Compare 2 Sheets. Data With Headings

Jan 25, 2008

i have 2 excel sheets and have to compare and search for a combination of cells then highlight color in sheet1

to be more specific
i have data in sheet1 were i need to look for the first 3 fields of sheets1 with the 3 fields of sheet2 and if found look for the value in cell of sheet2 with the column headers of sheet1
and color the cell which is immdetialy below the column header found

for example :
i have 3 fields like in sheet1

country area code name1 name2 name3 name4
US ny 1 sam dirk ste hita
us va 2 jun mic atr star

and i have 3 fields in sheet2

country area code origin
us ny 1 name2

so it shuld walk thru each cell and check for the adjacent cell in sheet1 and highlight color for dirk

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Excel 2010 :: Compare Data In Five Sheets And Pull Out Missing Data

Oct 2, 2013

I have one excel 2010 workbook with 5 work sheets, each work sheet contains a list with first/last name(one column) and the company name, some have a 3rd column with their email address in each sheet represents each year starting at 2008 thru to 2013 i have to find out if the people that attended an event in 2008 also attended it in 2009/10/11/12/13 and if they didnt, put their name and company name onto a blank worksheet within the same workbook without using a macro, how can i do this?

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Compare And Search Data Between 2 Sheets?

Apr 25, 2014

designing a macro, which can compare the sheet1 and sheet2 data (exclude E and G columns) and find duplicates rows of data in sheet1 and sheet2. The output after the macro, would be show duplicates found in sheet1 and sheet2, through highlighting the rows.

attached file for the sample data:


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Compare Different Cell Data In Different Sheets In VBA

May 9, 2014

sample macro code to compare 2 different columns from 2 different sheets. At the end there' my code

Here's the columnA in sheet1



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How To Compare Data From 2 Sheets And Put Into A New Work Sheet

Feb 28, 2009

In sheet one I have data as follows ...

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Jun 30, 2007

at first i wrote company's name short so that i have to type less but now i want full name of company.....

like.....if in sheet#1 column B any company's name is started by Rel of sheet#2 column A , then the cell containing Rel is replaced by Reliance Industries ( sheet#2 column B but same row that of Rel) sheet#1


Rel...............................Reliance Industries

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Compare And Update Selected Data On Two Sheets

Feb 7, 2007

Each monday i get a new price list from our supplier. My job is to compare this list with ours and update if neccesary. The reason, why I'm writing here is simple -I need to automate the process. Since their and our pricelist is somewhat different, it's only possible to use selection comparison. So, I need something that can do this:

1. First I open those two files and make a selection on both of them (like all the apples on the supplier list and all the apples on our list)
2. Push a button that executes a code
3. The code compares a value in the first column
4. If it finds a match, compares the data in second column
5. If data is same, color the cell (or the text) lets say yellow
6. If data is different, update field in our pricelist and color the cell (lets say red), so I can find and recheck it later
7. If the supplier has a _new_ product, the code will insert it somewhere in our list. Doesn't matter where, it may as well be a new sheet
8. Compare the next cells in selected area

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Compare 2 Sheets & Copy Non Matching Data

Jan 8, 2008

Does anybody have a code snippet to search and compare 2 sheets.

I want to read the value in a cell on the first sheet, then search the entire second sheet for a match, if it does match then copy the value from certain cells on the second sheet to the row on the first.

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Compare Two Excel Sheets And Extract Common Data?

Jul 24, 2014

i want to compare two excel sheets and extract common data in either sheet. For eg: If sheet 1 and sheet 2 contains some common data, i need to compare or lookup or whatever i do but i need to pull out that common data in sheet 2.

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Compare Data In Two Sheets And Write It In Another Sheet In Same Workbook?

Apr 16, 2013

The attached excel file arrivals page and departures page Serial number to compare current on the data up-to-date page, I want to copy.

up-to-date on the "F" column is copied to the page on which you need to print.

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Compare Data In Two Sheets (change To Be Show In Sheet 1)

Nov 5, 2006

compare data from different worksheets

For clarity, I have placed the sample datasets at the following URL

Given: the datasets for sheet1 and 2 might not contain the same number of rows.

I am looking for new rows (it might be inserted in any position of the rows) in sheet1. The new rows will be highlighted in red color. For example:

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Creating Macro To Compare Data From Separate Sheets

May 8, 2006

I am trying to use a macro to compare data from 2 sheets and spit out matching data in a third sheet. The first sheet has two columns of data. the second sheet has 4 columns of data. Only one column from sheet 1 and 1 column from sheet 2 will actually have matching data.

