Excel 2003 :: Dynamic Chart For Test Scores

Jun 5, 2014

I have 3 test scores for each student. Currently, I have 3 students.

For example :

John 95 90 85
Cindy 50 60 100
Dan 87 86 90

I have a chart that that plots 3 lines, one for each student.

However, I want the chart to dynamically update if there's another student. In other words, I would like the chart to add another series while the legend updates to include another student.

I am trying to do this in Excel 2003.

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Excel 2003 :: Dynamic Named Range Of Non-contiguous Cells Suitable For Chart Series Reference

Nov 11, 2012

I am running Excel 2003 on a Win7 system.

Here is my situation:

Each of my data sets spans roughly 75 columns by 250 rows at present, but this could expand. The first 7 rows contain metadata. Columns 2-25 or so contain the raw data, from which everything to the right is calculated. The data sets have most columns in common, but not necessarily all.

In order to tease out the most meaningful information from my data, I frequently sort all or part of it based on varying criteria. When I find a useful sorting criterion, I create a new column with a header that describes the criterion and populate it with a formula that returns a 1 if the condition of interest is met for that row, or a 0 if it is not. For example, if I am doing this in column AA, I might enter


and copy it down to the end of the data. The resulting vector of 1s and 0s quickly re-identify data that meets that criterion even after subsequent resorting. It also makes locating data that meets multiple sorting criteria extremely simple. Essentially, I create a truth table.

Cell $AA$4 in the above example contains a "comparator" value I might wish to change at some point, which would change the subset of data the condition selects for.

Here's the first hard part:

For each data set, I need the ability to generate meaningful plots that includes separate series based on the criteria I have described. However, I also need to retain the ability to resort the data or change the comparator value without disrupting these plots. In other words, the plots must NOT change when the order of the data is changed, but MUST change to display the appropriate data when the comparator changes.

Here's the 2nd hard part:

Once I have this working for one data set, I need to be able to port it to other data sets (which are contained in other workbooks), so that I can compare equivalent plots from each. I also need to minimize the number of manual steps involved in doing so, to avoid human errors and excessive time consumption.

The only other possible complication I can think of at the moment is that, to this point, I have been inserting blank rows to isolate subsets that I do not wish to perform further sorting on from each other.

Right now I am angling toward VBA code that loops through the entire data set to generate base dynamic ranges using the column header row (row 1) as the names, and the entire column of data for the rangeloops through the truth table columns to generate "branch" row ranges for each of the sorting conditions,loops through the entire data set one more time to create "branch" ranges for each of the base ranges.

I could generate some code to accomplish a one-off solution for a given configuration of a single data set (provided there is not a list length limit in a chart series that I'd be violating)...but without a dynamic named range, I don't know how to get to something that would update appropriately. So in essence, I am still stuck at the dynamic range part of this.

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Excel 2003 :: Index And Match - Table With Header Row Of Scores

Oct 4, 2013

Excel 2003

I have a table with a header row of scores 1-10 in B4:K4.

In column A I have a list of locations A5:A68. People in each location were asked to score an event between 1 and 10. The count of their scores is under B4:K4, eg Location 1, 3 people scored 1 (entered in B5), none scored 2 (C5), 6 scored 3 (D5) etc through to the score for 10 in K5.

What I am after is the average for each location so that in L5 I can say 'for all the respondents for Location 1, the average was:...

This may be a bit more complicated than it appears as presumably there will be a requirement to multiply the number of respondents by their scores and then ... ?

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Formula To Extract Test Scores

Apr 11, 2008

I teach history to four different groups of students that, in my spreasheet, I have labeled "1", "2", "3", and "4." The number of the group to which each student belongs is listed in CK2:CK100

Each quarter, I give all students a test and list the corresponding score next to each student's name. The scores are listed in CM2:CM100.

The name of each student appears in CL2:CL100.

I am looking for the formulas to extract the highest five scores in each group starting at CS2. So CS2 would contain the value of the highest score obtained by a student in group 1, CS3 the second highest score in that group and so on through group 4.

