Evaluate() For Loop Less Range Calculations

Feb 27, 2010

I'm trying to get my head around using this syntax for EVALUATE() to allow an entire range of values to be changed all at once instead of via loop.

This macro works:

Sub TruncateValuesInSelection()
'JBeaucaire 2/23/2010
'Select a range and then run the macro to truncate values without looping
Dim Cell As Range

With Selection.Cells
.Value = Evaluate("IF(ROW(1:" & Selection.Cells.Count & "),TRUNC(" & .Address & ",2))")
End With.........

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Nested Next Loop: Evaluate The If Statement Below Over A Range Of Cells

Aug 22, 2008

I think the problem is the order in which I have the "next" loops. I would like to evaluate the if statement below over a range of cells

Sub Analysis()

Dim i As Integer
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
Dim k As Integer
Dim TheLast As Integer

TheLast = Sheets("Name").Range("c" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

For i = -7 To -26 Step -1
For x = 24 To 43
For y = 14 To 43
For k = 16 To TheLast.................

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SUMIFS Function In 2007 (range To Sum, Range To Evaluate, Evaluation Criterion)

Sep 8, 2009

I’m trying to use the SUMIFS function in Excel 2007 to evaluate the following formula:

{=SUMIFS(range to sum, range to evaluate, evaluation criterion)}

The range to sum is A1:A10, the range (dates) to evaluate are in B1:B10, and the evaluation criterion is that the date is before 31/10/1999.

So my formula looks like this:


This works fine, but how do I refer the 3rd argument in the function to a date in a particular cell rather than typing in the date specifically?

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Loop Through Of Sheets And Execute Calculations Based On Dynamic Sheet References

Jun 30, 2014

Is it possible to loop through a list of sheets and execute some calculations that have sheet references from a different list of worksheets? For example, you have a list (list 1) of your worksheets, which will be the destinations of the calculations, and you have a second list (list 2) of worksheets that the calculations are based on. So, lets say there are sheet1 and sheet2 in list 1, and sheetA and sheetB in list 2. The calculations based on sheetA would appear in sheet1, and calculations based on sheetB would appear in sheet2. I thought the code would look something like this:

Sub LoopthroughWorksheets()
Dim sheet_name As Range
Dim sheet_name2 As Range
Set sheet_name2 = Sheets("WS").Range("F:F")

[Code] ......

I'm getting a "Run-time error '1004: Application-defined or object defined error" at this line:

.Range("K1") = .Range("sheet_name2.Value!A14").Value

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Dynamic Range 2003: Run Calculations On This Range

Nov 5, 2009

I have a range of data that will grow as the days of the month pass but I need to run calculations on this range. The data is 13 columns wide but the number of rows will increase daily. I remember using a formula in the Define Range that would automatically take into account new additions using the OFFSET function but cannot for the life of me think how exactly to do it.

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Set Range For Calculations Without VBA?

Jul 11, 2012

Is it possible to have an input box for a range of calculations and then in my formulas set the range to anchor + variable ?

Something roughly like:

Range = 20

Product( F13:F & Range_Variable_Cell_Value)

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Locating Next Similar Condition In A Range And Performing Calculations

May 11, 2007

I have a set of data with names in col A, Currency in col B, Amount in Col C. I want to convert all the amounts in NON-USD based on exchange rate I input daily into column D.

How do i search down the row for the next name that is denominated in GBP / YEN etc and keep converting until I dont find any more other currencies in it. I tried to improvise on the finding nth but couldnt get anything out of it. Have attached a spreadsheet.

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Price List Lookups And Additonal Calculations For Out Of Range Values

May 11, 2009

The sheet has a price list (I attached the sheet). its a width x height(drop) format. If width or height <= minimum width/height then use the minimum listed. if width or height > minimum <=maximum then lookup in table next heightest value. here is the complication. any oversized items are priced as roundup((size -biggest size) / (biggest - second biggest size),0) * ( price of biggest-price of second biggest). so if my widths are

4600 4700 4800
10 25 35

and I am pricing 5050 I would do :-

calculate howmuch its oversize

5050-4800 = 250

Calculate the difference in the last 2 sizes

4800-4700 = 100

Calculate the rounded up multiples

250/100=2.5 rounded up = 3...........

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Run VBA Macros In Specific Order, Turn Off Calculations & Force Calculation Of Range

Apr 22, 2009

I have a VBA method that goes thru and calculates a bunch of stuff and puts this calculated info into a static data structure. This method is called 'setProjectInfo()'. This method is reliant on values on my worksheets, So as the user makes changes to the worksheet, I want setProjectInfo() to get called so it refreshes the data structure with updated information. I then have a bunch of helper methods to access different parts of this data structure. These helper methods are used in the formulae of a bunch of cells on a worksheet (ie '=getPercentComplete(period)', etc, etc).

