Excel 2010 :: Using Macro To Open Network File

Jan 5, 2014

I am an extreme novice to using macros.

I used the 'record macro' feature to create the following: I created a rectangle box on sheet1 of NEW TEST.xlsm to link to the macros incidated below. Niether macro moves on after reaching the Workbooks.Open statement.

I am at a loss. Is there something in Excel that needs to be set? Is there something else that I need to do version of Excel is 14.0.6129.5000 (32 bit) MS Office Professional Plus 2010

What I am trying to accomplish is this: From 'NEW TEST.xlsm', open an excel file on the network, add a new sheet to this network file, calling it 'Pivot'. Then create a pivot table in this new sheet from the data in sheet data1 of this same network file. Then move control of macro / processing back to the NEW TEST file. Eventually I will do more, but for starters, I cannot even get the macro to add / name a new sheet in the network file.

[SIZE=3][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]PS I have attached the NEW TEST.xlsm fikle as we as the data file. NOTE: the data file has been reduced to one day's worth of data, to to the upload file size.Also, my Excel Trustred locations has "Allow trusted locations on my network" checked, and the network location to the data file in trusted user locations.


Sub Open_Add_Sheet()
Dim filename, filelocation As String
Dim wb As Workbook
filename = "11 Nov, 2013 GDO AHS Agent Productivity Report.xls"
filelocation = "R:acharukAHS ReportsGDOGDO CSR ACTIVITY Report2013" & filename
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(filelocation) '
' Open_Add_Sheet Macro


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Excel 2013 :: VBA Function To Get Username Of Open File On Network?

Aug 21, 2013

getting the username of an unshared file on network. When I click on file I'll get this message "...already open by " its blank.

I have found 1 code but it is not working on office 2013. VBA function to get username of open file on network?

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Excel 2010 :: Saving File To Network Drive - Amend Date

Jan 29, 2014

I am currently creating a simple macro to save out files to a specific folder on one of our network drives. Since we will be doing this often I would like to amend the date the the file name saved for sorting/organizational purposes.

Unfortunately I have been running into a few issues, this is what I have tried so far but keep getting a SaveAs error:

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="vosinsharedClient Implementation TeamDC Tools" &
"Copy DC Conversion WB_2014 " & Format(Date, "yyyymmdd") & ".xlsx", FileFormat:=xlNormal

I have also tried:

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="vosinsharedClient Implementation Team
DC ToolsCopy DC Conversion WB.2014_" & _
Format(Now(), "YYYYMMDDhhmmss") & ".xlsx", FileFormat:=56

But still no avail. I believe it may have something to do with the file format but I am not sure. I am running Excel 2010.

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Excel 2010 :: Macro To Open XLSM File Based On Latest Date Found In Filename

Feb 11, 2013

I'm on excel 2010 and I have a small group excel files I open everyday. Most of the files are static in name and location. I've got a macro created to open those files, which works fine with workbooks.open and the file path.

There are two report files I want to incorporate into my macro of workbooks to open. The files are created weekly and the files names have the following format: "Report Name (YYYY-MM-DD).xlsm". I don't want to use the file's last modified date because older files may get edited after the more recent ones are created. The files are also not always created on the same day, so the solution needs to be flexible enough to not refer to a specific day of the week or anything.

Macro open an excel file based on the latest date found in filename.

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Is File Open On Network

Jun 28, 2007

when I open a file, called "A", I want it to automatically open another file, which is shared on the network, called "B". I've tried using the "IsFileOpen" routine and a few other sets of code that I've found on the internet but none of them solve my problem.

If "B" isn't open on any computer and I open "A", there is no problem, and if "B" is already open on my computer when I open "A" again, there is no problem, but if "B" isn't open on my computer and is open on somebody else computer, "B" won't open on mine when I open "A", the code assumes that because "B" is open on someone elses computer, "B" is already open on mine.

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Is File Open Over Network

Sep 6, 2007

I want to be able to check when workbook opens if a particular Excel file is open or not by having a true or false in a cell. This works fine if I have it open on same computer, but if I log on to another computer over a network and run same workbook it won't pick up if file open or not. I have tried various ways from this forum for file paths over network including eg. C:file or '\path on networkfile or N:pathlocfile etc. Nothing apears to work. If I check to see if file open from a different computer than the one the file is open on I receive standard message file already in use etc.