All other columns in sheet 1 and 2 are associated to the matching columns and must "tag along" into the 3rd sheet. I would love the third sheet to have a button that I just click and it populates the data.

The macro will be comparing between 50,000 and 500,000 items. Possibly a good book to use or even a referral for a proffesioanl or even some good heartedness,

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Paste Values As Text And Add Headings To New Sheets

Feb 16, 2010

I have a couple of small problems I hope someone can help me with. I have attached a test workbook. The ExtractSN macro searches column B for serial numbers and copies each one to its own row while copying all associated data to the individual rows to the TEMP sheet.

I need this macro to copy the 3 header rows from each source sheet to new destination sheets, then copy the numerical values as text to the respective sheet to preserve leading zeros and any letters. If the new sheets could be named the same as the source sheets and add _RPT to the end of the name, that would make things easier.

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Excel 2013 :: How To Hide And Unhide Headings From All Sheets At Once

May 14, 2014

i want to hide and unhide headings from all sheets at once (Excel 2013)

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Compare Data (3 Columns) From Pivot Table To Numbers From All These Sheets From 29 Excel Files

Aug 9, 2012

I have 29 excel files with some number of worksheets from 1 to 4. The name of the worksheets are the same in all the spreadsheets. Then I've a got a pivot table. I have to compare some data (3 columns) from the pivot table to the numbers from all these sheets from 29 excel files.

How to do it in a most efficient way?

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Compare Data In Two Sheets And Paste Cell Value Into Another Cell

Aug 29, 2012

I have two worksheets.

Column A on both sheets have an ID number which is unique to clients. Sheet one will only have a client ID once but sheet two may have the same ID multiple times

I need to compare both sheets Column A and if it finds a match, then paste the cell value on column E sheet two, into column K on sheet 1.

sheet 1:

A ..........................................K
Client ID............................. name

Sheet 2:

A ...........................................E
Client ID............................. name

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Copy Data Less Headings

Jul 18, 2007

how do i go about coding a macro so that it can look at a column,lets say column F in this case, on a worksheet and figure out how many rows contain data, select all rows BUT the header row (row 1 in this case), select them for copy, and paste them to another spreadsheet in the xls file starting from row 2, pasting values only.

the way i would LIKE to do this function is to take column 1, determine its length, or how many rows contain data and where the first empty row kicks in, anchor that into a variable and use that variable to set the copy paste function for the remaining columns i run the function on. why do i need this done? i'm makign a macro that can automatically build reports for me from raw data dumpted from the system.... and later columns in the spreadsheet have empty cells, so i want the function to process at a fixed length with all cells using column one as a guide for the copy/paste function

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3 Worksheets Same Headings Consolidating Data?

Aug 5, 2014

Having trouble consolidating 3 worksheets into one worksheet, on these 3 worksheets they all have the same headings which go from A-R. I simply need to be able to run a formula or use some sort of method to incorporate all 3 lists into 1 master list. The only way i currently can do this is to create a vba script which simply copies say 500 rows from the first worksheet paste onto master spreadsheet then copy 500 rows in second worksheet and find next blank row and paste etc.

Is that the best way to do this or is there a better way?

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Copy Data From One File To Another With Different No Of Headings

Oct 31, 2008

My simple copy and paste macro copies data but while pasting it pastes data starting in cell A1 rather than A5. Code is as below. I thought of copying cell by cell but the problem is that this is only a very small part of code. Below code copies column C in source file and pastes into column A of destination file.

I would be doing about 50 of these columns transfers between two files and thought that copying cell by cell would take ages to run.

1) Can someone please help me resolving the above problem i.e pasting data in cell A5 rather than A1.

2) Secondly how can i add an OR to the autofilter criteria? for example below code filters based on criteria "CS"? what do i need to do to filter based on "CS" or "AS".

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Lookup Headings Based On Data

Nov 29, 2006

Assuming I have a table such as:

Will 5 10 15 2

Joe 1 3 7 11

Ben 9 6 4 8

What formula can I use to return a result like Celery by looking up Ben and 4 for example.

In other words, how do I lookup the heading of the column based on the the first column and a data point on the same row.

