Excel 2007 :: Convert Absolute Reference Into Relative Reference
Feb 4, 2014
I have encountered some difficulty in modifying a macro I wrote into what I need. I created a macro that searches a column (Column C) for a cell value of, "stop", and then it copies everything above that cell and pastes it onto another sheet. In the sample data set that I was using, "stop" first occurred in cell C541, so the macro copies C1:C540 and pastes it onto another sheet. The problem is that the macro created an absolute reference to C540. What I desire is for the macro to use the 'Find' function to locate the first occurrence of, "stop", offset one cell above that cell, and then reference the active cell (which was positioned by these last two steps) in the range that should be copied. Basically, I'm hoping to have cells C1 through the active cell copied and then pasted onto another sheet.
Code below.
Sub FAIL()
' FAIL Macro
Selection.Find(What:="stop", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt _
[Code] .......
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Aug 13, 2013
I am migrating a bookkeepping spreadsheet from Quattro v12 (c2001) to Excel 2007 and have hit a stone wall over relative 3-D references.
In this workbook each sheet holds data for one month, and this includes some lagging-12-month calculations -- that is, summing a range on a single cell for the preceding 12 sheets (including this one).
Unexpectedly, this formula:
gives absolute references, even though I put in no dollar signs after the sheet names. This means it gives the wrong answer when copied to the next sheet to start a new month.
I can find no reference at all to converting the above formula from absolute to relative reference.
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Apr 14, 2007
This is what I need to be doing:
Write cell K5 as a relative reference, absolute reference, mixed reference with the row varying, and mixed reference with the column varying.
How do I do that?
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Apr 4, 2014
I have an Excel workbook with multiple worksheets. One of the worksheets has a live data feed for stock updates. I extract data from the live feed (it's in multiple sentences) and pull it into 6 columns. In another worksheet, I pull those 6 columns into the sheet through the use of Index / Match. That second sheet has additional formulas that essentially analyze the data. As the data refreshes, the existing data moves down the column.
What I didn't think about was the fact that at times, a stock may be listed several times because different brokers are offering updates. Because I used Index / Match, it will look for the first match from the top and display that data in the relevant columns. Unfortunately, some of the data needs to stay with the matching row (and stock ticker) but because of the way I wrote the formulas in Index / Match, it just finds the first matching target and displays that data.
I can correct this by using an absolute reference ($) but I can't find a way to "copy down" formulas using absolute references. I also have one column of cells that contain 1 absolute reference and one relative reference.
I'll re-write this manually if I have to but I have 1,800 cells to change.
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Mar 11, 2009
I have a table that displays data from another worksheet. This is what the cell reference behind the table look like:
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Dec 8, 2011
did in [URL] but my issue is complicated by not knowing what cell I need to move the graph to.
I am using Excel 2010 and I am a realitive novice at writing VBA code.
In My spreadsheet, I have a list of properties and some related cost info. From week to week, the number of properties varies. Some days I will have 6 properties and others I could have 100. Because of this, I need to make all of my references relative to other cells. I am having trouble repositioning the graphs that I have created from the data to be 2 cells below the label I have created for the graph (which is a merged cell covering Columns B:I on a row 3 rows below the last property in the report.
So far, I have:
Dim r1 As Range, r2 As Range, GraphRange As Range
Cells(2, 1).Select
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Jul 20, 2014
I have a workbook with 1000+ worksheets, all of which have 3-letter names. On a master sheet, I would like to make a query of how many non-empty cells there are on a subsidiary worksheet. This works:
What I'd like to do from time to time is input in column A a varying set of 3-letter worksheet names, say
And have a formula in column B that converts this to
I've learned that simply substituting the cell references A1, A2, A3 for AAB, ABC and CDE doesn't work. What do I need to do to achieve this?
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Jul 18, 2007
column headers are people in my department spread verticall goin down column A on my lead sheet. I am trying to report metrics for each person in their row.
I am trying to link the metrics for reporting from 5 seperate weekly batch reports that represent 5 tabs within the same workbook.
The problem is that I have the total information for each metic in column H of all 5 tabs, but all metrics for individuals are reported vertically. (H6, H7, H8, H9)
Thus how do I get the following: =SUM('Week 1'!H4)+('Week 2'!H4)+('Week 3'!H4)+('Week 4'!H4)+('Week 5'!H4)
To Equal: =SUM('Week 1'!H5)+('Week 2'!H5)+('Week 3'!H5)+('Week 4'!H5)+('Week 5'!H5) When I copy the formula across the row for each individual
My column to stay constant, but my row to increase by 1 as I fill the formula across my spreadsheet.
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Jun 29, 2013
I am using EXCEL 2007. When I refresh the individual pivot tables, I don't get any error. But when I click on Refresh all Pivot, I get a Reference if not valid error. The source for my pivot is referencing to another workbook. Why is there this error and how can I resolve it?