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How To Open Xls File In A Network Drive

Dec 1, 2009

If you don't know what the drive letter will be, because on other people's computer it could be different than what you have.

I only have the folder address


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Excel 2010 :: VBA To Open File From Outlook?

Jan 30, 2014

I have emails come in daily to my outlook 2010 as an excel attachment, is there a way to open these attachement in excel by running a macro?

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Excel 2010 :: Hyperlink With IF Statement - Cannot Open Specified File

Aug 30, 2012

I Have a CheckBox Thats Linked with CA22

In Cell CB22 I have the Following Formula:


In Cell CC22 I Have...

=IF(CB22="1","RM-4E ADD1",HYPERLINK('RM-4E (Add - 1) (2)'!A1,"RM-4E ADD1"))

The Sheet namne its supposed to Hyperlink to is called

RM-4E (Add - 1) (2)

When the Check Box is Unchecked it Changes CA22 to False and Puts in CC22 Text: RM-4E ADD1

When the Check Box is Checked it CHanges CA22 to TRUE and is supposed to create a Hyperlink to that sheet...Only when i click it it comes back with

'Cannot open the specified file."

I even went as far as typing out the Word Hyperlink( clicked the sheet and selected Cell A1 on that sheet but it still comes back with the error!

Excel 2010

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Excel 2010 :: Save Open File Location?

Nov 26, 2012

I just got a new computer and upgraded to Excel 2010 and Windows 7. When I try to open a workbook in Excel 2010, my saved file paths on the left side of the screen are gone. I want to put them back in there.

In Excel 2007 running Windows XP, I would just right click in the left side menu and click "add" and now that's no longer an option.

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Excel 2010 :: How To Find And Select (not Open) A File In Explorer Using VBA

Dec 11, 2013

Two months ago our employer seriously limited the size of our mailboxes. We are "forced" to store emails as msg files on our network. PST archives are not allowed. This naturally sucks, as in Explorer you only have the file names and dates to look for that one particular email amongst hundreds (thousands) of msg files. I was able to compose a program in Excel 2010 that generates a list of msg files from a selected folder, together with metadata (sender, receiver, etc.) and so on.

In a test the program worked fine with 6,710 msg files I could post the code here, but the comments and many of the variable names are in Dutch (I never expected it to work in the first place). There is one thing I would like to add to the program. Sometimes I want to add an email to a new email as an attachment. Nowadays I have to look for the right msg file in Explorer by hand, which is a pitty, because I have the paths and filenames in my worksheet. I can put that in a string variable and let VBA do the looking up.

But I don't know how. I would like to be able to let VBA look for the file in Explorer, select it and then stop. I could then drag and drop the selected msg file in my new email. But all my attempts to find example code end up with code that enables a user to select a file and immediately open it. That is one step too far for me. If the msg file is opened, I cannot add it to a new email as an attachment anymore.

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Excel 2010 :: Open Text Files In 65536 Row File Instead Of 1048576?

Apr 22, 2013

Is there a way to open a text file from Excel 2010 and specify that I want it in .xls format?

I am working in compatibility mode, and expected that when I opened a text file from code within an xls file, the text file would have 65,536 rows, but it has 1,048,576. This causes a problem when we try to copy the sheet with the data from the text file, and insert the sheet into our xls workbook. See code below. The error is: Run-time error '1004': Excel cannot insert the sheets into the destination workbook, because it contains fewer rows and columns than the source workbook..

I know I can get the data other ways (such as copying and pasting only the cells containing data) but I was hoping to make minimal changes to the code below as I will have to make it across several templates. Specifically, I was hoping that there was a qualifier I could add to the Workbooks.OpenText statement after "Tab:=True" - Perhaps something about opening the text file in File Format 56. However I have not been able to find out how to do that.

.....FileToOpen = Application.GetOpenFilename("All Files (*.*),*.*,GeoTAC Files (*.ctf),*.ctf, ­_
Text Files (*.txt),*.txt,Excel Files (*.xls),*.xls", 1, , , False)
Workbooks.OpenText Filename:=FileToOpen, _


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Open Network Location Macro

Aug 10, 2007

In my macro I need to open to paths. the 1st path I I have working. Here is the

Dim OpenA As Workbook, OpenB As Workbook
Dim TheFile As String
Dim TheFile2 As String

ChDrive "H:"
ChDir "H:Treasury Project"

TheFile = Application. GetOpenFilename("Excel Files (*.xls), *.xls", , "Select the file and choose open.")
If TheFile = "False" Then
Exit Sub
End If ...............