This is all working well except for one thing. Sometimes the helper methods get called BEFORE setProjectInfo() gets called.. So, the helper methods return stale information. I can only get around this by manually recalculating the spreadsheet again. setProjectInfo() does enough stuff and takes a long enough time that I don't want to have to call it at the top of each helper method.

I've put the call to setProjectInfo() in a cell formula at the top of the my spreadsheet in hopes that Excel would know enough to call it first.. But that does not seem to work. Net, how can I get VBA to always call setProjectInfo() BEFORE it calls any other VBA methods?

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Evaluate Sum

Mar 2, 2007

Is it possible, when user types for example "1+1" in cell A1, to calculate this sum in cell A2?

So I would have "1+1" in A1 and "2" in A2.

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For Next Loop Using Used Range

Jun 21, 2012


For lead = 1 To 20
CurrentFile = ActiveCell
Workbooks.Open Filename:=CurrentFile
ActiveWindow.Caption = "Graboid"

I have a file I use to grab information off a website I subscribe to.

I get daily emails containing a list, then I use that list to extract additional information for each item in the list.

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How To Loop Through Range

Jan 12, 2013

I am trying to do Loop through Range I have workbook and it has two sheet (sheet1 and sheet2) sheets ("Sheet1").range(A1:K30") hold the Doc_ID (E.g. 78002)

What I want to do........if Range(A1:K30) = Inputbox("Enter Your Doc_Id Number") Then Copy that Cell Only and paste it to in Sheets("Sheet2") -Column A

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For Each Loop In A Range

Jan 12, 2014

I have a range of letter values. The values vary between A, a, and B. I have a "For Each" loop that doesn't do what I'd like. The way it's written, I'd think it'd delete every column that doesn't contain the letter "A".

For Each k In rngMyRange
If k.Value "A" Then
End If
Next k

It seems to miss entire columns. Do I need to initialize k?

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Sum Of Range + Loop

Nov 2, 2007

I have percentages in each row. Let's say from A4 to Z4. Each cell can be 20% at maximum In Visual Basic I want to write a macro that sums the cells up. So when the sum is less than 100% I want to distribute the remainder among the cells that are below 20%. I want to do this until the total is 100%. So the new percentages have to be entered in the appropriate cells.

How can I do this? I need some sort of loop but I can't get anything to work. With a 'for each cell' statement I always get Value#.

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Evaluate Function

Nov 27, 2008

I cant figure out why this "evaluate" function is not working as I expected. I have number/text from $A$1 to $A$5 to try and learn how to use this function but have not had any luck. I need to learn how to use it properly so I can use a for loop to change multiple check boxes on a user form that I am trying to make.

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NOT Evaluate A Formula

Dec 16, 2006

I need a way for tell Excel to NOT evaluate a formula. Basically, I want Excel to leave the value being displayed in the cell alone. The formula in the cell is a function that I have implemented in C++ and registered with Excel through the Register call.

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Formulas Will Not Evaluate

Jan 26, 2007

I cannot figure it out for the life of me. When I type a formula into a cell it will not evaluate, instead it just displays the text of the formula.

When I go to evaluate the cell -- Tools | Formula Auditing | Evaluate Formula

It tells me that "the cell currently being evaluated contains a constant."

What do I need to change so that cells will evalute formulas I put into the?

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Check Box Evaluate To Value

Jul 3, 2008

Need the syntax for using a checkbox in a col. ?

If checkbox checked >> Syntax ??
If un-checked >. Syntax ??

Does it simply evaluate to val. of cell to either 'Y' or 'N' ?

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Using MID On Range In For Each Loop With IF Statement?

Aug 8, 2013

I am trying to loop through a range, checking for a cell to contain one of two characters and then put a value in a cell to the side (well 3 away) of it. Im getting an error for Type mismatch on line:

If CellContent = "h" Or "v" Then

the data in the cell is an along the lines of ' som-thi-vh-ng1'

Dim MyRange, MyCell As Range
Dim CellContent As String


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Loop Through A Range From Bottom To Top

Sep 30, 2013

I tend to use a lot of For Each loops when I want to go through a range looking for something but this time I'm not so sure it will work.

I have 9 databases each containing over 400 rows with different pieces of client information, these databases are shared between around 40 people (I've also used the 'Allow users to edit ranges' utility to restrict access). What this means however is that the users cannot delete an entire row, instead they can only 'clear contents' on individual cells. This is fine until I try to generate statistics from the databases using autofilters which stop at the first blank row.

So I need to write a backwards for each statement that starts at the bottom and deletes all the blank rows on the way up to the top. I've tried similar things to this before using the For Each but when you use it to delete a row it sometimes skips the next row as it continues at the next one.

I've not managed to get it to work before, I'm just looking for a little guidance really as to how to do this correctly.

For TopRow = 1 To BottomRow = Range("A1").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row Step -1
'If is blank delete row.....

