Excel 2010 :: Macro To Save As PDF - Using File Name In Cell

Jun 24, 2012

I recorded a macro to save my file as PDF and assigned the macro to a button. Easy. Now I would like to change my macro to pause when the file is saving to allow the user to enter a file name. If that is not possible, I'd like to reference a cell to use as the file name. I have gone through other posts and tried changing my macro, but always get an error. I am using Excel 2010. Following is my code for saving to pdf.

Sub SavePDF()
' SavePDF Macro


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Excel 2010 :: How To Save Excel File As Cell Reference Using Macro

Mar 5, 2012

I have created a macro in excel 2010 which enable the file to save (extract) data into separate location and name. The vba code for macro is as follows: Question: How can I save this workbook with reference to the value containing in cell B2? (it is named temporary now - as defined in the code)

Sub aaa()
' aaa Macro


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Excel 2010 :: SAVE AS File Name Using Macro?

Aug 13, 2012


I am trying to record a macro where the last step is to SAVE AS the file. I want it to use the current date as the end of the file name.

Daily OST -- 2012-08-10
Daily OST -- 2012-08-11
Daily OST -- 2012-08-12

This is what is currently in the macro but all it gives me is the first part "Daily OST --". How to fix?

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
"Y:ProjectsProgram ManagementPIODaily ReportsDaily OST -- " & DateString & ".xlsx" _
, FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook, CreateBackup:=False

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Excel 2010 :: Macro To Save As Encrypted File?

Jan 21, 2014

I am looking for a macro to "Save as" the current open file with an encrypted password using the highest protection algorithm in Excel 2010.

This should be a background process without user interacting with any dialogs and the new file should have "_enc" added to the end of the filename.

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Excel 2010 :: Macro Save File As XLXS But Not XLSM

Sep 13, 2012

I am using the macro below to save a file. It works with the extension .xlsx but not xlsm. I get a message that I can't use this extension for this file type. I am missing something fundamental.

Using Excel 2010
Sub testsave()'
Dim a As String
Dim b As String
Dim c As String
Dim d As String
b = "Myyfile"
c = b & ".xlsm"
a = ThisWorkbook.Path
d = a & "" & c
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=d
End Sub

FYI - there are no macros in the file I am trying to save.

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Excel 2010 :: Save Open Worksheet To File And Include Date Of Save?

Mar 11, 2014

am using Excel 2010 and having issues trying to save a worksheet to a specified file location with the save date....

I have tried several posts form this forum and elsewhere and can't seem to get the macro to do what I want.....

I want to save a 'worksheet' from an open workbook that I use for updating information to the same file path as the workbook with the date the file saved...

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Excel 2010 :: Save Embedded PDF File To Disk?

Mar 4, 2014

Using Excel 2010, I have a workbook containing a variable number of PDF files captured as embedded OLE Objects. I wish to save each of the embedded PDF files to disk and assign the filename based on the contents of column 1 of the row containing the OLE Object.

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Excel 2010 :: Save CSV File With Non-English Characters?

Dec 5, 2012

I run excel 2010... I have xls file (see file attached) with both English and Non English characters.

When I save this file as xls or xlsx - everything is good, but when I save the file as CSV and try to open it later - I see that the English characters stays the same but the non English characters become gibberish.

How can I save a file (that include some non English characters) as CSV without loosing the non English characters? Is there a way to do that from within the excel 2010 menus? Or maybe there is an external tool?

Attached file : 913365454523.xls‎

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Excel 2010 :: How To Make File Auto Save To PDF

Aug 16, 2013

I have workbook I would like to auto save to PDF copy file in different location every time the original file is save maybe some VBA code

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Excel 2010 :: Save Open File Location?

Nov 26, 2012

I just got a new computer and upgraded to Excel 2010 and Windows 7. When I try to open a workbook in Excel 2010, my saved file paths on the left side of the screen are gone. I want to put them back in there.

In Excel 2007 running Windows XP, I would just right click in the left side menu and click "add" and now that's no longer an option.

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Excel 2010 :: How To Make File Auto Save To PDF

Aug 16, 2013

I have workbook I would like to auto save to PDF copy file in different location every time the original file is save maybe some VGA code is this possible ???

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Excel 2010 :: Right Click (save As) Saves Inoperative XLSM File

Mar 22, 2012

Excel 2010, Win 7. I have attached a .xlsm file to an email. The contained macros run perfectly, and one of them is "public" so it shows up in "Developer - Macros", and "Customize Quick Access Toolbar" lists.

If the recipient clicks and drags the attachment to a folder, or copy/pastes the attachment, it works fine. (Macros are enabled, etc.)

