do this but don't know what to do.

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Setting Individual Cell Comment Show / Hide Command?

Oct 12, 2013

I was wondering, more specifically, if I could on say a single click on the cell, keep comment open until clicked outside of the cell comment. Currently set up at the moment to show comment on mouseover of the cell. And I would like to keep comment open if i choose to click on the cell.

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Enable/Disable & Hide/Show Button Shapes

Mar 13, 2008

I am trying to allow uses of a spreadsheet to be able to select one control button which would in turn disable another one via check boxes however the control buttons do not re-enable when the undo check box is selected.

Sub Lead_REC()

' Set screen behaviour

Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.EnableEvents = False

' Defer error handling

On Error Resume Next

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Hide / Show Cells By Dropdown Button On Parent Cell?

Aug 5, 2014

I want an option, if click on drop down button on parent cell than few a cells will come out in which I have mentioned details of the parent cell.

By pressing the same button again those cells will be hidden or covered under parent cell. ​

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Macro Button Click - Show / Hide Set Of Grouped Rows

Nov 12, 2013

I found this code for a button, so I can collapse and expand a set number of rows within that sheet. It works exactly the way i want it to, however, now I have a second sheet in my workbook, and I used the same button. Problem here is that when I activate the button, it opens the same rows in EVERY sheet in the workbook. "For each ws in Worksheets" so my question is what is the term for it to only work on a certain worksheet?

Private Sub ToggleButton1_Change()Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim ws As Worksheet
With ToggleButton1
If ToggleButton1.Value = True Then
For Each ws In Worksheets

[Code] ........

Other questions is about the ability to send an MS Outlook email from inside of excel.

I've been trying to find something that does the following:

Click button, Form pops up, has drop downs to select recipient, has field for subject, has field for message body, sends email.

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Conditionally Show/Hide Columns & Change Button Caption

Jan 22, 2009

After scouring the entire OzGrid, I have found the following two macros that partly satisfy what I want to achieve. BTW, following two macros are executed on Sheet2 and I want to achieve the following:
On Worksheet_Activate, show columns that match the criteria value in Sheet1.D4 (Sheet1.D4 contains a dropdown list with about 6 text values). In addition to that, if Sheet1.D4 value is blank then show all columns. Right now, it successfully shows columns that match the D4 value but does not work if that D4 value is left blank, instead it hides all columns in range (C:CV). So in short, to the first macro, I need to add the criteria if D4 is blank, then keep the sheet intact and don’t hide anything, just show all columns.Once on that sheet after the Worksheet_Activate event has occurred, with the second macro “ToggleColumnsVisibility” following things need to happen. BTW, currently this macro is assigned to a button (from Forms Toolbar).If cell D4 has a value, then the button’s caption should read “Show All” and when that button is pressed, it should show all columns in the range (C:CV), and the button's caption needs to change to “Show Selected”. In “Show Selected” mode, when that button is pressed, it needs to show all the columns that match the D4 value.If cell D4 is left blank, then the button's caption should read "No Action" and when the button is pressed, it should not do anything but just show all columns.

As you will notice in the header, my experience with Excel is very limited, so detailed instructions will be greatly appreciated. I am also hoping that proposed solution uses some of the efficient/effective ways of using loops such as described below (example taken from this website from this link

Sub TrueOrFalseFaster()
Dim bYesNo As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
bYesNo = (i = 5)
MsgBox bYesNo
End Sub

Sub ToggleTrueOrFalseFaster()
Dim bYesNo As Boolean
bYesNo = Not bYesNo
MsgBox bYesNo
End Sub .........

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Hiding A Command Button Based On Conditions

Aug 26, 2008

I am using Excel 2003. I have created a workbook containing two sheets. The first sheet is designed as a form for our managers to complete. The fields they are required to complete are based on the selection they choose from a drop down field (set up through data validation).

I have created a command button which when you click it opens up the second sheet of the workbook asking you to complete the individuals work pattern. I am trying to hide this button so that it only appears when you select certain options from the drop down field.

I have looked back through posts on here and have tried adding the VBA code to the worksheet around commandbutton1.vissible = False in an IF statement but can't get this to work. A colleague has suggested that you can't hide command buttons because they are fixed items - is this the case.

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Using Command Button To Open Worksheet Based On ComboBox Selection

Mar 6, 2014

I have a main worksheet that has two combo boxes. The first combo box has a list of machines. The second combo box brings up a list of models for the type of machine selected. I would like to insert a command button, that when pressed will open a different worksheet with the specs of the model selected in the second combo box. I am having trouble finding a starting point for the code to have the command button perform this.

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Enable Command Button Based On Cell Value‎ From Another Worksheet

Jan 13, 2013

This is what i have but its not working.

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
CommandButton4.Enabled = Not (Sheets("0").Range("J8") = "Off")
End Sub

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Making A Command Button Visible Based On Data In Cell

Oct 15, 2007

I have a data validation list in cell D11 on sheet "Data Entry" and a command button "btnMultipleProperties" that I only want visible if "Multiple" is selected in "D11" I have the below code in "This Workbook" in VBE but it doesn't work. What did I miss?