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Sum A Dynamic Range Within A For Loop?

Sep 15, 2014

I am working with loans, and I'm trying to program a routine that adds every installment a client owes, so I can know the total amount owed, depending on how many unpaid installments she has. Let say for a client I have every installment in column A (rows 1 to 5), and in column B, I want to add them all. The output should be

Cell B1: "sum(A1:A5)"
Cell B2: "sum(A2:A5)"
Cell B3: "sum(A3:A5)"... and so forth

Since I have many loans, I need a dinamic routine to that sums every installment, where amount of installments vary from client to client. My proposal is (adding from the last installment to the first one):

months = 4 'an example
For j = 0 To months - 1
initial_row = ActiveCell.Row 'because I run this several times. In this example I am in row 18[code]....

For some reason this is not working, and what I see in Excel after running it is: SUM('AJ18':'AJ18'), which doesn't work.

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For Loop With Range Variable

Apr 28, 2014

I'm trying to understand a code from work and I can't get it. I copied only a part of the code here so please don't run it. Also, I have manual inputs in columns L and M (nodes labels such as 1, 2 and 2,3) and section labels on column N (such as BarFT3, BarFT4 etc):

[Code] ..........

What is this loop doing? I just get the first For loop: goes through every lable on colum N (from 1 to ne) but then what?

What is happening to range nudo(n,j)? How works this ">" sign between nudo(n.j) and nn?

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Put A Range Command As Loop?

Aug 14, 2014

how do i put the following as loop. Range("A2) then Range("A4") then Range ("A6) and so on.

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Incrementing Range In A Loop

Jul 22, 2008

I have a spreadsheet which I need to remove all the blanks from, but instead of shifting cells up (I figured out how to do that in a macro), I want them to shift left.

I understand the basics of for...next loops etc, but I can't seem to understand how to make the selection in a range string variable. Not sure if this is a good explanation!

The code I have so far is....

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Use Specific Range In For Loop

Feb 13, 2009

I have an excel sheet with set ranges in it. I would like to refer to these ranges in my code, but i am doing something wrong. Here is a portion of the code. The range name is 'Status'

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Getting Range To Step Through In A Loop

Apr 6, 2012

This little piece of code is where I'm having problems.

A36:A45 will always be the same.

The problem is in getting ("R2:AA2") to move to ("R3:AA3") ...

What needs to happen for the loop to work?


I've tried:

Dim rngDC as Range

then Set rngDC = Worksheets("Month").Range("R2:AA2")

So that I can later use rngDC = RngDC.Offset(1,0)

However, when I try rngDC.Select I get an error saying I can't select the variable that way.

Here's the complete code:

Sub Import()

Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
IE.Visible = True

With Sheets("Month")

[Code] ....

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Loop Through Range And Copy Row

Apr 19, 2012

What I'm trying to do is open a closed workbook from an active one, then go through a range looking for cells that has a different value than "noone", and copy the rows that does have something else than "noone" into the first worksheet.

What I've got so far is:

Private Sub CmdHent_Click()
Dim vikar As Range
vikar = Range(I12, I42)

Application.Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:Documents and SettingsoybMine dokumenterook1.xlsm"

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How To Loop Through A Range ? For Formula

Nov 25, 2008

Image column A, starting at A2 to LASTROW of say 10, I have the LASTROW value stored in a variable.

Each cell in the range contains a file location/document name, example:

C:Documents and Settingsuser-idDesktopDOCSDoc01.xls < cell A2

this repeats for A3, A4, to A10, for each different document.

So starting at LASTROW + 3, I've created a new Header for Hyperlinks: and below that I want to create the 10 hyperlinks for each of the 10 documents above.

formula is =hyperlink(a2,a2) and then (a3,a3) and so on...

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Loop Until Range Of Cells All Have Value Of 0

Aug 11, 2009

Do Mymacro1
loop until

I've tried a couple of ideas but none seem to work. I even googled this hoping that since this seemed like such a simple thing that I couldn't be the first person to run into this... guess I was wrong. the range of cells is BF30:CF56. I tried using a cell in the worksheet to test if all the cells equaled 0, that didn't work, even after I wrote the calculate code into the macro. Nothing I try seems to get the code to stop. is there somthing I'm missing?

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Loop Through Range From Another Worksheet

Nov 17, 2006

I created an array from data on one sheet...then when using the array (in a loop) on a different active sheet, half the values in the array are lost. However, if I run the code and keep the focus on the sheet with the array data, it works. I can't understand why.

I'll include my code.

aDepartments = Worksheets("sheet1"). Range("A5", Range("B5").End(xlDown).Address)

For Each iZ In aDepartments
MsgBox iZ
Next iZ

If i run this while sheet1 is the active sheet, it works fine - all 15 values (15 in each dimension) are there. If I click on any other sheet and then run the code, only 7 values are in the array (7 in each dimension).

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