Excel 2013 :: How To Hide And Unhide Headings From All Sheets At Once

May 14, 2014

i want to hide and unhide headings from all sheets at once (Excel 2013)

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Excel 2013 :: Hide And Unhide Ribbon Using Shortcut Key

Apr 14, 2014

i want to Hide & unhide ribbon of excel 2013 using shortcut key

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Excel 2007 :: Hide And Unhide Sheets Using Checkboxes?

May 13, 2014

Using Excel 2007, I have a workbook with 7 sheets. The first one is a Navigation Page where I have checkboxes (form controls, not active X) with the names of the other 6 sheets. When the box(es) are checked, the sheet(s) become visible. I have accomplished this by assigning macros I recorded.

I need to now add the opposite: When the box(es) are unchecked, the sheets become hidden. From googling and looking for other threads/forums here, I gather that I need to add code/ VBA, but I know nothing about these at all.

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Excel 2013 :: Make Heading Column Match With Table Headings?

Apr 11, 2014

I was going through "To do list with progress tracker" template in Excel 2013. I noticed when i scroll down the page the heading column (A,B,C,D,E,F,G etc.) automatically matches with the inserted table headings.

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VBA To UnHide / Hide Sheets

Feb 20, 2014

I have a workbook with about 20 worksheets in it.

6 are visible
3 are hidden

the remaining are very hidden

I'm creating a "welcome" page to the workbook with instructions on how to update data. The data between the 20 sheets consists of pivot tables, charts and summary data. The Visible sheets are data for management's review (all protected). The 3 hidden sheets are pivot tables that the user needs to pull data from and the very hidden sheets are not to be seen by anyone.

In my "welcome" page, I added the instructions of how to update data, but wanted an area where I could assign a checkbox or button to click on for the user to unhide my 3 hidden sheets (say Sheet1, Sheet2 and Sheet3). I do not want it to unhide my very hidden sheets. Then, when the information needed is retrieved from those sheets, I would like the user to use a checkbox or button to hide the 3 hidden sheets again. Is there a way to do this?

I tried creating custom view but couldn't do that because of the pivot tables (the option was disabled). I'm a beginner in VBA so don't even know how to begin.

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Hide/ Unhide Sheets With Macro

Nov 6, 2008

I want to run 2 different macros:

Macro 1- hides Sheet1 and unhides Sheet2
Macro 2- Hides Sheet2 and unhides Sheet1

I used the macro recorder to attempt to make this work but am running into a problem if Macro1 is run two times consecutively. In this situation the macro displays a debugging error b/c Sheet1 is hidden. Is there a way to get around this...possibly using an if then statement?

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Macro To Unhide Then Hide Sheets

Sep 29, 2008

I have 16 sheets and 4 additional sheets that will kind of 'Group' these 16sheets. For example: I have 'Sheet1', 'Sheet2', 'Sheet3'......, 'Sheet16'.
4 additional Sheets are: 'Group1', 'Group2', 'Group3', 'Group4'.

I need a help with macro so that when this workbook is open all 20 sheets ('Sheet1', 'Sheet2', 'Sheet3'......, 'Sheet16') will go into hiding and only 4 additional Sheets ('Group1', 'Group2', 'Group3', 'Group4') will be visible. Now, these 4 sheets will have the command button links to the following sheets:

Sheet 'Group1':'Sheet1', 'Sheet2', 'Sheet3', 'Sheet4', 'Hide All'
Sheet 'Group2':'Sheet5', 'Sheet6', 'Sheet7', 'Sheet8', 'Hide All'
Sheet 'Group3':'Sheet9', 'Sheet10', 'Sheet11', 'Sheet12', 'Hide All'
Sheet 'Group4':'Sheet13', 'Sheet14', 'Sheet15', 'Sheet16', 'Hide All'

This being said, when you click on each command buttons, the respective sheets will open up and when click on 'Hide All', all of the open sheets for that *additional sheet' for example sheet 'Group1' will go into hiding again.