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
With Sheets("Data Entry")
If [D11].Value "Multiple" Then
btnMultipleProperties.Visible = False
Else: btnMultipleProperties.Visible = True
End If
End With
End Sub

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Command Button To Call Macro Based On Selections In Two Combo Boxes

Aug 21, 2006

I have two combo boxes that both contain 7-12 separate search criteria for the user to choose from. The other includes months and the other value ranges in text form. Based on the selections, e.g. "August" from other and "increased by more than 5 %" from other, I'd like to have a command button to execute the appropriate macro. I've already compiled the macros for each occasion but I just can't figure out how to get the button to execute them. Can I use the Select Case statements? If so, how?

Oh, and whether it's relevant or not, the boxes and the button are from the control toolbar.

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Hide Or Show An Image Based On A Cell Value

Mar 31, 2009

I have a spreadsheet with two bitmap images inserted into it. In cell E2, I will enter a number, either a 1 or a 2. if I enter a 1, I want only the first image to be visible. If I enter a 2, I only want the second image to be visible. Is there a way to accomplish this (hopefully without the need for macros)? I've attached a spreadsheet as an example of what I'm trying to do. Also, note that I'd like the images to be stacked on top of each other so that they show up in the same place regardless of wether there's a 1 or a 2 in cell E5

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Hide & Show Sheets Based On Names

Dec 19, 2006

I made one file with 13 sheets.

sheet1 tab name is : MAIN
and other sheet tab name like following
2. xyz-Sales
3. xyz-Rev
4. xyz-SSN
5. xyz-ddn
6. abc-Sales
7. abc-Rev
8. abc-ddn
9. abc-ssn
10. ddd-sales
11. ddd-Rev
12. ddd-ssn
13. ddd-ddn

In Main sheet There are 3 buttons

1 . XYZ
2. abc
3. ddd

when user press on xyz button then only xyz sheets (like sheet 2 to 5) are shows to user and other sheets are very hide

if user press abc button then only abc sheets (like sheet 6 to 9) are shows to user and other sheets are very hide

i don't want to use

Sheet2.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden

i want to use finde xyz sheet tab name and shows and other are hide.

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Hide & Show Rows Based On Cell Value

Jun 10, 2008

I have two sheets say:


Sheet1 has a few comboboxes saying (YES / NO) conditions Which are assigned to particular cells (for Ex: say Combobox1 value assignes to Sheet1!B5 )

If Sheet!B5 = YES some rows in Sheet2 Say ( Row12 ,Row 15,Row 16) has to be hide.

I will add a command button to sheet1 and call macro if i click command button checking the conditions in sheet1 combo boxes..rows in sheets2 has to hide..

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Press Command But And Execute The Code Assigned To Another Command Button

Apr 14, 2009

Is it possible that when you press a command button, that the first thing it does is to execute the code assigned to another command button (IE in another sub).

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Automatically Hide / Show Rows Based On Cell Value

May 7, 2013

Trying to have A1 in Sheet1 having three values 1,2,3 if A1 = 1 hide rows from 1:5 and 10:1500 in three Sheets2,3,4

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Conditionally Show / Hide Combobox Based On Cell Value

Jun 5, 2013

I'm quite new to VBA, but I am attempting to get a Forms ComboBox to appear or disappear based on whether a certain cell (P7) reads YES or NO. P7 in turn updates in turn based on a user-selected value. As of now, the ComboBox only appears or disppears if I go back in and out of the formula I entered into P7. Basically, I want my ComboBox to dynamically update based on the value in P7. That may sound a little muddled, so here is my code for the ComboBox:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

If Not Intersect(Target, Range("P7")) Is Nothing Then
If UCase(Target) = "YES" Then
Me.Shapes.Range("Drop Down 30").Visible = msoTrue
Me.Shapes.Range("Drop Down 30").Visible = msoFalse
End If
End If

End Sub

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Hide/Show UserForms Based On Workbook And Worksheet

Sep 6, 2007

I'm just beginning to work with userforms and have created a couple of forms for workbook navigation. The Menu form is set to appear only on the menu worksheet and the Navbar form is set to show on several database sheets. Both forms are set th hide when the workbook is deactivated.

Private Sub Workbook_Deactivate()
End Sub

The problem is that when I return to the workbook the forms do not unhide. Using the workbook_activate event causes both forms to show simultaneously. I also have the worksheet_activate event set to show the applicable form.

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = False
Navbar.Left = Range("B3").Left
Navbar.Top = Range("B3").Top
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Upon returning to this workbook, I only want the appropriate form to show relative to the worksheet that is active. That is, if I was on sheet2 when I switched to another workbook, sheet2 would be active when I return to the workbook and should show the Navbar form. The menu form should show on sheet1, and the navbar form on sheets 2-5. How do I get the correct form to show when I re-activate the workbook?

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