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Determine Grade From Test Scores

Jan 9, 2008

I have got students mark list in Excel. I want the grading as under in the last column.

73% and above = A+
63% to 72% = A
53% to 62% = B
44% to 52% = C
35% to 43% = D
30% to 34% = E
<30% = F

Is it possible with VBA?

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Generating Grades (% Scores) For Horizontal Test Data

Oct 13, 2013

I was planning to use some combination of INDEX,MATCH and/or the SUMPRODUCT function to complete this task.

In the past I've used the SUMPRODUCT function creatively { ex. =SUMPRODUCT(--(repname=$C$2),--(question=C5),--(test=$E$3)) }

However, since the criteria I need to consider are not organized in individual records, the SUMPRODUCT function did not work.

See the attached work book for details on the test grade data.

Test Data Workbook.xlsx

The workbook also includes a mock-up of the summary and detail I'm trying to create.

My specific questions are on the "Questions" tab.

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Excel 2003 :: Daily Stock Chart AND Random Scatter Chart Data

Jan 14, 2014

I need to plot various data on top of stock charts.

This data could be irregular in date: it could be weekly, or simply random.

To plot this data by itself requires a Scatter Chart.

From what I know so far, you CANNOT DO THIS.

However, I suspect this could be done if I build a Stock Chart from scratch using a Scatter Chart.

Error bars can be used to make the tails, however, I don't know how they built the body bar which has the characteristics of a bar (border, and interior.)

But since I don't really need those two characteristics, I just need a wider error bar line that is provided in the chart edit window. I'm guess through a macro, there are wider line widths assignable.

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Excel 2003 :: Filter Data In Graph / Chart (without Having To Create New Chart)

Dec 29, 2011

I have a spreadsheet created in Excel 2003 (which is what we use at work, unfortunately).

My employees periodically take a test to ensure they have certain items memorized (or are making progress to that end). The spreadsheet rows show all 46 of my employees, and their test scores. The columns are the dates that the tests are administered. I can create a line graph based on the chart data, and interpolate these data with no problems.

The problem is that there are 46 employees! 46 lines on the same graph make for a very cluttered, hard to understand visual. I want to simplify the view by "filtering out" some of the data.

I have an additional column in my spreadsheet for each employee's work area (Area 1, Area 2, etc), and another column with data based on first letter of last name (the values here could be "A-G", "H-M", "N-S" and "T-Z", for example). I figure i could filter my line graph based on these two columns. For example, somehow select just Area 1, and reduce the number of lines on the graph to 16. Or better yet, Choose "Area 2" AND "A-M" and end up with 7 employees (and therefore 7 lines on the graph).

Here's what i have tried:

1) Select the work area column, and use the Filter, which created a drop-down list at the column heading. When i use this drop-down list, i can easily filter the data in the worksheet by Work Area, but this is not reflected in the line graph, which still shows all 46 lines. The problem was that i forgot that i had set the Calculation Options to "Manual". Setting this to "Automatic" (or leaving it on Manual and pressing F9) solved the problem, as the chart now updates when i use the filters. Calculation options are under the "Formula" tab in 2007, or in Tools -> Options -> [either calculation or formula, i forget what it's called] in 2003.

2) Create several separate line graphs in several separate sheets. I wouldn't want to assign someone else the task of maintaining a spreadsheet of such inefficient design.

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Excel 2003 :: Compare Two Dates With Dynamic Operator

Apr 18, 2013

I'm using Excel 2003.

I have a Userform where you can enter a date and select a comparison operator from a combo box. Any one of these (= < <= > >= <>)

In VBA I then load a range into a dictionary object and then loop thru it to compare the dates in the dictionary to the date selected in the userform but I can't get the dates to compare correctly. I think it has something to do with the Evaluate function comparing the dates as strings but I'm not really sure.

For Each strKey In dictValid.Keys()
If Not Evaluate(CDate(dictValid(strKey)) & cboDteOperator.Value & CDate(txtDteSel.Value)) Then

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Excel 2003 :: Dynamic Range For Pivot Table

Jan 21, 2013

How do I create a Named Range that is dynamic (I think using the OFFSET function) that automatically expands and contracts as the rows and columns of my data changes?