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Hide Sheets, Then Need Password To Unhide

Oct 6, 2008

See I have hidden my sheets and I need them to stay hidden.

But when I need to unhide them, a password should be needed to unhide them.

Maybe add a button on one of the open sheets that when pressed will unhide the sheets but will promt for password.

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VBA To Hide/Unhide Sheets Based On Cell Value

Jun 2, 2008

I have a workbook which has roughly 50 sheets. What I'm trying to do is automatically hide/unhide sheets based on the cell values in the first sheet. So in sheet1 cell A1 i would a value of FALSE which would trigger sheets1, 2, & 3 to hide, when that value changes to TRUE then those same sheets would unhide. I need to replicate that for the 10 corresponding sets of sheets, but for each grouping of sheets a different cell in sheet1 would be the trigger, cell A2 = sheets 4 - 10, cell A3 = sheets 11 - 20, etc.

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Hide/unhide Selected Range In All Sheets

Aug 10, 2007

I have several workbooks, and the workbooks can include several sheets. Is there's an easy way to create a macro so the user selection to be hidden or unhidden is hidden or unhidden in all sheets in the workbook. E.g. if the user selection is to hide rows 54-189, the macro hides rows 54-189 in all sheets in the workbook.

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Hide Selected Sheets And Not Unhide Without Entering Password

Mar 18, 2014

I want to hide selected sheets and when i want to unhide them, ask for password to unhide the sheets.

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Capture Cells From One Sheet Into Another. Hide/Unhide Sheets

Oct 9, 2009

There is 2 parts to my question and I will explain them as best as i can.

1. I have a front sheet and 12 other sheets ( 1 for each month of the year) they all have the same layout. On my front sheet I want to create a button which will capture the sheet onto my front sheet for the current month, whether this means to make 12 buttons to choose which month is displayed on the front sheet or one that detects the date by system time i dont mind.

2. These 12 sheets will ideally be hidden and what I am wanting is again, on the front sheet 12 buttons for each sheet to bring up the corresponding hidden sheet so they can be viewed, and then on each of the 12 sheets another button which will hide them and return the user to the front sheet.

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Macro To Unhide / Hide Sheets With Combobox Selection

Jun 18, 2007

I have a workbook that contains approx 50 sheets and will grow to somewhere in the region of 200.

The majority of sheets, which contain the raw data referenced by the renaining sheets, are hidden. I will occasionally need to update the data in some of those hidden sheets and would like an easy / quick way of unhiding them.

The front page has several comboboxes which select the page needed for the calculation being performed, eg I select Chapter2 in the first combobox, section 4 in the second and page 12 in the 3rd. The output is combined / abbreviated into into a cell eg Ch2-Sec4-P12. That being the name of a sheet I then use INDIRECTs to retrieve the data I want and place it in a spare sheet, that works well.

I'd like to do the same to select the sheet to unhide. I can setup the comboboxes to give the name of the sheet I want to unhide / hide in a cell but then I'm stuck;

How can I use the contents of a cell in place of the sheet name in a macro command such as Sheets("data").Visible = Not (Sheets("data").Visible) ?

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Hide / Unhide Excel Rows As Per Answer

Sep 21, 2013

I am trying to hide unhide excel rows based on the answer in "A1". Row 2 to 10 shall be unhide if answer is "Yes" and it shall be hidden if answer is no.....

[Code] ......

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Excel 2010 :: How To Hide And Unhide Worksheets

Oct 4, 2013

I have an Excel 2010 file with 10 worksheets. I would like to set up two VBA codes to attached to a two button; one to hide specific worksheets, the other to unhide. The specific worksheets are:

Calculation Sheet
GL Receipt

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Hide And Unhide Column And Rows Using Checkbox In Excel?

