Excel 2010 :: VBA - Keep Conditional Format After Removing Fusion

Feb 2, 2014

In Excel 2010, I'm using the following VBA code to unmerge cells:

Sub defusion()

With Selection
.MergeCells = False
.Locked = False
.Borders.Weight = xlThin
End With
End Sub

This don't keep the conditional format - the first cell, yes, but not the others. How to modify my signature?

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Excel 2010 :: Conditional Format Cell Which Contain Formula?

Jan 16, 2013

I have a large spreadsheet that I would like to indicate the location of the cells (Change cell color or text color) which contain formulas. My thought is that conditional formatting would be the easiest way...

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Excel 2010 :: Conditional Format Formula - Highlight Over 14 Days

Feb 26, 2014

I need conditional format in column Q which highlight in red, any date over 14 days old.

This column also contains texts (non-dates) and these need to be left alone.

I've experimented with a few bits of formula I've found online, but nothing has worked . .

I'm on Excel 2010.

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Excel 2010 :: Conditional Format Based On Multiple Criteria

Apr 25, 2014

I would like to shade my cell yellow if the priority equals A or A-NEW and ACV=o.

In the data below, items 4 and 13 would be shaded yellow.

I am using Excel 2010.

Priority A, B, C

Consumer UPC

Item Description

ACV Weighted Distribution

[Code] .......

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Excel 2010 :: Removing Shadow From Comment Box?

Jan 14, 2012

Im trying to find out is there a way to remove the shadow around comment boxes in excel 2010.

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Excel 2010 :: Automatically Sort And Removing Rows?

Dec 11, 2013

I have 5 worksheets that I currently have to add information to and cut/paste information from one to another. The initial information stays the same but I have to cut and paste it into one of the other worksheets based on wether or not we; need to decide on a job, are working on the job, lost the job, won the job or the job is complete.

I would like to create one master worksheet where the information can be entered with a drop down cell stating the status of the job (listed above). I created the master tab and linked the 5 subordinate tabs using an IF formula, but how can the subordinate tabs filter or sort the references and organize them on the top of the page rather than leaving a bunch of blank rows (because the info in these blank rows went to a different subordinate tab)? I want to enter the info in the master tab and simply change the pull down cell to change which subordinate tab the information shows up on. This should allow me to print the subordinate tabs as reports without having to manually cut and paste the info or filter it, correct?

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Excel 2010 :: Code For Inserting And Removing Dates

Dec 14, 2012

I need a code that when i place a date in a cell D10 (Example:25-January-2013) it will then add 40 days of dates daily to AP10.In D9 can it also add the weeknumber (every 7 days the weeknumber increases by 1) corresponding to the day date in D10 (iso).Can this be attached to a button.Enter the date in D10 then press the button and the dates auto insert across the sheet daily to AP10.

Can the button say ADD DATE or REMOVE DATES.First date in D10.When the button says REMOVE dates all dates deleted when button pressed and cell D10 then says "add date here".If no date is placed in D10 and ADD DATE button is pressed a warning messagebox appears and says NEED TO ADD DATE .Will not work until date entered.When date entered in D10 "Add Date Here" disappears until REMOVE Date button is selected and again "Add Date Here" is displayed....not sure if this is possible but would be good if achieved. Excel 2010

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Sending Excel Format But Removing All Links?

Oct 11, 2012

I want to take a copy of an excel document and send it to another user who want to see the values of the results and not have to have all the links and formulas. If there a way to save or publish a document so you change all the current values into values on the screen and remove all the formulas and links to other documents or workbooks that are based in my folders. I just want the values in another spreadsheet and it will show my tables and graphs in the same manner.

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Excel 2010 :: Removing Comma From A Cell Formatted As General

Mar 10, 2013

I have a set of data that has a company name using commas to separate INC and LLC from the company name. e.g. Acme Explosives, LLC

I'm using Excel 2010, and when I try to use the find/replace functionality to find commas, I get an error message saying "We couldn't find what you were looking for. Click Options for more ways to search.

Short of editing all the fields manually (only about 300, so not too bad), I'm hoping there is a simple way to replace these commas with nothing.

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Excel 2010 :: Removing Text From Mixed Font Size Cells

Aug 4, 2012

I have text of size 14 and 18 mixed in cells in a column. Cells are font size 18 or mixed with both 14 and 18 size text. I need to sort out the text with one column of size 14 and another of 18 only. I am thinking of copying and pasting the column twice and run a macro in first column to remove the text of size 14, and another macro to delete text of size 18 in second column. I need the leftover text to be in same rows.

I tried everywhere and couldn't find a macro for mixed text cells. I am using Microsoft Excel 2010.

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Excel 2010 :: Number Format Keeps Switching To Date Format?