However, if the recipient right clicks on the email attachment, and selects "SAVE AS" from the item list, the file saves, has the right name and extension, looks ok (the icon has the exclamation point, etc), and it is the correct size, but it simply will not load. You can double click, do a file open, etc. but it will not load. It's a hidden workbook, but if you "open it" and Alt-F11 to show the VBA editor, it isn't there!

It's not stopping the project - we simply tell them to click/drag, etc. but I totally do NOT understand why that happens.

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Excel 2010 :: VBA Code To Save File As Semi Colon Delimited Format

Jun 3, 2014

I am looking for VBA code that will save Excel 2010 files in semi-colon delimited format without having to chage the universal language options.

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Excel 2010 :: Macro To Copy 3 Cell Values And Append To Existing Database File

May 14, 2014

I'd like my macro (in an Excel 2010 workbook) to copy values from three worksheet cells and append them to an existing Access or SQL database file -- without having to leave my Excel spreadsheet or open any other programs. The database file simply needs to be appended. Keeping a running list. That file isn't being used for anything else, we can set it up however is necessary to do this.

For example, Excel cells A1, A2, and A3. Representing Job Name, Job Number and Job Total.

how make VBA do this(in SIMPLE terms)? Or give me a link of where to look or what to search for? I understand VBA but not Access or SQL.

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Excel 2010 :: Macro To Save Multiple Sheets To Multiple PDF With Cell Value As Filename

May 6, 2014

I would like a macro to be able to save 26 tabs within the one document to individual PDFs.Preferably I would like to be able to specify each time exactly which tabs get printed, because often I don't need to print all 26, just the first 10 or so.I would like each PDF to automatically be named with the value in cell E10 of each tab.E10 already has a formula to create its final value. It references cells from other tabs within the same document. Hopefully the fact that this cell has a formula in it won't affect my ability to use the resulting value as a 'save as' reference?I would like it if the PDFs save to the same location as the Excel sheet from which they're generated is located. The location of the excel sheet will change every three months, so I'd prefer not to specify a location with a specific filepath, as it will have changed by the time I run the macro again.

I am using Excel 2010.

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Excel 2010 :: Save As PDF Macro?

Apr 10, 2013

I need to create a macro that will allow me to save a PDF from an XL file I am creating by running a report out of Access. This report yields a workbook with 2 sheets in it. The first tab (sheet) called "Mishkon" and the second called "Women's League". I need to save these reports separately as PDFs and they need to be saved in seperate locations. The first sheet (Mishkon) needs to be saved here: \OSOFSDataDayHabMishkon . The second sheet needs to be saved here: \OSOFSDataDayHabWomen's League . Here is the twist... Both sheets need to take their name from their G3 cells. I have Excel 2010 and dont want to print from my Adobe PDF printer. I would like to save as a PDF so I can run it off of computers that dont have the Adobe PDF printer installed.

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Excel 2010 :: Save As Cell Name In XLSM Format

Jan 28, 2013

I am looking for a vba to use a button to save a file using the cell as its name and save the file in xlsm format. I am using Excel 2010.

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Excel 2010 :: Using Macro To Open Network File

Jan 5, 2014

I am an extreme novice to using macros.

I used the 'record macro' feature to create the following: I created a rectangle box on sheet1 of NEW TEST.xlsm to link to the macros incidated below. Niether macro moves on after reaching the Workbooks.Open statement.

I am at a loss. Is there something in Excel that needs to be set? Is there something else that I need to do version of Excel is 14.0.6129.5000 (32 bit) MS Office Professional Plus 2010

What I am trying to accomplish is this: From 'NEW TEST.xlsm', open an excel file on the network, add a new sheet to this network file, calling it 'Pivot'. Then create a pivot table in this new sheet from the data in sheet data1 of this same network file. Then move control of macro / processing back to the NEW TEST file. Eventually I will do more, but for starters, I cannot even get the macro to add / name a new sheet in the network file.

[SIZE=3][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]PS I have attached the NEW TEST.xlsm fikle as we as the data file. NOTE: the data file has been reduced to one day's worth of data, to to the upload file size.Also, my Excel Trustred locations has "Allow trusted locations on my network" checked, and the network location to the data file in trusted user locations.


Sub Open_Add_Sheet()
Dim filename, filelocation As String
Dim wb As Workbook
filename = "11 Nov, 2013 GDO AHS Agent Productivity Report.xls"
filelocation = "R:acharukAHS ReportsGDOGDO CSR ACTIVITY Report2013" & filename
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(filelocation) '
' Open_Add_Sheet Macro


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Excel 2010 :: How To Make Macro Print In Other File

Jun 26, 2014

Excel 2010.I'm using this code to print user's accessing a file:

[Code] .....

However as someone could just delete the printed user log in the Sheet2, and also you can't use this if you protect the sheet, which defeats the purpose.

