Excel 2010 :: Pivot Table Dropdown Filter Hiding Items?

Dec 22, 2011

In the coming months the company i work for will be transferring from Excel 2003 to Excel 2010 (i know, a little late......) and now i am testing some things at home.

We deliver lots of Excel reports to our clients where we are using Pivot tables. In excel 2003 we where able to hide items from the dropdowns using properties - hide items but when i now open an excel 2003 file in excel 2010 and want to filter the pivot table to (let's say) another month i see all my hidden items.

Is there an option in excel 2010 to hide items like i could do in 2003? (either regular option or VBA)

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Excel 2010 :: Pivot Table Dropdown Filter Limited To Records?

Aug 12, 2010

In Excel 2010; the pivot Tables drop down filter is limited to 10,000 records. if more than 10,000 are available then a message saying "Not all items showing" is displayed at the bottom of the list.

Clickin on the message would display a window saying: "This field has more than 10,000 items under one or more parent items. Only the first 10,000 items are displayed under each parent item."

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Excel 2010 :: Hiding Rows In Pivot Table With Specific Value Range?

Jan 20, 2014

I am using a pivot table in excel 2010. 15 columns (fixed) and plenty of dive downs for rows.

I am trying to 'hide' all of the rows containing values less than 10. If it is easier we can start with hiding values of zero and go from there.

It is key to hide the rows as within the dive downs the rows within the pivot are to many to sort through. If there is a way to do this using the grand total columns for each row that would work as well. Just to be clear I need to hide the entire row not just report the empty cells as zeros. If any further detail is needed feel free to ask.

For example: If value of column O "Grand Total" = 0 'hide rows with value 0' ELSE 'display rows with value greater than 0'

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Excel 2013 :: Missing Items From Pivot Table Filter List?

Apr 1, 2014

Using Excel 2013,

I clicked on a field in my RowLabels

I then clicked on the Filter Arrow for the RowField

The SelectedField prompted with the correct field of 4 possible fields

However the item I am looking for is not in the list but I can plainly see it on the screen.

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Excel 2010 :: Pivot Table Filter Query

Feb 21, 2012

I have created a pivot table in Excel 2010 that lists amounts used of particular items each month. Inside the pivot table value field settings i have changed the show values as field so that it displays the difference in usage from this month to last.

However if i now select a top 10 filter it only filters by the total number used as opposed to the difference in usage from one month to the next (which is the values displayed).

Is there a way that i can filter by top 10 by the actual values displayed in the pivot chart and not just the underlying data that creates it?

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Excel 2010 :: Macro To Select Latest Date In Dropdown Box Of Pivot Table?

May 9, 2013

I am trying to create a macro using the recorder that will select the latest date in a drop down list. The dates upate each day in the pivot table after the table is earlier refreshed. Using the recorder simply picks the same date each time. I want it to select the latest date. Am using Excel 2010 and have some very limited experience in vba for editing macros.

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Excel 2010 :: Pivot Table Add Calculated Field Based On Certain Text In Report Filter

May 29, 2014

Any way to create a calculated field in an Excel 2010 pivot table that will find all the Transaction Types (Report Filter) with "transportation" in them and make the field Quantity 0 and leave all other quantities the same? I do not want the quantity of transportation added in twice and may not have the flexibility of adding a column to the raw data.

I used the formula below in a calculated field and it does not match the values using the added column to the data file.

=IF(ISERROR(SEARCH("*transportation*",'Transaction Type')),Quantity, 0)

I am trying to get the sum of Quantity field to equal the AdjQuantity field using a calculated Pivot field and not add a new column to the data.

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Excel 2010 :: Changing Pivot Table Report Filter Via VBA With Named Range Or Array

Jul 21, 2011

I have a set of four pivot tables on a sheet that I need to programmatically change a Report Filter (Page Field) so I can create sets of reports in an automated fashion. This will be the first step in that process. The change will involve choosing > 1 Role each time the code loops through based on Named Ranges I've defined that are associated with that Role.

My code thus far:

Sub TestCode()
Dim pt As PivotTable
Dim pf As PivotField
Dim pi As PivotItem


emm_dc_gsr is one of many Named Ranges that will contain a variable number of elements. Just using the one right now to see if I can get the code to work, I'll eventually make another Named Range/Array of all them so I can loop through each Report ("ReportPick").