Next step, I then want to use that Named Range as the source of the data for a PivotTable.

Yes, I know starting in Excel 2007 you can use Tables and don't need to create a dynamic named range. That is not an option at this time.

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Excel 2003 :: Formatting Chart Data

Jan 18, 2014

I work in a call centre and I record my daily figures. My target is 82%, and I would like a bar chart in Excel 2003 to colour the chart according to wether I hit target or not. If my daily figure >=82% the bar should be green.

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Excel 2003 :: Add Horizontal Line To Stock Chart?

Feb 25, 2011

I am using the the stock chart and I would like there to be a horizontal line across the chart with a y-axis of the opening price. In the end I want this to be in VBA but how to do this manually I should be able to put it in loop of data that will produce many charts with a horizontal line starting at the day opening.

I have tried to add a new series to the chart but I'm using the Candle stick stock chart and the new series comes out as a vertical not horizontal line. I read about using a secondary horizontal axis but all the tutorials I find are in Excel 2003 and they donlt line up well with Excel 2007.

I found this link on charts with horizontal lines but again they are in 2003 and I'm using a candle stick stock chart not a scatter chart. [URL]

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Excel 2003 :: Chart Spanning Too Many Page Goes BLANK When Printed

Jan 29, 2013

First, all charts are complete and visible in Excel, the problem is Printing. This is very hit-and-miss as to how many spanned pages can be printed.

Sometimes I can span over 4 pages, other times I can't do 1.5

The only think I can think of is some kind of memory issue - either Excel, Printer, or Windows. However, that is not obvious either.

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Excel 2003 :: Ignoring Null Values When Plotting Bar Chart?

Jan 21, 2014

I have some data that I'm plotting on a bar chart and I'm trying to "HIDE" the columns with zero or null values. Basically, if the column is blank, I don't want a "gap" on the chart. I'm not getting this to work.

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Excel 2003 :: Pivot Chart Displaying Added Values?

May 31, 2012

I'm using Windows XP with MS Excel 2003. I have a pivot table representing a survey. Let's say I've built the survey outside of excel and I've imported the response data into Excel. One of the questions in the survey is "ratings" and the possible valid responses for it is: "Excellent", "Good", or "Poor". In my data set in excel let's say I have 10 responses or rows and all the responses for the question on ratings are either "Excellent" or "Good". (There are no rows with a "Poor" value in the ratings column).

For example, let's say out of the 10 responses, 6 are "Excellent" and 4 are "Good". As such my Pivot chart shows two bars: one for the number of respones with "Excellent" (10) and another bar for the number of responses with "Good" (4). My delima is how to show a third bar showing "Poor" with a zero as the number of responses.

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Excel 2010 :: Dynamic Line Chart

Jul 12, 2012

I would like to plot the 1st dynamic line chart as shown in [URL] ..... but i never write any excel macro 2010 before, any sample of this?

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Formula: Looks Up A Chart Showing Scores Referenced Against Each Other

Apr 20, 2007

I have a formula that looks up a chart showing scores referenced against each other as shown below. (Scaled down version)
******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - Table Template.xls___Running: 11.0 : OS = Windows Windows 2000 (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutA1B1C1D1E1=
ABCDE12006-2007Altofts JnrsCarleton JnrsEmpire ColtsHemsworth Terriers2Altofts Jnrs- 3Carleton Jnrs12-3-4-0 4Empire Colts - 5Hemsworth Terriers -Results
[HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name box

The problem is when the score is i.e. 12-3 the formula is only looking at 2-3. Hence this actually then shows as a defeat. The formula causing this problen is an array and shown as
Question. How can the formula be changed to reflect scores like 12-3 to be shown as a home win.............

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Excel 2007 :: Dynamic Colors In Line Chart

Dec 9, 2013

I have a line charts with values above and below zero.

Im looking for a way to colour the steps below zero in one colour, and above zero in another colour - without doing it manually.

Using Excel 2007.