Jan 28, 2013

How can i hide and unhide column and rows using checkbox in the excel.

detail price qty amount
chair 1000 1 1000

some time i just want to see only the amount or some time i want to see the qty, how can i hide and unhide row or Column

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Excel 2007 :: Calendar With Hide / Unhide VBA Droplist

Jun 17, 2013

Excel 2007.

I created an excel Calendar that has columns for months and weeks, and rows for hours of the day.

I have two drop lists one contains months, and one contains weeks.

Basically if you choose august from the first drop down list, all the rest of the columns that are not August disappear, and the sheet only shows august.

The second dropdown selects the week. If you choose week 1, it shows week 1 of this particular month. This second drop down is what I do not know how to make work.

This is the VBA code i used.

Private Sub ComboBox2_Change()
Select Case ComboBox2.Text
Case "May"
Range("All").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
Range("May").EntireColumn.Hidden = False

[Code] ......

I do not know how to make the code or choose the categories so that It only shows the week of the month chosen in the first column. Will I have to name each and every group of columns for each and every month as May - Week 1, May - Week 2...... June - Week 1, June - Week 2, etc... or is this a way around it?

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Excel Toggle Button For Hide / Unhide Rows With Zero

Nov 14, 2013

I am trying to make an excel toggle button and am stumped. I am trying to create a toggle button that hides the entire row if it finds a 0 in a preset range that I am calling "Alpha". I have tried this code but it's not working.

Private Sub ToggleButton1_Click()
If ToggleButton1.Value = True Then
For Each cell In Range("Alpha")


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Excel 2010 :: VBA Code That Will Hide / Unhide A Row When Used With Checkbox

Jun 22, 2014

I need a VBA code that will when used with a Form Control "Check Box" will unhide / hide a row. To be more exact, I'm needind the code to "Hide" row 34 when unchecked and "Unhide" the same row when checked. I'm using Excel 2010.

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Excel 2013 :: Hide Line One When Title Bar Shows In Home Tab?

Oct 14, 2013

When using 2013 Excel in the Home tab, line 1 is not visible. Using the File tab will show line one, but the Home title bar is unavailable. Toggling back and forth is not efficient. No one in this office has ever seen an Excel program not display a full page under the title bar in the Home tab.

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Excel Unhide Sheets When Check Is Selected?

Sep 19, 2013

I am trying to create a spreadsheet which will open with sheet1 showing 'Terms and conditions' with 2 check box's. Once the check box's are checked I then want subsequence sheets to unhide. E.g check box 1 ticked - will unhide sheet 2 - (containing the report) check box 2 ticked - will unhide sheet 3 - (containing the data)

Basically, by the use of check box's I am trying to get the user to read and agree to terms/disclaimer of the use of data. Therefore can the workbook also always open with the one sheet 'terms and conditions' showing only.

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Excel 2013 :: Speed Protect / Unprotect Sheets

Apr 29, 2014

I experience it takes a lot of time to protect/unprotect sheets in Excel 2013. However, only if the operation is made WITH PASSWORD. This was not the case in Excel 2007. Operation was fast independent with/witout password.

In attached file I have made an example where the time to protect/unprotect 25 sheets is investigated. Can make the test in Excel2013 to double check it is not my computer causing the time delay.

Result test - 25 sheets:
Protect - No password: 0,02 s
Unprotect - No password: 0,06 s
Protect - With password: 6,9 s
Unprotect - With password: 6,9 s

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Excel 2013 :: Mirror Range Of Cells In Different Sheets?

Jul 9, 2014

I would like to mirror a range of cells between two sheets in the same workbook, so that if the data is manually input into one of the cells in range (E5:H11) in 'Sheet 1', it is automatically updated in the corresponding cell in (H33:K39) of 'Sheet 2', and vice versa.

Using Office 2013. T

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Excel 2013 :: Auto Naming Pivot Sheets

Feb 28, 2014

Is there a macro available which will create a pre-defined name for a pivot sheet, which will contain the word "Pivot" followed by a underscore "_" and the name of the sheet on which the pivot is applied.