Aug 1, 2013

I have an Excel 2010 spreadsheet where the default number format keeps switching to the date format. I keep switching it back and it'll stay as a number format for a time, but then it'll switch back. This is also the case for any new worksheets in that one spreadsheet.

This only happens with this one file - everything else behaves according to my regional settings or to how the file had been previously formatted.

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Excel 2010 :: Filter To Select Records - Removing Unwanted Blank Cells

Jul 25, 2013

I have a spreadsheet which is used by users unfamiliar with Excel. They are using the filter to select records, however when this is used some records appear which have no entry in the cells of that column. Can I overcome this? There is no data in the blank cells, other than a data validation drop down.

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Excel 2010 :: How To Keep XLS File Format

Jul 1, 2014

Isn't there a checkbox somewhere where I can tell Excel 2007 to leave xls files as they are? My Excel 2010 doesn't urge me to save an old xls file format into xlsx but in Excel 2007 I can't find a switch (and I don't rememeber if I had to do anything in 2010). So ultimately I want to stay in compatibility mode when using old files.

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Excel 2010 :: Conditional Formal Whole Row

Sep 18, 2012

I want to highlight an entire row based on a value in a cell which is in the middle of the data set. In the example below, if Misc. Charges are £0, then I want to highlight the entire row. Misc Charges are in column K, first entry in Row 2

I am using Excel 2010

Account No.
Sales Order No.
Invoice No.
Invoice Date


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Excel 2010 :: Conditional Formatting Whole Row?

Sep 24, 2013

Using Excel 2010

I need to "Fill" cells A1 to A10 with a fill colour if cell A1 contains anything (Value or characters)

Is it even possible using Conditional Formatting rather than VBA?

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Excel 2010 :: New Spreadsheet Won't Format Numbers

Jan 16, 2014

Open a brand new spreadsheet whether the format is set to "General" or "Text" it will not let me enter numbers. For example, when I enter 2007 in the cell it displays 20 07 not really that big of space between the two zeros - but still a space. I can't format this no matter what I do.

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Excel 2010 :: How To Fix Cell Text Format

Dec 17, 2011

i am trying to work on a database that has some errors that i want to correct the issue is that some of the cells have data that is listed last, first instead it needs to be listed into first last.

I can not seperate this into 2 fields as it would break the program this database belongs to.

this database is linked from excell to access i am using excell to update an access database

i use office 2010

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Excel 2010 :: Custom Cell Format

May 5, 2014

In cell 'I6' if I enter the text "Balance" I would like it to display as "Actual" but if any other text is entered I would like it to display the text entered. How to do this using custom cell formatting. (Currently on Excel 2010).

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Excel 2010 :: Conditional Formatting And Dropdown Box?

Jan 5, 2013

I'm running Windows XP with Excel 2010. I would like to be able to have a group of 19 boxes of which each box has a unique entry, ie 1, 3B, 5C etc. Each box I'd like to have a way in which when selected only the single or dual unique characters show as a color. See attached spreadsheet with sample. When a cell with lets say 1 is selected, a drop box appears and the color and description are shown. Select a color but only show the 1 and the color selected, leaving behind the description. How can I do this for all 19 boxes. This seems like its a classic conditional format. Unfortunately it appears to be several orders of difficulty than a normal conditional format.

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Excel 2010 :: Generate Conditional Formatting

Feb 19, 2013

I need to generate conditional formatting in Excel 2010.

For the planned date of material submittable should turn yellow before 10 days ago & planned date of material submittable should turn Red when overdue.

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Excel 2010 :: Conditional Formatting Using AND And INDIRECT

Jan 10, 2012

I'm trying to do conditional formatting that applies to an entire column (that way there are fewer conditional rules), but it only applies to a certain range of cells within that column. So what I did was setup the rule such as:

Applies To:


Formula I want to use:


If I copy the entire formula into a cell on the spreadsheet itself, it works just fine returning TRUE and FALSE depending on what row I'm on.

However, the above formatting rule does NOT format ANY row. But if I remove the AND function and the first condition (the one that limits which rows it's actually going to apply to) then it will work...OR if I do NOT use the INDIRECT function then it seems to work, it's some weird combonation of using the two together that is causing it to not evaluate to true.

Oh, and I thought of trying to get the formatting to work with the INDIRECT...then I put in the AND function but the only parameter was the original INDIRECT function (see below)...it stops formatting!


Office 2010 on Windows 7 64bit

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Excel 2010 :: Changing Format Of Dates In A Column?

Oct 19, 2013

I am working with a 2010 Excel spread sheet and need some direction.

One column has dates in it. Some dates are like dd/mm/yyyy (eg 15/03/1974) and others in the same column are in the following format 14th October 1983.

I need all of the dates to be in the first format (dd/mm/yyyy).

Is there a way to do this without manually changing each field? I have already tried highlighting the column, then clicking the 'numbers' arrow and picking 'date' from the number tab but that didn't work. It's never that easy, is it?