I want the Report Filter to consult that Named Range for its values and apply those values to PivotField "Role" that is used as a Report Filter.

When running this code above, I get a "Role" Field that says "All" but no values (the table is completely blank), with no evidence as to why it'd be blank (all filters in every Report, Column and Row are working normally and are filled in). When I choose a value manually after the code is run, the pivot table values populate. Do I need to somehow index the Named Range in that loop? I'm just confused about this step right here:

For Each pi In pf.PivotItems
If pi.Value = RolePick Then
pi.Visible = True
Else: pi.Value = False

When I've run other versions of the code, I've gotten an array version of it to "work" using LBound and UBound, but it never chooses the right two values even though those are verified as stored in the array via a pass-through. It chooses the first few values in the Report Filter.

Here's the corresponding code for that:

For i = LBound(myArray) To UBound(myArray)
pf.PivotItems(i).Name = myArray(i, 1).Value
pf.PivotItems(i).Visible = True

I do not care if I use an array or a Named Range. I just want something that is simple and works. Passing the values directly from the named range seems easiest to my brain, but I'm open to anything and I'm clearly missing something (probably silly).

I also have no idea why " .AutoSort xlManual, .SourceName, .EnableMultiplePageItems" is necessary though every piece of sample code I've seen seems to have some variation of it.

(Using Excel 2010, Windows 7.)

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Filter First X Items Of Pivot Table?

Oct 26, 2013

I've created a PivotTable using VBA that contains hundreds of PivotItems, which would look bad when a PivotChart is made.

I'd like to set the PivotTable to make visible only the first X items (let's say 10). How would I do this in VBA?The macro recorder gives me the name of the PivotItem, but this varies so I'd like to use an index:

ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable4").PivotFields("UWI").PivotItems("Item1").Visible = False
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable4").PivotFields("UWI").PivotItems("Item2").Visible = False

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Excel 2010 :: Hiding Rows Based On Dropdown

Mar 6, 2013

I am currently working on a workbook for work. It is a basic input output sheet. I have data from work that i copy and paste into sheet 1 and I have it arranged into sheet 2.

I am using windows 7 with Excel 2010, though needs to be compatible with 2007 using XP.

What I am trying to implement. I would have a drop down box in cell AD-4 with the current list

Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4

What I want to implement is a code that if I select "week 1" from drop down then it will hide the entire row if data in column B = week 2, week 3, week 4, week 6


If week 2 is selected then hide entire row if column b = week 3 , week 4, week 5

so basically hide the weeks that are after the current selected week.

In addition to this I would also like to hide the entire row, regardless of drop down selection if data from J, K and O all = 0 or (blank).

(the first row is the current Row labels, I have a lot of current hidden columns).


Supervisor Name
Agent Name
Needs Complete
Completed w/o Turn in
Needs Turn In

[Code] ........

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Select And Unselect Items In A Filter In Pivot Table

Dec 30, 2009

I am looking for a way in VB to select and unselect items in the list for filters generated in a pivot table.item list. Ho do I do that?

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Filter Pivot Table Dropdown According To Selection

May 6, 2007

How to filter one of the Pivot Table Combobox, according to selection of another Pivot Table Combobox?

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Pivot Table - Grouping Items (Date) In Report Filter?

Nov 11, 2013

I have a pivot table with the following items;

Report Filter = Project Names & Dates (filtered on 2 fields)

then the pivot table of data shows
Dept, Sum of Hours, Sum of Total ($), Sum of Days

When you click on the drop down to adjust the filter for the Date it gives you the whole list of dates, day by day as it is in the source data.

Is there a way to make it in the filter by month and year, the way it would in an ordinary filter. So if I wanted to have the pivot table show only the values with an October date I can, rather than having to deselect all and then individually check the boxes for the 1st through to the 31st of October.?

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Controlling Date Filter On Pivot Table With Dropdown

Apr 22, 2014

I have a table with business data such as units sold, revenue etc. entered by date (1/1/14, 1/2/14...) for 4 different business units. I have this data summarized in a pivot table. The pivot table is set up with the date filter as a row label. I would like to have a consolidated report on another worksheet with a drop down menu being used to control the date filter on my pivot table.