The "????" are where I don't know what to do. I used a test path to make sure all code works and it does, but the real path is a network location. When I go to it manually with excel this is where it shows me to have gone: My Net Work Places, Entire Network, Microsoft Windows Network, Company2, datawhse, root, LAW81, Lawson, Print, Name. If I open a file and do =cell("filename") it gives me \datawhse
ootLAW81LAWSONprintNameanrvwfins111thSSFRPMOEDTL.csv. Is it possible to get excel to open me up to ...\datawhse ootLAW81LAWSONprintName.

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Excel 2010 :: Find Out Permissions On Set Of Folders On Company Network?

Apr 30, 2014

I have been tasked with trying to find out the permissions on a set of folders on a company network. I know write vba code to manipulate a excel spreadsheet without any problems, but it is when i'm using objects that it starts to go beyond my capability. whilst searching i found this code:

Sub test1()
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8
Const FullAccessMask = 2032127, ModifyAccessMask = 1245631, WriteAccessMask = 118009
Const ROAccessMask = 1179817


It does a perfect job but puts the data into an html file. i managed to get it to input the data into the spreadsheet as well but i would like to clean this code up so that it is not producing another file (namely the text file or the html file) and just put the results into the excel file I have entered the module into.

I did start to remove the references to any file name, but that is where i run into trouble and it wouldn't run any more due to object not found.

I'm on Win 7 using Office 2010

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Excel 2010 :: Opening Shared Workbook On Network Drive - Set Permissions?

Aug 20, 2013

I currently have a password secured excel file on my departs Q drive, which everyone can access unfortunately only 1 person can edit at a time. I tried to turn it into a workbook so we could all edit it at the same time but now some of the other users can't access the file at our other buildings throughout the county. This is for excel 2010. And I did select the share workbook, and allow multiple users to edit box. everything else is unchanged.

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Sharing Excel File Over Network

Oct 22, 2003

Sharing excel file over network for use by multiple persons. File has suddenly stopped opening giving message "File cannot be found" etc.... I back the file up daily to my hard drive so didn't lose much.

This is the second time this has happened. File size is only 300Kb.

Excel seems to be creating temp files to the same folder, then gave a message saying changes could not be saved to the excel file.

Ran the corruption program from this site, it could not open the file.

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Excel 2010 :: How To Save Excel File As Cell Reference Using Macro

Mar 5, 2012

I have created a macro in excel 2010 which enable the file to save (extract) data into separate location and name. The vba code for macro is as follows: Question: How can I save this workbook with reference to the value containing in cell B2? (it is named temporary now - as defined in the code)

Sub aaa()
' aaa Macro


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Excel 2003 :: Macro To Open Folder Then User Selects File Then Macro Continues To Run

Nov 6, 2011

I use Excel 2003 at work. I'm looking for some code that will Open a folder and then lets the user to select a file then continues to run the macro.

The file name they select will look similar to this K2271011.504 or K3011111.201

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Excel 2010 :: Save Open Worksheet To File And Include Date Of Save?

Mar 11, 2014

am using Excel 2010 and having issues trying to save a worksheet to a specified file location with the save date....

I have tried several posts form this forum and elsewhere and can't seem to get the macro to do what I want.....

I want to save a 'worksheet' from an open workbook that I use for updating information to the same file path as the workbook with the date the file saved...

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Macro To Close One Excel File And Open Another?

Jul 18, 2014

I have created several excel files as I cannot open them all at once since they are too large. So I have to open one excel file whilst closing another.


I want a macro that opens the excel file part 1 and part 2. Then it should close part 1 and after closing part 1 it should open part 3. Once part 3 is open, part 2 should be closed and when part 2 is closed part 4 should open. When part 4 is open, then part 3 should be closed and part 5 should open.