Example: I have data on a sheet called "Salary" and put a pivot on "Salary" on a new sheet, the new sheet should be auto named as "Pivot_Salary"

Am using Excel 2013

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Excel 2013 :: All Sheets Being Automatically Changed To Currency Format

Dec 2, 2013

We have 3 PCs, all running MS Office 2013. On 1 of these machines, it is doing strange things with formatting. If you open a document or try to paste anything into certain documents, it decides everything is currency format and assigns all sorts of wrong formatting to the entire sheet, or the entire document. There may be some cells in the doc that are indeed currency, but only a small proprtion. If I open a new, fresh document and paste into that document, it does not do this, it seems to work normally, only applying currency formatting where it might be applicable. On some larger docs that have this issue, no matter what I do, it just continues to apply these strange settings.

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Excel 2013 :: Generating Master Sheet From Other Sheets Within Same Workbook

Mar 25, 2014

I have a workbook with five sheets. One sheet is the Master and then one sheet each for four organizations. Each organization will populate data for their own sheet and I want Excel to automatically populate the Master with the info from each individual sheet.

I tried using and modifying the vba from this post [URL]). My workbook varies from the original in that the first seven rows are header rows so the first cell to be edited in each sheet is A8, I have 38 columns instead of 10, and I am using Excel 2013 instead of Excel 2003.

I figured out that I needed to change the vba to look like this to start copying from the first cell (A8) and to populate the master:

This seems to work, but until the first cell (A8) is populated in the organizations' sheets, it messes up the prior row on the Master (Row 7).

I've also noticed that undo becomes unavailable when switching between sheets and also copy/cut & paste between sheets doesn't work so I can't correct the way the script messes up the format initially (this I presume is due to the Copy Destination in the vba?).

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Excel 2003 :: Macro To Hide Multiple Sheets?

May 10, 2012

I wrote a macro to select multiple sheets by name and hide them, but I keep getting the following error message:

"Object variable or with block variable not set".

Below is the macro:

Sub HideSheets1A()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
If ws.Name = "Variance Evaluation" Or "Investment" Or "Costs & Incentives" Or "Revenues Total" Then ws.Visible = False
End Sub

I use Excel 2003

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Excel 2007 :: Hide Sheets On Opening And Password Protect Viewing

Nov 1, 2009

I have an Excel 2007 workbook which has five sheets in. I just wondered whether it is possible to hide all five of them when the workbook is first opened. Also I would like the user to be asked for a password when they wish to unhide a sheet, with the password being different for each of the sheets.

Is there also a way to do this which won't be affected by Excel disabling all Macros when the application initially opens.

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Compare 2 Sheets. Data With Headings

Jan 25, 2008

i have 2 excel sheets and have to compare and search for a combination of cells then highlight color in sheet1

to be more specific
i have data in sheet1 were i need to look for the first 3 fields of sheets1 with the 3 fields of sheet2 and if found look for the value in cell of sheet2 with the column headers of sheet1
and color the cell which is immdetialy below the column header found

for example :
i have 3 fields like in sheet1

country area code name1 name2 name3 name4
US ny 1 sam dirk ste hita
us va 2 jun mic atr star

and i have 3 fields in sheet2

country area code origin
us ny 1 name2

so it shuld walk thru each cell and check for the adjacent cell in sheet1 and highlight color for dirk

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Hide / Unhide One Row At A Time?

Dec 1, 2012

I have this file in which I have 25 empty rows in between different categories. On the side of each category there is a plus sign which is supposed to unhide an empty row below the last used one, and a minus sign which should hide the last empty row within the category (i.e. mobilization, earthworks...). I faced many problems and tried to simplify it as much as possible (trying the code for only one category, msgboxes with the values to understand what was going on) but no luck. The problem that I have been stuck at the moment is that when I try to count the rows from C73 to the last used row, it bypasses the hidden ones. I have a mess of a code and a print screen which I am attaching. printscreen.jpg

Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick( _
ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim rInt As Range


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