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Excel 2010 :: Save As Cell Name In XLSM Format

Jan 28, 2013

I am looking for a vba to use a button to save a file using the cell as its name and save the file in xlsm format. I am using Excel 2010.

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Excel 2010 :: Macro To Format All Cells In Column According To Value

Mar 27, 2014

I need Macro to Format all cells in column according to value. The cutoffs are >20, between 21 and 50 (>21;<50) and greater than 51 (<51).

I have macro to consolidate cells from multiple files to single workbook. Now I have to 'color code' the value in all cells in column 'B', all as part of one large macro.

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Excel 2010 :: Maintain Pasted Chart Format

Oct 23, 2012

Using 2010 - When I paste a chart I can initially retain the format of chart bar colours (Paste Special - source formatting). But when I select a new data source for the chart the formatting of the colours is not retained.

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Excel 2010 :: Consolidating Info In Correct Format

Sep 11, 2013

I have a spreadsheet with five cells (L3 - L7) that have dates entered into them in the format of 9/9/2013, 9/10/2013, 10/20/2013, 10/21/2013, 10/22/2013. In another cell, cell n2, I have the formula:

=IF(L2=0,"",IF(L2=1,L3,IF(L2=2,CONCATENATE(L3,L4),IF(L2=3,CONCATENATE(L3,L4,L5),IF(L2=4,CONCATENATE(L3,L4,L5,L6),IF(L2=5,CONCATENAT E(L3,L4,L5,L6,L7)))))))

In cell n2 I get: 41526415274156741568481569 This is the excel number for the above dates, but I need it to look like:

Sep. 9 - 10, 2013, Oct. 20 - 22, 2013

I also need it to be able to isolate single dates for example if the date in cell l5 was 10/5/2013 instead of 10/20/2013 then I would want n2 to look like Sep. 9 - 10, 2013, Oct. 5, 2013, Oct. 21 - 22, 2013. but my formula currently only changes that number in the string from 41567 to 41552.

The reason I need this is because this information is part of a identifier and also maybe used in reports, the people reading the reports won't know this long number is actually dates and won't be able to read them if they did.

Also the cells L3 - L7 data depends on cell l2, 1 = one date entered into cell l3, 2 = two dates, one in cell l3, the next in cell l4, and so on for up to five total days that may or may not be consecutive. Also, it seems to work as is, but only for one day.

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Excel 2010 :: Maintaining Format In A Cell When Using Formula

Jan 10, 2014

I just upgraded to Excel2010 and noticed that if I calculate percentages resulting from other formulas, the result displays as a percentage with 15 decimal places and it ignores the format of the cell. My guess is that since formulas are being used in cells A1,B1, and C1, Excel is ignoring the format. When I hard code the numbers, I obtain the desired result.

Is there a way to change the default of 15 decimal places for formula results involving inputs that use formulas in their own creation? (outside of the Round function in each cell? Within Options?)

The data looks like this:

A1 = formula resulting in 1.76%
B1 = formula resulting in 1.90%
C1 = formula resulting in 1.69%

D1 = C1*B1/A1 resulting in 1.8218147382920100%

The desired result is 1.82%.

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Excel 2010 :: Converting Persistent Date Format?

May 27, 2014

I have a Column of dates in this format: 5/19/2014 8:08:44 AM I am trying to get this to read 20140519 or yyyymmdd It doesn't matter what format I change to, it will not update unless I activate the cell and then tab or enter out of it. I have 3000 rows to convert. with this either by setting or VB Sub?

Excel 2010

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Excel 2010 :: Conditional Formatting On Expiration Dates?

Jun 21, 2011

I have a spreadsheet where we track our contractor's Worker's Comp and General Liability insurance certificate expiration dates. I want the expiration date to highlight in red if it is expired and to highlight in orange if it will expire within 30 days or less.

I have attached a testing sheet similar to what I'm working on. The F column has the dates that need to highlight. I have MS Excel 2010.

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Excel 2010 :: Conditional Formatting With Multiple Criteria?

May 16, 2013

I am trying to do a conditional formatting based on the result in one cell but it needs to add up multiple cells first to determine which conditional format it needs to use. I am not sure whether I need to do a formula conditional format or whether to use cell is greater than with =sum() in it. I have tried both but neither seem to be working correctly. I have attached an example of the spreadsheet and the conditions I am trying. I am using 2010 version.

Basically, the closing amount for Monday in prod 1 (cell c4), needs to display in red if sum of the cumm value for Tuesday (L4), Wed (N4), Thur (P4) & Fri (R4) is greater than that value or display in amber if the sum of the cumm value for Tuesday (L4), Wed (N4), Thur (P4).

I need to complete the same for the whole column for Monday (col C) for each appropriate product. Then the same for column B but this will sum different cells but the principal will be the same.

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