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Excel 2003 :: Labeling Horizontal Axis Of XYScatter Chart With Math Division Inverse

Jan 16, 2013

We make many graphs using XYscatter charts with lots of data points using Excel 2003 with the horizontal scale properly scaled as frequency. I have been asked to label that axis in some way as period (=1/frequency) without changing the scaling for the data plot. Is there a suitable way to do this? It would be OK to just change the axis numbers to 1/frequency computed from them automatically. Is Excel 2010 any easier for this?

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Creating Dynamic Range Based On Test?

Feb 14, 2013

I need to do stats for each month within a set of data. Ie take the min for all data in the month of Jan only and repeat for all other months etc. Is there some way I can set up a Min function to only consider the data belonging to jan for example and have it change and only consider Feb, then march.. etc Seems like it would be easy to just do this manually but there is a large timeframe over which data was collected so would take forever.

Have attached sample of data. rainfall.xlsx‎

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Test Selection Values & Graph/Chart

Oct 19, 2007

The user will select a range (example, B4-Z4). The macro needs to test each cell to see if the number is in a certain range (example, is the number in the cell between 21-40, 41-60, 61-80, etc? - these ranges will not always be the same on each worksheet). If the cell is in that certain range, that cell is a 1 for that range. Example,

B4 = 23
21-40 = 1

C4 = 30
21-40 = 2

D4 = 45
41-60 = 1

After all ranges are tested, it will be graphed on a separate worksheet with the x-axis being the ranges (21-40, 41-60) and the y-axis will be the total number of cells that fit in the range. The above would be....................

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Excel 2010 :: Updating Scores For Each Parameter

Apr 5, 2013

I have below format in excel and i will be updating scores for each parameter (column B).

I will be inserting a command/click button and when i click on the button macro should take the name, contact No., scores from column B and paste it in sheet 2 in the same workbook in one row, in the same way when I click the button the scores should be taken from sheet 1 column b and paste one below other row in sheet 2 each time i click on button.

Below is how raw data looks like.

Column A
Column B


Contact Number:


[Code] ..........

Output expected in sheet 2 is as below.

Contact Number:
Parameter A
Parameter B
Parameter C
Parameter D
Total Score


I am using Excel 2010.

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Excel 2010 :: Giving Scores A Numeric Rank

Aug 13, 2014

I have attached an Excel 2010 spreadsheet to show the question.

Essentially, I need to have a formula to indicate the numeric rank of each grade for each student.

I could sort the columns by NAME and SCORE.

However, I would prefer to have a formula that ranks each student's subject grades - some students have multiple numbers that are the same.

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Stop Excel From Converting Football Scores Into Dates

Jan 11, 2009

and im copying and pasting data from a website ( football scores )
and when i get what should be 1-1 it returns 01-jan and this i dont want
i have tried formatting all cells to text beforehand but that makes no difference and i cant put an apostrophe before each one as that would take ages
wondered if anyone could work out some syntax to use as a macro button?
claymation had a go but it doesnt work.

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Excel 2010 :: Finding Data With Tied Maximum Scores

Nov 14, 2012

i have product group,product name and the statistics. I'll use an example of students with score. I have these set of data:

1 Student Name Score Sum
2 Student1 Anna 48 80=Sumif(A:A,A2,C:C)
3 Student1 Anna 32 80
4 Student2 Tom 30 80
5 Student2 Tom 30 80
6 Student2 Tom 20 80
7 Student3 June 55 60
8 Student3 June 1 60
9 Student3 June 4 60

Now we have 2 students with tied highest scores with 80 Scores. Naturally i want the rank to be as follow: Top1 Anna since she has the highest score "48", and Top2 Tom, and Top3 June.

The problem is, the score data can vary and Top3 can probably have the highest score and he still didnt make the highest score collectively. And there will also going to be other situations as well because im working on a very large data set, and not these 3 students.

the max score is tied, and since im making another column with sum scores, the data is going to be redundant, and hopefully theres a formula to ignore this.