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Oct 14, 2013
I am using name manager to identify variables in formulas in order that I can be consistent with calculations. The problem is each line item have different variable amounts. In other words if I am calculating cubic yards of concrete I used (Length*Width*Depth)/27. Line Item number one is (100*3*2)/27 based on my dimensions given. Line Item two may be (50*2*1)/27 based on different dimensions. The Name Manager has Length, Depth, etc. as absolute references. What I am trying to do is copy each formula down the sheet but each time I do the new line item always calculates from the reference cell in absolute mode. Is there a way to copy this formula all the way down the sheet so it will pick up the different dimensions keyed in each time using the Namae Manager Variables set up?
Line 1 (100 x 3 x 2)/27 = 22.22 Cubic Yards
Line 2 (50 x 3 x 1)/27 = 5.55 Cubic Yards
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Jun 1, 2006
explain with an example.
Cell A1 =A2/MAX(A2:A5)
Cell A2 1
Cell A3 2
Cell A4 3
Cell A5 4
Cell A1 is 0.25 right? Right. Now insert a cell (or row) between cell A1 and A2. Then cell A1 changes to =A3/MAX(A3:A6). I don't want this to change. I still want to formula in A! to be =A2/MAX(A2:A5). I've tried using the "$" absolute character and I've tried using the absolute reference in the R1C1 reference style both to no avail.
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Jul 13, 2009
Is there any way to check a worksheet/workbook to ensure that all formulas contain absolute references?
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Jan 30, 2014
I know how to turn a column reference in a structured data table into an absolute reference:
=Table1[A] becomes =Table1[[A]:[A]]
However, how to make a cell reference, like this one, absolute to that it still locks on this row, column A when I drag it across. I don't want to use copy & paste, as I have other cell references that i need to leave dynamic.
=Table1[[#This Row],[A]]
I've seen that @ can lock rows, but I don't seem to be able to lock an individual cell.
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Mar 30, 2014
I am taking an online computer class and when i enter a formula (=c5/c11) and then press f4, to make the cell c11 absolute, this does not work. Instead it brings me the "Project" right side mini screen. Is there a way to program the f4 key to return absolute results?
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Dec 6, 2006
How do I copy an absolute cell reference from say a1 to a2 -100 so that the row reference increments with each row. Without the absolute cell reference '$' it works Ok. But with it every cell is the same as a1?
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Dec 1, 2006
I have written some VBA code that is functional, but yields a formula that is somewhat confusing to the user.
I have two string variables called TippityTop and Anchor, both of which refer to specific cell addresses in the R1C1 style.
I attempted to define other variables that reference cells that are offset from TippityTop and Anchor without using the ActiveCell route. Try as I might, I could not produce the cell addresses that I wanted these new variables to reference.
I consulted many Excel Help screens and referred to a book on Excel VBA, but I finally took another route.
I now have:
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _
"=IF(AND(ISNA(MATCH(RC[-2],OFFSET(" & TippityTop & ",1,-2):OFFSET(" & Anchor & ",-2,-2),0)>0),ROUND(RC[-1],2)0),""DOV not in Treasury"","""")"
The problem is that this code yields this formula in Excel:
=IF(AND(ISNA(MATCH(L587,OFFSET($H$585,1,-2):OFFSET($H$798,-2,-2),0)>0),ROUND(M587,2)0),"DOV not in Treasury","")
Rather than OFFSET($H$585,1,-2):OFFSET($H$798,-2,-2), I would like the formula to say F586:F796, so that the end user can easily understand the logic.
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Mar 13, 2007
I'm trying to create a user defined function to drop into dblookup functions that will always reference the first cell in an associated column and the first cell in the row of an associated column.
I came up with the following, however the problem is that the udf always returns the values for the active cell's, row and columns.
Function SRCref2()
myfield1 = ActiveCell.Column
Dim1 = Columns(myfield1).Range("a1").Value
SRCref2 = Dim1
End Function
Function SRCref3()
myfield2 = ActiveCell.Row
Dim2 = Rows(myfield2).Range("a1").Value
SRCref3 = Dim2
End Function
I would nest these in a formula such as "=srcsum(srcref2(), srcref3())".
Ideally I could then use this same funtion anywhere instead of having to use and worry about the accuracy of "=srcsum($a$2,$b$1)"."=srcsum($a$3,$b$1)"."=srcsum($a$4,$b$5)".etc.
It seems like there should be a current cell method or something but I can't find it and I'm not smart enough it seems to use vb to designate some kind of floating intersect as a base for a row and column reference.
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May 18, 2007
I have a number in cell A2. I have hundreds of numbers (dividends) spanning across row 1. I want that number in A2 to be the divisor in my formular all across row 2.
In cell B2... if I type the formula "=B1/A2" i get the quotient I want. If I copy and paste this formula into cell C2 the divisor changes as well as the dividend. How can I "copy and paste" this so that the divisor stays the same and only the dividend is variable.
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Aug 26, 2010
Here is my situation:
I created one worksheet called: Assumptions. In this worksheet I have 6 different columns representing 6 different cases.
I have completed the first case in a different worksheet called: WL. I would like to copy this case/worksheet WL and be able to change all the reference cells used in case#1: WL to case#2: FA. So all the cells used in my Assumptions worksheet were in the B columns for case 1: WL, for case 2: FA they will all be in the C column, same row, different column.