The following items would be on the drop down:

Yesterday, Month to Date, Quarter 1, Quarter 2, Quarter 3, Quarter 4 and Year to Date.

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List Box To Select Multiple Items In Report Filter Of Pivot Table?

Jun 19, 2013

I'm trying to use a List Box to select multiple items on my Pivot Table but I can't seem to get it to work. Its the Report Filter part of the pivot table.

When the list Box is set to fmMultiSelectSingle it work and selects the indivdual items, but I need it set as fmMultiSelectMulti for if i'm also needed to select multiple items. (which doesn't seem to work!)

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Excel 2010 :: Pivot Table Reference Is Not Valid When Moving Data And Pivot Table Together?

Mar 19, 2013

On a worksheet, I created:

- a list of data
- a pivottable based on these data

When moving this worksheet this worksheet to another workbook, the pivot table can't refresh anymore. This throws an error message "Reference is not valid". To work around this problem I need to adapt the datasource. The same occurs if the list and the pivot table are on separate sheet, with the added strange behaviour that, when data an PT are split, it is not possible to move both sheet together.

This would not be a big issue if my problem had to be solved manually. The real problem is that I need to move the sheets from a C# program.

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Excel 2010 :: Sorting / Filter Dropdown?

Mar 25, 2014

I'm trying to add a sorting filter dropdown on some columns in a sheet. If I select the column, then use Data -> Filter, it adds the filter. on that column. But then, if I select another column, the "Filter" button in the tool menu is already selected, even though there is no filter for that column. If I click it, the filter on the other column disappears. Then, clicking it again adds a filter for every single column. It seems I'm not able to select f.ex. 3 different columns and add a filter to only those. It's either all or none. Is this how it's supposed to work?

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Excel 2010 :: Report Filter For Pivot Not Working With VBA?

Apr 5, 2013

I have a pivot table that I want to update via VBA based on dates user inputs on an input tab. (Want to use the Between function)

The Date field is in the Report Filter section (as I don't want it in the row or column area), but when I click on the dropdown arrow, I don't get any option to filter the date at all. I've double checked that the dates in my datasource are formatted for a pivot table, but that doesn't seem to be the issue.

When I use code I've found on this and other sites, it also doesn't work. When I run it, I get the following error at the "If Date DateValue(PI.Name) < StartDate Or DateValue(PI.Name) > EndDate Then..." line

Error Message: Unable to set the Visable Property of the Pivot Item Class

Sub Test()
Const StartDate As Date = #1/15/2013#
Const EndDate As Date = #2/13/2013#


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Hiding Pivot Items

Apr 20, 2007

I would like to program to hide pivot items given certain conditions. For example, automatically show items between range 10 to 20, hide all others.

Secondly, I would like to show the top and bottom 10. The autoshow function can only list top 10 or bottom 10. I need to do both at the same time.

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Excel 2010 :: (VBA) Pivot Table And Pivot Cache?

Mar 13, 2014

My macro is designed to look at a summary source tab and create a new tab for each unique project number. It then creates a pivot table from five different source detail tabs and filters on the project number. If a tab already exists it selects the tab and moves on to the next project number. There are six pivot tables created for every project.

New data is added each month to the source tabs and I have a macro to delete all pivot tables and the macro will recreate the pivot tables when ran again.

Issue: Running out of resources At work I'm limited to the use of Excel 2010 (32bit) so I'm restricted on 2GB of memory. At home I ran the file successfully (64bit) and it was around 3GB of memory.

My macro creates a new pivot cache for every pivot table where as I'm trying to only use 6 pivot caches in my coding. I kill it half way through and it's around 100+ caches causing unnecessary usage of memory.

Fix / Solution:

Correctly code the vba to only create six caches and code the rest the pivot tables to use that cache.The only difference in the Pivot Tables is that it’s sorted on the Project Number.