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Test Two Cells And Set A Third Cell With Different Values Depending On Test Results

Aug 21, 2013

I am trying to determine Long Term Gain (LTG,) Long Term Loss (LTL,) Short Term Gain (STG,) Short term Loss (STL,) or No Loss nor Gain (NGL)testing two cells (A1 and B1)and setting a third cell (C1) to the text LTG, LTL, STG, STL, or NGL depending on the results of testing cells A1 and B1.

A1 represent a number of years and B1 represent gains or losses (negative)in dolars.

The way I see the logic is as follows:

If cell A1 or cell B1 are either one of them equal to 0, then it is neither a Gain nor a Loss (NGL.)

If cell A1 is greater than or equal to 1, then it is Long Term; else, if A1 is greater than 0 and less than 1, then it is Short Term.

On the other hand, if cell B1 is greater than 0, then it is a Gain; if B1 is less than 0 (a negative number,) then, it is a Loss.

I need to find (if it is posible in Excel) one formula to test the two cells for posible outcomes:

If A1 = 0 then C1 = NGL
If B1 = 0 then C1 = NGL
If A1 >= 1 and B1 > 0 the C1 = LTG.
If A1 >= 1 and B1 < 0 the C1 = LTL.
If A1 < 1 and B1 > 0 then C1 = STG
If A1 < 1 and B1 < 0 then C1 = STL

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Find Top X Scores Out Of 50 Scores?

Aug 17, 2009

There are scores in B1:B10 (10 scores). I want to take the top 8 scores. So I used this formula which works just fine.

=SUM(LARGE(B1:B10,1),LARGE(B1:B10,2),LARGE(B1:B10,3),LARGE(B1:B10,4),LARGE(B1:B10,5),LARGE(B1:B10,6) ,LARGE(B1:B10,7),LARGE(B1:B10,8))

But I'm trying to make the formula a bit more dynamic. Is there anyway to have a set of data in B1:B50 (50 scores will probably be the most) and take the top x scores? X will be set in a separate cell (lets just say A1)?

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Map Scores To Scaled Scores

Feb 13, 2008

I have a raw score for each case. I need to map those raw scores to scale scores. For example, a raw score of 0 to 0.49 maps to a scale score of 120, a raw score of 0.5 to 0.99 maps to a scaled score of 110, etc. There are a total of 13 possible scaled scores (120, 110, 100, ... 20, 10, 0). Is there a way to do this in Excel2003? (Note, if anyone on the list is 'bilingual' (Excel and SPSS), I'm looking for the Excel equivalent of the SPSS command RECODE raw (lo thur .49=120), (.5 thru .99=110), etc. INTO scale.

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VBA Test For Finding Excel Version?

Dec 7, 2008

Is there a way in vba to test to see what version of Excel is being used? My macro would crash if their data would exceed the 65K row limit in Excel 2003. I have a message that pops up if they do that, and it handles the problem just fine, but if they are ALREADY using Excel 2007 (or whatever comes later) I don't want the message to appear.

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Pivot Table With Dynamic, Updatable Chart, But Not A Pivot Chart!

Dec 19, 2008

My boss wants me to design a dynamic, updatable chart in Excel 2003. I initially made a Pivot Chart based on a Pivot Table which worked perfectly, but it doesn't look professional enough when printed (or viewed) and she wants me to approach it a different way.

So, I created a graph based on the data in a Pivot Table, and used dynamic ranges as the source for the graph series so that the chart updates when the criteria fields are changed for the Pivot Table. I then added two combo boxes (ie data validation lists) to the Chart sheet, and wrote VBA code so that whenever the combo box values are changed, the Criteria fields for the Pivot Table on the 2nd sheet are updated accordingly, and this in turn causes the graph to be updated as well.

This solution also worked perfectly, but now I've been told to create the graph without macros.

Does anyone have any suggestions? The requirements/details are as follows:

1. The Pivot Table is on sheet "PIVOT", and the graph is on sheet "GRAPH"
2. The Pivot Table has two criteria - School Name and Year Level
3. On sheet "GRAPH" there are two data-validated fields, School and Year, which only allow the selection of valid Schools and Year Levels

Is there any way to make the Pivot Table update when values are changed in the fields on the CHART sheet so that the chart also updates, but without using code nor a Pivot Chart?

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