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Duplicate Headings Down Each Data Group

Mar 26, 2008

I am trying to copy/paste header data into corresponding rows. A1 and A2 have the header information and need to be placed in the corresponding rows under columns A and B. I have been doing this manually and it is very time consuming since there are roughly 2000 rows. I believe a macro can accomplish this task but unsure how to create it. I was also unable to find any similar threads. I have attached a sample workbook. The original tab has the imported information and the Finished tab has what I would like the data to look like.

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Return Column Headings Where Data Is Present In Row

May 28, 2008

Is there a way I can return a column heading(s) if text is present in a row?

Refer the attachment... ozgrid.xls

Names are listed down the left, headings along the top, with data in the corresponding cells. For each unique name i.e 'Steven' is there a way to list each heading data is found i.e 'Shop2, Shop4'???

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Macro To Add Column And Copy Over Some Data Headings

May 13, 2013

Simple macro formula. I want to have my function to insert a column and copy over some data headings here is what I have...

Sub Macro17()
' Macro17 Macro

[Code] .........

The issue I am having is that is it inserts the column AA (end of the original data) and I want it to insert at the end of all the data. For example if I run the macro once it posts in column AA, I want the next result to post in AB but it posts in AA.

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Sorting Rows Of Data Into Columns With Headings

Aug 30, 2013

I have hundreds of rows of data which I need to sort into headings in a new tab.

E.g Column D has about 40 names which occur many times. Column G has 4 digit numbers which are unique.

I want to create in a new tab a column for each of these 40 names, using that name as the heading and then list the 4 digit numbers unders that heading. So if the name name "John" appears 20 times in Column D, it will get a heading in the new sheet and there will be 20 unique numbers listed below it from the data in Column G.

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Return Column Headings Where Data Is Present In Row

May 28, 2008

is there a way I can return a column heading(s) if text is present in a row?

refer the attachment...

names are listed down the left, headings along the top, with data in the corresponding cells. For each unique name i.e 'Steven' is there a way to list each heading data is found i.e 'Shop2, Shop4'?

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Copy AutoFiltered Data, Less Headings, To Another Worksheet

Jun 3, 2008

I want to filter the data and next. I want to copy the data from sheet1 to sheet2;
below code working fine, but.

Sub CopyFilter()
Dim rng As Range
Dim rng2 As Range
With ActiveSheet.AutoFilter.Range
On Error Resume Next
Set rng2 = .Offset(1, 0).Resize(.Rows.Count - 1, 1) _
On Error Goto 0
End With
If rng2 Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "No data to copy"

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Transpose Data & Reduce Repeats By Use Of Headings

Jul 1, 2008

i have a unique transposing situation and i need a script to transpose my data. i haven't encountered anything like this yet so i wonder if its possible

my data is currently in this format:

Object1, Property1, Value
Object1, Property2, Value
Object2, Property1, Value
Object2, Property2, Value

i'd like to transpose it to:

........... Property1 Property2
Object1 Value Value
Object2 Value Value

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Transfer Data From One Worksheet To The Next By Matching Column Headings

Feb 25, 2012

I have a few row headings on a fresh worksheet (called "New" like so for A1, B1 and C1 for example):

Date Amount Title

I then have raw data on another worksheet. This data has many column headings (more than on the "New" sheet) and the data for that heading in the column underneath heading. So the Date column will have say 50 rows of dates in the column. What I want to do in VBA is match the headings from the "New" worksheet to the raw data worksheet ("Data") and then copy and paste the data into the column under the row heading in "New" from "Data".

with the code for this? I have tried using MATCH and I can't get it to work. I'm also looking for an efficient way to do this I'm sure I am doing it a very inefficient way.

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Match Column Headings - Copy And Paste Data

Jan 23, 2014

I have a workbook with 2 worksheets, Sheet1 and Sheet2 have the same column headings in Row 1 but they are not in the same positions.

What I need to do is read the column header in Sheet2 Column A (Cell A1) and copy the data from A2 to last row and paste it in Sheet1 in the first empty cell under the same column heading, which may be the Column D position instead of Column A like in Sheet2.

It needs to loop through all the columns in Sheet2, copying the relevant data to under the correct header in Sheet1.

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Can Add Spare Row Between Column Headings And Data In Filtered Table

May 2, 2014

I have a table of data with column headings. I'd like to be able to filter the table based on the column headings, however I have a 'spare row' between the column headings and the data which I use to add new entries to the table using a macro (the macro copies the row and pastes it in one of the empty rows at the bottom of the table, then sorts the data which places it with the rest of the data).

The problem is, Excel won't let me apply a filter to the table if the column headings are separated from the data that I would like filtered.

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