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How Do I Get A Certain Macro To Run Anytime I Open Any Excel File

Sep 3, 2009

I want to put in an if-then statement in a macro that will check to what kind of report i open so it will automatically know what to do with it. Where do I put that macro? I tried it in auto_open in my personal.xlsb file but it stops before the file actually opens.

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Internal Hyperlinks In Excel File Stored On Network Drive

Oct 16, 2013

I am having trouble creating a hyperlink to a place in the current document for a file stored on a network drive. My workbook has a lot of sheets (50 or so), so I created a 'Navigation' sheet that contains hyperlinks to all the worksheets located therein, and pasted a link back to the Navigation sheet in cell A1 on every tab.

Setting up these Navigation sheets has never a problem until I started posting the file on a network drive. As soon as I did that, I noticed that the internal hyperlinks on all sheets in the workbook would stop working after I closed the file in Excel. Note that this network drive is not set as a drive letter on my computer, and is only accessible by entering the server ip address in Windows Explorer.

An example address the hyper is trying (and failing) to open is: "file:///\ IP ADDRESS sub-folders activefile.xlsm"

I've tried a few options, using the HYPERLINK formula, using the HYPERLINK feature in the Insert ribbon, etc, but all to no avail.

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Excel 2010 :: SAVE AS File Name Using Macro?

Aug 13, 2012


I am trying to record a macro where the last step is to SAVE AS the file. I want it to use the current date as the end of the file name.

Daily OST -- 2012-08-10
Daily OST -- 2012-08-11
Daily OST -- 2012-08-12

This is what is currently in the macro but all it gives me is the first part "Daily OST --". How to fix?

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
"Y:ProjectsProgram ManagementPIODaily ReportsDaily OST -- " & DateString & ".xlsx" _
, FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook, CreateBackup:=False

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Run Excel Macro From Batch File. Workbook Open

Feb 24, 2009

I wanted to run a batch file which does something like,

Dir /b >Test.csv
Start Test.csv

And then runs an Excel macro once the workbook is open.

I looked into this and discovered that it’s not really that possible to run an excel macro through batch file but other options were to use ‘Workbook_Open’ etc.

I thought this might cause problems because Test.csv doesn’t contain a macro to auto open and because csv’s usually don’t like macros.

I do however have personal.xlsb which opens every time if that helps.

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Excel 2007 :: Macro To Open File From A Folder

Oct 19, 2012

I just need a macro to open any excel file may be 2003, or 2007 from a folder.

I did tried Dir but not working. I want the macro in 2007.

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Excel 2010 :: How To Make Macro Print In Other File

Jun 26, 2014

Excel 2010.I'm using this code to print user's accessing a file:

[Code] .....

However as someone could just delete the printed user log in the Sheet2, and also you can't use this if you protect the sheet, which defeats the purpose.

I want it to print the log into a separate file. Can I add in the file path/name to this code somewhere?

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Excel 2010 :: Macro To Save As PDF - Using File Name In Cell

Jun 24, 2012

I recorded a macro to save my file as PDF and assigned the macro to a button. Easy. Now I would like to change my macro to pause when the file is saving to allow the user to enter a file name. If that is not possible, I'd like to reference a cell to use as the file name. I have gone through other posts and tried changing my macro, but always get an error. I am using Excel 2010. Following is my code for saving to pdf.

Sub SavePDF()
' SavePDF Macro


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Excel 2010 :: Macro To Save As Encrypted File?

Jan 21, 2014

I am looking for a macro to "Save as" the current open file with an encrypted password using the highest protection algorithm in Excel 2010.

This should be a background process without user interacting with any dialogs and the new file should have "_enc" added to the end of the filename.

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How To Supress Enable Macro Option While Open A Excel File

Sep 7, 2008

How to supress Enable Macro option while open a excel file. I would like to do it using VBA in Macro of excel 2007 + versions.

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Excel 2010 :: Macro Save File As XLXS But Not XLSM

Sep 13, 2012

I am using the macro below to save a file. It works with the extension .xlsx but not xlsm. I get a message that I can't use this extension for this file type. I am missing something fundamental.

Using Excel 2010
Sub testsave()'
Dim a As String
Dim b As String
Dim c As String
Dim d As String
b = "Myyfile"
c = b & ".xlsm"
a = ThisWorkbook.Path
d = a & "" & c
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=d
End Sub

FYI - there are no macros in the file I am trying to save.

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