Dim VBAPPPC As PivotCache
Dim VBAAPPC As PivotCache
Dim VBAPRPC As PivotCache
Dim VBAEXPC As PivotCache
Dim VBAMJPC As PivotCache
Dim VBAIVPC As PivotCache
Dim VBAPT As PivotTable


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Excel 2007 :: Extracting All Unique Items From Pivot Table

Feb 20, 2012

I am looking for a way to extract all of the unique items in a Pivot Table. For example, I have a Pivot Table that has category A items and category B items. There may be several B items to one A. For example:


Now, what I need is a list that looks like this:

A0 - B1
A0 - B2
A0 - B3
A1 - B3
A1 - B4
A1 - B5

Formatted so that those are two columns. However, in Excel 2007, I cannot set the option to have it repeat the A series items in the Pivot table. Is there some easier way to do this?

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Excel 2010 :: Create Sheet With Table From Pivot Table?

Apr 26, 2012

Recently, the boss showed me a Pivot table & chart, which consists of a list of about 30 user names in the first column. The row headings were the different items they purchased from a vending machine. & when he clicked on any name in the first column, this created a new sheet, renamed with users name, with a small table of results showing what that person purchased.

Problem is, none of us can figure out how to do this. I have created a new Pivot table & chart exactly like the original, but I cannot get the smaller sheet to generate. (Excel 2010)

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Excel 2007 :: Value Filter In Pivot Table

Oct 9, 2008

I have a pivot table in Office 2007. I want to filter the last column such that the values in the data area are greater than a certain number. But all those filter options are grayed out. The only option available (and working) is to select the top n entries. So clearly a reference into the data field to filter a column works, but why not by value?

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Excel 2010 :: Filter Table Into Smaller Tables?

Jan 4, 2014

I have a table that contains all my data and would like to filter it by company into their own tables that will stay up to date with the main table and then hopefully somehow calculate their investment returns (future stage). I thought Microsoft Query would work but I came across a problem see my other post MS Query returning data to excel some columns I cant sum looks like text

Excel 2010

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Excel 2007 :: How To Filter Values In Pivot Table

May 31, 2013

In Excel 2007 is it possible to filter the "Values" in a Pivot Table?

I am tracking the Gross weight of shipping containers. My table sums the weight of all items in a container by container number. So my rows are 9 digit container numbers and my data values is a Sum of part weights. I want to be able to filter out containers above a certain weight.

for example:

Row Labels Sum of Gross Wt. - Lbs

I know I can simply copy and paste into a new tab and sort it there, but I'd like to be able to do it internal to the pivot table if that is possible.

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Excel 2011 :: Display Filter Values In Pivot Table

Jan 17, 2014

I have a pivot table which has a report filter. The report filter can have anywhere from 20 to 350 values. The user will be able to select multiple values from the listing to produce the table as needed. I would like to be able to display what values were selected in the report filter so that the user can see this information once the pivot table is rendered. Is there any way to display this information either above below or along side of the table itself?

I am using Excel 2011 for Mac, but I also have access to Excel 2011 for Windows. Either way will work. I have been able to get quite a bit of what works on Windows to work with the Mac.

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Excel 2011 :: How To Filter Pivot Table With Multiple Values On Mac

Apr 17, 2014

I'm on Mac using Excel 2011. This means I don't have "slicers", which is all my Googling kept turning up.

I have a pivot table with 4 different value columns, and I want to be able to filter it the same way you would a normal table - i.e. remove everything below a specific number in one column, and filter for only specific strings in another column, etc.

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Excel 2013 :: Filter Pivot Table Keeping The Row Total

Jun 5, 2014

I have a pivot table like the one below.

What I would like to do is filter the drill down keeping the total of the products (in bold) and showing just one of the name (just ENTA for Example).

Basically I would like to add a filter that Hide some of the data keeping the row total.

I'm Using Excel 2013.

Sell out 4 weeks
Stock Units
Avg 4 weeks
Wks of stock



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Excel 2010 :: Pivot Table Grouping

Apr 28, 2014

I had a workbook in Excel 2003 that i just moved to 2010. In the 2003 file I had 2 pivot tables, one each on a worksheet, looking at the same data, just grouped differently. One yearly, one quarterly.

Now in the 2010 workbook whenever I change the grouping on pivot table, the other one changes also. It's like they are linked together or something.

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Excel 2010 :: Filtering Pivot Table?

Sep 13, 2012

I have a pivot table in 2010- is there a way to filter the data using an external reference from the pivot table? I'd like to put the value in another cell and have the pivot update automatically when I type a new value in that cell.

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