Any quick way to do the changes?
My case #1 worksheet as over 10 000 formulas, I really don't want to change each and every formula.
I was thinking there was a way to highlight ALL the reference cells used in my Assumption worksheet, so I would have had to drag from B to C cells, only 50 cells. But I can't find it.
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Feb 8, 2011
I am running EXCEL 2007 on XP. What is the EXCEL cell formula to put in a cell (for example"E5") that will reference the "last" occurrence of a specific text string in column A (For example Chard ) but will show its corresponding column B content (for example its PH number 3.45) regardless of the number of data entries that will be inputted in the future for both column A and B.
4Cab 3.44
5Merlot3.38 xxx
8Cab 3.41
9 Merlot3.33
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Sep 6, 2009
How to change from absolute references to relative references.
Example :
ws.Range("G" & NextRow).Formula = "=" & Range("H" & NextRow).Address & "+" & ws.Range("I" & NextRow).Address
This code return the absolute references---> =$H$365+$I$365
, and i want change to relative references, like this ---> =H365+I365
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Jul 12, 2013
I have a workbook with many tabs and within those tabs there are many hyperlinks to other areas within the same workbook. When I add or delete lines or rows, the corresponding hyperlinks do not stay with the changed cell. Is there any way to make the cell reference in a hyperlink an absolute similar to how you do with a formula?
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Jan 14, 2009
I'm creating a chart that will show a running average of a set of values. First column has the values and the second is a running average. Here's my sample data:
My formula for the second column is as follows, =AVERAGE($G$1:G1), =AVERAGE($G$1:G2)... and so on.'
My problem is when I try to run the same formula on a different worksheet to put on the current worksheet, I get an error from Excel that the formula is invalid. Here's the formula I use, =AVERAGE('Team Stats'!$A$I1:AI1), =AVERAGE('Team Stats'!$A$I1:AI2), ...
Is this a bug with Excel? Is the format wrong? I've tried just using the function wizard and it tells me that the absolute reference is invalid.
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Feb 17, 2009
I have a spreadsheet that gets updated from the top. Is there any way for me to mod my formulae so that they always begin with the topmost cell (row 2 in this case, and in many columns) but still extend downward?
More practical example:
I have an Average formula in column X which (at the moment) averages X2:X75. I would like, even when adding new rows at the top (in the row 2 position) the forumla to not need to be manually extended with every new entry. So, if I add three more entrie4s, it will then average X2:X78. I tried all manner of absolutes.
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Mar 24, 2007
I've been testing the countif function and for some reason it isn't working for me.
I have the following text in cells A1:A3
I have the following text in cells C1:C3
I put the following formula in B1 and copied down into B2 and B3.
It is meant to count how many of each fruit in A1:A3 is also in C1:C3.
The banana is the only one that is in both lists so the formula in B2 should return 1.
But all three formula's return zero.
If I change the range in the countif formula to relative it works. eg., =COUNTIF(C1:C3,A1)
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Mar 17, 2009
I'm having a problem with named ranges in a chart. I'm using Excel 2007 in Windows XP.
I have a line graph with twenty different series all using dynamic ranges. I created each series individually, typing the name and then the dynamic range I had previously defined. As far as I am aware, Excel demands when writing the reference that you specify which sheet/workbook this named range is from, so, given the scopes of my ranges are all 'workbook', I added the name of the workbook to the references.
Series name:
Series values:
='workbook name'!range1
This seems to work fine, but when I save and then re-open the file, the dynamic ranges no longer work. If I go to Select Data and look at the reference for a series, it has been changed thus:
Series values:
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Feb 13, 2012
I am having trouble making any formula references between 2 different workbooks.
For example, I being typing out my VLOOKUP function on 1 sheet, as soon as I get the table argument, I switch over to the other workbook in which the table is, and I no longer have the VLOOPKUP function active.
I am having this problem for any formula in which I am trying to reference this workbook.
I have ensured they are both saved as Excel workbook documents. I am using Excel 2007
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Mar 27, 2012
I am trying to do some basic VBA in my spreadheet, I just want to create an auto-open statement that inputs then next sequential number in column A1 every time the s/s is opened i.e.1,2,3,4 .....
I am using excel 2007 and my knowledge is very limited. I used a code:
Range("A1") = Format(Range("A65536"), "YYYYMMDD") & Right(Range("A1"), 3) + 1
End Sub
(the first time you open the file you would need to add the first entry '20021122001)
But this does not work and I get a compile error when run thru debugger.
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Nov 18, 2012
I have a set of sales data and need to create a run rate which is simply = Total Sales/Selling Day
Selling day changes most days.
I put the calculation into my pivot data but it's summing up, (instead on 12 I get 720) so I changed this to Average so I get the right figure in the Pivot but when I then use this field, it doesn't use the Average amount, it uses the summed figure.
So what I need is Total Sales/X
X = Cell Reference
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Jun 18, 2014
I have read meanwhile dozends of articles and comments about absolute and relative cell references.
But I found nowhere an example on how to make a the column part of a cell reference variable and the row absolute.
a valid expression?
In opposite to $K10 is must work this way
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