I want it to print the log into a separate file. Can I add in the file path/name to this code somewhere?

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Macro To Save Excel Sheet As Comma Delimited Text File?

Apr 21, 2014

providing a macro to save an excel sheet to comma delimited txt file. Also, My sheet has 1st row as table columns and i dont want to export them in my txt file.

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Macro To Open File, Copy Paste As Values And Save As Excel Html

Feb 16, 2010

I have a folder containing 40 single sheet excel workbooks and I would like to automate following tasks:

- Open each excel file (need to open the file so as to update it since it gets the data from another workbook through =formulas)

- Copy paste as values

- Save this as excel html in the same folder as original excel files (keeping the original file name)

- Close (original excel file should not be changed ie formulas should remain in place, only the html file will contain values)

- Since there will always be xHtml files with same name need the macro to replace the excisting file

My abilities with excel are limited to functions, no VBA knowledge other than finding ready codes and pasting them in the module.

Since this routine is to be run almost daily the macro should run all files, instead of one by one.

I just hope that I am not asking too much for excel to handle and I hope that explanation is clear.

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Macro To Save File - Save Name From Cell Containing Date Using Different Date Formatting

Aug 15, 2014

I am trying to create a macro to run from a form button, within a report, to save a file to a variable file path and name depending on the date value in cell B5.

The format of B5 looks like - 13/08/2014 16:39

The file path has folders for each year in format "yyyy" with each year having sub folders for each month in format "mm".

The file name is just the date only and is formatted "dd.mm.yy" e.g. 13.08.14

I have tried the code below in various permutations but always end up with an error - Method 'SaveAs' of object '_Workbook' failed.

[Code] ......

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Macro To Save Workbook/File As Cell Value

Sep 15, 2006

I need to be able to save a workbook by running a marco and it save the file automatically by pulling what ever the value of cell A1 is.

Ex: I want to run the macro and it save my excel workbook in C:Documents as (Value of Cell A1) What code would you put into Visual Basic.

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Excel Save As Should Default File Save Type To XLSX Using VBA

Aug 21, 2012

What I am trying to do is that I have an excel file with macros and it is a read-only file. In order for the user to save, I want them to only be able to save as a .xlsx file as it disables all macros. If for whatever reason, the user wants to save the file as another .xlsm file, they should be allowed but before they save, a "are you sure you want to save as .xlsm?" message should pop up.

All the options in the save as box should still be available in case they want to save in that particular format. Just that the .xlsx should be the default.

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Save Excel File As Another File Using Current Date As Part Of File Name

Oct 10, 2011

VBA coding for automatically saving an excel file as another file using the current date as part of the file name together with "32ga" as a constant add-in. I also what this macro to run at a particular time of the day let say 00:20hrs. The excel file i want to save as is always open . It has data that changes every 24-hrs.

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Excel 2010 :: Macro To Open XLSM File Based On Latest Date Found In Filename

Feb 11, 2013

I'm on excel 2010 and I have a small group excel files I open everyday. Most of the files are static in name and location. I've got a macro created to open those files, which works fine with workbooks.open and the file path.

There are two report files I want to incorporate into my macro of workbooks to open. The files are created weekly and the files names have the following format: "Report Name (YYYY-MM-DD).xlsm". I don't want to use the file's last modified date because older files may get edited after the more recent ones are created. The files are also not always created on the same day, so the solution needs to be flexible enough to not refer to a specific day of the week or anything.

Macro open an excel file based on the latest date found in filename.

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Macro To Save Workbook By Referencing Cell In Another Workbook For File Name And File Path

Mar 21, 2013

I have got a master workbook and I have written macro to copy and paste data on another workbook. write a macro to save the new workbook to a file path with a file name where both file name and path are stored in master workbook sheet...

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Macro To Save Duplicate File And Create Folder Name Based On Cell Value

Nov 25, 2009

I currently use the following code to create a duplicate file based on two cells within a directory and folder i specify. These cells consist of the team and week commencing date (mondays date of week which is cell 'Main Menu'!K8)

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Excel 2010 :: Copy Cell Contents From A Permission Protected File

Apr 17, 2013

S/W Environment: Excel 2010

Some of my worksheets are permission protected. They will allow me only to view the sheets - No editing, copy, cut, sort, add filter, etc. Is there a way to hack this and copy data (including formating) into other / new worksheets?

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Excel 2010 :: Building Text File Based On Values Of Cell?

Feb 26, 2014

I'm trying to use Excel to build a text file based on values from certain cells in Excel 2010. This is based partially off of static text that never changes and variables that will need to change. For example, I want Excel to output a text file that has the following text: The red fox jumped over the $X twice. I would want $X to be replaced by the value of A1 of the active worksheet. I will also have several lines like that, so it won't just be a single line, but anywhere from 20 - 120.

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